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Latest revision as of 00:09, 1 March 2023

Name incoming, but something something Turtles
Date of Scene: 27 February 2023
Location: Turtle Lair
Synopsis: Raph brings on a salamander to meet the fam, they all learn about a new threat.
Cast of Characters: Raphael, Leonardo, Mona Lisa, Michelangelo

Raphael has posed:
It's late night. Perfect ninja skulking time. Raphael had went on patrol a time back because, well. He's Raph and likes looking for people to punch who deserve it. But surprisingly, he comes in through the entrance of the lair again a short time later. He bellows, "Yo, guys! Get out here! We got something to talk about!" Then he turns and says to the darkness outside, "Okay, you can come in now." There's a few light scrapes on Raph here and there, nothing non-standard for one of his outings. There's an odd sort of energy about him though, like he's...a little awkward? That IS non-standard for him.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo was in the midst of some pretty intense training, as is his want to do on nights off. The sound of his brothers rather energetic exclaimations draws his attention out of the dojo with a tilt of his head. Swords slide into place in their sheathes and are put away before stepping out with a towel draped around his neck because Turtles, at least teenaged ninja mutant ones, sweat.

"Everything okay?" Disregard the slight bit of concern in his tone, this is very much not like Raph. One eye squints and the other widens, brow perking. "On a scale of one to get the shell out of here, how mad are you about to make me?"

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Out from the shadows comes an unfamiliar figure to Leonardo. Gray-blue scales in aquamarine armor, standing taller than the two turtles with a lankier build and a long, thick tail. "Ah." a noble, feminine voice calls out. Her arm is raised with her elbow bent and fist towards the ceiling, the underside of her forearm presented to the sword-wielding turtle in some sort of greeting as she says "You must be one of Raphael's brothers. I am Lieutenant Y'Gythgba, though I have been assigned the name of Mona Lisa as it is easier for Earthlings to say."

     She tilts her head at the blue-bandanna'd brother, saying "I see you wield the sword as well? I think you'll find we have much in common..."

Raphael has posed:
Raph raises a hand and rubs the top of his head. "I dunno. Depends on how you feel about cute alien lizard girls, I guess?" He turns towards where the alien in question is entering the lair. "Yeah. This is Mona. She's apparently from space. I woulda thought she's another mutant and is just crazy. But she has a lightsaber so I guess it's true. I met her when she went after some Foot and street thugs who were trading a canister of mutagen. An empty one thankfully. Don't know why they wanted it in that case. Maybe one side was ripping off the other." He doesn't mention the part where he jumped into the fight and she slammed him into the wall. No need for all that.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo pulls up short in his approach, but doesn't go into an immediate defensive stance. It's not like Raph to bring hostiles into their lair, but there is a bit of skepticism in his face as he looks from Mona to his brother and back again. With introductions, Leo puts his fist into his palm and bows his head, "I'm Leonardo." Indeed, he is wearing a pair of katanas on his back, but it's Raph's comment about her wielding a lightsaber that really has him inquisitive, "Like a real lightsaber? From space?" Squinting between them. "Well, if you're enemies with the Foot, then it's a pleasure to meet you." After a pause, he forces a smile at his brother's cute lizard girl comment. It's late, but the snide expression is pretty obviously directed at that. How couldn't it be. "Donnie is going to have a million questions." To Mona, motioning for her to come in and make herself at home, as much as is possible.

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona smirks at the comment of "cute alien lizard girl," but then her amphibian eyes blink. "Lightsaber..? Oh! Ah, this..." as she reaches for a blade hilt on her utility belt, which then activates and an energy blade emerges from it, exactly like a lightsaber... though more blade-shaped with a forked end to it. "This is a bit beyond the tech level of most of the planet, I'm told, but if you want proof that I'm an extraterrestrial I can call down my spaceship... Which reminds me..." She puts the blade hilt back on her belt and raises the shoebox she had tucked under her other hand, saying "You mentioned being an enemy of the Foot, it would be more accurate to say I am here to investigate anyone illegally dealing in mutagenic ooze and a list of known criminals of the Salamandrian empire that are suspected of hiding here on Earth... but that in turn does make me an enemy of the Foot, in a sense."

     Mona then looks from Leonardo to Raphael, saying "Is Donnie also the name of a famous painter?"

