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Latest revision as of 22:03, 11 April 2020

Asgard Past: Sword in the Dark
Date of Scene: 11 April 2020
Location: Royal Palace, Asgard
Synopsis: A young Sif and Heidi both discover a secret beneath the armory of the Royal Barracks in the Golden City. They bring with them a weapon from another time and while it is left roughly where they found it, it won't be left alone forever. Spooky sword is spooky!
Cast of Characters: Sif, Heidi Ingerdottir

Sif has posed:

The newly-annointed Lady Sif, she who just reached the age of title-christening, is a new presence in the grand, golden Royal Palace of Asgard. Sent along with her matronly handmaiden, the young woman from Vanaheim is an equally golden presence in the Court. In a time before Loki's immature prank, Sif's hair was lustrously gold, as warm and bright as sunshine itself, and her smile had just begun to take on the curl of feminine wiles.

Still, this did not mean that young Lady Sif wanted much to do with the whirlwind gossip and games of the Court. Compliments as to her hair and the way her latest dress flattered her body were well and good, but her impatience today is getting the better of her. As politely as she can manage, "Excuse me, I just remembered that I am needed elsewhere," the young warrior excuses herself from a vapid conversation with other courtiers of her age group. Some glower, some make moon-eyes, and all are ditched as Sif exits out into the grand hallway. She glances over her shoulder until she's certain she's left the range of sight and hearing for the expanse of the Court itself before darting into an alcove. A long groan leaves her as she scrubs at her face.

"That is...extremely vexing," she whinges to herself, ice-blue eyes rolling towards the heavens. That being said, she then makes her way towards the Royal Stables. Who cares if dirt and straw get on the hem of her fine silken dress?

Sif don't care.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Young Heidi is not at all even close to having any sort of noble title. While her mother's prowess in battle has earned her respect, it has not afforded her position and thus she rests in the level of relative obscurity in the realm of Asgard. Except, perhaps, by those familiar with the Royal Stables. There, she's the bright-smiled enthusiastic young woman who works on keeping the occupants of the stables as comfortable as their riders.

Her hair, twin plaits of pale gold, hang down as she leans over a railing, hanging her arms down as she just sort of balances there--she's done all she can for the moment, leaving her in a state of boredom.

Sif has posed:
The long shadow of Sif's arrival stretches in before she passes the entrance into the stables itself. Immediately, the sweet scent of hay and more earthy scent of horse envelop her and she sighs happily. One of the war-mounts, a giant grey thing with black muzzle and mane, leans his head out of the stall and whickers in her direction.

"Ah, good afternoon, Jarlskr." Most dignified in manner, Sif reaches out and rubs his muzzle. He lips at her hand and she laughs as she pulls it away. Her voice is easily heard in the empty stables -- empty but for the horses, or so she thinks. "I have no sugar cubes for you, not today...and not with how this dress fits. But do you like it?" She stoops to gather up its gilded hem-lines now scuffed and slightly muddy and then spins in place, eyes full of youthful ennui. "Everyone in Court likes it, but me? No. I should rip it to mid-thigh and take up a sword and go -- go -- fight a Bilgesnipe!" Jarlskr's dark ears prick forward. "You would hie into battle with me, would you not, brave steed? Though one day, I shall be a Valkyrie," the young woman stage-whispers loudly as she drops the hem of her dress and nods, so very assured of this.

The war-horse then looks over in the direction of Heidi. Sif idly glances over and then straightens in shock. "OH! Oh, it is...you! Heidi, yes, hello! I did not see you there!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Sif!" Heidi's chipper tone is a little strained until she straightens up, almost falling off the railing. "H-Hi!" She wasn't trying to hide, but the newly titled Asgardian had just started chatting with the horse and then she /couldn't/ move. She'd even held her breath for a few seconds, but she'd already been spotted. She settles on her feet, all smiles in spite of her awkward situation.

"Right, ha, yes, it's me. Oh! You've got a nice dress that looks terribly impractical. Is that what they made you wear? ... are you going to have to wear that /all/ the time?"

Sif has posed:
Sif watches the younger Asgardian extricate herself from the awkward sling over the bar and folds her arms, adopting an imperious air only skin-deep. It has nothing on the avalanche's chilly weight of glare she'll level as an adult.

