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Latest revision as of 07:45, 7 February 2023

Wanting Some Cream
Date of Scene: 06 February 2023
Location: Big Gay Ice Cream Shop
Synopsis: Emma, Marie-Ange, and the Mean Girl Rachel meet.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Marie-Ange Colbert, Rachel Goldman

Emma Frost has posed:
And on this day, Ms. Frost is out with her subordinate (presuming we live in a world where we have to be PC and can't call her minion) Marie-Ange. Today, Marie-Ange shall face a momentous decisiont hat not even the cards can help her sort through and figure out.

What ice cream toppings to order.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Really, it's the kind of arrangement that works well for Marie. Marie gets stuff she likes, for things she would've done anyways -- the French girl was a pushover of the highest order most of the time. It's just the way it was.

Today, she's dressed warmly; Black coat over leggings, snow boots and a pom-pom hat to complete the outfit. Monochromatic, but against the white of the snow (and her skin, which isn't much darker than that) outside, it works.

The decision is, indeed, a tough one. The flavor was easy. Marie would opt for Mint Chocolate Chip whenever possible, and she was nothing if not a creature of habit. Introducing toppings, though, added a wrinkle that she wasn'tt expecting, and she's just staring at the menu at the moment.

...this could be a while.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
Lingering off to the side, one leg over the back of the chair opposite her, Rachel is already licking down half of her cone. She spots Emma and Marie-Ange walk in, and it is easy to tell the wealth that has come in the door. Her eyes move over both of them, briefly trying to figure out which was the HBIC and which one wasn't. It becomes apparent to her after a moment, and she just settles back to enjoy the people watching.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is present along with Marie-Ange, waiting for the girl to decide. Emma is patient, and she's willing to buy the place if it gives the girl extra time to decide things iwhtout feeling like she's hurried. Being rich solves most of life's problems, after all. Emma stands out - she's the woman in highly fashionable, revealing, and un-seasonable looking clothes with the younger seeming girl wearing dark attire turning heads.

"Take your time darling. No rush. You can always try the rest the other times you come here." Positive rewards do yield better results after all.

And there's a low glance of Emma tha tpasses along ever, ever so coincidentally to Rachel.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
They're a study of contrasts of a sort. Emma, the very picture of power and confidence, and Marie... well. Not. However, all things must come to an end, and the redhead's indecision was one of them.

"I will have... the oreo crumbles, c'est vous plait." A nod to that, though it's debatable if she's confirming with the counterperson or herself.

A smile is offered towards Emma, "It was most kind of you to bring me, Madame Frost. My studies have been... most intense lately, and a distraction is most welcome." There were a myriad of things that pulled her in a number of directions, and her resilience in the face of them was honestly impressive. Unlike Emma, though, she hasn't gone people-scanning yet. There's ice cream being made; one of her favorite guilty pleasures, and she could almost taste it.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
For her part, all Rachel is doing /is/ people scanning. She holds the cone in front of her, turning her head sideways and allowing her tongue to reach out as far as it goes, slowly twirling the cone in her hand. Her eyes remain on Emma Frost other than a brief glance towards Marie-Ange from time to time. Emma is clearly the one in charge. Which makes her far more reasonable as the subject of scrutiny. Even if doing so ends up with Emma being well aware of the scrutiny as well.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma makes eye contact over with Rachel. Mm. The girl carries herself in an interesting way. Perhpas it's the casual people watching. Or the body that stands at almost military style yet showing relaxed. Emma keeps a passing glance on Rachel.. And then gestures over at her. No need to be subtle.

"Care to join us?" She would indicate to herself and Marie. "And it's good to have things to help you relax, Marie-Ange. Do enjoy all that you wish."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
A party of two is turning into a party of three, it seems. Emma was Marie's comfort zone, and that zone was being stretched. At least it was easier to handle with someone to anchor herself to. Taking a breath, she turns to face the direction that Emma's looking, forcing a smile onto her lips. The redhead had a need to be polite, and making a stranger feel welcomed was another way of doing so.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle -- you are certainly welcome to join us, if you wish. Eating alone can be... well, very lonely, non?" Not quite the universal fact, though they do say that one is the loneliest number!

Rachel Goldman has posed:
There is a quick shake of her head. "Nah," replies Rachel, her eyes looked on Emma. "Spent too much of m life dancing on a puppet master's string like that, ain't about to walk back into it." She nods towards Marie-Ange. "You already got a pretty enough dollie, no need to get anymore, right?"

Her gaze shifts over towards Marie-Ange as she echoes the invitation. "Lonely, sure, but also, way quieter and freeer."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would gesture over at Rachel, "Do feel free. You seem isolated and it can't hurt." The tone of her voice is casual. It's also accompanied by a very, very quick attempt at a surface level mind probe of Rachel. For whatever reason the Gen-Active girl has caught her attention so she'll keep up a passive observation of her.

