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Latest revision as of 20:05, 7 February 2023

Shhh, you'll wake the kids
Date of Scene: 07 February 2023
Location: Cockpit - Milano
Synopsis: Side trip is successful. Nothing like making ships that might chase them inoperable!
Cast of Characters: Rocket, Groot

Rocket has posed:

What could be more dull than that? Flying from beacon to beacon, watching for marauders just after coming from a jump, only to set and reset the navigational computer with updated coordinates is a slow death for the hybrid racoon. His time during these extended flights are spent in the cargo hold or linked into the system to make sure that everything is 'nominal', and during those particular sessions, put feelers out for potential lucrative stops along the way. (That last bit he's taken on himself with no encouragement from others.)

While the others sleep, or meditate, or are doing whatever elsewhere on the ship, Rocket is in the cockpit, jacked into the main navigational system for the Milano. It might be a hint that something is up in that he's actually strapped into his seat, his paws settled on either side of him in that pilot's seat. He's talking to himself, or rather, if Groot is there, sharing his thoughts with the being that is inarguably his best friend (and sometimes conscience).

"So, if we take a turn at the next beacon, put out the feelers for Epsilon Beta Prime, we should be on track to leave hyperspace in a half hour and take normal space around the asteroid field." As for piloting through things like that, the Milano would be hard pressed to find a better pilot/navigator to pick their way through..

Groot has posed:
    As is no real surprise, where you find Rocket, you usually find Groot. He's in the seat behind the co-pilot's seat, because it's a little roomier than sitting up to the controls. He is not strapped in, but then he pretty much never is. He can keep himself in place quite well, thank you, and the seatbelts pull his leaves off if he moves suddenly.

    "I am Groot." << Why would we do that though? Aren't we headed somewhere Quill wants to go? >>

    He looks over at his friend and adds, "I am Groot" << This is one of those boredom things, isn't it? I remember what happened on Telos 5 the last time you got bored. >>

Rocket has posed:
Rocket seems inwardly intent, as if this particularly moment of numbermancy requires his brief yet definite attention. Once he's finished, however, when he speaks, the Milano gently veers to meet with its new course, the new coordinates bringing the ship around.

"Where he wants us to go? He wants to go everywhere, and that includes Knowhere." Heh, play on words! "Besides, this is only a short side trip. We'll be back on our route in no time." Famous last words that have been uttered many a time.

Twisting around to look at his friend, the action is short lived and he's back to looking out the main screen once more. His whiskers bristle a little and there's a piece of fluff on his furred arm that gets studied before flicked off. "Maybe. But it's for a good cause. Updated cloaking. That little piece that I grabbed awhile ago has a couple of spots, and it actually can act like a conduit. So..."

Groot has posed:
    Groot shrugs, making a few leaves rustle. It's no bark off his back if Rocket wants them to go somewhere else. He'll go along quietly until the time for yelling and mayhem comes (as it so often does) and then make sure his best friend makes it back to the ship in as close to one piece as possible.

    "I am Groot?" << Who are you dealing with this time? I would be good to know how likely this is to become violent. >>

    It's not so much that violence could happen, but he likes some warning so he can prepare for it. That way he doesn't have a perfectly happy mood ruined by unexpected gunplay.

    "I am Groot." << As always, do what you have to, I'll back you up. >>

Rocket has posed:
Rocket smiles, the fur on his muzzle rising to show small, sharply pointed teeth. "It'll be fine, Groot. You'll see." More famous last words.

As the ship changes course and approaches the jump beacon, the cockpit's lights dim as messages play upon the HUD that is the front view screen. Easier on the nerves if it's not all sent directly via the neural links.

There, on the screen, is a scene of too many things in too little space. All that universe 'out there' and things have to collect in one corner of one sector? Seriously? Rocket exhales in a sigh and nods at his thoughts regarding the mess before them just prior to dropping into normal space. "If I had the right equipment, I could make millions of credits on mining those things. Maybe when I retire to some rock." Literally, rock. "Okay, Groot. Heads up. Need that second set of eyes on the screen. Any movement that isn't rock-like, we need to take 'em--"

It's not a minute after they emerge from hyperspace that the //real// lay of the land makes itself known. Those 'rocks', aren't. Rocket stares at the screen as he tries to make sense of it all, the dark eyespots rising beneath that black furred mask of his, his mouth dropping. "That's.. not good."

