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Latest revision as of 03:10, 6 February 2023

Hostile Flora
Date of Scene: 05 February 2023
Location: Greenhouse
Synopsis: Susan has trouble with plants. Ivy helps and repays some plant kindness.
Cast of Characters: Susan Sullivan, Pamela Isley

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Walking up to the greenhouses in Gotham, Susan pulled her key from inside the neckline of her blouse. She knew there were people who would kill to get close to Poison Ivy, and she didn't want to just give anyone the possibility of pickpocketing the key to her friend's sanctum from her.
    Unlocking the greenhouse door, Susan kept herself clear of the vines. She had lost her one-ness with the plant life when she was in here, so she had to be careful, now. She couldn't hand-water the plants, anymore. She picked up the hose and turned on the water. She placed her thumb over the end and sprayed plants from afar. It was ridiculously messy in comparison to her old way, but even now, the plants showed signs of wanting to eat her (or at least restrain her) as opposed to just letting her fulfill her duties.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy has not been around a lot this winter, and in truth ahs been having a harder time then usual. The season is never her favorite and not one to find her at her strongest. She had staggered into the Greenhouse late at night and found the area with the most sun near the back and center of the place. From the outside all seems normal as Susan begins to water and work to tending the plants. Even if they do rustle and stir, seemingly more active then normal. There's a faint creek as some of the larger plants stir. Ivy sound asleep and curled up rolls to her back and breaths in. The leaves covering her at the night beginning to slowly part.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan's movements keep her out of reach of any of the plants. She knew the ones that were safe to let grab her. She also knew, if they grew too much, even those would be unsafe to go near. A few small vines wrapped around her thighs at table-height as she got closer to one of the planters near the door. Spraying a fan of water as far in as she could, Susan inevitably moistened the woman sleeping in the foliage. That MIGHT have been part of her job, depending on if Pamela was a plant or not...Susan wouldn't have if she knew she was there, though.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    AS the mister starts to get on her skin Ivy stirs and shifts. Eyes sluggishly opening as she yawns. Several of the plants stretch, echoing the motion before they slowly turn and focus to the two woman. Voice thick and heavy Ivy calls out, "Who's in my garden?" Even as those vines about the leg begin growing more quickly to try and hold fast to the watering woman.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Taking her thumb off the water, Susan quickly realizes that the boss is at home. The arc of water is stopped as she kinks the hose. "Just me!" she calls out. She tries to pull away from the vines on the table planters, but they're a lot stronger and smarter with Ivy around. They all seem to be reinforcing each other like mycillium, and Susan finds herself unable to move. "I'm watering your plants!" Susan calls again, struggling in vain to escape without hurting the little plant curling loop after loop of vines down her legs.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The voice reaches the sleepy woman as she sits up. Rubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand and she relaxes the plant's grip upon her. "Su," struggling to remember the name, "Susan. Right? You were watering my plants when I was gone?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Demona had shifted to Susan in the time Ivy had known her, but they'd met a handful of times, and this was the first time the girl had had any problems with the plantlife. "Yes, I have!" Susan replies. "I can't get close to the big guys, anymore. I--" She struggles. "Oh, geez," she says, interrupting herself. "Can you call off the little guys?" she calls out. "I really don't want to hurt anyone, and they're getting a little handsy."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy is fully waking up and offers a small smile. "I appreciate that." The green woman shifts to get to her feet and motions the plants to all back off and go how they were. "Sorry. I've been having nightmares and the plants echo that. Why I tried to get somewhere quieter and safer. You should be fine now," least Ivy hopes.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan is in awe at the level of control the plant mistress has over her babies. She approaches, warily, to the other woman, unsure from various encounters what to expect as far as having to avert her eyes. "I care about these guys, but they don't see me like they used to." She looks Ivy in the eyes as she explains, "I've been cut off from the natural world."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy folds up her legs as she sits and motions for Susan to join her. "Has something happened or changed? Or is this a comment on my dreams affecting more of the waking world?" Ivy honestly sounds unsure until she gets her answer. "What happened?" She tries to see if she can feel anything from Susan herself, though she always was more a plant then a people person.