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Latest revision as of 22:03, 11 April 2020

Good News, Everyone!
Date of Scene: 11 April 2020
Location: Basement - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: Peter reveals the good news about his new job to Kara, and they chat about what to do and where to go from here.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Kara Danvers

Peter Parker has posed:
/Believe it or not, I'm walking on air.../

Peter can barely suppress the hopeful feeling he has. The news had shocked him, and we was still trying to process that, but he was also barely able to concentrate on his work.

He had to tell Kara. Was she still dealing with protecting those medical aid workers in the Congo? He couldn't remember. He could barely keep a thought straight in his head.

Finally, he simply decided to text her. That wouldn't be disruptive.

<Kara, can you come by the house in Queens? I've got great news and I want to tell you in person! - PETER>

Kara Danvers has posed:
It's a little over two minutes later when there is a knock on Peter's front door. Outside, Kara waits with her trusty tablet in hand, hugged to her chest. Her hair is down, falling in golden waves over her shoulders. And she's wearing a simple sundress...black with sunflowers...and a sunny yellow cropped bolero sweater over her shoulders. It doesn't matter where she was. If Peter had good news for her, she would be there.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter answers the knock and smiles as he sees Kara. As if his days weren't improving already. "Come on in! Aunt May's out doing some shopping." He steps back, opening the front door wide. She is dressed casually, but the neighbors were told about the potential article by Aunt May, who knew how to exert a fair amount of control over the local grapevine. But there were a few that still thought Peter was being ungentlemanly for not being with Supergirl.

If only they knew...

"You are not going to BELIEVE what happened yesterday!:

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara blinks, wide-eyed. "What happened? Are you okay? She looks him over, despite the fact that he has indicated the news was great. "Tell me everything!" She closes the door behind her and wraps Peter up in a hug, once the door is shut.

Peter Parker has posed:
Wow...when Kara sweeps you up, she sweeps you UP. His feet are off the floor.
Well, not that he's arguing. A Kara Embrace is worth the price of admission.

"Well, Kara...wow...okay, could you put me down? And yes, I'm okay...in fact, it's kinda unbelievable...but in a GOOD way."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara blushes faintly, and slowly lowers Peter back to the floor. "I'm sorry, I...I was just glad to see you. What happened? You seem like you're on cloud nine. What's so exciting?" she asks, pushing her glasses up her nose again.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks around. "Couch. Have a seat."
He guides Kara to the couch, then stands on front of her. He seems alive with energy.

"All right...whoo. Okay. I found why I'd been having so much trouble finding work in my field...actually, in ANY tech field. It turns out the guy who interviewed me at Stark Industries, a guy named Blevins...he'd been blackballing certain candidates from not only Stark Industries, but was telling other HR managers from other companies not to hire them, either. It looks like he did this to over 200 people, not just me."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara glowers for a moment, her cheeks flushing a deeper pink in anger. But she takes a deep breath to suppress it as best she can, and when she speaks, she does so carefully. "I....I don't think I quite follow you. This is...this is /good/ news? How is this good news?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter grins. "Let's start with the fact that people KNOW what happened." He grabs a copy of the Wall Street Journal and opens it. It is not front-page news, but it is newsworthy. (OOC: BBREAD 4/72) "Tony Stark found out about it. Fired him, brought him up on charges. Blevins is in JAIL, and it looks like he's going to be there for a very long time. But this is the REAL good part."

Peter grins. "Tony Stark and his wife...and one of their genuises, Riri Williams, paid us a visit here...and he offered me a JOB!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
The light is finally beginning to dawn across Kara's angry features, and her eyebrows rise. "You got a job? Working for STARK??"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nodded eagerly. "Yeah. Working in an area he called the 'Ironworks.' He wants me to come by Monday after school. Badge...even a LAB set aside for me. And they're PAYING me. EIGHTY THOUSAND A YEAR!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Eighty thousand a..." Kara smiles brightly, trying her level best not to hug Peter again. "That is FANTASTIC news!! I knew you'd find your break! I just KNEW it!! Congratulations, Peter! This is AMAZING!!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter grins, then leans forward and hugs Kara on his own initiative. Wow, she smelled REALLY nice.

He steps back, then takes a deep breath. "There's only one problem. My attendance. I just KNOW that, sooner or later, I'm going to show up late for work because of...well, you know...Spider-Man. And then I'm going to get fired." He shakes his head. "...there's only one way to keep that from happening. I'm going to have to tell him...about Spider-Man."

