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Titans: Touring Columbia University
Date of Scene: 20 February 2023
Location: Columbia University
Synopsis: Wanting to learn more about university life, Crush takes Caitlin Fairchild up on her offer of a tour of Columbia University.
Cast of Characters: Caitlin Fairchild, Xiomara Rojas

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
It was a little tricky catching Caitlin's schedule for the promised trip to Columbia, but the erstwhile redhead had made it work. Picking up Crush from the Tower in Caitlin's very oversized SUV, then going across town and parking in the hospital lot for med students. From there Caitlin started the tour, leading first to the other side of the campus where the science and research facilities are. It cross them through the quad in front of University Hall, which is full of milling students going to and from classes.

"So the North side of campus, that's mostly the seminary schools, teacher's college, that kind of thing. Humanities studies," she clarifies. The towering redhead is dressed to head to work, wearing pink scrubs and easy-to-clean rubber Crocs. With her hair tied back and the unflattering garments she almost manages to blend in despite her height.

"This is one of the oldest schools in the country so there's a lot of students here studying Earth religions. St. John's is one of the prettiest Cathedrals in the country," she adds, pointing southeast. "And right next to it is Mt. Sinai Saint Luke's hospital; that's where I'm doing my residency."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Going to a prospective college. It sounded all grown up to Crush, something an adult does, but she still didn't really feel like an adult in spite of it all. She wore her usual style, though for once there were no holes anywhere. Black jeans tucked into her knee high combat style boots. An aqua t-shirt tucked in at the black leather belted waist, and over it a brand new black denim jacket that she had once again cut the sleeves off, but rather than the rat-tatty edged, she'd actually hemmed the arms holes to look nice.

The Czarnian didn't mind riding in the SUV, it just surprised her that Caitlin had a large SUV. She even wore her seatbelt, not that she felt she really needed to, it was the law... so she did it.

Arriving at Columbia changed the cocky teenaged alien into an awe struck kid. The place was just... well, Crush wouldn't really find the words, other than 'uber posh' to describe it. As they walked and Caitlin explained their location, the young woman was listening but she looked oddly dumbstruck. It's only when the talk changed to religion that the Czarnian finally seems to snap out of it.

"I don't know much about earth religions," she states quietly, afraid her voice will carry and disturb the old buildings. "I don't get the point of religion either, but I've seen how important it is to humans, so I try not to bad mouth any of it. Not my place."

Looking toward St. John's, Crush blinks a few times and breaths out, "The architecture is amazing." then looks back toward Caitlin. "So uh... this place is mostly religious?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Yes and no," Caitlin hedges. "I mean there was a lot of controversy when it was founded, because various Protestant groups wanted it to be one thing or another. It was King George II of Britain who ordered the construction, but the early Americans decided it was better that the university be a place that welcomes everyone. We have a Jewish seminary school here and Catholic services as well. But don't feel like you have to be religious to attend," she promises. "This was first and foremost a medical university."

She hedges a little. "I don't make a big deal of it with the newer Titans, but if you -want- to go to Catholic services with me sometime, you can," she offers. "I had to switch parishes after the thing with the, uh, Angels, last year."

"Anyway, it's a great school," she hurries along, trying to leave that topic behind. The parklike arrangement certainly makes it feel welcoming, blockading some of the ever-present New York noises behind gentle hills and high trees. "There's extension offices from here to Little Dominica. The genetics labs are up on 169th, that's--" she mimes a long pass and points northeast. "It's a long walk, though, and mostly the people up there are working on thesis or research projects rather than studying academically."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush looks down at herself, then over to Caitlin and her right brow raises. "I don't think me in a Catholic church, or any church, would do real good for your priests and padre's," she comments with a slight shrug. "I'm proof of more than one God existing out there, don't wanna cause troubles, that an I heard how the Catholics feel about gays, can't support that. But thanks... you're the first Titan ta offer something a little... personal, means a lot."

Her eyes go back to looking around the school. "I'd really like to learn biology, to learn genetics, but I also wanna learn engineering," she admits, shifting slightly and trying not to notice anyone who might be staring at her. She's used to it, but it still don't feel all that great. "And I don't walk really. I could get to 169th with a couple of jumps, no problem."

Slowly looking back to Caitlin she actually smiles, "Real posh here... don't think I'd be able to get in though."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin smiles lopsidedly. "I'm friends with -Thor-," she points out. "So there are gods, and then there's... -A- God, and I've seen both sides of that. Honstly I got in more trouble for siding with the angels than I ever did for associating with Thor. Go figure."

