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Latest revision as of 22:58, 26 February 2023

Some Like it Hot
Date of Scene: 19 February 2023
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Megan tries her hand at home improvement!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Megan Gwynn

Thomas Blake has posed:
Rasputin was outside enjoying the cool night air. He was a Siberian tiger and build for the cold and he was loving it after the heat of Summer and the short warm fall.

Thomas, who had spent the better part of his life in the tropics loathed the cold. "I loathe the cold. I bought a furnace from you and the damned thing doesn't work. Look... I have a little girl who could get sick from this... Listen to me... you send someone down to fix it tomorrow or... Imma hang you over a tiger pit. Yes, it is an odd threat to make. Why don't you google Thomas Reese Blake Jr. When you stop laughing." Thomas huffed as he snapped the phone shut and slaps his arms together. "It's freezing in here."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Well it's still February afterall and it's often considered the coldest month of the year. Wales isn't terribly cold really but definitely colder than Africa.

In fact Megan doesn't half mind the winter wonderland, but when it means sipping hot cocoa around bonfires, catching beautiful crystalline snowflakes in her mouth and making snow angels.

She arrives late after Rehearsal at Wade studio, but at least she's trying not to be so lazy, knocking on the door, bundled up in a cheerful purple puffer coat and bright blue toque and matching scarf. "Hey Thomas, you home?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets to the door after a minute wearing a couple sweatshirts and his cape. "Ooof. Get in, it's freezing. We need to huddle for warmth as soon as I take care of a couple things in my office." Mwaaah. She gets a kiss on the forehead and hustled in. Thomas slams the door shut and heads up the stairs to the office. "Make yourself at home. I'll be right down."

Megan might notice neatly typed sheets in a bundle on the kitchen counter. The cover sheet says, 'The Feline. by Thomas Blake.'

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks as she steps in, still in winter mode and shivers a bit. "Woah, not much warmer than our here..How long will it take to fix the furnace?"

She leans into him, nuzzling his neck as she follows him into the office. "Orrr ooh! I could try you know, magic?" of course that doesn't always work well, at least not from scratch..But should be a simple forklift maybe..Right?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake turns her around and hustles her out, "This is private for now. Okay. Find something to do. Go get under the covers and warm the bed up. Shoo!" He gives her a playful thwap, then a kiss on the cheek. "Oooh cold... what you been doing? Making out with Batman?" He brrs loudly, it almost a feline growl and shuts the door. "Go play She-Ra..." he calls as he shuts the door.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at that, pouting a bit.."Awe, but..What's all the secrecy about?" but as he shows her out she grins mischievously. "Yeah, sure, that's exactly it..." she makes a face, peering at the basement door and shrugs. "Ooh, okay sure..I'll just be..In the basement!" what could possibly go wrong?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at the computer monitor and makes a couple of notes. "Gotcha... gotta figure out my next move. This is... not... someone to cross lightly." He'll sleep on it! He starts doffing sweatshirts as he heads out of the office, locking it. "Okay... all ready for... he stops doffing and listens. Upstairs? No. Not on this floor. Downstairs? Oh no. Memries of Megan's magic spur him towards the stairs, his cold forgotten. "Sweetie?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn dies occasionally carry a spell book around with her from tend to time, just a little pocket sized ones for emergencies like this.

But it's not like 'furnace repair' spells are common. "Oh well, guess I'll have to um..Improvise! Right, I can use a mending or healing spell to 'heal' the furnace. it is designed for mending minor wounds but might work in a Pinch!"

Too bad she's generally better at chaos magic than healing magic...

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake thinks, "She is generally better at chaos magic than healing magic..." He sees her starting the spell. This could go South. It could also go South if he interrupts her spell o startles her. If he upsets her, the malison she does could lead to expensive home repairs. So he waits quietly and wings his hands a little. Though it could also look like h was throttling a slim and graceful neck. Faeries do good deeds sometimes, right?

Megan Gwynn has posed:
"Okayokay you can do this...Remember your lessons..." well, not like she has any new magic tutor since Padraigh kinda..Vanished. But she has been reading a lot so...Maybe this will work..?

She draws a deep breath, rubbing her hands together before holding them in front of the furnace. She's not entirely sure where exactly it is broken, perhaps the pilot light or..or perhaps there's a crack in the water heater or...Something?

