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Latest revision as of 22:03, 11 April 2020

Lake & Fire
Date of Scene: 11 April 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Jubilee, Gabby and Julien do a bit of camping and s'moring.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Julian Keller, Jubilation Lee

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Where there was night time in the woods by the lake that meant only a number of things: This one meant a large fire that Gabby had set up as she settles in with a bag of marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. It wasn't the most out-there thing to do but she'd never had s'mores before, darnit, and fire was always fun to play with regardless.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller actually dressed down for a trip to the lake, which only meant that he was in jeans and sneakers and a t-shirt. Albeit a designer t-shirt from the Yeezy collection that cost around two hundred dollars. He saw the fire from overhead where he was flying and swings down, landing at the edge of the firelight.

"You really do take after Wolverine, I guess," he says with a smirk.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
Jubes was actually out here looking for her super good pal Logan, but the second best thing would obviously be smores and fire time with Julian and Gabby, the baby 'rine. Even if one half of the pair couldn't smell her coming from a half a mile away, Jubilee is as stealthy as a nuclear explosion as she tramps out of the woods wearing her yellow coat, shorts that are probably too short, and a crop top with Heeley sneakers. ".... Sup." Carrying a Ukulele. "Is that smores stuff?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was seated around a fire she'd built. It wasn't the greatest of fires, she was new to this whole camping shtick, but it was big and bright and hot. And thankfuly encased within a ring of stones that was there prior so it was safe to bet that someone more skilled in woodsy stuff than her had at one point used it. Likely it was safe. She's just wearing jeans and a t-shirt out here, nothing fancy, and is currently sharpening a stick with a knife so she can roast marshmallows.

When Julian flies down to join she grins at him. "I don't know about that. I just wanted to try this s'mores thing... Plus, I mean, fire." She gestures at the fire indicating it. "Always fun." Jubes arrival earns a wave as well with a grin. "Yeah! I've never had them before so I thought I'd give it a shot. I've got plenty! Pull up a ... log I guess."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller flicks fingers in greeting to Jubilee, picking up a stone and flinging it across the surface of the water. He gives it a mild TK boost so it zips along, only to have it go too fast and fly like a bullet to imbed itself in a tree across the way. He sighs. Still working on getting the subtle stuff down.

"I'm supposed to fast from carbs for another two days, but hell with my six pack, I want some smores," he says with a grin.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
"uhhh... yes..." Jubes says this as she's pulling over... well she aint pulling over shit, she's just sitting on a log that's already around the pre-made fire pit, but the thought is there. Dropping down on her but with her knees spread out wide from her feet pressed together between them. The ukulele leaning against the log beside her hip. Turning sharply at the sound of the rock rocketing into the side of a tree, she looks up at Julian with a series of quick blinks, then to Gabby.. "Never had /s'mores/ before? Oh sweet Jewish Christmas, how is that even possible?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over toward Julian when the rock is lobbed and cracks into an unseen tree across the way. It does earn a small laugh from her as she shrugs, and holds out her already cut roasting stick toward him in offering. Even if he might be able to do it with his TK. "Your abs are fine from what I've seen. Nice shot, too," she adds with a grin. It's Jubilee's surprise that earns a grin back toward the other girl.

"Well I kind of grew up in a shitty lab in the city so... I was lucky to get pizza now and then. There's a *lot* of things I haven't tried yet, and I'm gonna now that I can!" A glance is cast to the ukelele with a tip of her head. "You play that?"

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller raises an eyebrow at Gabby, "When have you been peeking at my abs?" he teases, settling down onto a log of his own in the process.

"I used to always have them at camp, usually with some booze we'd snuck out of the counselor cabins. Once it was champagne. Who the hell brings champagne to a summer camp?" he says, shaking his head in disgust.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Huh... well that sucks." Jubilee says of Gabby's rearing in a lab, totally nonplushed and super cash about it, even as she's nodding agreement with her own unique assessment of the poor girls sitch. "Welcome to being not a lab rat, anyways! And you're in for a treat, lemme tell you.. S'mores are basically what God would have created if God hadn't been busy all week doing a bunch of other stuff and was also real."


"This?" Pointing to her Ukulele before grabbing it, tucking it against her chest and gently strumming across the nylon cords, "Uhhh I would definitely bring champagne to a summer camp because bubbles... The bubbles go straight to your brain, yo... Scientifically proven that bubbles bypass the blood brain barrier." Sage wisdom.

Stumming, three cords, but three cords played decently!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sticks her tongue out toward Julian at his remark with a playful grin. "You've got an Instagram! I need to set one up myself at some point," she adds with a solemn nod. SO many things to take pictures of. Another two sticks are picked up to begin sharpening them for herself and Jubilee. A nudge of her chin indicates the items present. "Help yourselves then! And I haven't tried champagne yet. Just beer and that wine of Illyana's."

Do not try the Limbo Wine. Do not.

A grin creeps over her face again at the strumming of the instrument. "See this is like a real campout almost! This is awesome."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller grins, "I can help you set it up sometime. It's pretty easy. I guess I did post a few...hundred shirtless pictures on there. I'm documenting my workout routine," he says. And yes, farming for thirst-clicks to boost his ego, but that's hardly the sort of thing that needs to be said.