"No, I am NOT going to wear it all of the time! It is, as you say, impractical and...fussy." She unfolds her arms to yank at where it sits on her waist, where fabric falls loosely around her long colt-legs in a waterfall of dusty silk from the corset-like bodice. "I hate it," she mutters, but only since Heidi agreed that it was impractical! Heidi gets eyed again. "What are you doing in the stables? Chores? Are you done with them?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"It's pretty, Sif." Heidi does take the moment to admire the colors of the thing. "I think it would look better blowing in the breeze hanging on a window, though. I do not understand why they think dressing someone up in a curtain is a very good idea." She looks around the stables, beaming after a moment.

"Why yes, I /was/ doing chores, but I finished all of them faster than they even expected." She seems /very/ proud of that. "I'm trying to do things even more effeciently to prove that I should be taking the horses out more and not just doing the /boring chores/."

Sif has posed:
Sif follows the younger Asgardian's attention in a sweep around the place. It does appear to be spic and span, relatively free of straw strewn on the cobblestone flooring and absolutely free of various...brown pats of post-straw-mastication. She nods once, her arms folded again at her chest.

"Chores build strength and repetition builds memory," she says as if this were some high form of wisdom and not the crisp reminder of her swordsmanship tutor. "They will let you lead the horses soon enough, but! Chores are done and now it is time for fun. Here, come along, I need to show you something I have found in the armory."

Of course it would be the armory with this one. Sif holds out her hand expectantly, waiting for Heidi to take it. "Come, quickly, before another stablehand shows and I needs must explain myself!"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Given that Heidi has done a masterful job of cleaning the stables and tidying up, she's proudly beaming at her accomplishment. She smile only draws into a brighter one when she hears the phrase 'time for fun'. The smile turns into a grin and she scrambles over closer to grab hold of Sif's hand so the two of them can head to the armory.

"I wouldn't let them even have the chance." She'd simply show them who's boss if they stood between her and any sort of adventure with Sif. "What is it you've found? I thought today was going to be boring, too..."

Sif has posed:
"You will see when we get there!" Hope Heidi's holding on, because there goes the taller and more muscular (if lean and adolescently so) young warrior! Her golden hair braided down her back jounces about as she runs about as fast as the width of her dress's skirt can handle. Spoiler alert: it's actually pretty forgiving and shows that she's wearing cavalry boots beneath it rather than any fancy footwear.

Into the armory they go, also surprisingly empty between rotations of Einherjar, and Sif drags Heidi over to a specific corner. She yanks the younger Asgardian behind her and pauses, turning to peer back the way they came. A rack of tall halberds hides them well enough.

"We have been unseen...I think," whispers Sif. "Here, attend!" Gesturing come-hither, she then walks over to the sturdy wooden beam in the corner, where one long side wall and the back wall of the armory meet. A grin at Heidi and then, Sif places puts a palm on the support beam itself and shoves.

Nothing happens.

Sif then scowls. "It worked a fortnight ago..." Both palms now and another HARDER shove makes the beam suddenly slip backwards and around as if on hinges!!! -- to display darkness beyond. "See?!" squeaks Sif, looking back at Heidi in thrill.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"You are the most silent and stealthy, /Lady/ Sif," Heidi says it as an amusement, but takes half a second to think about the fact that it's a title she's going to have to start using, at the very least in front of others. That would be strange. She moves to see what it is Sif is doing when she notices /just/ what it is Sif's done.

"Oh.. oh! How did..." She looks around to make sure no one else is actually around and paying attention to them. "How did you discover this!? Did you see someone or..."

Sif has posed:
"I...am clever," replies Sif, following this with a pursed smile and twinkle in her ice-blue eyes.

She also means that she was attempting to spy on the Einherjar divesting of their armor between practice skirmishes and backed into the pillar with her butt hard enough to jar it into slipping its catch and revealing the space behind.

"But here, we will take a torch and see what lies beyond!" Apparently, someone's been planning this, because she reaches over and extracts not only a glass-paned lantern 'borrowed' from the royal gardens (somewhere, a stand-ring is bereft of its glow), but a small vial of long-lasting oil. She stoops to open the main panel of the lantern and tips the vial in. A lift and click of an apparatus on the bottom and a warm glow appears, sure to last a good long time.