Groot has posed:
    Leaning forward to look past the co-pilot's chair and out the windscreen, Groot looks for things that do not look like rocks. Since he is not looking at the readouts, he's not getting the same information that Rocket is. However, he does recognize the tone of voice Rocket uses for bad things. So apparently this is one of those. He starts growing vines towards a number of connection points so that if this does go the way he's starting to think it will, he'll be securely held in place.

    "I am Groot?" << What is the problem? Are things not going the way you expected already? This may be a new record if that is the case, in trouble before even a greeting. >>

    Yes, he keeps track of that kind of thing. When your general role is the quiet muscle (Since 99 percent of the galaxy can't understand him anyway), you learn to do things to keep your mind occupied.

Rocket has posed:
Yup, probably a record for the Milano. It's a very, very good thing that Groot has set out to hold on (in his own, inimitable way!) because Rocket's taken the controls in his paws and pulled the ship hard, the atmospheric positional jets coming online for good measure in order for him to dod-- nagivate in 3D space; hopefully everyone is strapped into their bunks?

For their dodge, they're rewarded with a pulse that sails far afield, where they'd //been//, really. That doesn't mean Rocket is going to rest on his laurels, however; but, he can't resist a //Haa!// in pleasure as he takes to evasion once more.

"Must be something good they're sittin' on," is enthused, though not with a little concentration.

Groot has posed:
    Groot nods slowly as his vines secure him in place. New record it is.

    "I am Groot?" << Who or what are 'they'? Besides unfriendly and already shooting at us? >>

    This is the kind of trouble he worries about Rocket getting into. He can't help his friend, beyond the fact that several vines are creeping up behind Rocket in case there's a sudden expulsion into space. He peers at the displays, trying to get a feel for just how surrounded they might be.

    At least things are consistant. Rocket wants a side trip, Rocket takes a side trip, people shoot at them. It's the great circle in action again, though sometimes it takes treelike patience to see it happening.

Rocket has posed:
"Euonians. See?" Even while in evasive maneuvers, Rocket nods towards the screen, and without moving a muscle, brings a quick database up, showcasing the various forms of that particular 'race'. Not very attractive, by anyone's measure, quite probably even by Euonians' standards. More ooze than solid mass, they breathe a noxious mix of ozone and liquid carbonate.. if that was at all possible? Sure, why not.

"There's a reason they're so good at cloaking." He can't help but laugh, the sound holding that hint of manic, the tenor so very, very familiar by now to Groot. He's having fun, it's dangerous, and he's certain that either they'll get through it or die. One or the other, but either way?

It's fun and potentially VERY lucrative.

There are a couple of scans done again, all along the background, and suddenly there's a rock that seems to glow with computer identification. "There," Rocket tips his head forward to point it out to his friend, perhaps pulling him from the reading about their current.. difficulties. "There's a port. All we gotta do is maaaaake our way in.."

Groot has posed:
    Groot looks at the display Rocket indicates, then asks the obvious question. "I am Groot?" << What if they are also on the ground? Then we will be stuck between their ships and ground forces. >>

    He looks at the info readout on the Euonians again, "I am Groot?" << Come to think of it, how do they even function? Do they just ooze towards you slowly? >>

    Anyway, this might not be the best time for biology lessons, so Groot keeps reading to look for any weaknesses they can use against these new aliens once they get off the Milano. Because he can read the excitement in every move Rocket makes. This will not end with them running without getting whatever it is Rocket wants from here. He has learned though, and there is a little pot with a twig in it in one corner of the crew quarters. As long as there's a Milano, there's a Groot.

Rocket has posed:
"Well, yeah," Rocket says slowly in response to the first observation from his best friend, nodding his head as his ears twerk back a little, flattening. "It's fine, though. On the ground, they're less maneuverable." Unless, of course, they have their specially fitted grav-units. "So, shouldn't be too hard." 'Shouldn't' being the operative term here.