"I wouldn't recommend jumping to 169th, though," she says, switching to the less-provocative topic. "I tried running there once and smashed up someone's car. I've damaged a lot of rooftops by overestimating how much weight they could handle. Columbia does have some of the best educational facilities in the country, though," she reassures Crush. "I did a dual degree in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, then came back a year later to start my PhD work in Cellular Biology and Engineering Physics. And now I'm rushing my residency for my MD. And I got--" she looks around, then lowers her voice slightly and leans towards Xiomara. "I got in with a fake ID and a lot of forged papers. D-- Nightwing helped me do it. We could totally figure out something for you, too. The admissions program here would see you as a really interesting atypical prospect.'

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
For a moment Crush stares at Caitlin as she essentially admits to breaking the law to get in to the college, which causes a slow, broad smile to spread across her face. She just never thought of Caitlin as someone who would do that, for any reason, but it makes sense that if she was going to... this would be the reason. Better education.

"Okay, no jumping," she says first, still grinning broadly. "As for the other... uh," she shifts slightly and runs her fingers through her hair. "Ms. O'Connail and Ms. MacIntyre got me somethin ta be legal here, I just don't know what it is. It's what allowed me to get some... aid," she sort of whispers that word like getting help is pure evil. "... as Happy Harbor, basically made the school, my legal guardian or some such. I don't really know... just know I'm only partly an illegal space alien."

She starts to chortle over that last part, apparently tickled at the words chosen. When she collects herself, she continue with, "I been getting good grades the last three years, the three before that didn't really try so it was all bad grades and holes in the wall. I hear grades count for colleges... so ya really think this place would accept me?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin flashes a bright grin at Xiomara. It lasts just a moment but it lights her face up in passing. "You probably fell under the Alien Resettlement Program Act," she assures Xiomara. "I did, too, eventually-- when I first applied here, my paperwork was all up for grabs though. My brother and my uncle did it for me, they said it wasn't fair that I got denied an education 'cause my school records were incomplete. Now, you can get a resident permit until you wanna apply for citizenship. So it's all above board."

A frisbee coasts by and Caitlin reflexively catches it. Undergrads playing with the disc holler at her to toss it back their way, so Caitlin takes a step and whips it back their direction with a snap of her wrist.

It makes a beeline past them, across the quad, and looks like it'll get intercepted by the bookstore a quarter-mile away.

"Oops," she winces, and nudges Xiomara to walk in a different direction to avoid a confrontation. "Anyway, grades don't apply to you, so it'd be like-- letters of reference, maybe a really stellar entry essay, and to be honest, a lot of money." She frowns disapprovingly. "I don't *love* that last option, but if that's what it takes, that's how it is," she says and shrugs a little fatalistically.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush had never heard of the Alien Resettlement Program before, and all thought of is slides right out of her brain as she watches the frisbee soar into a zip code. The urging to go another direction is acceptable, though she does chuckle at the 'oops' and wince.

Even with all the 'fun', Crush hears every word said and her heart sinks. It doesn't show, not really, she just shrugs as they walks and keeps looking around.

"Community college ain't that bad," she finally says, once they are clear of the ranting frisbee owners. "Mr. Stadler said it's a good start, get all the required classes out of the way before moving to a collage or university." Another shrug, dismissive. "No one to write references, no idea bout an essay, and no money... I don't feel right taking money for nothing. If I was actually helping the Titans, or was a Titan... but I'm not."

She looks back toward St. John's Cathedral as she says, "Maybe Sups knows a better paying job, or maybe I'll take more construction work for a year then go to college."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I did construction, too," Caitlin says quietly, and shrugs at Xiomara. "BAck when we first got started as a team, we were pretty broke. Nightwing was on the outs with Batman." She reflexively glances over her shoulder as if expecting that notable to pop out of the shadows behind her. "Gar's folks paid for a lot of the construction and stuff, but we didn't have any of the Titan Foundation really set up. So, I got a job at an ironworks. I used to bend girders, sometimes I'd fill in for the forklift if it broke. I made decent money, I mean; enough to cover my basic expenses. I got some grants and scholarships that made up the rest of it."

"There's nothing -wrong- with community college, either," Caitlin assures Crush. "But honestly, Columbia doesn't accept much in the way of transfer credits. Maybe some freshmen courses," she hedges. "If you want to study genetics and do actual research, you're not gonna get to do that at a community lab-- and I would teach you if I could, but I have exactly *zero* free time these days," she apologizes.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush pauses, sliding her hands into the pockets of her jacket so she doesn't do the flexing thing she's prone to doing when she's nervous or feels out of her element. Right now, she feels very much out of her element.

"Then I'll just have to get a few jobs when I finish high school and start saving up," she finally says, a hint of either anger or frustration in her tone. "I don't got all those connections, I just know you guys, happen ta hang out and practiced how not to kill with a punch."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin sighs slightly and touches two fingertips to Crush's elbow, slowing to a stop and waiting for the pink-eyed woman to do the same. The redhead crosses her arms loosely over her stomach, one elbow resting on her overloaded tote bag.

