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Latest revision as of 22:56, 26 February 2023

Mall Date - Westchester Edition
Date of Scene: 26 February 2023
Location: Lost Pond Mall
Synopsis: Toni and Carin hit the mall out in Westchester, getting some retail therapy after the Triskelion missile strike.
Cast of Characters: Toni Ho, Carin Taylor

Toni Ho has posed:
It's been a week or so since the missiles hit the Trisk. A week of rebuilding and cleaning, of devising protective measures and worry. Now, though, the work is mostly done, and Toni found some time to slip off, bringing Carin with her.

To the mall! The very fancy mall that she can only sort of afford.

Thusly, the two are wandering. Window shopping, Toni's arm hooked in Carin's, a smile on her face and seeming more relaxed than she has been recently.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin had been working as much as she could. Not exactly good with rebuilding and shoring up defenses, she was nonetheless good with logistics. She could just about be in two or three places at once, and she could easily bring just about anything along if it fit in her bag. From restocking closets to bringing devices that needed placing to just grabbing some donuts for the fifth floor crews, she had been the embodiment of gofer.

    But now, at least, she's got a day to rest. Or be on her feet but not be zipping around. Her fingers squeeze lightly at Toni's and her body rocks back and forth to the music in her head. The stuffy elevator music and din of people aren't doing it for her, so instead she's got a little background tune in her head going. It brings a smile to her face, too, and she's sipping on a drink she'd snagged from the food court.

    Lunch could come later but a girl's got to stay hydrated.

Toni Ho has posed:
It's nice to get away. Toni hasn't left the Trisk since the attack, and she needs this. Even if this place is fancy. Even if it's almost too pricy, she needs the retail therapy and just some time out.

She leans into Carin a bit, smiling brightly at her, the lights glinting from her glasses. "It's nice to get out, isn't it? I was cooped up in there too long."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    It doesn't hurt that this mall is at least in the same county. No driving down to the big city or anything! Just a nice town and a nice mall. A really nice mall. Carin sighs, leaning back, eyes sweeping over everything. Even the redhead can relax a little. She's got some green capris and a jean jacket on over a midriff-baring tank. She's still wearing her 'speed shoes' though, just in case.

    "Too long..." she says quietly, offering her cup over to Toni. Cherry limeade from the pretzel shop. "Home is always nice but sometimes getting out is good. Fresh air.." she smiles. "Plus I get to see how cute you look out of your natural habitat in the lab," she teases.

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni is, amazingly, wearing a dress! It's a red jumper style dress that falls to just above her knees with a white, long sleeved blouse under it, coupled with black tights and ballet flats. Positively girly, compared to her skinny jeans and t-shirts. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and she seems light and happy.

"The recycled air in the Trisk gets old, yeah. Even in here it's fresher." To the teasing, she sticks her tongue out briefly before she kissed Carin on the cheek. "It's only my natural habitat because I'm good at it."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "You look really nice in a dress..." Carin then adds, taking in the sight of her partner and the way the dress sweeps with the motion of her legs. How lucky she is, to be able to see it in slow motion. How she can take her perceptions to such a granular level and see every little flutter of cloth. She almost trips over the corner of a planter, but manages to recover with a quick motion that... might still get her caught by Toni.

    "Well I love you no matter where you are, so long as ... we don't get stuck apart like that again... I just kept thinking about you and hoping you were okay while I... kept working. Because I couldn't stop. When it came to rescuing the wounded and tallying the dead I..." Carin trails off, pressing her drink cup close to her chest. "...I'm just glad you weren't among them."

Toni Ho has posed:
If Toni catches the trip, she says nothing about it. It'd be rude and she has other things to tease Carin about playfully. Instead, she just takes a sip of cherry limeaid and gives it back. Talk of the attack, of course, makes things a bit somber. "It was scary. I was in my armor just waiting for a breach. I don't know what would have happened, but I'm okay. We'll get past this."

She looks at her girlfriend, eyes serious. "I'm glad you're okay, too. And I'm still so proud of what you did."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "We could have used your aerial support in moving around, I'm sure," Carin says softly, trying to smile. She stops moving, though, and turns to step in front of Toni. "I... I just did what anyone would've done... right? I mean... why have.. powers like this if I'm not going to do something with them?" she asks.

    She puts on a brave face but there might've been a time when she would have been grappling with the prospect of just. Running. Away. Far away. She pushes that feeling deep down and hugs Toni, shutting her eyes tight.

Toni Ho has posed:
"Yeah, it probably would have helped, but the only way out was to blast it, and...I wasn't gonna do that. It would have caused more problems," Toni says resignedly. At least it's over.

Carin hugs her, and Toni returns it, squeezing fiercely. "That's the thing. Not everybody with abilities and powers use them to help. Some use them selfishly, or worse, to hurt other people. The fact that you've chosen to help people is so important. It proves how good of a person you are." She lifts to her tiptoes and kisses Carin on the forehead. "It's part of why I love you."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin's smile goes less half and more full, feeling that kiss on her forehead. She leans in and squeezes Toni firmly before pulling back. "...I.. yeah. I know. And. I'm lucky I was given the chance to be good. Instead of forced otherwise. Maybe someday I'll -feel- like I'm... good enough..." she trails off some and shakes her head.

    "Sorry, I'm... still reeling from everything. Did you..." she looks around, lips pursed. "...want to grab matching bracelets or something and get lunch together? I hope that doesn't sound too cheesy."

Toni Ho has posed:
It's hard not to be reeling from it. Toni is too, but she's pretty good at compartmentalizing things. Not always healthy, but useful in a crisis. Reluctantly, Toni lets go, her smile returning.

"That's not cheesy, it's -cute-, and that's a great idea. So is lunch, actually. This food court, at least, doesn't suck."