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Latest revision as of 05:37, 23 February 2023

What Happens In Space, Stays in Space
Date of Scene: 13 January 2023
Location: The Gardens
Synopsis: Ended
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Roberto da Costa

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The Broterhood had established a standard protocol when it came to evacuation, or rather Mystique had. Whether it was Blink or Ritz who teleported someone out, they would appear in the med bay where Dr. Emily Hathaway will perform a quick examination. Her mutant powers allowed her to do so without even touching the patient, so even if the newly arriving evacuee was screaming and complaining, the examine was done.

Once the clean bill of heath was given, the new guest would be shown to a guest room that was fully furnished, and came with it's own bathroom, clothing in different sizes, and of course access to the internet on earth through a computer and the television. In this case "shown to" was code for escorted by security, and even if that person decided they weren't going to go, security would remain with them no matter where they did go.

Mystique had ensured that Ritz' only job for the night was waiting for the signal to open a portal for Roberto and herself, but with the number of ninjas that had been coming at them, the cobalt mutant had opted to send Berto through first... alone.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa came through easily, but a promise have been made and when Mystique did not materialize behind him he became worried, The doctor's examine went easily enough but by the time they were escorting Berto to the guest room he was annoyed, "Why hasn't she come through? She was right behind me?" No, that was the protocol! First me, then her. I wouldn't have left her alone." I don't care if she's bloody Mystique, that's not the way we operate." He was still lead to the guest room and he didn't even dent the wall on the way but he was annoyed. This was the first line of Berto's psych profile, the one she had surely uncovered in her background check, Berto was loyal and protective, passionate and could be aggressive, he was also bright with an ungodly EQ, he had a gift for reading people but was also a straight shooter. Everyone knew he wasn't invulnerable but it was his instinct to put himself between his friends and trouble.

     So, he watched the television feed and saw that the situation was being handled, it mollified him but he was still annoyed, pacing like a caged panther, his suit jacket hang askew over the chair. His sleeves rolled up but still wearing the tie.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Ten, perhaps fifteen minutes passed before Ritz opened a second portal and Mystique stepped through to arrive in the med-bay... the one place on the Asteroid where the cobalt mutant was not in charge. Dr. Emily Hathaway didn't didn't heard her MD to play second chair to anyone, and thankfully Mystique knew her well enough to trust her.

"He's not happy," Hathway warned, then nodded to her assistant. "Healthy and clear."

Mystique snorted softly then replied. "Of course he isn't happy, the one being protected usually isn't. Last minute decision required." as she headed for the door.

Where as Berto had security that walked him to the room and no lingered outside, Mystique took the trip from Med-bay to guest room on her own. She passed of the stun batons to Ritz, then took the few minutes required to clear her head as she walked to the guest room.

Inside the room a chime was heard followed by a soft voice announcing, "Someone is at the door." Technology on the Asteroid was insane, and Berto had no way of knowing that H&D were actually watching him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa assumes he's being watched, it's a mindset of the ultra-rich and the famous always behave that way. He walks to the door and opens it. He is standing close to the door when it opens and meets Mystique's gaze, the first thing that washes over his face is relief. He was clearly worried for her but the annoyance slides in a few moments later, he folds his arms over his chest, then paces away allowing her space to enter, "You said me and then you, that was the plan. You need to protect me? Well, you need to protect yourself as well, you're the head of security. Moreoso, you're the head of intelligence, this doesn't work without you." He frowns as he catches himself in the mirror over the dresser. He can see the petulance. He switches, to hands on hips and it doesn't really help, least not in his eyes. So, he sighs exasperated and throws his hands up, rubbing his brow, "Your team did a good job, they handled the situation well, there were not many injuries and because we kept the problems in the stadium Emergency services response time was excellent. Having the Black Panther show up was also helpful." There is a faint chuckle.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
After over a hundred years of mastering the art of acting, Mystique is able to maintain a neutral expression in the face of chaos, or in this case an overly concerned mutant. She steps into the room and lets the door slide closed automatically behind herself as she listens to his rant. Her yellow eyes watched him as he moved and she almost smiled when he catches his own reflection in the mirror and doesn't like what he sees, but the neutral, emotionless expression remains intact.

"Every situation is calculations, a running of numbers and probability, Roberto," she says when he finishes speaking, her tone calm, almost soothing really. "Tactics are my specialty, second only to my ability to gather information. So I assure you that when I made the decision to stay the extra few minutes, it was the wisest tactical choice at that time. There was no raised risk to my person, and I can also guarantee you that should there be that kind of risk, with or without my permission, Ritz or Blink will remove me from the situation."