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan seems much more human than she ever has before. She doesn't feel as natural as the flora around them to the plant mistress. Instead, she feels like any average woman on the street might who came in and tried to water the plants. The ones that might have remembered her certainly would, but that might not stop them devouring her if they were given such desires to conume humans. "I've changed," Susan says. "The last of the taint on my soul has been wiped away, but that also took my ability to be one with nature. I...don't fit in, anymore," she explains.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "That's a pity. For what you lost I mean." Ivy is not sure what all to say as she looks at the woman who risked much to water the garden. "If you are happier then it is for the best. I'll do my best to remember and tell my plants to do the same so you can be a bit safer here. Though I'd avoid watering the southern areas for now. Just to be safe." Ivy will still offer a small smile though.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles back. "It's good to have you back, Pam," she says, looking as though she feels at least a little bit safer. She looks around at the plants who seem less interested in detaining her. "I've tried hard to keep these guys in good shape." She returns her gaze to Ivy's eyes. "Even the bit of peach wood living in my staff you made for me."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Thanks, not sure how 'back' I am sadly." Pam will take a breath to try and help wake herself up more as she locks fingers and stretches her arms wide. "I appreciate it. They were a little lean but this season even with a Greenhouse there is only so much one can do. Ohs? I had forgotten about that, do you want me to stop by and look in on it sometime?" She will stand and finally reach for the water and see about using it to water some of the close more hostile plants.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan lets Pamela take the hose from her, obviously. It's her gardens, after all. She rubs the back of her neck. "Yeah," Susan says. "I didn't drive here myself. I think my vehicle would attract too much attention in Gotham, if I'm honest." To be fair, probably not as much as the batmobile, though that one mostly because of the fame of the owner.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy pauses and looks toward the door. "Is there someone we need me to deal with outside or something I should be concerned about?" She will get the hose close to the plants to give the soil a much needed deep soak.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I mean..." Susan hesitates. "It's Gotham. The street gangs alone make me wary of coming here since I was changed back. At least without some means to defend myself."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy points out, "I may not be at my best. But I'll be in the ground for good before I let some street gang threaten my area." She frowns at the mere idea. She looks to Susan and says, "I'm happy to get you home if that's what you need?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Well, I appreciate the offer," Susan says. "I have a place I've been staying for the past year or so, and the crawler is a decent backup home if that ever falls through, though I'd much rather have an actual home than have to live out of my car."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy tips her head and says, "I think there is an old carekeeper's house nearby that I could always let you squat in. It won't be much but it will keep you safe, has water and power. There's a small shower and of course my security by proxy." Seems the least ivy can do for someone who did her best to keep the plants safe.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan nods. "Okay," she says. "Please don't be offended if I'm not exclusively living there. It will be nice to have a place closer to work, but I also have a job at the university in New York, and I'm SUPPOSED to be apartment-sitting that place I've been living in."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I won't be," admits Ivy. "You know I am not always the best keeping things in the 'human' world straight. So by all means. If you got a key for here you got a key for there." She will move the hose from one bed to another to water it as well.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I don't mind some vines inside to keep me company," Susan says, hesitantly. "I miss these little guys when I'm not around. Just...nothing that's going to get too aggressive with me." She clears her throat. "I don't want to find myself tied up when I'm late for work...but it would still be nice to have some more security around the house."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy will nod and says, "I'm sure I can make some flowers or something that should endure the colder weather and situation to keep you from being alone." And let Ivy keep tabs on the guest as well. Ivy will take the hose and kink it some and says, "Why don't you go check it out. I'm going to check in on everything here and may be," she yawns mid talking. "A while." Gently waving at Susan in thanks and to shoo away. Ivy will be okay but she's not at her most sociable right now.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan nods. "Alright," she says, already backing away. "Thank you again," she says, holding up her new key. "We'll talk soon." She pushes herself out of the door and lets it swing closed on its own, giving Ivy her alone time.