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Latest revision as of 22:57, 26 February 2023

Not another body swap movie
Date of Scene: 24 February 2023
Location: Cindy's Crib, Harlem
Synopsis: Cocoa Puffs, Hotpocket, deep conversations, and feelings.
Cast of Characters: Divine, Cindy Moon

Divine has posed:
It's been a couple days since the nearly teary, but ultimately feel good visit to Cindy's apartment. Divine, still in Kim's body, has been crashing here because she can't get into her own apartment, and no way is she going back to that sketchy one.

Thusly, we find the body swapped Kryptonian in a borrowed t-shirt and shorts, sitting cross legged on Cindy's coutch watching one of those daytime talk shows with a bowl of knock-off Cocoa Puffs. She's enraptured by the trashy program. Humanity is facinating.

Cindy Moon has posed:
It was a lot to swallow, to be sure.

Cindy starts liking someone and then they wind up in a very 'not them' body, but it doesn't mean she stops liking the someone inside the body. So it's a lot of mixed emotions, suffice to say... She's got a couch and plenty of clothes. So it would be pretty rude to be one of those fair-weather friends.

Headed in after a long day at her day job, whatever that is, Cindy spies Divine in Kim body yummying down on daytime television and Choco Balls (actual knock off cocoa puffs, don't ask). One glance at the screen and she grimaces, "That stuff will rot your brain." Murmuring, backpack set down inside the door on her way to the kitchen to grab a hotpocket from the freezer.

Divine has posed:
Divine jumps a little as Cindy comes through the door. She's still not used to not being able to hear everything. This whole getting spooked thing is terrible. At least she doesn't spill anything. She smiles at Cindy as she comes in, her expression going quizzical at the grimace at the TV. "But it's really interesting! Human interaction, even if exaggerated, is fascinating."

She takes another bite of the Choco Balls, crunching away. She's still not used to having to eat, but since she realized it was necessary and began to do it, she's felt a lot better. Especially when it's chocolate, the presence in her mind almost purring like a cat.

"How was your day? I did the dishes!"

She did do the dishes, and she did an okay job. They're a little spotty, but clean!

Cindy Moon has posed:
"That's not human interaction.." Cindy bounces her hotpocket hand to hand and steps over the back of the couch to drop down easily beside Cindy, "That's the sugar rush of humanity.. It's like eating candy, it seems fun, but at the end all it does is make your stomach hurt."

All things considered.. Cindy can appreciate how Divine must feel. She wouldn't know what to do either if suddenly she didn't have this hyper awareness of her surroundings. A constant ping of sensory data that is second nature to her now, but without it would leave her blind.

A lot of orientation.

"It was okay, got sent to take some pictures of a science-fare." Nothing exciting. Grinning over at Divine, still a little awkward, but for some reason she knows for sure who is actually in there. Even if the face isn't the same.

A sixth sense.

"I saw, thank you. I was going to start getting paper plates so I didn't have to do them, which may be the laziest thing anyone has ever said..." Said before braving a bite of liquid lava in a shell.

Divine has posed:
Divine finishes the cereal, drinking down the chocolate milk because only a monster doesn't. She sets the bowl on the table in front of her, and looks at Cindy as she speaks. That's at least the same, or getting close to the same. Her body language has, over the past couple days, shifted from the pathetic and cringing woman in constant agony to more her usual self. Confident, direct and exceedingly polite. It's still a little awkward in this body, though.

"Oh, that's nice and safe. Maybe not exciting, but I'm sure those kids appreciated it," she says pleasantly. "And it's no trouble. You've let me stay here and eat your food so I can, if not get my body back, get some of -me- back."

Cindy Moon has posed:
A truly devious monster indeed.

Wasting that precious brown milk is a sin against humanity.

There's a swell of inward pride seeing Divine turn the bowl up, maybe she even reaches out to lift it with two fingers in a silent, 'yes, drink it up' motion. With a grin on her face partially hidden behind her black hair hanging over one side of her face.

She nods to that line of thought, "They seemed pleased by it, but I doubt it actually gets run. I hope so, the winner was this little girl who built her own high powered magnet with copper wire and a flashlight battery. Did this neat little magic trick with it too, it was well thought out."

Another bite of her hotpocket, another glance at Divine. She can see little familiar ticks redeveloping the longer she's in this unfamiliar body, which is good.. she certainly isn't downplaying it.. "I... hrm.." She starts to say something, then shakes her head. "Never mind."

Divine has posed:
"Children are interesting," Divine says with a thoughtful look. "I envy them, honestly. I never got to be one. Then again, it's not like I have much adult responsibility anyway. I get paid well to follow an excessively rich woman around and look menacing." Magnets? How do they work, she wonders to herself.

She tilts her head, still unfamiliar dirty blonde hair spilling to the side with it, when Cindy starts to speak and stops herself. She reaches over to gently, tentatively, rest a hand on her knee. "What is it? You can tell me. I won't judge you."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Inwardly, Cindy maybe appreciates the ICP reference.

"I didn't really either. Not completely, I missed the most important parts. I got all this in my sophemore year of high school, got pulled out of school, and hidden in a bunker by a weirdo who said I had to fight some ancient thingy that wants to do this that or the other thing.." A little insight into why she's so understanding, maybe.