Walking across the room she picks up his jacket from where it is hanging and offers it over to him. "I have been training the people in the Brotherhood for years, perhaps not for security purposes but the training does carry over. I am pleased with their performance tonight." She finally offers the man a smile. "Now, take a deep breath, tell me what sort of alcohol you would to have to drink and walk with me... I want to show you something."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa nods and watches her, shaking his head, "You sound like Scott, people are my specialty." He smiles as he rolls down his sleeves and then takes the jacket, slipping it back on, "Never play the game, play the opponent. A chess grandmaster taught me that when I was 5. I'll accept that but in the future let me know. I'm not Erik, I mean smart, handsome, charismatic I get why the mistake is made but I do have at least some sense of what my blindspots are." He considers you and it seems like there might be more awkward affection, but he just says, "Bourbon. You have a nice smile. Lead on, Bonita Azul." Roberto's Mom has red hair as well, lighter than Raven's.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique took being compared to Scott in stride, even if for one brief moment it made her stomach churn. Even after a year there were still some aspects of being 'the good guy' that were difficult to accept.

Taking his arm, she guides him out to the hall where the security fall into place a few steps behind them, one brow lifts as she looks over to him. "I can't promise that there will be time to inform you every time something like this could happen," she states bluntly, honestly, which was also something new. Normally she would tell him to suck it up, she was in charge of security so deal with it, but she was working on her people skills. Yes, she could /pretend/ to be kind, considerate, and to be listening to other people's needs, that came with what she was best known for. To actually /be/ those things when she was herself was the new part.

"I will however, promise to try an inform you before hand, and if that fails, immediately after," she then adds before continuing on with the other part of the conversation he just talked about. "Oh please, you are very much like Erik in those regards. You are smart, handsome, and charismatic, and you actually know that when you aren't attempting to impress others. When you're being yourself, it comes naturally."

The walks takes to the central nexus of the asteroid, several mutants coming and going there, as many call the Asteroid their home. From there it is a short elevator ride to the garden, the doors opening right up to the vast green beauty.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles as he walks with the cobalt blue beauty down the hall, he gives her his arm easily. He even smiles and nods to the other mutants they pass, but his gaze is contemplative, listening as you speak, "I appreciate you trying. I'm familiar with the training, after the X-Men came back from space we fell into something similar. So, I can hold my own, but yes I get the procedures." He shrugs, "Don't let him hear you say that." He smiles, "He's just old. Yes, I know but I'm not attracted to him so it's different, and I hope that I won't be that crotchety some day." He looks out and whistles, "I was curious how you handled the Oxygen recirculation but this is an elegant solution. It's beautiful, how deep is the earth?" He scoffs his foot in the soil, "Running water and everything, ooh a waterfall can we swim in it?" He grins, leave it to the Brazilian to want to dive off the waterfall.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
As she steps off the elevator, Mystique's sensible shoes disappear to leave her feet bare. The feel of the grass beneath her always delights, even if she keeps that information to herself.

"You're more than welcome to go swimming, just watch out for the koi swimming around the system," she replies first, letting go of his arm before continuing to walk toward the lake itself.

"I believe fully that you can take care of yourself," she continues. "You've had training, you know how to defend yourself, and are quite capable at it... but this entire endeavor lives and dies with you." She pauses to look back at him, head tilted slightly. "You do realize that, right?"

A smile plays across her lips before she reaches the edge of the lake and lets just her toes touch the water. "If you were attracted to Erik, I would request being there when you told him," finally she seems to be loosening up, joking, showing more of her real self. "It would amuse the shit out of me to watch his reaction, however I didn't miss the innuendo in that particular comment. Nor did I miss how... familiar you were tonight."

Wiggling her toes in the water a moment she finally turns to look at him, directly in the face. "You're attracted to me, so self-conscious about yourself... there's no need for that, just be yourself."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa looks down at Mystique's feet with a smile, "That is convenient." He slips his own shoes off, followed by socks and rolls up his pants.