Sif then takes a moment to turn her braid about itself into a messy bun at the back of her head and reties the leather length about it to keep it up. "I bet there is a secret hidden to find! Here, Heidi, come along!" In Sif ducks, sideways through the narrow aperture, and upon lifting the lantern on the other side, one can see the downwards descent of finely-carved steps. Holding out her hand to Heidi again, Sif then begins to step down them, still confident that her idea is THE BEST IDEA EVER.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"You certainly /are/ clever," Heidi agrees, unable to hide the wide grin that's now plastered across her face. She doesn't, for the most part, question if this is a bad idea because Sif is older than her and therefore /clearly/ entirely capable in these situations. The decent into darkness lit only by the lantern is a tiny bit scary, though, simply because of the unknown of exactly where they were headed and what might be in there. She's very grateful for Sif's hand as she proceeds forward.

"Where do you think this leads? I bet it's a /secret/ armory, where everything good is hidden." After all, why hide a door in an armory?

Sif has posed:
Down the steps go, down-down-down, and eventually, they stop. As the descent comes to a halt, Sif glances over at Heidi, still holding her hand tightly. "It might be a secret armory, yes, but it could also be a secret escape route! It might lead to the palace itself! Or...maybe elsewhere, we shall have to see!" Her lantern is lifted up as she slows, peering beyond the warm shine of the light. It shines to reveal a short hallway, intricately carved in the manner of many more ancient designs seen reflected in the Golden Palace itself. Inset gems polished flat glow from within as the lantern passes by; gilding here and there catches in scrolling accents.

"Oh. A door...?" They're apparently approaching what appears to be a perfectly preserved wooden door, down to cross-hatching of stern metal and hinges, fitted perfectly into the hallway. Sif does have to release Heidi's hand to push at it, but it doesn't give. "It has no handle," the young warrior notes, sounding both perplexed and irritated.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I wonder who else knows this secret." After all, Heidi is sure this is a big secret. She follows along with a little bounce of excitement with each step, but when they reach the door she is not about to have the adventure quit because of a door. She visually scans it, then feels around the door itself and then eventually the hinges.

"Oh, oh, I think there's a... thingie." An eloquent Asgardian, she has not yet become. Words take some practice that awkward young women must learn. She wiggles at the hinge to try and get it to open, just by touch--without the lantern close it's all she can do.

Sif has posed:
Sif holds up the lantern overtop Heidi's head and squints at what the younger Asgardian's fingers are doing. "A catch, you mean?" she says, voice quiter and more focused. Heidi's fingers turn the bolt of the hinge and there comes a series of sounds far more intricate-sounding than just a simple turning mechanism. Sif takes a step back, the light still lifted high, as the wooden door swings open of its own accord. "Well done, Heidi!"

The air that rushes out is musty and cool, smelling of stillness, rusty metal, old leather, and...water?

She visibly swallows, but then steels herself. "Whomever else knows of it, they have not attended upon it in some time." Reaching for Heidi's hand again, the young warrior minces into the larger room. It looks like it was once...someone's quarters? There's a soldier's cot tucked to the wall of the rounded room. A desk with an empty ink bottle and dusty quill still tucked alongside three books and what appears to be something golden -- a drinking horn? No, a battle horn -- yellow and faded vellum maps tacked to the walls above it, and another small door that appears to lead to a waste-closet. Another latticed door, rusted iron, shuts in darkness on the opposite side of the room. Sif stops by the centralized small wooden table and sets down the lantern upon it. Her finger drags a clear line in the dust upon the table's surface. She grimaces. "Many, many years," she murmurs as tacking to her current thought. She then lingers by the table, scanning the room with golden brows knit in concern.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is fascinated. Certainly, this is no place she'd ordinarily get to explore and her eyes contain all the smile she needs. She keeps close to Sif's side until she's reasonably certain nothing in the room is going to jump out and harm them. She moves away from the table, looking first at the latticed door. She gives it a shake, but when it doesn't seem to budge, she checks it for some kind of mechanism to open it.

"You find the best fun, Sif," she says, almost distracted as she does. Finding nothing with the door, she heads elsewhere, determined to search every inch of their newly discovered room.