"It's a little sparse, but it's a start," he agrees. "I do kind of wish I'd gotten some booze now. I had some of that Limbo rum, it was...potent. If a little slow to take effect." He'd almost passed straight out in his bed after walking home.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
Jubilee curls her fingers in a plucky little progression of cords, bouncing her knees like a butterfly flapping its wings,

"~ Champagne bubbles going across the be be be..
That's reason enough for me me me..
Take my drinkin', like I take my baths
urinary track infections it's simple math

Irregular urination in the tub is painful
Proper sanitation post bath is critical
Don't squirt lemonaaaade...
IIIIIN the shower. ~"

"Because you'll get infections."

"And nobody wants that."

Stum strum.

"I know where Logan keeps his hootch?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney perks up a bit at mention of getting help to set it up. "That'd be great. I'm not bad at technology but I'm not really... good at it either yet? I'm learning." A quick nod is given as she decides to stay on that. "And yes there were a lot of pictures of your abs there, they're looking fine," she assures with a chuckle.

Her attention shifts to the song being sung with eyebrows slowly raising. Huh. That was certainly not a song she really felt was an actual song. "Good to know. Not that I'd ever considered that, but good to know." As for booze... A small shrug. "I mean if you guys want something we can probably scrounge something up. But I got yelled at last time I tried to steal beer from Logan."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller shakes his head, "I'm not good the way Doug is, but I can do social media stuff, easy. It's made for boomers to be able to do it, so it's really dumbed down," he says.

He listens to the song and, after it finishes, almost says something two or three times, "I..." and "Well..." and "Uh..." and finally he just sits back against the log. Nope. He's got nothin'.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
"Logan gave me my first beer cus he said it would put hair on my chest... which.." Jubilee lifts a finger to point across the fire, first to Gabby and then to Julian, "I hold that it never did and that was just over active puberty issues due to growing up California..."

Going back to strumming, almost absently now. A musical backdrop to their conversation. "I'm just saying that if everyone wants some booze, I know where there's booze.. I am not suggesting, through implication or admission, that we should do so... I am the catalyst of information, not the soothsayer as to whether that information is act upon. That's for someone with a /way/ better moral compass than me to decide."

"SUFFICE TO SAY... Beer and s'mores is heaven. So if we're working under a democratic convension where in we cast ballot to our course of action, I will nominate go steal beer as the commander and chief of these united campsites."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches down to fish into her marshmallow bag to extract one of the fluffy bois. It's tossed toward Jubilee in the hopes maybe the singing will cease. Or maybe she's just passing it out so they can be roasted. The stick is offered out as well after before she started to load a marshmallow onto her own stick. "He's probably there right now so stealing is kind of..." She shrugs a little bit with a sidelong glance at Julian as well.

"Sooo. I guess if you want to Julian? I know he keeps some beer in his fridge. I almost got away with sneaking one in my jacket sleeve before Laura caught me." Come to think of it, Logan hadn't looked upset so much as amused over the incident. Laura however? Eesh. "Though it doesn't really do anything for me. Probably because of the healing."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller shakes his head, "No way. I want some, but that dude can scent-track. If he smells either of you, he's going to be much more friendly about it than if he smells me. You guys have ties to him. I'm just some rich boy snaking his hooch. No way, no how. And no, I'm not afraid, it's just...common sense," he says.

"I can probably score some green, if I call my guy, but it's late and there's no guarantees..."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
Jubilee jerks her head to the side and catches the flying mellow in her mouth, chopping one side. She doesn't eat it, however, but skewers it with the stick after setting her instrument down beside her so as to properly hold it out over the fire. Balancing her elbows on one inside knee. "I'd be okay with green too... I mean it's almost legal right? Hah.. smoking grass is almost more legal than being a mutant!" That's what we call ironical.

Or hypocratical...

Either Jubes seems pleased by the observation.

"I still say we could get in and get out without the old teddy bear even batting an eyelash.. I mean I'm practically a freakin' ninja, yo.. And Gabby? pffffffh..." Waving her free hand, looking between them with the flickering fire dancing in her brown eyes like those of Satan herself.. and grinning just as mischevously, "Between the pair of us we could pilfer his whole liqour cabinet without even stirring him from binge watching Love is Blind..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What's green?" Simple question really as Gabby was lacking in quite a bit of common slang for many a thing. The bag of marshmallows is offered over to Julian and she settles in to turning her skewered one over the fire carefully. This was a new thing for her and while it smelled amazing she wanted to make sure it cooked right. Little did she know of the 'catching fire' thing that happens to sugar sometimes.

It goes up in a puff of flame forcing her to yank it off in her fingers and blow it out. Likely burning her fingers in the process. "Okay didn't expect that."

With a sigh she shrugs. "Okay, we can go raid Logan's cabin I guess."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller eats a smore with a few quick blows of breath to cool it down before he chews and swallows, "Marijuana. Weed. Chronic," he says to Gabby. "Probably wouldn't do any more good for you than booze, but you never know. Especially if I can get something high grade. Probably another night, though, we'd have to settle for what he's got. And his delivery service sucks."

He pushes up off the log, "Fine. But I'll keep watch. The less of my smell that's left behind, the better."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
Jubilee points her flaming marshmellow on the end of a stick at Julian's explanation, then pulls it off still smoldering between a gram and chocolate slab. Eating it basically still blackened and burning because that's how you get the gooeyness! "Heck yeah!" Sucking sticky white melty chocolate/mellow from her pink and index finger as she stands. "I'd say we should lay out a carefully organized plan, but it wont matter... we just grab and run! This is an in and out job, nothing subtle or fine tuned about it!"