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Latest revision as of 13:47, 20 February 2023

Take Two.
Date of Scene: 20 February 2023
Location: Operations: Triskelion
Synopsis: Mr. Evers is considered for SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Drew, Alexander Aaron, Cinque Evers

Jessica Drew has posed:
The two agents move down the sterile corridor, flanking their visitor. Agent Aaron might be misconstrued as the muscle, the woman agent, Jessica, hides her powers well enough to be over looked as a potential threat. Her muscular form is well hidden under a tailored black suit over a bright green silk blouse, she carries a lap top tucked under one arm. Her flat-heeled ballerinas are noiseless as they head for a nameless office with a number by its door.

She excuses herself to step ahead of the two and badges them into a room with a faux wood table, three office chairs and a white board. The surveillance cameras and recording devices are discreetly hidden.

"After you," she waves both Aaron and their visitor in ahead of her. "Sit where ever you'd like. This will be fairly informal."

Once they are settled, she sets up the laptop.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Agent Aaron had been known to Mr. Evers in the past. He did that small stint of volunteer work, and there was that small kerfluffle with the food truck. After that they hadn't talked much since, because after all the young Olympian did display his powers to a degree. One does not call an employer again after metaphorically dropping trou about one's odd place in the universe in front of them.
    But apparently he had ended up her, embarking on a life path that ended with him having a uniform and a badge. Not quite the normal uniform for Security officers. The icons and details of the garb signify something slightly different. The aquila on the shoulder and chest are slightly different, a slightly more flaring of wings. But otherwise it's the same black combat gear and harness and fatigue pants.
    Though he does have a nice brown leather jacket, a nod to the chill of Winter.
    "Mr. Evers." Alexander smiles as he takes a seat, "I'm just here since I told folks we've met. Agent Drew will do most of the talking."

Cinque Evers has posed:
"It is pleasure meeting you again," Cinque tilts his head towards his right shoulder as his eyes shift between the two of them for a moment, "After the food truck festival, I had to try that BLT you were hankering for, and I have to admit it is probably one of the best BLTs in New York City. I have them come to the shelter on days I don't feel like cooking lunch. Our guests love them."

Cinque places his together on his lap as he continues talking, "Yes, I remember you handed me a card that day. You had this unwitting pixie cut back then, and were with another woman." Cinque peers back at Alexander, "A very frighteningly interesting day, but digress." Cinque turns his gaze back to Jessica, "It is a pleasure to see you again as well, Agent Drew."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Equally, Mr. Evers and a bit of a surprise, I might add," her eyebrows arc pleasantly in an effort to put him at ease; she resists smoothing back a length of hair at his comment. Her dark hair has grown to a short, jaw-length bob which shines in the strong overhead lights.

"Would you like to tell us why you used my card and contacted us then?" After consulting the laptop screen, "I have a little bit of information. But we need you to go into depth about what you found and why you made the effort to contact us."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A companionable enough smile is given to Cinque by the young Alexander, he then looks sidelong toward Agent Drew and awaits for her to proceed. His back is straight in the chair and his hands are settled on the top of the table, fingers interlaced.
    There is that small slightly darker portion of the wall in the corner where at least one of those hidden cameras reside. No little red light gleaming at the bottom of that area to give away, but people who have been in federal buildings could likely pick it out.
    As Jessica speaks she gestures to the laptop, Alex's own attention does not stray, though he does his own form of 'listening' to the subtle interplay of emotions leaning toward the spectrum of fear. Nothing noteworthy at the moment, so no sign is given.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Well, it is because of a couple of reasons, but mostly because I have a duty of care to people that reside in my shelter, and Hydra is way too powerful for me to be poking. Cinque taps his right foot under the table for a few moments, "I always verify the data that download. You never know if there is a virus, or a bunch manga or looney toon cartoons. Once I look at something once, I never forget it."

Cinque bobs his head from side to sidde, "So long story short, I don't think having Hydra plans in my head for the rest of my life guarantees my life to be a bit shorter than I would like, and even worse it causes those I have a duty to care for to be short too.

