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Rocket (Scenesys ID: 1991) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Subject 89P13 | ||
Superalias: | Rocket | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Other | ||
Occupation: | Eh, name it. | ||
Citizenship: | Halfworld | ||
Residence: | Milano (currently) | ||
Education: | School of Hard Knocks | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Guardians of the Galaxy | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | ?? | Actual Age: | ?? |
Date of Birth | Unknown | Played By | Oreo |
Height: | 3'6" | Weight: | 55lbs. |
Hair Color: | Brown and black | Eye Color: | Black and beady |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Rocket is a three and a half foot ball of anger-issues. He likes few, trusts even less, and comes across as unfeeling if not down right caustic and mean. There are times when he realizes it and tries to walk it back, but he can't help himself. He's a born thief, thanks to being a raccoon, and is almost compulsive with his need to collect things, particularly weapon parts and cybernetics. Like eyes. And arms. Ultimately? When the chips are down, he's a good one to have in one's corner.
* Service companion raccoon for a war vet named Khevix, mental health in-patient
* Sentient robots on Halfworld carved Rocket up, altered his DNA, extended his limbs and gave him intelligence. Painful and traumatic, all to be a better help to the Loonies.
* Became 'warden' to the in-patients.
Leaving Halfworld:
* Scuffle and war, leading to departure of Halfworld, having been part of a successful plot to 'cure' the Loonies. Stole 'Ship', the aptly named spaceship that had been docked on the tech side of the world since time immemorial. All above is his implanted memory.
* In reality, Rocket was the security chief of a planet-sized criminal asylum. The war was gainst a villain from Earth who had the ability to possess others. In order to stop him, Rocket turned half the world into a locked prison, and turned the remaining wardens into the keys.
* In order to walk away from what he'd done (as it was rather unorthodox and against conditioning), Rocket resigned and submitted to a memory-therapy to wipe his mind of those painful memories.
Space travels:
* Rocket spent a great deal of time flying alone, a lot of that rather unsuccessfully. In and out of prisons, in and out of labs where scientists have tried with varying success to pick him apart to see how he was built, created and merged with an animal.
* As he flew, he picked up and lost a few companions along the way, eventually sticking with one partner. The more he flew, and the more he landed in prison, the worse his outlook on life became.
Present day:
* Met up with yet //another// ship captain. This time? Maybe he'll stick around. Maybe.
* He's gone from being an irritable little monster who couldn't care less about the rest of the crew to an irritable little monster who has come to trust and accept them, especially after they all learned the truth of his creation on Halfworld, where he was taken to be fixed up after nearly dying.
IC Journal
Rocket is not easy to like. He is rude, crude, brash, opinionated, impulsive, argumentative, vengeful, and short-tempered (along with just plain short). He has a lot of weaponry at his disposal, and he's not afraid to use it. He's also selfish, often thinking first about how a scheme or plan might benefit him most. All the same, if you're on his good side he'll fight like a rabid for you.
Reluctant Loner:
For much of his life, Rocket's been a solo act, a one-man band. To him, the best way to make sure something gets done is to do it yourself. The first member of the eventual team he joined up with that he met was Groot. They formed a fast partnership, but it initially came from Rocket's sense of self-preservation and how he might use Groot for his benefit. Then, a bond grew. It's been the same way with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket slow to accept them at first, but gradually finding them growing on him over time as they went on adventures and saved each other's backsides more than once. Useful as they are, he's come to see them as a motley crew and a sort of family he'd never had. Plus, they're great fun to prank.
Slow To Trust:
Rocket's default mode is to suspect everyone and everything. If you aren't trying to con someone, you just plain aren't trying. He can sniff out a scam as well as anyone, partly because he expects them, partly because he's pulled most of them himself. Gain his trust, however, and you have someone loyal for life, just as long as you don't do anything bad enough to betray that trust.