Sif has posed:
"I do, do I not?" Sif seems fit to swell with pride herself at this newfound place seemingly fit to be the best secret place in which to hide from the busy stress of the Palace and its Courtly orrery. Leaving the lantern where it sits, she inspects the desk without touching any of it, though she's clearly tempted to pinch at the quill or blow dust off the books. A glance over her shoulder and towards the small weapons rack has her orienting on it. Her shadow slides up the wall with the latern behind her.

A reach for the short sword is stopped at first, but then, with a glower at herself, Sif reaches for the hilt. It's relatively easy to lift off the rack, weighing a moderate amount more than her practice sword, and she swings it once in the still air of the room.

"Heidi, observe: it is of such old make. The fold of the metal? Swordsmaster Germund does not carry a single blade of this make." She rests the blade with hilt on one palm and blade upon the other, looking down at it in awe.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi has moved from where she was to a bit closer, mostly so she can see the metal of the sword in the lantern's light. "Who was hiding down here? It seems rather an odd place to keep hidden. I imagine that door leads outside somewhere, but I couldn't open it..." She moves a touch closer towards Sif and the blade to admire it before she moves towards the cot.

She pokes at it gently with a hand, as she was contemplating sitting on it, although she doesn't want to sit on anything she hadn't intended to. "Perhaps all who knew of this place are dead." It is intended to be said in a spooky manner, but Heidi isn't very good at spooky.

Sif has posed:
"Mayhaps," the young warrior grants as she lifts the sword up flat-surface facing towards her face. The lantern's light shines on it, revealing the faint whorls of the metalwork in its creation --

-- and the gleam of metal Sif doesn't remember on the other side of the table!

She spins around in a swirl of skirting, sword outheld in a stiff martial stance! "By the name of the All-Father, I demand you -- you -- "

"I am demanded to do what?" The lantern's light shines off the signature double-crescent helmet-tines of an Einherjar guard in full ceremonial armored regalia. He sounds amused by his tone, his voice gentle as his brown eyes and his smile. "Know you where you are?" asks he, looAll-Father from Sif and to Heidi. His face has no beard and he's young, though older than the both of them by timbre of voice and build.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi freezes in place. This was terribly unexpected. Not only did somehow he end up in there with him, either by magic or by clever sneakery or something else she could explain, but he was right there. She looks towards Sif for direction as to what to do, especially because she's not armed. She looks around her, then slowly starts inching her way in Sif's direction so that she's in a more defensible position if necessary.

"We are in a location that we have recently discovered!" She declares, looking around. "It is obvious it belongs to no one who has been here in any amount of time." She's speaking in factuals. It's hard to just lie to someone she doesn't know, especially if they are somehow in trouble. "... we were only curious." The last part is where Heidi actually sounds... disappointed.

Sif has posed:
Sif swallows again, her eyes never pulling away from the armored individual across the small table from them both. She can see Heidi making her way behind and out of sight; this makes the young warrior feel more in control of the situation.

Given the molding of the helmet, both Asgardians can see the soldier's eyebrows lift. He keeps wearing a smile that seems fit to break into a laugh at any second. "Only curious? Curiosity is for the foolish...or that is, at least, what my quartermaster told me. My name is Valdar, son of Hartvald." He places a hand to his chest in a muted ring of gauntlet on chest-plating and bows shortly at the waist to them. The lantern's light gleams off his armor in silver and black. "Who are you to be trespassing in my domain?" Then he grins. He must be playing off their own insecurities in matters.

Sif relaxes and the sword point drops away from him as she transfers the weapon to one hand alone. Her chin lifts. "I am the Lady Sif of Vanaheim, recently of the Court of Asgard." A quick glance over her shoulder either prompts Heidi to introduce herself because MANNERS or to check if she's still there. Equal odds.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"There is /nothing/ wrong with curiosity," Heidi states, almost indignant, though it comes out more as shock and mild protest than anything righteous. "Curiosity in battle and in dangerous situations, maybe, but curiosity in life is one of the greatest joys. Exploration, of places and people." Now is probably not the time, Heidi. She is, still, at least inching her way to safety. She does know Sif will handle things better if she doesn't have to worry about her friend.

Polite manners require her to speak as well. "Heidi, daughter of Inger, of..." There's a very long pause. "Keeper of the Royal Stables." It's not entirely wrong. She does keep the stables. She's just not /the/ keeper. It sounds important, she hopes. She'll just shrink down in the corner a bit.