Cinque continues tapping his foot. "I did the calculations and ran the different scenarios.....Cinque sighs softly, "And seems like my normal way of dealing with these sorts of issues leaves me more vulnerable, and it also seems like I can probably make more of a dent by joining Shield.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"That demonstrates admirable care for the people that frequent your shelter, Mr. Evers." She tilts her head slightly to one side and nods pleasantly, "How -did- you come by this information, now memorized and potentially dangerous? It's not something that a person is likely to come across at, say, a public library terminal." Again, the high arch of her eyebrows as she looks up from her screen questioningly, "Did you store it on a data stick?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Lips parting slightly in understanding, Alexander shoots a glance toward Jessica, then looks back to Cinque. His eyebrows quirk slightly. It's likely notable that Agent Drew's first priority is that intel tucked into Cinque's brain. The young Olympian's approach is a solution based one, and perhaps his focus is more on resolving things for Cinque in a way beyond employment.
    "There are individuals that can aid in making adjustments." To the memory, or knowledge. He tilts his head slightly, "Though if Hydra's going to make a run at you likely they won't care if you do tell them you've had it purged." He blinks slowly as he ponders.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"I am actually immune to such people, and tactics." Cinque bites his lips, "We wear the mask that grins and lies,It hides our cheeks and shades our eyeThis debt we pay to human guile; with torn and bleeding hearts we smile, And mouth with myriad subtleties. Why should the world be over-wise,In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while we wear the mask."

Cinque lowers his gaze to his the table, "One of my volunteers who has friends in the goverment heard that some hereos were going to do a rescue attempt of Pete Ross." Cinque grinds his teeth a few times, "So I went there...under my guise as Oletha Ukufa." Cinque furrows his brow and says, "So, during that raid I hacked their servers and stole their information." Cinque pulls out a data stick, "All the information is on here, and in my mind."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica shares a brief neutral glance with Alexander, then focuses back on the potential recruit with an open air, "Immune to telepaths, Mr. Evers? That brings me to my next questions. How are you immune? And if you were to join our organization, I am assuming that you are," she adds evenly, "what would make you a good agent?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander is a rather good straight man for these sorts of interviews. He takes things in stride, nodding a little at what's said to him. There's an openness of belief to him that is difficult to reach in an age of such cynicism. His eyes to widen ever so slightly, but then his gaze shifts back toward Agent Drew for a moment.
    It's a neutral glance assuredly, though his ends with a hint of a smile as he looks back toward the man. No words are added for the moment, content as Jessica takes the point on the inquiry.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Not every telepath attack, but those dealing with memory alteration." Cinque clarifies, "And some other attacks when I know that it is coming." Cinque says, "I remember everything, and I can notice a lot more than other humans. Imagine if you have the memory of snowfall and everytime it rain, now imagine you had the memories of each raindrop and snowflake of thost storms. Now, imagine you can remember in vivid detail every smell, every noice, every touch, every taste from the time you were five. It has been my experience that most people cannot handle having that information rushing at them at once."

Cinque says, "To answer you second question, I am quick learner, I know how to work in a team for the most part, and I know people and computers. I have a Masters is Sociology, and Bachelor's in Computer Science."

Jessica Drew has posed:
The quiet clack of computer keys accompany his answer, Jessica's green eyes darting from the screen to the man facing her. She stops typing as he describes his eidetic memory, gaze becoming distant, then coming back to his face with a quick nod and a faint smile.

"That would be a real asset in the field, being able to recall faces, details that others might overlook. I'm sure you're familiar with studies done on how people recall incidents they have seen. And the studies demonstrating how cultural filters affect memory."