Rocket loves guns, bombs, grenades, just about anything that kills quickly and makes loud and flashy explosions while doing it. Lacking that, he's not afraid to resort to biting and scratching someone to make a point. While he can talk, and while he's a genius when it comes to engineering and tactics, at the core he is still a heavily modified animal that has, often in his eyes, been turned into a killing machine.
Character Sheet
Enhanced Durability:
Rocket can survive a great deal that is thrown at him; more than what would normally kill an average, say, raccoon, and seriously injure a normal human.
Enhanced Intelligence:
Rocket is a cyborg, and as such, his intelligence had initially been downloaded into his cortex for his basic 'functions'. He learns and applies knowledge extremely quickly. The fact that he's part curious raccoon makes for a dangerous combination.
Enhanced Reflexes:
Due to his 'upgrade' to cyborg, Rocket can quickly react to high-pressure events- like pulling weapons, leaping at someone's face, or piloting a ship through a major asteroid field because someone thought it was funny.
Enhanced Strength:
Rocket is much stronger than he appears, and as such, the weight he can carry, or the physical damage he can do, is remarkable for someone of his size. It's not unusual for him to be carrying large amounts of weapons and munitions, connected to his jumpsuit or parts of his own torso.
Rocket is a raccoon. Well, his base-model is, and as such, he does have those innate abilities given to one such as he. He has heightened senses; hearing, smell, sight, and touch.
His ears can pick up sounds well outside the human range.
His nose is sensitive to many, many smells; comes with survival. As a result, he may decide NOT to eat something that may smell amazing to someone else.
Rocket can see extremely well in near complete darkness. Give him a light source not much brighter than a distant star, and he's good.
Those paws of his? Sensitive to the point where he can virtually identify something before he actually touches it, such as metals, plastics.. etc.
Armed and Unarmed Combat:
Rocket isn't too bad in a scrape. He's much happier laying down fire, certainly, but he's no stranger to the down and dirty brawl. In those terms, however? He's still a three and a half foot raccoon.
Explosions. Explosions are really a thing with him. The bigger the boom, the better.
Expert Marksman:
If Rocket can pick it up and it can be shot? He can do it. Doesn't matter where it is from in the galaxy. Gun is a gun is a gun to him, regardless of size.
Not only can he fly pretty much anything, he can also REPAIR anything, given time and resources. Sometimes it's a matter of plugging into a system to fly it, thanks to his cybernetics, and sometimes he just likes to hot-dog it.
Whether it's just a jury-rig or an actual fix, Rocket can fix anything, including spaceships. He can get almost anything to shoot, explode or shoot through the atmosphere to gain space given enough time.
Security Systems:
Rocket has a certain innate knack for security systems, whether it's divining there's one in place, setting one up, or taking it offline. Having learned the truth of his origins on Halfworld, he's come to understand that his knowledge about security systems comes from running one of the tightest ones known to sentient beings.
Rocket is far better in tactics than one would suspect. His genius is instinctive, and once put to the test, can usually find a way to, if not win, at least come out even. He can make battle plans on the fly, and alter anything that would fit the circumstance. As a result, he's a dangerous enemy in that he is difficult to predict on any given moment.
Best Friend:
Rocket has a best friend, Groot. He's also one of the few people who can actually understand the tree.
As a modified raccoon that was experimented on and altered, Rocket's body is not quite normal. He can stand upright and go around on two legs or all fours equally well, and there exist cybernetic ports and attachment points at parts of his body, primarily his chest and back. These can be used to secure various weapons and gear in order to help with balance and stability.
Rocket is a bigger, badder raccoon in that his cybernetics fully augment his strength, dexterity and intelligence.
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Rocket is a full-fledged member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, much to the occasional chagrin of the others. As hard as he can be to get along with, as stubborn as he often is, he has become a valued and vital member of the crew thanks to his skills and knowledge. Rocket has helped save the day multiple times and, having built up trust with the team, he has come to accept them and they him.
As a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket has access to the Milano, an M-Class spaceship. It has room for a small crew, with full if not cramped facilities. It has basic weaponry in the form of forward mounted energy guns, and has articulated 'wings' that allow for vertical take off and landing. Rocket has made various 'upgrades' to it in his spare time.
