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Revision as of 22:56, 26 February 2023

Untitled Jinx Game
Date of Scene: 25 February 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kian and Jinx have a chat. Honking occurred.
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Kian

Jinx has posed:
Jinx has found a quiet time when most of the other Titans are out doing their own thing and no one is going to bother her if she wants to just stay quietly hidden away in the tower. It's kind of nice to have a comfy place and no demands. Besides the pressing existential crisis looming that is.

And so she is sitting on the couch playing the only game that a former Villainess could possibly play - Untitled Goose Game. Given up on the tasks, she has been running her little goose around the map honking at people while cackling to herself.

Kian has posed:
    Maybe it's appropriate to that game that there's the sound of the fluttering of large wings -- but that's coming from the open elevator shaft, not the monitor's audio system.  And that sounds generally heralds only one thing, the arrival of Kian.  Well, okay, two things, Gar has been known to occasionally occupy an Akiar form.
    This time, it's just the non-green one, who drops to a delicate landing on the floor, gets some of his purple sugar water from the fridge... and then follows the sound of honking.
    "/Kie/, Jinx."  The name comes out something like "tching-k's" -- but hey, three years ago he would have not merely mangled the pronunciation, he would have committed a vocal atrocity upon it.  Even more impressive because he's not wearing the translator.  "I haf seen those birds.  I'm not surprised they haf made a game about them being rude," he comments, gesturing towards the screen with his glass.  "Especially the ones they call Canada geese.  Which I really don' understan' because everyone says people from Canada are usually very nice."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx glances over her shoulder briefly, then chases a small boy down the street with her honking goose. "Kia Kian..." She pauses, obviously that wasn't right. Unless his name is Hello+n. May be it is. "Rude? This one is expressing her dissatisfaction with the social economic situation of this quaint town."

She motions to the screen, "See, all the humans have taken over the land leaving nothing for the goose. They claim they -own- this land by their own right of writ, but the goose doesn't believe that they have any right to own the land, even if they have made artificial caves on it."

She has made her own lore for the game. Deep in to the psychology of Jinx right now. A shop owner in the street is summarily assaulted by the honking of the goose. She pokes her tongue out the side of her mouth, "Take that ya filthy capitalist." Nadia would love this.

"Everyone lies about Canada. Sure, they say 'Sawry' all the time but they don't actually mean it." She isn't looking at Kian. She's not going to pause the game. At least not yet. No, her goose time is important for releasing frustrations upon a virtual world.

Kian has posed:
    "Oh, that makes more sense, then," Kian says, leaning over the back of the couch and flexing and folding his wings slowly.  "I don' own my home back on my world, it was assign to me out of the clan holdin's.  After I am gone, it will go back to them to be assign to someone else."
    He watches a while.  "Don' ask me about this planet's economics, it still doesn' make sense to me.  It makes no sense to me.  I mean, I can count an' use Earth money, but it's such a weird way to do things.  Not to mention havin' to pay for thin's that should be basic necessities.  Food, home, like that."
    He takes another long pull on his drink, and then shrugs.  "Earth is weird."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx laughs a moment at his confusion over economics. She shrugs her shoulders, "Fair. Earth is weird." She's not going to deny that. Finally she manages to find a quest item in someones backyard and she artfully distracts the owner and steals it. A goose with a hat in its mouth is now running about.

"It's unfair you can't honk as loudly when you're holding stuff in your mouth. You have to put it down and sometimes the humans take the stolen stuff off you. Very real to life. Unreasonably so.."

Kian has posed:
    "I can't honk anyway.  I can keen, but that's a little loud so I shouldn' do it inside.  I don' think this would be a popular game on my worl', anyway.  It looks like everythin' stays on the groun'.  An' mos' games but the simples' are telepathic'ly connected virtual reality anyway."
    He blinks, and adds, "Don' worry, I can not reach your mind without touchin' you.  It is... very quiet up here," he says, tapping his temple.  "That took the longest to get use to, I think."
    Another long pull on his drink.
    "So, I haf to ask, since I can not know.  Are you settlin' in here okay?  Believe me, I know it can be difficul'.  It was for me."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx pauses her goose in the middle of the street and stares at Kian for a moment when he talks about telepathic virtual reality games and such. Things she has no context for what so ever. "Uh huh.. right. Kian is there a reason you're interruptin' my honkin' time?"