Her beaming at Marie-Ange, "Good dear. So polite and formal." Why is it like she's speaking very fondly to a cat with her tone of voice?

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie blinks a bit at Rachel's words. "I assure you, mademoiselle... quiet is overrated." the redhead replies with a brief frown. "But I do not see how being alone would be freer..."

Really, the girl has a difficult time considering the possibility. When she was on her own, her options were as limited as they got. Surrounded by friends? Well. She sees opportunity everywhere. Still, she's not going to press if the other girl /doesn't/ want to join them.

Emma gets a little nod, "Of course, Madame. I have to represent the company I keep, n'est-ce pas?" she asks, before turning her attention back to the ice cream... and reaching for it with both hands once it's offered in her direction. Brainfreeze would be likely incoming, but not being able to think about that last test she took? A welcome relief.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
"Ah, but it can," replies Rachel, kicking her leg off the chair and leaning up straight. "First, I keep your company, and then you start to plant ideas in my head." She takes another long elaborate lick from her ice cream cone. "You fill me with an idea of my value." Another lick. "And support my ideas." Another lick. "And praise my skills." A lick. "And suggest how I can improve." Lick. "And then you come up with a whole idea for how everything I can do can be better, and you've done /such a good job/ of boosting me up that I just lap up your every word." A lick along one side, then the other. And then a long lick from the edge of the cone to the top of the ice cream. She turns her gaze to Marie-Ange then. "Then she tells you to to blow the brains out of someone who owes her money just to see if you'll do it." Suddenly Rachel opens her mouth wide, driving her face down to bite off the entire rest of the top of the ice cream cone in one huge motion. She pulls the cone away as she mashes up the ice cream in her mouth, tossing the cone off into the nearby trash.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just watch over at Rachel Goldman, "Do forgive me, but what was that particular bit of theatrics about?" Emma looks over amused. "And that's rather nice work with your tongue. You could stand to settle the question of how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" That bit is said to hopefully get a bit of a laugh from Rachel and to hopefully help sooth Marie-Ange if there's any immediate sense of fear.

"And don't worry, darling, I'm incredibly rich. I have other people who do that routine for me. It's much more effective to delegate and subcontract."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie, for her part, is quiet. Listening. Even she would have to admit there was some similarity between the way Rachel was talking andher own experiences with Emma.

...of course, for Marie, that was the case with most people who treated her kindly, and none, to this point, have asked her to do such a thing.

Frowning, she takes a lick of her own ice cream. "Madame Frost would never ask me to do such a thing." It's said matter-of-factly. "Even if she wished it, I am certain she knows I would not." Maybe not in her current state. Marie's the type, though. You push the right buttons. Shove her in the right corners. She's a marionette with the strings ready for the taking -- albeit one with a support system, as it stands. Which would make it just a litttle bit harder to pull those strings in a way she wouldn't naturally go.

Though, Emma's last words get a sidelong look. "You... have people who attempt to find the number of licks to the center of a tootsie pop, Madame Frost?" It's an odd thing to consider, but funnily enough, not quite as odd as the concept of Emma asking anyone to murder a person. Marie's never seen a hint of that from the woman.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
There is a demonstrative roll of Rachel's eyes before the screehing of the chair feet pushing back against the floor as she rises. "Look up the story of how to boil a frog," she offers to the French girl. "Fitting not just for the name itself." She heads towards the exit, keeping Emma mostly in her gaze. "She'll show her true colors soon enough." The words are meant for Marie-Ange, even if it is Emma in her sights.

"If you're lucky, you'll see them before you're cooked."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma would never, ever ask someone to murder a person. She would be the one there pulling the trigger. Such things were best hnadled in person after all. Emma would glance over at Marie-Ange, moving to continue with her gentle rub of the girl's shoulder to ensure she was calm.

"And whom then treated you as a weapon to be used in such a way? Since you speak from personal experience." The girl's body language and rage was rather clear on that.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"How to..." Marie trails off. There's another lick of the ice cream, but a mental note is made. Reading a story couldn't do any harm, could it? There's another brief look towards Emma at the accusation, and then a look towards the departing Rachel. "...I think I have used up my share of fortune."

Not that Marie can complain too much. Aside from the return of her BFF -- who Rachel reminded her of, in a way -- she couldn't really ask for too much more. When the older blonde asks that question, though? She's back to being silent and trying to look like she's not listening. Eavesdropping isn't polite.

Rachel Goldman has posed:
Stopping briefly at the door, Rachel turns back to look at Emma. "Yeah, no strings on me." She nods her head at Marie-Ange, and then ducks out into the cool air.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Maire-Ange and look at her sympathetically. "She knows pain and paranoia." Emma doesn't have to read her mind to know that from Rachel. Nothing that she can really do on the matter, as Rachel goes to duck out.