Sif has posed:
Sif can't help the glance over her shoulder at Heidi's job description. It is extremely important-sounding and not entirely accurate, but she just as quickly looks back towards Einherjar Valdar, who realizes to be completely unruffled about the blatant lie.

He nods, lantern light gleaming off the tines of his helmet. "Well met, both of you, Lady Sif and Keeper Heidi. Would that I had time to clean my quarters before you arrived, but alas: my regret. I cannot offer you a tour," he adds, his expression now going solemn. "It would be against my duties."

"Which are?" Sif tries to sound just a //little// imperious and realizes this won't go over well. " -- quite important, of course," she adds, gesturing off her hip while resting the tip of the sword against the cobblestone flooring. Again, Valdar realizes to be trying not to laugh.

"They are quite important, yes, but also regretfully not a conversation to be had at this time," the Einherjar explains politely. Sif frowns despite herself. "How did you find this place?" He leans a little to get a better line of sight to Heidi now, apparently expecting an answer out of her potentially.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi freezes in place as she's looked at. Perhaps she's subscribing to the theory that if she's not moving, she can't be seen. That or she isn't entirely sure how to act or answer in this case. She couldn't just say the truth, as much as she'd like to be honest. She's aching to, though, but it seems almost dangerous to blurt it out right now.

"Uh..." She offers the sound forward as some kind of answer while she thinks. "I think all kinds of conversations can be had at any time," she says. "You could just tell us." Avoidance seems to be the method of her approach.

Sif has posed:
Again, Einherjar Valdar's eyebrows lift and Sif glances over her shoulder at Heidi apparently attempting to blend into the stone behind herself.

"There are only two ways into this place and I doubt you arrived through the gate." He turns slightly towards the rusted iron lattice-door immovable. His warm brown eyes flick back to Sif. "This means you would have had to arrive from above."

"Indeed, we did, from the armory tucked to the Royal Barracks." Trust the young warrior to be ballsy enough to throw the truth in the guy's face. "I touched the secret beam and inwards it swung."

Now Valdar looks disappointed. He reaches up to fuss at the decorative disc on his chest-plate holding his ceremonial cape in place, this a velvety black as well. "To think, it was so easy to breach this sanctum. I must speak to the quartermaster. You must not be allowed entrance again." Now his voice is firm, shockingly in counter to his youthful appearance.

From up the carven stairs they descended comes a faint call: "Hail? Is there anyone down there?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
No! Not more people. Heidi hadn't finished her blending with the stone, either, and she suspected that Valdar would give them up. She also does not like the idea of just /not coming back/. Mysterious hiding spot with dust-covered items that seem much older? This wasn't the kind of thing you just woke up every other day and went to see. She's not about to ruin things.

So, for once... Heidi shuts up. She just falls into silence, deciding that she'll just see what happens if she doesn't answer. It's /really/ hard.

Sif has posed:
Valdar appears to ignore the distant calling. "You must leave now, please. If I have to escort you both out, I will." He remains polite yet but now there's an indomitable element to his poise. Sif again glances behind herself at the totally silent Keeper of the Royal Stables. She then nods as if to herself and looks back at the Einherjar.

"Of course, Valdar. Our apologies for trespassing. We will leave." Heidi gets another glance, this one more imperative and accompanied by a sharp nod of her head towards the door. "It was good to speak you regardless of circumstan -- "


Something hits the rusted lattice gate with an almighty and thunderous impact and begins clobbering at it with a mindless need to savage those beyond. Valdar draws his weapon, a hand-and-a-half sword, and quickly moves between the gate and the young women.

"GO!" he shouts overtop the savage snarling. "GO NOW WHILE YOU CAN!"

Sif makes to dive and grab at Heidi's hand -- or arm -- or shirt -- general person -- and then run for the stairs, sword still in-hand!

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's no question that Heidi will follow Sif's lead in this. She was honestly fine pretending to be stone until the loud noise startled her so much she physically jumped a little. She's not going to question the shout to go. Before she can even think to run, Sif manages to grab her arm and tug her in the direction of the stairs.

The first few steps are stumbled along as she gets her footing under her before she starts to scramble up the steps and fully keep up with Sif--it's hard when they no longer have the lantern to light their way. She's also not sure how far up that voice called from.