    He also pulls of his suit coat and dress shirt. Folding them on a convenient rock, "I hadn't considered that." He stops and frowns trying to find the flaw in Mystique's premise, "You would think given my opinion of myself I would have caught that... " He taps his chin, and walks towards the lake, "Actually, so would I. I'm really not sure which way that would go, flattered? Annoyed, cause it was me and he never takes me seriously. Hunh." He nods, "Yeah, that would be a thing, a whole thing." Roberto smiles and watches Mystique, "I was, I thought we had some chemistry on our previous meeting, then on the tour." Roberto meets her gaze, be blinks but his eyes don't looks away, "I am, yes. You are strong willed, skilled and beautiful, you know your value and don't let anyone tell you different." He smiles and considers, "Self-conscious? Performative perhaps, sometimes it's easier. People have an expectation of how I should behave, and I play into that. Sometimes It's nice to flummox their preconceived notions, and sometimes I like to help a friend show another facet to themselves that may help others see them in the same light I do." he stops and walks closer, "Mystique for sometime you were the bogeyman... woman, the one of which we needed to be afraid. But I read what you did, what you've tried to do. I don't think you're the bogeymutant anymore. Roberto takes the last step, and then, smiles and reaches up to cup her cheek, "I didn't bring a swimsuit... " He leans in to kiss her lips gently, almost tentatively.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Instinct and habit. Mystique watches him approach her, checking where his hands are, reading the language of his body for indication of intent. She trusted him well enough, or she would never have permitted him to get too close to her at the event or now.

The tenative kiss is accepted and returned, clearly not her first nor would it be her last, but it was nice and an offering to him of her own interest. Stepping back she looked him up and down, a playful smile dancing to her lips. "You don't require a swimsuit, unless you want one, then one will be provided," she comments as the smile broadens.

As if on cue, a kitchen trolley appears through a white portal, on it a small container of ice, two glasses, a bottle of bourbon, a bottle of rum, two bottles of sparkling water and oddly, cherry grenadine syrup. "We take care of our guests after all," she adds before moving to the trolley to begin pouring him a drink, and one for herself.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Behind her there is a splash, and all the is left on the shore is a pair of pants, and in the water there is a ripple. It's quiet for a minute, before Berto rises from the water, waist deep water. He smiles brightly and shakes the water from his hair with a laugh. Berto is not overly muscled, he is lean, athletically muscled, he moves gracefully with the sort of natural agility found in athletes and theives. "It's lovely, thank you. I needed this." He looks at the cart, "Van Winkle, I am impressed." He dives under the waters surface and comes up farther away then starts to swim back to shore.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A soft laugh if Mystique's reaction to his timing for jumping into the water, as if she couldn't just turn into him naked in that moment to see everything... she wouldn't, but it was always something that /could/ happen.

Setting his drink on a rock by the shore, her own drink is a combination of rum, sparkling water and the syrup over two ice cubes. Reaching the edge of the water once again, her tailored suit fades away to be replaced by a one-piece swim suit that is perhaps a little lower cut in the front and back than might be necessary. Sitting herself on the shore, just at the edges where the water will lap over her legs, she watches him swimming back toward the shore.

"You realize you can come up here and swim in private, or with company, most any time you'd like, do you not?" she says when he is back with in ear shot, then she takes a sip of her drink.

"There are truths to my being a boogeyman," she then says, tone a touch more serious. "Everything I tried for the past hundred years failed, and the definition of insanity is repeating things in the same way and expecting different results. You don't know me Berto, you only know what you have heard and seen, and I am not one to easily allow someone into my private life, not any more."

Looking down into the glass at the way the ice cubs tap against the side of the glass, "So if you are truly interested, if this attraction is something you wish to take further then cursory interactions, and meaningless sex, you should be completely straight forward and blunt about it, and realize that your mother will, in fact, hate every minute of it."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa Roberto swims close to shore and then stands, morality is a varied thing and growing up in Brazil and Rio in particular, nakedness did not have the taboo. He does take the towel from the bottom of the trolley and wraps it around himself, "I did not, and private is a relative term. I live at a mansion and we have a lake but little privacy to enjoy it. Here seems more secluded but, there were a number of people down at the Stadium and I assume they at least pass through this base." He smiles, "But you wanted to speak to me alone." He picks up the bourbon and nods, sitting next to her at the waters edge. He sips the drink and looks at hers, "What did you make yourself?" He listens to her words, and sips some more, "You probably know this but my Father was the White Rook of the Hellfire Club, he joined after I joined the X-Men, at a time when they were still backing Sentinels. He brought in a lot of South American Money and connections. He worked with them to torpedo my Mother's efforts at researching a lost civilization i the Amazon." He snorts, "What he did nearly got me, my MOther and friends killed. I asked him if he regretted any of it, he told me the Sentinels weren't supposed to target us, meaning rich mutants." He takes a drink, "I know about monsters, I'm related to one." He swirls the Bourbon and looks at the ripples, "I'm afraid I'll grow into one, it doesn't seem that hard. No, I don't know you but I would like to Mystique. I am willing to put in the time, you are fascinating and I enjoy talking with you. I think I can learn from you, and maybe, you can learn from me. I'm interested, Mystique. I want to get to know you, and the attraction is something I wish to take further. Meaingful sex is a lot better than meaningless." he considers and smiles, "Maybe, but you're worth the risk." He finishes the dink and gives you a gentle nudge, "Then rises to his feet you want another?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Morality, modesty, these are things that Mystique tossed out the window a long, long time ago. As he stands up, she doesn't look away or avert her eyes, nor does she openly gawk and stare. Her eyes glance over him before moving on to wait for the towel to be in place.