Raphael has posed:
Raph nods to him. "Yeah. Though it seemed to hit like a club instead of cutting things up." Still pretty cool to see. He notices the look from his brother, of course. And he shoots him a dirty one in return when Mona isn't looking. Do not test me, man. He gets distracted when she pulls out the energy sword. "See? Cool." He crosses his arms over his chest. "I guess even people in space know that the Foot are a bunch of assholes. Though I guess they're not the primary focus." He glances at Mona now and then. "Yeah. Donatello. There's Leo, me, Donnie, and the runt of the litter, Michelangelo. Our Master, Splinter, is also here. But he's in meditation right now so we shouldn't bother him prolly." He shifts in place. Yeah, he's acting odd. "So, uh. I guess we should show you the lair, huh? You want a soda or something?" Gesturing around the sewer-bound den.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo presses his lips together at Raph's expressive reply, but it's gone when Mona looks back. Replaced with a polite expression and a look of appreciation for the energy weapon she produces. "That is pretty wicked. Can't say as we've got anything like it, but I-" Another glance over at Raph, letting his brother explain the intricacies of the energy weapon with a shallow nod to this and the names of the four brothers, "Master Splinter was a fan of the arts, but Donatello was also inventor. Which is fitting, as I said, he'll have many questions for you once he sees that thing..." One finger pointing at the glowing 'blade'.

The hand extends out welcoming, "Make yourself at home, please. It's a bit of a mess, but don't judge it too harshly. Every time I put up a cleaning schedule, everyone suddenly has other things to do and I end up doing it myself." Which follows training. Everything follows training. "We have some left over pizza, as well. You like pizza right?" Not for himself, of course. "Mikey is going to make certain you at least try it if you've never had any."

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona looks between the two brothers, the blade deactivating as she says "Well, I can set it to repel or cut, but-" and then paying close attention to everything the two say, furrowing her brow. Upon being offered food and drink, she seems... amazed? "Oh, of course!" she says enthusiastically, saying "I must say, this is the most welcome I have been here on Eath, the Green Lantern and the Blue Beetle mostly just permitted me entry and said to contact them if I had any issues..."

     She walks inside but doesn't seem judgemental of the state of things, mostly taking it all in as she walks past Leo and Raph to look on her own, leaving the two to make whatever faces they want at each other behind her back.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael shrugs. "Look. I got better things to do than scrub the toilet. That's more a Mikey job." They've had people visit the lair before. This might be the first time Raph was ever the one to do it however. He nods to Mona. "Yeah, yeah. Make yourself at home. We're all reptiles here, right?" He smiles at her. Then when she wanders off he quickly steps over to Leo and tries to bonk him on top the head. Though unlike with Mike, or Donnie, he probably dodges. He says in a low voice, "Be cool, man! She seems like she'd be a good ally for us." Not that Leo was anything but welcoming. But... you know.

Then the red-clad turtle hurries after the tall Salamandrian woman, and settles into place beside her. "And this is the kitchen. If Mikey ever asks you to test out a new pizza recipe, just say no..." He moves over to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a couple of bottles of coke. He offers one to her then pulls out the box of leftover pizza. "It's cold, but it's still good stuff." He looks around then motions towards another exit from the main room. "Through there is the training room. I feel like you'd probably like that."

Leonardo has posed:
"I don't disagree, she has a common enemy to us..." In that, Raph is absolutely correct. Leo cranes his head back away from the bonk, flicking his hand up to deflect it, giving his brother a curt nod, "I'll do my level best not to scare off your girlfriend." He couldn't help throwing a 'little' barb.. and they're still technically teenagers right? Then e turns on his heels in an about face to follow along beside Mona as she takes the tour into her own hands. Despite the clutter, the occational trash pile (mostly at the gaming area), and the kitchen (because Mikey), the place isn't really that bad for. Ya know... for a lair in the sewers and all.

It smells nice, so long as you like incense.

And the Dojo is absolutely spotless.

Because that's here Leo spends most of his time.

"So, Salamandrian Empire and that you were a Lieutenant?" Know thy friends as well as you know your enemies. "And you guys have a mutagen problem too? That's a small wo- universe." A glance back over at Raph, then to Mona. Pleasant conversation, if a little outside his wheelhouse. This is Donnie territory.

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona bites the offered bottle of coke and wrenches off the cap with her teeth before taking a sip before looking at the pizza more suspiciously, hesitating a second before taking the slice and biting into it, before nodding approvingly, saying "I imagine it would be better warm, yes..." as she finishes chewing.

    "But as to your question, we... sort of have a mutagen problem, yes. It's... a bit of an ethical issue when it comes to uplifting other species and granting them sapience, and then the mutagen's methods, well... You... turtles, was it? Are some of the most stable and healthy looking mutants I've seen, there's many who merge with parts of their environment when exposed to the mutagenic ooze of dimension X, and more whose lives are made drastically shorter by exposure, at least with the variants we've run into in the past..."