"You didn't hear the part about 'grants and scholarships'," she reiterates. "There's money out there. I can't guarantee support from the Titans Foundation because I don't -run- it. Gar and Nightwing do. I know for a fact Columbia offers grants to students who apply to certain programs, and I could at least help you prep and get you face to face with some people in the Biology department who have some pull. I wish I could just snap my fingers and say 'money's not an issue', but I'm paying out of pocket for *med* school, *and* I'm still working for Stark Industries a few days a week. It's expensive, and I can't fix that, but I can help ameliorate the worst of it."

A beat passes and she ventures another smile. "And as long as you come 'round the Tower, at least you won't starve," she offers, trying to inject some humor.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
The touch causes the pink eyes of the Czarnian to look Caitlin over a moment, left eye twitching slightly before Crush decides it's just a touch, she can live with it. As for the words, well that's another matter.

Xiomara Rojas is in fact a very smart, almost genius level alien, the problem... she was still learning. She absorbed information she could get from reading, or the classes at Happy Harbor, but beyond that, there was nothing.

She couldn't blush, it wasn't something Czarnian's could do, but she did look sheepish as she her voice drops to a near whisper and she says, "Uh... wha... what're grants and scholarships?" It was exceedingly rare for the young alien to admit she didn't know something... sure there was lots of things she didn't know, but when around other people she either acted like she did, or acted like she didn't care.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
There's a long pause from Caitlin and she blinks twice. Xiomara's caught her flat-footed and Caitlin's expression promptly shifts to one of total mortification. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," Caitlin apologizes with a real sincerity. "I totally forgot that-- yes, uh, they're money that's earmarked for you to go to school," she tells Xiomara, and starts meandering forward again until Crush picks up the pace to join her. Mt. Sinai hospital draws nearer with each step.

"Basically a scholarship is someone saying 'we see that you have potential in school and a need for money', so, they give you money just to go to school. Some cover tuition, some cover books, some even help with housing. Grant money is for specific projects. I have to write grant proposals all the time, basically asking the college or investors for money to pursue specific projects. Like, if you wanted to start doing research into Czarnian biology, and you needed special equipment and funding to do it, a grant could help make that happen."

Caitlin blinks. "Come to think of it, you'd be the expert. There aren't that many xenobiologists on the planet, you know. There's few enough that we all known each other, and the conferences are pretty small. Somehow I ended up becoming the expert on Kryptonians," she says with a self-effacing shrug. "You never know how that sort of thing shakes out, but it's definitely a high-interest field for such a niche topic."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
It takes Crush a moment to get her protective shell back in place. Her warm and squishy parts had been exposed for a moment, which she hated in many ways, but she also needed to understand what the heck Caitlin was talking about.

As she answers, a little bit of hope actually shows on the Czarnian's face as she moves to keep pace with the redhead. "You don't gotta be sorry," she says quietly, though not whispering any more. Her hands remain in her pockets for now, shell intact. "You didn't know. I... I don't really... I mean it's hard to admit..." Enough of that, move along.

"Whole reason I want to go into biology and genetics is to learn about myself, what I am," she says to change the subject. "But I don't mean to stop at just me, I want to help humans too... but um... I'd need uh, help with all that..." she gestures sort of toward the college to indicate the grants and scholarships part of the conversation that she's trying very hard to forget she had to ask about.

"So you studied Superman, or uh... one of the others?" she asks. "He's my sponsor with the Justice League."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin winces at that question. "That is, um, a verrrry complicated topic, and I'd love to go into more depth about it, but oh look-! We're here," she proclaims, and hurries the last few paces to get on the steps of Mt. Sinai's resident entrance. Like it's a 'safe' zone or something.

"I really do need to get to work though," she apologizes sincerely. "If I'm late for residency hours I'll get stuck cleaning bedpans. Again." She sighs wearily. "Just another ... two years of this," she says, and forces a cheery smile onto her face.

"Oh, uh-- if you're heading back to the Tower, you can take my car," she offers, and holds the keys out for Xiomara. "Or I can call you an Uber or something. My treat, I took you clear across the island today," she insists.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Instantly Crush picked up that it was a topic Caitlin didn't really want to talk about, even though she professed that she would love to get into it. The Czarnian wasn't a fool, she lived on the streets long enough to know a lie when she heard one, even when it wasn't so blatantly obvious as this.

"I can get home," she says with a half smile. "I have to get back to Happy Harbor anyway, school tomorrow and all. Thanks for taking the time to show me around an uh..." she looks around again.

Clearly it was hard for Crush to admit thing in ear shot of strangers so she leaned a little closer as she finished her sentence, "thanks for explainin that stuff." Standing back upright and at what is considered the 'safe social distance' she continues with, "If you need any help with something, just call. I'll let ya get to work, bedpans gotta suck."

Without another word, just a little wave, the large pale alien turns and starts heading back toward the main road.