There are no others like Rocket. He was created on Halfworld to do a job, and he did it well. There were shadows, phantom memories that came back to the surface when he and the Guardians were shown the truth as he was near death, that he'd locked his world down, using the few that had been like him to serve as keys, in order to protect the planet and beyond from a deadly menace.
For years, Rocket couldn't tell the difference between implanted and real memories in regards to his past. He remembered what he thought were good, happy times before 'the time of the knives' prior to the pain and torment that led to the creation of what he is today, then he learned the truth. He was a simple animal, modified and changed into what he is now, to help guard a prison for the criminally insane. Now knowing his past, it doesn't mean there aren't still times that it weighs on him, especially after finding out the truth.
Both on the inside and out, thanks to his 'transformation' from raccoon to cybernetic mutate.
Target For Study:
Everywhere Rocket has gone and has been captured, he's caught the eye of a scientist that is fascinated with the manner of the 'man/machine' interface creation that is Rocket. Not only is he 'uplifted' but has tech that far surpasses most known to give him such things successfully.
Rocket has a near obsession for stealing. He does have specific items that are on his list, including but not limited to cybernetic bodyparts, energy cells, and food.
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Rocket has
70 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
HUNGER: The Nullifier | January 20th, 2025 | The infiltration party escapes the Taa II with the Ultimate Nullifier, just as the Worldship breaches normal space. Sadly... batteries do not seem included. |
HUNGER: War of the Heralds | January 13th, 2025 | The heroes gather. Two Heralds die (and one gets his ass bit by a super-dog). Galactus revokes the Surfer's powers and empowers Morg, who seems more dangerous than ever. The heroes retreat, but the Invisible Woman and Hal Jordan leads an infiltration into the Worldship. |
GoG: Bounty on Calypsis V | January 5th, 2025 | No description |
Dude, Where's My Milano | December 5th, 2024 | The Milano is back, baby! Now the Guardians just need to learn how to keep up with it. |
HUNGER: Moonfall | October 20th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives and, as a tactic to weaken Earth, throws the moon out of its proper orbit, threatening great chaos and disruption to the Earth. Many heroes arrive at the Watchtower, fighting - and losing - in attempts to delay and distract him while they try and right the lunar calamity. In the end, the mystics are able to break through Galactus' numbing of his emotions with the help of his lost love. Also, there's a Green Lantern Trebuchet-launched Juggernaut. |
Terrax Aftermath: Guardians | September 29th, 2024 | Amid the battlefield in Wakanda, Lois Lane searches for stories to tell. She finds some of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the interview goes about as one would expect. |
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE | September 28th, 2024 | Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus. |
Knowhere Knoir: Chapter 1 | September 9th, 2024 | While setting up shop on Knowhere, Rocket, Mantis, and Groot get an unexpected first customer: Cosmo the Spacedog! |
HUNGER: Zenn-La is for Lovers | September 7th, 2024 | On Zenn-La among the seemingly harmless science-hippies, the heroes discover a romantic triangle with infernal influence. Fennan Radd, Norrin's half brother, jealously pines for Shalla-Bal, and when the prospect of losing her arises, attempts her murder. He reduces the Fantastic Four to the Fantastic Three, instead. |
Black Holes and Misinformation | August 19th, 2024 | The Guardians go searching for information on how to stop Galactus on Knowhere. |
A Couple of Haters | July 25th, 2023 | Nebula gets in Rocket's stash of junk. Somehow they don't fight. |
Rocket's Red Glare | July 4th, 2023 | Peter Quill decides to prank Rocket by taking the team to a baseball game featuring different mascots, including a couple with a very similar appearance to his. (Note: the link to the mascot pics is safe. Imgur might give a warning.) |