"Your father is the type of monster the Brotherhood still openly hunts," she admits bluntly, a certain coldness in her tone. "The type of person who would cause harm to mutants merely because they are mutants, rich or poor. They do not deserve to live."

Before she says any more, or something she might actually regret, she takes a large drink from her glass then answers the question of what it is. "It is a creation of my own really, to ensure that I don't get drunk and yet still get the flavor of rum. I'm always cautious, I rarely let my guard down, and being drunk is unacceptable."

Given that she is sipping her mixture, there is still quite a bit in her glass which she shows him when he offers to make her another. "You could never become a monster Berto," she then states matter-a-factly, as if she can see the future. "Your awareness of what a monster is, and what they are capable of... that alone will always stop you from becoming one. Until recently, I had no conscience, and thus was a monster, and because of what I have been it is always a possibility of occurring again."

Standing up, she walks over to the trolley so she can see his face, well really his eyes. What the eyes reveals is important. "Your interest is sincere, you've made that clear now... but do you believe yourself ready to really get to know me? To know the skeletons in my closet?" One brow lifts as she asks this, her tone a touch humorous as a smile plays at the corners of her mouth. "I might ruin you for everyone else in the world, I am after all, older than I look."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles a tad ruefully, "There was a long time when I would not have considered that a loss, but if you had I probably would not be in the place to institute the changes I am now. And he. He has been diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disorder, and was the target of an attack that left him in a coma, because of the disease they aren't sure he will ever recover. Perhaps being hunted would be a mercy?" He tilts his head and nods slowly, "I am spoiled by my mutancy, The same action which triggers my strength floods my body with energy and burns away toxins, like alcohol. I am only ever as drunk as I want to be." He stops what he is doing and watches you with a chuckles, he listens, and when you're done he slips an arm around you again, this time pulling you close, his body is warm to the touch even without his powers and his body is firm against yours, he looks into your eyes deeply, and nods, "Yes. I want to get to know you, Everything you're willing to share. The good, the bad, skeletons, the ugly, the commonplace and the miraculous, all of it." He pauses, "I guess then you'll be stuck with me, and we'll have to change the world by ourselves." Roberto kisses Mystique again but this time there is nothing tentative about it, the kiss in hungry and passionate, inquisitive, full of desire and curiosity, seeking to learn and to understand. Roberto seeks to lifts Mystique off her feet a little bit, if she lets him, pulling her into his arms.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"If your father is already suffering, that is good enough for me." She remarks with a slight shrug, accepting that fate had already taken care of the monster.

The last relationship of any significance that Mystique had been in was with Lydia Dietrich, and it had ended abruptly six months ago. Just a few months before their wedding, the Vampire that Lydia was changed the woman, which lead to her leaving the cobalt mutant. It had been a hard blow to take, and the situation had left her raw, and more vulnerable than she openly allowed herself to be. Showing weakness was not something she did easily.

As he slips his arm around her and pulls her close, one brow raises high on her forehead before the kiss is happening. Not unwelcomed, she is surprised by the intensity of it. Her mind screams to play along, act her way through the moment and assess it later, but that sort of reaction was how she handled things when she wasn't trying to be herself. The kiss is returned, perhaps not as hungrily or passionately as he, but there is definite heat to it.

Her arms wrap around him, accepting being in close against his body. Unfortunately for Berto however, the kiss ends when he attempts to pick her up. Her body tenses and her head pulls back to look him in the eyes, the sense being that she couldn't or wouldn't give him that much control over herself.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa lets Mystique go gently, maybe reluctantly. But he pulls back looking at her checking in with her, knowing he crossed a line, "I'm sorry, that was too far. I'm learning. It was very nice." He offers a smile, "I will take more time in the future. I- am too passionate for my own good sometimes." There is a sense of regret about him.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Slowly Mystique reaches up and caresses her fingertips lightly across his cheek. "Passionate is not a horrible thing Berto," she says softly with a light smile. "This was entirely me, not you. How are you to know that passing control to someone else is... how should I say this?"

Her smile broadens a little more, grows in intensity as she steps in closer again. "I suck as letting someone else have control of any aspect of my life or being, and when I say suck, I mean... really difficult, hard for me to do. But..."