The Milano's pirouettes through the field, dodging both weapons fire AND ship/asteroids is almost magical, the way the wings shift, flitting with a practiced ease built of that prime necessity- to survive.

Thankfully, Rocket doesn't sweat.

That glowing 'planet' is rapidly approaching, and upon arrival, Rocket is unstrapping from his spot, and standing on the chair to reach a couple more switches that he usually lets Quill flip. Harmless, really.. but still necessary. He's got his pistols, and jumping down from the navigational dais, he gets his feet into his jet boots.

"Okay, buddy. We only have a couple of minutes before they actually //get here//, so.." Time to disembark!

Groot has posed:
    Groot releases his stabilizing vines, retracting them back into his body. He's got a very simple checklist before action. It consists of 'Am I here? Yes.' and then he's ready to go. Sometimes it's nice not relying on equipment. Standing up, he follows Rocket out of the cockpit and towards the exit.

    As they pass through the main cabin, they can hear snoring coming from Quill's cabin. Apparently he's going to nap through this heist. It may be that the crew is getting too used to the ship dodging around violently when Rocket is at the helm.

    "I am Groot?" << So what are we trying to steal before they arrive? Hopefully it is not too big or hard to find, we don't really have much time before they land too. >>

Rocket has posed:
Rocket sets goggles down over black marble eyes, signifying that he is indeed ready for whatever might be out there and waiting for them just beyond. His paw hovers over the button for the ramp release before he looks up at his best friend, "Cloaking device. I'm not proud. I'll pull it from a ship if I have to." The Euonians have the best; they have to. They're slow, ponderous, that it takes a little longer to get close, and cloaking is vital.

With the drop of the ramp, Rocket has his blaster out, with his small finger on the trigger. He's ready to shoot, and it wouldn't be the first time he'd come out shooting. Now, however, there isn't a need. Not yet, anyway.

Lifting his head to look around, Rocket nods in the direction of one of the other pads, a somewhat well kept spaceship sitting there, dark steam rising from different hydrolic joints. At least he has the courtesy of //closing// the ramp to keep the others reasonably safe within. "That way. That actually looks like Captain Breaker's ship..." he begins slowly. "Ooooh, he owes me.."

Groot has posed:
    Groot is in combat mode when he comes down the ramp, one hand grown into a large circle he can shield himself or Rocket with, the other with an oversized fist to hit things with. He nods when Rocket explains and simply says, "I am Groot. << Then we will take it from him, especially because he is closest. >>

    There's really no way to argue with logic like that, so onward he goes, headed for the ship Rocket indicated. If there were unfriendlies near it, they would almost certainly start shooting him, which would give away their locations to Rocket.

    Which would mean that shortly after, there would be nobody shooting at him any more. Somehow, the two made a really good team.

Rocket has posed:
Rocket grins at his partner, and it's one of confidence as he looks up briefly once more before he looks out at the field. Moving quickly then, the pair full in the knowledge and understanding of their ultimate goal, Rocket isn't really standing on ceremony or trying to be the least bit discrete upon the approach. He's quick as only a racoon can be, even on two legs, and arriving at the spot where he //knows// the ramp is meant to descend, he's casting a furtive glance around, checking for approach.

First, visual, then he goes to his HUD, which gives him a slightly better view, a different angle, thanks to the fact that he's plugged into the Milano and her scans. Sure, it's broadcasting just a //little// bit, but hey! "We've got incoming. Slow, which means it's the Ooze-brothers." Oh hey, he did a pun on an Earth reference! Maybe he did get something out of their crash on the planet?

Rocket rises into the air with his jetpack, and begins to work to break into the docked ship. One minute, two.. three.. what was that again about racoons not sweating? Heh..

Finally, in the last third of that third minute, the ramp begins to lower, and he blinks dark, beady eyes. "Yeah," he murmurs, "That was me. Right?"

Just in case, however, he's got his blaster up.. only to find that no, it wasn't really his work. Or, at least it partially was?