Guardians of the Glizzy | June 25th, 2023 | Rocket goes out for a snack and almost causes an incident by being himself. Jon, Sally, Hellboy, and Mary Jane help defuse the situation. |
When Knowhere is Somewhere | June 5th, 2023 | Introductions are made, plans are plotted and a roadtrip Earth-side is signed, sealed and delivered. Hopefully they will all survive the experience. |
Flashback: There's More Than One Mutt on Knowhere | May 31st, 2023 | Not too long ago, Rocket and Sushi met on Knowhere. It could have gone better. This is an accounting of that fateful day. |
Somewhere and Knowhere | May 15th, 2023 | FLASHBACK: The Milano lands on Knowhere and spreads out just a little... time for a repair! |
Shhh, you'll wake the kids | February 7th, 2023 | Side trip is successful. Nothing like making ships that might chase them inoperable! |
Guardians of the Chillaxin | February 2nd, 2023 | A little relaxation on the Milano |
A cool Million Five | January 25th, 2023 | Follow a lead to Salvage World to steal a million and five unit egg, they said. But nobody mentioned fighting the frackin Brood. This is bullsh- |
Together Again For The First Time | January 20th, 2023 | Peter and Rocket come to rescue Gamora. It goes exactly as planned. Her plan. It goes exactly as she planned it. |
Guardians of the Yule-Tide | January 12th, 2023 | Christmas for the Guardians... a plan is hatched to bring in a new member. None other than Santa Claus himself. |
Coney Catastrophe | May 8th, 2022 | Rocket and Groot visit Coney Island. Rocket and Madeline eat funnel cakes! Groot is Groot. |
Rooftop Aliens | April 21st, 2022 | Quill and Rocket argue. Groot gets a flying tour of the city from Starfire. |
Those To Whom the Future Belongs | April 3rd, 2022 | Thor has a small gathering to celebrate the visit of several Asgardian youths. And, of course, Diana tries to ruin it all. |
Forest of Two | March 23rd, 2022 | Groot and Rocket decide to take a break from the Milano and Quill. |
Guardians of the Food! | March 18th, 2022 | No description |
No Prison for Old 'Coons | March 8th, 2022 | Cheetah antagonizes Groot and Rocket, but they hit her with the spray bottle, and she runs away. |
Catching A Convoy | March 2nd, 2022 | A smashed military convoy, a stolen tech-tech gun and villains escaping! With Plastic Man and Rocket out of commission and Superman busy playing clean up and damage control..will Juggernaut and Killer Frost escape? (Probably not!) Stay tuned for Part II! |
Guardians of the Backwaters of Space | November 29th, 2021 | A Star Cruiser (Space Version of a Cruise Ship) starts to fall into a black hole. Gamora steals the Milano to go help finds it being pushed. Peter and Rocket fly like pros, and create miniature Big Bangs. The ship is still lost but a new threat is discovered. |
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket | August 29th, 2021 | The Guardians arrive at Halfworld, where they not only find out there are others like the injured Rocket, they also learn an unexpected truth about him and the planet itself. Of course there's a mission involved. |
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket, Part 2 | August 23rd, 2021 | The Guardians and Friends see that Rocket is going to make it, then they deal with a little robot problem deep within the prison asylum of Halfworld. At least it's not a very difficult win, which some of them probably needed after recent events. |
Small Beginnings | August 22nd, 2021 | Rocket and the Punisher meet over a deal gone bad. Rocket gets some toys. Punisher gets supplies. |
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (II) | August 22nd, 2021 | The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava. |
Drink Up | August 16th, 2021 | On the hunt for another drink, Rocket finally comes across a promising place. Naturally, it's a little weird. |
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part I | July 19th, 2021 | The Shi'ar arrive around Earth, announcing their hunt for the world-destroying Phoenix, and are met by its many heroes, who draw some firm boundaries around their beloved homeworld. Tense diplomacy ensues, while the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive bearing their own Shi'ar refugee, Lilandra. Ultimately, Superman and the Shi'ar ambassador agree to a formal meeting on the moon, while Terry O'Neil communicates with Rocket to teleport his passenger off the Milano and past the Shi'ar blockade to Earth. |