"All the important stuff, I missed it. Like having a high school diploma. I'm lucky I can point a camera at something straight enough that someone pays me for the pictures or I'd be begging for change on the sidewalk." Her smile flickers, apparently thinking that the 'never mind' had been missed.

Wrong as she is.

The smile unflickers, "It's.. okay. I just don't want to be negative, that's all. Because I think we'll get you back in the body you belong to. I'm just.. I don't know shit about magic. What if there's no solution? I want you to be okay, I want you to be mentally healthy with all of this, but I guess I've been disappointed so many times by life that.." She shrugs sheepishly and looks down at the hotpocket in her lap.

Divine has posed:
"All I know about magic is that my kind seem intensely vulnerable to it," she says with a shrug. "And if, for some reason, I don't get my body back, I'll adapt. I'll learn." She looks at herself, smiling wryly with a mischevious glint in her eyes. "I'll get a new wardrobe and," her expression softens, the mischief leaving entirely. It's a soft, sober expression.

She reaches over, tilting Cindy's chin up to look her in the eye. The gaze is the same. The eyes are different, but the way she looks at the spider is the same. Direct, unflinching, affectionate. "I'll still feel the same way."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy breaths a long sigh, more so that Divine seems optomistic (where she clearly has doubts and concerns). She takes a tenative bite of her hotpocket until the finger finger lifts her chin. She doesn't shy away from the unfamiliar eyes because there's that same look in them. Something familir in a place she's not really sure about.

Her grin spreads in an awkward woobly line across her pale face. "I didn't mean for it to sound like I was worried about that, but I guess I'm kind of transparent." The words are a quiet murmur. A little scoot, plate laid on the table, and she weazels her way beneath one of Divine's arms. It's weird, but..

Whatever, it's still her.

"I really like you, Divine. You get me. I think I get you, too. I hope I do." Lips quirk side to side, "I mean, your other body is way nicer, though. So let's not settle until it's clear we have to. Then I'll start looking at youtube for makeup tutorials or something,... Sorry, that's not funny."

Divine has posed:
It is weird, at least a little bit, to cuddle using someone else's body. She's pretty sure that it's okay, but it still feels awkward. She does it anyway, pulling Cindy close and just ... being. She's quiet for a long moment, just absorbing the closeness and calm that it brings.

"I'll get my body back. Now that I know I have to eat, and that chocolate makes the voice in my head shut up, I have the energy to go out and hunt. To look." She smiles again. "Soon enough, I'll be very tall again."

Cindy Moon has posed:
It's easier if Cindy doesn't think about it too much.

Which is helped since they really haven't cuddled before?

Maybe this is a little weird. Still, it's a very emotional situation, so she's going to give herself a mulligan. Even if it requires mentioning, "I feel like we're going to have to do a redo once you get that very tall body back." Motioning at all this closeness.

The general ambiance is appealing though. "Good, I'll help. I don't know how I'll help, but I'll help. Then we can put a lowjack on it for next time. Never again shall this happen to you, not on my watch!" Little playful grrr face.

Divine has posed:
Divine does not seem terribly motivated to jump right up and go hunting for herself right now. Why would she? It's warm and comfy in here and she's snuggling on the couch with someone who likes her. She was worried for a while that, given her new state, Cindy just wouldn't want to see her anymore, that it was physical, but this whole time has proven that thought wrong. It's heartening.

"Well, first thing you can do is, when you're out doing the Spider THing, you can just watch the skies and look for me. Then talk to whoever is in my body. ... Hopefully they're friendly."

Cindy Moon has posed:
If the current state of things says anything at all, it says very clearly that Cindy is not superficial! Which is a positive wrapped in her usually negative container. Head on Divine's shoulder, half watching the weird daytime program that actually is kind of entertaining.. in the way a train wreck is.

There is a lengthy silence that follow hopefully they're friendly. Neither of them is unuse to the worn out nature of the body into which Divine finds herself. The whispering in her head that she's told Cindy about several times. Her bottom lip curls between her teeth for another second, "We can hope. I'll definitely go looking later. But I think if someone who didn't know how to control your strength was out there USING your strength... we'd probably have heard about it right?"

Divine has posed:
The show is entertaining. With paternity suits and fistfights. Divine likes the fistfights. "You're probably right. If someone was out there, Superman or Power Girl would have handled it, and at least Superman knows that I don't do that stuff."

She pauses, thinking. "But, yeah. It would have been news. When someone who can throw a tank has a tantrum, it's obvious."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"So don't make you made playing video games." Cindy teases, acting as if Divine is already in her own body, which is a whole lot easier than acknowledging that she's not. She lifts up and grins, then reaches out of her hotpocket, "I tell you what Imma do.. I got a little extra scratch, so I'm going to order us some pizza from Antonios."

A Hotpocket just isn't doing it for her.

With a pat of Divine's leg, she pushes up and heads over to grab her phone. "We'll find something to watch that doesn't make me feel like my ears are going to bleed and have the best pizza the world has ever tasted. Then we'll talk about why you haven't called up SUPERMAN because this feels like something he'd totally call BATMAN to fix for him."