In the next heartbeat, Rocket is pulling the trigger on his blaster, pulling the second one out for good measure, frying the pair of crew that had come to investigate. They're pirates anyway...


Groot has posed:
    Since nobody shot him while they were approaching the ship, Groot counts that as successful sneaking. You don't get too many of those when you're his size, so you count them where you can. He stands with his back to Rocket, watching for anyone coming after them while his friend works on the doorway.

    Nobody has oozed or gravsuited their way towards them when the ramp lowers and the shooting starts. With nobody in sight in his direction, Groot turns only to see Rocket dispatch the two pirates who had lowered the ramp. Since they were not going to be doing much at this point, he steps over their remains and into the ship, still fulfilling his role as mobile wall.

    "I am Groot? << Which way to the cloaking device? >>

Rocket has posed:
Rocket runs up the ramp, checking over his shoulder. Minute passed and only minutes to go. This has turned into a timed run, even if it actually had been at the start. Now, however, the fire is under the racoon's tail. "Down two decks." How does he know? Probably because he's been on the ship before, though not necessarily under the most positive of circumstances. "You keep an eye here," which is a set of ladders that can only fit one at a time up, "And I'm going down here," which is slightly fore of the other position. "Three minutes," and as he says that, he gives his friend a meaningful look. In the next second, he's gone down. Fifteen seconds later, blaster fire, followed by the sound of manic pleasure from Rocket over the coms.

Groot has posed:
    Groot resists the urge to stretch his neck down there and see exactly what Rocket was doing that had him that happy, but he could imagine. Besides Rocket told him to guard here, so that's what he'll do. Reaching his arms out, he grows them into a semicircular wooden wall around the ladder entrance. Anyone who wants to go down the ladder will, quite literally, have to go through him first.

    Then he adds spikes to the wall, because he can.

    Listening to the continuing frenzy of violence over the comm, he reminds Rocket "I am Groot. << Remember that we're racing the clock here Rocket. >>

Rocket has posed:
Groot's wall of thorns is quite effective; the attempts at trying to come around and block the racoon's exit is thwarted. There are cries of pain, frustration, and shots from blasters to try and dislodge those thorns.

"I know," and doesn't Rocket sound happy.. a little too happy, perhaps? "I'm almost there.."

A couple more distant blaster shots are set off in a clipped, very Rocket-like manner, before he makes another noise. "Okay, I'm here. Juuuust... ow. Stupid.. okay, taking a little more.." than he wanted, perhaps. Tearing the part, Rocket turns around and runs back the way he came, calling out, "Okay, buddy. Got it, coming up." Just in case there is cover fire that is needed!

Groot has posed:
    Groot thickens the wall a bit in the spots the crew are trying to break though it, which is probably not the effect they were hoping for. He does take a quick moment to enjoy the fact that the spikes worked the way they were supposed to.

    Waiting for Rocket to return from below, Groot smiles slightly at a thought that hits him. Once his buddy comes up the ladder, Groot grows a quick vine to point at a spot in the wall.

    "I am Groot." << There's one trying to get through right there, I'll open a gun port for you. >>

    Putting action to words, he opens a small hole that Rocket can fire out from to remove that crewman. He repeats the action for the other areas under attack, then once Rocket has taken care of them, pulls the material of the wall back into himself.

    "I am Groot." << We'll have to remember that trick, it's pretty effective. For now, let's get back to the Milano. >>

Rocket has posed:
Rocket appears, his be-goggled fuzzy head bopping down the deck towards his friend, a rather large bit of tech floating behind him on a grav 'wagon'. "Groot," and there is that toothy grin once more. He's scrambling up and set on his friend before taking that bead on the crewman that is trying to shoot his way towards the pair. The blast of plasma lights beyond the shield that is Groot, and he laughs again, the sheer joy of battle striking the racoon.

Once done, Rocket jumps down, and looks at his friend, "Time to go. And we do have to remember that." As long as it doesn't hurt his friend...

And it's back to the Milano.. down with the ramp, lock it up behind them, and it's off! (And maybe no one on the crew any the wiser?)