She studies him critically and then twists her lips. "Well. Pretty much everybody hates me. I've gotten a broken nose since I got here. Weirdly Donna said 'good work' the other day which probably means she's up to something, buttering me up for a fall."

Paranoid much. Jinx is very different to the heroes of the Titan's Tower. "Look I'm just here to do this collab, take down an evil organisation that wants me dead, and then I'm out of your hair. Or feathers. Or whatever. It's fine. It's cool. I can take the knocks."

Kian has posed:
    Kian looks a little surprised at Jinx's reply.  "I... know you were with a group that attacked the Tower.  I don' remember seein' you there, I was occupied with a blasph... with someone usin' his mind to pull me out of the sky.  It was a difficul' time because we had frien's lost in space at the time.  I don' want to speak for them, but... well."
    He shifts his weight uncomfortably.  "If it helps, *I* don' hate you.  I don' know you very well, but you are here to help, an' so I welcome you.  You should haf the same chance Harley got."
    He shakes his head, with a small smile.  "This is so much easier wit' the mind-touch, but I think you do not want my mind in yours."  He is, in fact, just out of arm's reach just to make sure it doesn't happen accidentally.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx gives the bird man a single finger gun and winks with a click of her tongue. "Appreciate it Kian. And Harls is my friend for sure. We've travelled around a bit together and fought some monsters. But you know, I'm kinda used to being in a group of people who hate me so I'm.." She shrugs.

She chuckles, "Kian you don't want to get in my head. It'll mess you up for days." She smirks, "And yeah. We attacked the tower. We knew you were down some people - some of the big hitters. Really, it was Doctor Light's thing. He had a hard on for the Titans. Wanted to prove himself, show the world he could take down one of America's favourite super hero teams."

She shrugs her shoulders and sighs. "I got out voted on the nonsense. I thought it was unnecessary and counter to our orders. But, we did it anyway. I tried to keep the dumbasses safe but - well, in the end, you guys won." She throws up her hands in a 'whaddaya gunna do' sort of style.

"But hey. The Five disaowned Light and he's still in prison as far as I know so you won. He lost. Done and dusted as far as I'm concerned. Gar though, oh yeah, he's holding a grudge."

Kian has posed:
    "Gar... has lost teammates," Kian says delicately, "before I came to this worl'.  An' one of the missin' ones was our /tenar/... well, jus' his at the time.  I was not yet family-by-choice wit' them, then."  He looks up, as if he'd just noticed something past Jinx's shoulder.  He doesn't often make eye contact.  "He has some reason to be wary.  He was much the same way wit' Harley... but he has come around since.  I am not going to promise he will change his mind, but I know that he /can/."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx is doing her level best to pretend like nothing here phases her. It's all fine. Broken nose and all. She smirks and says. "Hey, no skin off my back if the green guy does or doesn't like me." She turns back to look at the Goose game and starts running back down the street honking at the boy again.

"It's not like we're gunna be bunking together for that much longer," she lilts in her British accent. "So we'll just tolerate the experience yeah. I do my thing, ya'll do your thing. World saved. I can sleep in my own bed again. All good."

Kian has posed:
    Kian watches -- without much comprehension -- as Jinx pilots the Untitled Goose around its neighborhood, causing goosey mayhem and *>honk<*ing periodically.
    Leave it to Earth people to come up with a game about a bird that doesn't involve flying.  Earth is... oh, you know the rest.
    He finishes his drink, and washes out his cup, and puts it away, all very precisely.  Before hopping into the open shaft to head for the roof, he calls back, "Enjoy your game... and while I don' know you well enough to call you friend yet, I do not think of you as enemy."
    Whether the *>honk<* that follows him up the shaft was deliberate or coincidental, he'll never know.