Kara Danvers has posed:
The light in Kara's eyes darkens, and she watches Peter for a long moment, fretting at her lip. "Tell Stark? Are you sure that's..." She shakes her head. "I mean, you'd think you could trust another hero. But he isn't exactly...flying under the radar, himself. He is anything BUT nonchalant...."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "I know. But he might understand what I'm dealing with. Maybe e can cut me some slack, or even assign me when it could least affect me, or set me up to work autonomously so I'm not letting down any team I'm assigned to. Because I know how this ends otherwise. One month, two months, he's going to call me into his office and ask me why I missed the meeting for the 15th time."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara presses her lips together grimly, and exhales through her nose. Finally, she nods slowly. "Well, I guess if there was a boss anywhere that you MIGHT be able to trust...well...maybe it's him. For the record? I don't like it..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighed. "Not much to like. But I have to. If I'm going to be letting Tony Stark down...he ought to know *why.* Because you know how my luck goes. It's been going too well...and it can't last."

He sat down next to Kara, then smiles slightly. "Should be one Hell of an ending for your article, though, right? The new job, not the confession part."

Kara Danvers has posed:
A wry grin plays across Kara's lips as she looks to Peter. "Well, I mean...silver linings, right? It definitely does give your story a good ending, and my article certainly won't suffer for it."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Well...I'm always up for a good story. And this job also makes something else possible...making a *real* suit. The kind of suit I feel would make me a lot more effective."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's eyes widen. "The kind of suit that would make you a lot more *protected*..." She considers the implications for a moment, then smiles more brightly. "Who knows, maybe Stark could give you a few pointers in that direction..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nodded. "Yeah. I'm not going to go out in some heavy armor suit like him, not when I have flexibility going for me...but something that can make a lot of things possible." He grinned to Kara. "Still not in your league, but at least I'd be out of the minors."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, Peter. You're ANYTHING but the minors. You should know that by now. And if not, you need to be told so." Kara looks into Peter's eyes, and her pride in him shines in her own. "You're amazing, and you should be told that, every single day."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Maybe. But I think you would be the first to admit that I need better equipment than homemade longjohns."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara laughs. "You DEFINITELY need better equipment. I was hoping to find something that would work better for you. But even so, I think your iq is higher than mine, so you're probably the best man for the job of creating your own suit. At least now you will be funded for it." She smiles and shakes her head. "I knew this was coming for you...I just didn't know when."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "I just thought it was Life being out to get me. Turns out a large part of it was some nut with complete power. Not all villains have colorful costumes, dark hoods, or world domination in mind."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Unfortunately, you're right. The worst ones out there, you never see...never notice until it is too late. I'm so glad this guy got taken down. And hopefully it'll be a long time before he can cause any more trouble for you, or anyone else." Kara shakes her head. "I can't even understand what he hoped to gain from it. What was the point?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shook his head. "I'm sure we'll find out eventually. The latest updates was that he kept a record of all the people he blacklisted in files he referred to as 'plots' in an file section accessed by its name, 'Graveyard.'" He gave an involuntary shiver. "Like a burial ground for a serial killer. And rumor has it he would access these 'plots' often. Just to look at the people he blacklisted. I can imagine him looking at my 'plot' over and over again...savoring it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara shudders, and shrugs. "I don't get it, then. Like a serial killer for what, careers? He killed careers. What a loser..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shrugs. "Sociopaths tend to be like that. A legend in their own minds, losers in real life." He hugs Kara lightly. "But he's in jail, and if Tony's lawyers are as savage as I think they are, he's going to stay there until the end of the universe."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods and smiles softly to Peter. "I'm so glad. Now everyone will see how you shine. And if they don't? Well, I'll see to it they do."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smirks. "Hey, you just keep being your awesome self, Kara-dear." He pauses. "My Uncle once told me something once. He told me, 'You can't always be the strongest...but you have to be the strongest where it counts. And you've got plenty there. Don't let it get to you...in the end, it'll be bigger kids who'll be trying to match up to you.'"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara shakes her head slowly. "Sounds like your uncle knew how the world worked, Peter. In an ideal world, anyway. I just want to make sure he was right."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Baby steps, Kara. Have to show up for the job first...then talk to Mr. Stark. And then, if he knew what kind of work I was doing...he might even approve of me using company resources to fabricate what I need."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"It's happen, Peter. You'll see. I have hope..." She pauses for a moment. "I have faith...You'll see. And in the meantime, we are going to need to work with what we have. But it won't be long..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "And the bad guys certainly aren't going to wait around while I upgrade."