Shi'ar: On the Run from the Law | July 19th, 2021 | Picking up her distress signal, the Milano rescues Lilandra from pursuit by the heavy cruiser T'Korr. There's a bit of 'Imperial Diplomacy' with heavy weapons and energy constructs, a zero-G rescue, and Rocket flips off a galaxy-spanning Empire. Typical day for the Guardians of the Galaxy. |
Milano Tales: The Port of Xandar | July 17th, 2021 | The Milano crew sit down to take stock post Ronan encounter on Xandar. It is agree, to Earth they go. Also something weird is up with Peter. |
Milano Tales: The Power Stone (II) | June 28th, 2021 | Ronan the Accuser has the Power Stone. Thanos be damned, he's going to win the war that was stalled by peace treaty. He sets course for Xandar. The Nova Corps and Guardians of the Galaxy fight a desperate pitched battle against the Dark Astar and Ronan with the power stone. Only the impossibly properties of Peter Quill manage to stop the power stone in its tracks. Why? no one is sure yet... but it's a mystery to be solved. |
Knothing Good Happens in Knowhere | June 14th, 2021 | Knowhere is the site of another encounter between Rocket and Blackjack, with Groot as an added bonus. Halfworld comes up...again. So do concepts of looking out for others. |
Milano Tales: The Power Stone | June 13th, 2021 | Ronan the Accuser's ship The Dark Aster suddenly appears before Knowhere and attacks without provocation. Missiles are fired and troops are deployed. Luckily the Guardians of the Galaxy are there to fight back. And fight back they do. Defeating Korath the Pursuer and the Sakaaran forces accompanying him they save Knowhere. However, the attack was just a ruse. Nebula slipped in through the nose and stole the power stone. She escaped, but not before Phyla got a tracker on her. To be continued... |
Milano Tales: We're going to need some help | May 18th, 2021 | The Guardians attempt to follow the Dark Aster. Upon losing it, they fight with their own confused feelings about what Nebula has done and who she is to them. It is settled, they need help. Peter makes a call and the crew head to Knowhere. There they meet Phyla-Vell, a seemingly random woman who Peter has a lot of faith in. Rocket, Groot, and Mantis head off to weaponise Mantis. |
Milano Tales: The one where Nebula Kills Everybody | May 16th, 2021 | Nebula kills everyone. Okay not really. She makes it look like she killed everyone to convince Ronan not to kill everyone for real. Captured, as she expected she would be, she has thrown Ronan and Thanos off the scent for now. The crew may have other ideas. Murder is Nebula's love language after all. |
The Lost Branch World - Part 2 | May 4th, 2021 | Thoote is stopped from leaving back for Planet X and sending a holy death fleet back to kill everyone in the Branch Republic. The team works well together. |
Catching Up With Drax | May 1st, 2021 | Drax finally decides to start being less murderously social again and catches up with Mantis and Rocket, who shows him a mystery from his past and where he was made. |
Parting Ways Among the Stars | April 27th, 2021 | Some food and drink is enjoyed before the ships part ways, though the Raacal has an additional unexpected passenger for the journey. |
Lost Branch World | April 23rd, 2021 | The Milano stops at a long lost world of Groot's people. They find a spy from Planet X that must be stopped at all cost else an armada come and kill the Branch Republic. |
Happy Birthday, Star-Lord! Hope You Live To Tell About It! | April 16th, 2021 | The Guardians gather for a birthday party, which goes in directions none of them could have reasonably predicted. Rocket gets arrested again, but the danger of Nebula doing Nebula things leads to an unexpected agreement and profit. |
I Oa You 1 AI Brain | March 29th, 2021 | Scott and the Guardians enact a daring, stealthy heist on Oa. The kind of stealth that leaves giant craters in the street. |
Fractured Memories at a Bar in the Middle of Nowhere (but not Knowhere) | March 20th, 2021 | An increasingly drunk Rocket is found by somebunny from his past he doesn't recall: Blackjack. |
Origins: How Rocket Met Groot And Became Best Buds...Get It | March 15th, 2021 | How Rocket and Groot met and went off on great adventures together before joining the Guardians. Everything here is all true! |