After another brief glance at Alexander who had been at the top of his class during rookie training. "How do you feel about using weapons? Though, I hope you are aware that we do our utmost to keep casualties to a minimum. Our training is very rigorous."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "That's interesting," Alexander comments as he nods toward Jessica, agreeing with her read on the situation then adding a little of his own insight, "It sounds like the premise quantum mechanics people advance, having a computer with either infinite time/processing power or infinite perception would be able to reduce all situations to quantifiable algorithms or equations. The counter of chaos with a unifying order theory. Of sorts."
    But then his smile is given sidelong toward Jessica, "Though I imagine that's neither here nor there. But I know Agent Chang would likely wish to speak to him."

Cinque Evers has posed:
"I have no problem with using weapons, and I could follow Shield's rules of engagment." Cinque coughs softly, "I have only used deadly force when it was called for.." Cinque furrows his brow slightly, "My memories are exact. What I feel is what I always feel when I think about the memory. The color that person was is what the person was. It doesn't change...I wished that it would sometimes. Cinque peers to Alexander, "We can become the best of friends, but I will always remember the how I felt when I saw what you did to those men. My emotions will never change."

Cinque shrugs his shoulders, "I used to be a street fighter, but I got admit I am not as agile as I could be."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Not ever agent is apt for field work," Jessica replies. "Though," she continues with a faint shrug, "it helps. Even our scientists go into the field. Your observational skills will be a valuable addition."

She pauses a moment, studying him. "How do you see yourself fitting into SHIELD?"

She unbends enough to give Alexander a brief, bright grin, "I can imagine Agent Chang data gathering."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small nod is given in answer to Cinque's words for him, he nods a little. Not quite sad? But perhaps a hint regretful as if that was a familiar feeling, how people react to seeing that use of power. So the only word he gives in reply is a simple, "Yeah."
    Acceptance, agreement.
    Then his attention shifts to Agent Drew who gets another nod in agreement, Agent Chang would likely have a field day exploring that aspect of Mr. Evers' manner.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"I would mind field work." Cinque furrows his brow, "I mean I am a really smart, but not knowledgabe, if that makes sense." Cinque crosses his arms in front of his chest, "I am not sure how much of an asset I would be to your scientists, but I will go where I am needed." Cinque shrugs his sholders, "I am good at figuring things ouot."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Our interview has been watched and analyzed in real time, Mr. Evers." She drops her eyes down to the screen to confirm something. "Do you have any questions, Agent Aaron?"

After closing the laptop and moving it to the side, Jessica folds her hands on the table. "Of course, you are welcome and encouraged to ask questions, Mr. Evers. We can get you a temporary badge made today. We'll also set up a physical and a psyche evaluation which everyone goes through, no exceptions. I look forward to you passing all the evaluations."

She blinks, and seemingly on the spur of the moment asks, "How did you interpret the data you gathered, Mr. Evers?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small shake of his head is given by Alexander, "Nothing beyond the standard fare to gauge sentiment and engagement. Strengths, weaknesses, greatest challenges, greatest triumphs." His pale hazel eyes distance for a moment thoughtfully, then he looks back toward Cinque.
    "I already know a fair amount about, Mr. Evers but I am sure there are people more observant that would make something of whatever his answers may be. Be they prepared or otherwise." That said he settles back into his chair, his gaze still open and at ease.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"It seems that Hydra decided to change course ten years ago. There is a lot of information on infiltration and invasions, so I am sure that is probably useful to Shield. Cinque taps his foot, "I am not seeing the rest of the pattern. I sometimes can get hunches about things that are pretty accurate, but I still need more information. Even with this data, I still don't know enough Hydra and espionage game to see what they are doing.

Cinque shrugs his shoulders, "Like I said I am supersmart, but I am not very knowledgable, about a lot of things."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Though no assignments have been made, new recruits often have a supervising agent. Perhaps, Agent Aaron or I will be yours. If you have no further questions now, then we'll escort you to processing for a badge and someone there will give you an orientation to the building."

Jessica rises and reaches across the table with a smile to shake his hand, "Welcome to SHIELD, Mr. Evers."

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers extends his hand, "Thank you, I guess I am going to have to get used to wearing an uniform. My clothes were a bit more stylish."