Sif has posed:
It is amazing that no one gets cut on the sword still in Sif's hand because the stairwell itself is pitch-black after they pass through the narrow opening of the wooden door sans handle. Behind them, the resounding madness of the creature hammering away at the rusted gate seems to hound at their heels and grate down their spine, to harry them to faster movement.

Above and ahead, there's someone just peeking their head into the passageway again. They have a lantern of their own and it just happens to be one of the Einherjar-trainees!

He recognizes the pale face of the lead stumbler up the stone steps. "Lady Sif?!" Hey, word travels fast. "Lass Heidi?!"

Sif literally throws an elbow into the man's side to get him to move out of the way of the secret exit and out they burst into the armory. She drags Heidi completely away from the doorway and then menaces it with the upheld sword, golden-blonde hair frizzled and breath heaving from her chest.

Silence from below.

They're now getting a very concerned look. The Einherjar-trainee in question sets aside the lamp even as he asks, "What were you doing down there? There is nothing at the bottom of the stairs."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi is grateful it's a trainee and not someone else, though she hardly has time to worry about it as she stands back out of the way once Sif finally comes to a rest with the sword in front of her. She doesn't wait until she's caught her breath before she starts speaking.

"What...do you mean...there's nothing?" She gestures wildly at the door. "Who puts stairs... to /nothing/!?" Now it's spooky. She had made a joke about people being dead before, but now she wasn't entirely certain and she shrinks down a little at the thought.

Sif has posed:
Sif is also staring at the Einherjar-trainee. Heidi takes the words right from her mouth: who in their right mind creates stairs leading to nothing?!

"There is not //nothing// down there, did you not hear it?!" Her voice breaks for the force of keeping it as steady as she can manage. "The creature?! Call the Einherjar, bring force to bear upon it! One of your kin is down there!"

Now the Einherjar-trainee is looking REALLY uncomfortable. He tugs at his leather jerkin, worn beneath the training armor, to straighten it and clears his throat.

"If it is...any consolation, I was told by the quartermaster that this tunnel was filled in by the All-Father's Father after its purpose was fulfilled. Even I do not know what its purpose was."

Sif outright gapes. "Then -- then -- what do you call this but proof of Valdar's person below?!" She shakes the sword she holds in her hand. "Call your brothers!"

Look how awkward the Einherjar-trainee is now! "Um...respectfully, Lady Sif, Einherjar Valdar is a children's tale of Asgard. You may not have heard it recounted in Vanaheim."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi makes some sort of weird screeching choking noise as she shrinks behind Sif. She can't decide if this is some twisted joke or they took some trek into the unknown. Still, what she does know is that it doesn't make sense and she's creepy and she's kind of thinking that burying herself entirely in a pile of hay is a great idea.

While part of her contemplates poking her head back towards the stairs, the other part of her is spooked to all heck. "Sif," she pauses, realizing that now that they're in different company it's probably polite to refer to her fully. "Lady Sif, please tell me that you saw exactly what I saw down there."

Sif has posed:
Sif herself does jitter in place when the sound of incomprehension rises. Realizing it's Heidi after the young Asgardian begins talking, the sword point is now aimed dead at the wooden pillar's gaping entrance point. She nods, gesturing silently at the blackness before speaking again.

"Lass Heidi and I descended down those steps and opened the wooden door at the bottom to find a -- the -- the quarters of an Einherjar. There was a cot, a desk, a weapons rack -- " Again, the sword is shaken as if she were strangling a chicken, to make her point. "And a young Einherjar named Valdar, son of Hartvald, who is -- ugh, Skuld's tits, GIVE ME THAT."

Snatching the lantern, Sif then inhales and stomps towards the entrance. She sticks the light into it and then the sword before admitting herself again. "Come here and observe, the..."

She falls silent.

And then she backs up, face gone pale. "...the tunnel is...rocks...a wall of rocks," she reports faintly, her sword-arm resting the point down to the armory's floor again and the lantern held in loosened fingers. Indeed: peeking in shows that not but a dozen feet in, the entire affair is filled from step to ceiling with thick boulders.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi does move close enough to peek towards where they came from. Another squeaking sound escapes her and she steps back away again, looking between the door and Sif. She's got entirely no explanation for it and she certainly isn't about to try. Her humor and attempts to speak fail her and she just makes another frustrated squeaking sound.