She leans to place a soft kiss on the cheek she just caressed. "You haven't earned any strikes, and you're an amazing kisser, so it's all good."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods. "Okay, but now I know, thank you sharing. I will remember not to presume. Though I would like to take you flying." Roberto takes her hand from his cheek and kisses it, "I'm glad. I try, I've had some good teachers." Then he takes that same hand in his, after looking to make sure it's all right he leads her to a group of stones and sits, looking up at her, letting her choose his lap, "So, what do you want me to know, Mystique?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The lap is /always/ the best seat, sometimes even if you aren't dating the person... though the last time Mystique did that she freaked Creed out. Settling sideways in his lap, not about to straddle him just yet (there are some rules to all this after all) she lifts the right brow at his question.

"What I want you to know?" She repeats, then laughs, perhaps a little too hard. "Berto, I have been alive for a hundred and fourty-three years."

She gives that a moment to sink in, and so she can gage his reaction to the information. Many know that she has been around for a long time, but most have no idea what her exact age is. "It's very difficult to know what to share without questions, so I will give you a standard answer."

Wrapping one arm around him to make it easier to sit in his lap side ways, she continues speaking. "My real name is Raven Darkholme, many know that now but for the longest time I considered it my 'human' name and didn't use it. That is no longer the case. It is /my/ name, and a part of who I am. You're welcome to call me Mystique or Raven, and you're welcome to introduce me as either." A nod, and she keeps going. "This form that you see right now is me, or rather when my mutation took over, what I became. Unless you specificly inform me you would prefer a human form, this is the one that you will always see."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, and slips his arms around her waist helping her to be stable in his lap, his fingers gently stroke her waist, caressing her through the not-fabric, enjoying the closeness. Roberto smiles, "So, Illyana and Stephen aren't the biggest age difference anymore?" He chuckles, "I imagine you have a lot of stories. I mean I can't imagine living through so much, horses, gas lamps, not slavery. It's a lot." Roberto listens and holds you, "I wondered, I didn't want to insult you by calling you Raven. So, I refrained, I'm glad to know. You are very beautiful, I can think of some fun games we could play but I would never ask you to assume another form. Have you used your power to adjust it? To make this body more perfectly you? The clothing is also a part of you, but how does it feel when I touch you through it?" Roberto caresses your bare thigh and then up you covered hip as an example.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The smile lingers on Mystique's lips. He had managed to ask a couple of questions she had not heard in a very long time and that amused her... greatly. For the moment she was content to sit there, to feel his touch while watching his eyes and listening to his voice. When she was ready, she would ask him questions, but hers were more simple in nature.

"To be honest, up until last year, I didn't really think of my past as having any stories worth telling," she offers, leaning a little more against him. "I've spent so much of my life blinded by my own rage against humans, that I didn't really stop to look at the world as a whole. Now though, I can look back and remember things, like the first time I rode a horse. The first time I learned to shot a gun... and both of those things being so important to survival."

The hand of the arm around him caresses his back lightly, the fingertip tracing patterns over his bare skin until they reach the towel, then back up his body. "There are numerous fun games to be played with a being who can literally be anyone," she teases with a brow wiggle. "Male, female, both, neither..." A soft laugh passes her lips before she takes a small drink from her glass. "I have never changed my natural form. It is, to my eyes, perfection as it is. I firmly believe that obvious mutants like myself are the true future of our species, and that we who stand out as we do should not have to hide who want we are."

Illyana she knew, Stephen however she had no idea who it was, but it didn't matter to her really, clearly one of them was older and the other younger. "I can control the sensation receptors of my skin. So when I create a shirt or pants, I lower the way in which my skin feels where those things are," she explains, trying to put into words how it works. "On occasion I wear real clothing, so I am aware of what it feels like, but the clothing that is me... I still feel the touch there, just not as intensely."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa shivers at your fingers, "That feels nice. It's ironic, my father had me learn to ride and shoot in attempt to teach me the ways of the well-off, same with sailing, chess. He was obsessed. What was your first horse named?" He squirms a bit at your words but as you lean in he smiles and kisses your neck, "You going to tech me a lot. Well, I agree, was just curious. Yes, I can see that and I agree none of us should have to hide but my obvious power is costly. I save the energy for when I need to access it. It's also easier not being super strong all the time. Though, I've been a public mutant since I came to the mansion. Stephen Strange." Berto clarifies.

     Berto's eye twinkle with possibility at the revelation and he makes a mental note, "That's fascinating. I'm sorry, people were so much less understanding then, the misogyny on top of being different as a woman. "