Megan swallows again, shaking her head. If she can heal the whole thing, maybe it won't matter:

~Reach down to my heart's desire,
Heal this wound with the power of fire,
Remove the pain and suffering,
Healing is what I'm offering.~

Her hands glow softly pink, radiating warmth as she touches the furnace. Oh dear...Should she use heat to fix it..?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake notes the heat. Encouraging? Well no sign of overt trouble. Again, you don't break her concentration while she's casting. Hands twitch a little. C'mon, you can do it. Idf that big red doofus can do storm magic you can do this. But please don't make my warranty go poof.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The funny thing with chaos magic is that it's..Well, chaotic. And Megan has not particular talent with healing magic and is only a mediocre offensive mage. Chaos and uncertainty are where she excels...Which can be good or bad, luck or misfortune, Ann explosion of warmth or...Just an explosion.

As she works her magic, her hands glow bright pink, and the furnace is engulfed in brilliant pink energy too. She gasps, trying to control the chaos magic, biting her lip, shivering a bit. "Ack...I've actually never tried this before...I dunno if I can do this!" it sure is bright. And hot. should it be that hot? Perhaps words of encouragement will calm her down..?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake steps up and places his hands on Megan's shoulders, lightly. "You got this. Don't think. It's like blocking a punch or a blade. Act." He rests his chin lightly on the top of her head. "Don't let the chaos see you sweat. Confidence... like when you're flying free... or we're together and really together and know what the other is thinking. Relax and just do it."

This might have been the longest he's spoken around her in some time. He wishes he had more to offer than platitudes, or platypuses... he never keeps those words straight. That's what happens when your father drops you to toughen you up.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows and nods, seeming to relax at his words. The chaos magic flares around her, looking for a moment like it might explode, becoming ever brighter and brighter..Until it just winks out completely. Megan blinks, staggering back, exhausted from the output of magic. "Huh, what happened?" No explosion but...Has the magic died out instead?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake catches his lovely Faerie under her arms. He leans forward, looking over her shoulder nearly eye level. "I thought the fucking thing was going to get up and try to eat us, honest. That chaos is some stuff. But I think, you did it!" He sniffs the air carefully for hints of a heating system, listening for pings and knocks of radiators warming up. He keeps his hands on Megan cause if she trashed his furnace -she was going anywhere till he finished his rant. He watches the furnace for signs of hunger or ambulatory enablement.

Hey that word a day calendar was working!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, curling up against Thomas, "Awe..I really thought I had it, but..." she pouts, a bit underwhelmed. "I mean, I guess turning the furnace into a monster would have been more exciting but.."

The furnace is still completely dead. In fact it seems deader before, and if that's not bad enough, the lights overhead suddenly flicker and die out. "Aweeee, I made the situation worse! I'm soooo sor---!"

Wait, was that the faintest crackle of a pilot flame in the furnace? Tiny but determined..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake leans Megan against the wall and says, "Hang on. Wait a bat kicking minute..." He goes over to the furnace and opens the access panel. "I need more light... awk!" A slimy green tentacle emerges and wraps around his neck. Doom!

Not! This is Catman!

Thomas shanks the tentacle repeatedly, even as he bears down and bites a chunk from the tentacle.

Thee tentacle retracts and the creature whimpers. Thomas spits the blob of tentacle out.

"Now you listen to me, you chaos you! I want this house to be at 72 degrees in ten minutes or so help, I swear on my mother, I will climb in there and make calamari outta you. Understand? The furnace purrs as it amps up.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn closes her eyes as she leans against the wall, rubbing her temples. Oh dear, what has she unleashed? Looks like..A cute baby tentacled..Flame monster? It whimpers at Thomas' voice of authority, wriggling it's cute little tentacled arms which glow and flare brightly, and the overhead lights flicker on and off, the furnace flaring to life..lWell it's warmer now, but what to do with the baby monster..Thing?

"Ummm maybe it's hungry or needs to be pacified..?" she offers.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake wipes his mouth and says, "I think I just pacified its ass off. What do they eat? This might be cheaper than oil. If it behaves it can stay. I'll let you deal with that. I have to smack the circuit box and curse it some." He reaches in his pocket and pulls his phone out activating the flashlight. "See what's what with that thing. As long as it provides heat and doesn't eat anyone, we're good."