She looks towards the floor, then points at Sif... or rather, the blade in Sif's hand. "But... how... /that/." Somehow, Sif still had the sword.

Sif has posed:
Now it's Awkward-Ville Central for the Einherjar-trainee. He too is looking at that sword with a distinctly uncomfortable scrunch of his face. Sif seems to remember that she has it when Heidi brings it up again. Slowly, half-blindly, she sets aside the lantern and holds the sword as she did before below: one half beneath the hilt, the other beneath the blade.

The Einherjar-trainee seems to have no answer or wisdom. His shoulders rise and fall in an uncomfortable shrug. He's just as spooked as they are in the end.

"I...it must have been...magic?" Sif offers, looking up at the soldier-in-training and then over at Heidi. Her ice-pale eyes rest upon the young Asgardian. "Do you...do you want it? Or...perhaps I should...it might be more respectful to put it back into the...the tunnel...?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Now all three of them are baffled. The trainee could have at least grounded them but it seems he, too, cannot explain what happened. Heidi stares at the blade, approaching to look at it more closely. It's certainly the same blade they had seen before. "It... must have been magic." Well, magic is an excuse, but somehow it felt like stepping into another time. She wishes she had asked more questions.

Part of her wants to keep the blade. Oddly enough, that's the part that wins out. "What if someone opens it and takes the blade?" She blinks a few times. "... what if we get the chance to return it?" IF they kept it, could they go back?

Sif has posed:
In the far better illumination of daylight falling in through the armory's windows, the sword can be seen to be of great age. Patternings in its metal blade prove its hardy make and a process not seen in centuries on Asgard. The hilt is a plain metal, only gilded in one or two decorative places, sans gemstone or additional polish. It has no aura of magic about it, but by the wear on the hilt's grip, it has seen use in battle.

Sif looks down at it again, her brows knitted. "I do not think someone will open the pillar and take it. We did not know of what we were uncovering. Let us..." She dares another glance at the black maw of the filled-in tunnel. "...let us place it there for now. It will be safe in the care of the Einherjar. No one will share its location."

The Einherjar-trainee gets the first of many, many cold and truly imperious looks to come from the Lady Sif. He nods jerkily, in total agreement that the spooky sword is not to be further disturbed.

This seems to determine things -- but even as Sif turns to deliver the weapon back to the darkness, sword safely pointed down, she whispers quickly to Heidi, "Let us return in a fortnight to see that it is still present."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
While the original suggestion to lay the blade near the stones was not one Heidi particularly liked, Sif's quick promise to return is enough to soothe her. She watches the newly titled Lady return the sword, and she steps back out of the way once more, nearly bumping into the trainee in the process. She stumbles out of the way, but balances herself out as if she hadn't stumbled at all. It's an oddly graceful movement.

"No one had better disturb it or I will... be very upset."

Sif has posed:
"I believe all of us will be very upset," the Einherjar-trainee can be heard to mumble as he stumbles sideways to avoid being stepped on by Heidi. He too was following behind and craning his head overtop her shorter figure to watch the sword be placed on the fourth step down. "None of us wish to be haunted." Sif, with bravado as she's gaining with age and experience, still doesn't want to descend any further towards the collection of boulders.

Once she backs up and out into the armory, she brushes her palms off on her skirts as if to remove something itchy from them. "It is done," says she. "Now to close it." Reaching, she fusses at the section of the pillar with pushing and prodding. A firm shove seems to release the catch holding it open and she dances back into the room as it swings silently shut. The seams of the wooden beam flawlessly align and, for all appearances, it is one solid structure again.

Sif looks over at Heidi and then at the Einherjar-trainee. "You will repeat this to no one." Imperious squint.

"I will not," the man repeats with an emphatic nod of his head. He also doesn't want any extra laps or latrine duty for not acting more swiftly to remove the interlopers.

With that, Sif makes to grab up Heidi's hand again and lead her out of the armory. "I think it time to return to our own quarters."

What she really means is, //we are SOOOOOOO leaving now, goodbye spooky sword, see you in a fortnight MAYBE//.

The fortnight comes...and goes...and life occurs as it always will. Sif forgets to check on the pillar with its secret beyond. Centuries then pass...and very quietly, in the dark, the sword waits.