Milano Tales: Lower Decks | March 10th, 2021 | Karen interrupts Rocket and Nebula being grumpy, serves them both up a dose of hope even if she didn't mean to. |
Milano Tales: Between Here and There | February 21st, 2021 | No description |
The Crystal Mines of Sector 70-6-8B | February 10th, 2021 | The Baron is beheaded, the Crystals are stolen, and the crew have some soul searching to do. Ronan the Accuser also has some searching to do... |
The Robber Baron of Sector 70-6-8B | February 5th, 2021 | The Guardians arrive at a theme park moon in hopes of stealing riches. Instead, they discover the entire place is one big scam and they're the real prize. |
Fine Dining on the Milano | January 31st, 2021 | In which mealtime is all just a setup for a good Quill burn. |
The Maze of Klabaru | January 28th, 2021 | The group has a gap in their memories and a minor change to be explained in a future scene. |
A Chocolate Conspiracy | January 19th, 2021 | Nebula defeats the chocolate ambitions of Rocket and Groot...for now, saving Rocket from showing emotions and stuff. |
So Long Erf! | January 6th, 2021 | The Guardians blast off!...with varying opinions about Earth and its people. Music is had. Drax leaves a present behind. Gamora's toughness is questioned. It's possible Nebula was replaced by a doppelganger. |
Bar Hopping With Rocket | January 2nd, 2021 | Members of the Guardians go out for alcohol. It gets weird. |
Titans Holiday Party - The Wintering | December 23rd, 2020 | The Titans Holiday party, where there was much merryment, good cheer.... and glitter. And drunk raccoons. |
Beware of Schmeeps | December 21st, 2020 | The Schmeeps were stopped. The world was saved. More or less. |
Get Off My Ship! | December 16th, 2020 | Two offworlders have a chat. At least they agree Earth isn't their first choice of worlds to live on... |
Rocket's Reluctance | December 7th, 2020 | Drax drags Rocket out of the Milano, leading them to Centennial Park in Metropolis. There, they meet someone with strange yet familiar traits, and learn of protein bars. They also attempt to establish a cover story. |
Return of the Titans, with a Guardians assist | December 2nd, 2020 | Titans and Guardians work out how to get the former home. The Universal Church of Truth has other plans. All escape. All narrowly avert disaster. The Titans return, with visitors from outer space. |
Titans and Guardians. | November 30th, 2020 | The Guardians of the Galaxy meet the Titans, who seem to be really *angry* at pirates. Rocket seems to be really *angry* about everything. |
The Unseen Labyrinth | November 29th, 2020 | The four lost Titans visit Endovar's final base and find the White Hole. Gatekeeper's gifts carry them through the rough ride back to Hyperspace, and the psychic beacon sent by the Titans left on Earth guides them back to the wormhole, and the way home. The four Titans know they have returned to normality at last when they are insulted by an angry raccoon. |
Opening Salvo | November 17th, 2020 | Rocket plays a practical joke on Drax. Drax tries on a bikini top and sees what life with a goatee might be like. Drax laughs, and Rocket stops laughing. |
Lower Deck Schmooze | November 3rd, 2020 | Mantis gets to meet Rocket up close and personal |
FOR FREEDOM! FOR STEAKMEEEAT! | October 25th, 2020 | Drax and Rocket go foraging for food in a galactic way station. Quill trusts his instincts, but are they good enough? Enough to get some steakmeat. |
Guardians of the shotgun seat | September 30th, 2020 | The Guardians all hang out in the cockpit. |
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Rocket has
70 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
A New Scheme | March 8th, 2022 | Rocket figures out the potential profit he can make via Cameo. |
Unexpected Visitor at the Tower | August 16th, 2021 | Rocket comes knocking at Titans Tower. Nobody answers, so Rocket does Rocket things. |
Entertainment Credits
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Rocket has been credited in
0 shows.
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Rocket has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
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Rocket has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Rocket has been listed in 1 groups.