    She opens the lid of the shoebox she brought in and pulls out the empty, intact cannister marked with TCRI, setting it down on the table as she finishes the piece of pizza, saying "Our intelligence says that TCRI is a front for Krang's operations here on earth, but unfortunately we don't have much more information than that. That's why I'm here."

Raphael has posed:
Yeah, that barb totally landed. Before he followed the lizard lady, Raph's cheeks actually flushed. A very rare occurrence with the most belligerent of the turtles. He's with the stranger to lair, a considerably taller than him salamander woman with a tail. He frowns as he listens to her explanation. "I mean. A lot of mutants here on earth are pretty stable, seems like. We've got some non-turtle allies. Maybe it's something about the genetics here." He shrugs one shoulder, then frowns deeper when he looks at the TCRI canister. That thing is way too familiar. "A front for who now? Who's Krang?" Weird name. But it's apparently another alien so that makes sense. He twists the cap off of his coke, and takes a pull from it while he thinks.

Leonardo has posed:
Check mark for Leo.

He doesn't gloat, that would be inappropriate. To both Raph and Mona, so instead he listens. With his hands in front of him, one holding the other wrist, he nods to what she's saying as if that makes a lot of sense. Even if he has the same question as his brother, rather than voice it twice he nods in his direction to mirror his curiosity. There are other questions, however.

"He's right, we do have several allies of varies species from Earth." TCRI, Leo inclines his head as the canister is removed from the shoebox. He even shares a concerned look over at his brother before regarding Mona fully, "And the Foot Clan is involved in trafficking in mutagen." Rather than continue standing, he finds a chair and turns it around backwards so he can rest his forearms on the back-rest. Easier to reach out for a slice of that cold pizza sitting on the table.

"Suppose it's not out of the realm of possibility that Edward Scissor Head has made some new Alien friends?"

Michelangelo has posed:

There's another turtle that's arriving from somewhere or other. Maybe deeper into the Lair or from above, it's really hard to say. The fact of the matter is that he's paying almost no attention to any of his surroundings for multiple reasons. One of those reasons being that he knows this lair like the back of his hand so there's absolutely no reason for him to be paying attention since he can traverse it with his eyes closed. Honestly, he probably has had to. Multiple times.

The other reason is much more obvious thanks to the black and orange headphones he's got blasting music into his skull. Probably the music he's dance-walking to along his entrance into the madness.

Mikey does a full out spin as he just starts wandering past, carrying three boxes of piping hot pizza in perfect balance on one hand. He offers a finger point greeting to Leo with only the barest of looking ups, "Hey Bro." This is followed up by another hapless finger point in Raph's direction and a comment of, "Hey Bro." Finally, he comes across what could be considered an interloper if his other two brothers were fighting for their lives. As it stand, she must not be a threat and Michelangelo's not paying enough attention to know the difference so, "Hey Chick I Don't Know." and he just walks on past.

Until he stops. "... wha?"

Give him a second. He'll get there. Wait for it...

Michelangelo whips back around and strides right back to where the others are gathered. A hand goes up to pull his headphones down. And he just kind of looks around at his brothers.

"Uh. Question." Mikey looks around once again and squares his jaw up a bit.

"Who decided it was okay to throw a party and NOT let ME plan it?!"

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona either didn't catch or didn't understand the significance of the girlfriend comment, soon looking back to the two turtles and seeming to realize they may not be as up to speed as she thought. She hesitates a moment, then says "I don't know who this Edward is, but Krang is a wanted intergalactic criminal, a Utrom from Dimension X. So... he's not only not from this world, but not even from this dimension." She activates a morph-pad on the back of her wrist which shifts into a hologram of... a brain? No, a brain with a face, eyes and little tentacles coming off of it. "This is what he looks like... well, outside of any exo-suit he might be wearing. His people frequently disguise themselves as other races using mechanical robot bodies. He's also highly psychic, so you'll need to beware of any mental attacks."

     Then Mikey dances his way in.

     With the hologram still up, Mona furrows her brow, saying "We're not having a party! We're discussing a possible connection between the Foot clan and an interdimensional alien criminal!"

Raphael has posed:
     Despite the distractingly cute girl in the room, the threat of mutagen is enough to keep Raph focused on what's at hand. At least until Mikey shows up. He slaps his face lightly with one hand at his entrance. Well, it certainly introduces the orange-clad youngest turtle right. Then he reaches over once Mikey returns, and flicks him on the forehead. "This is Mona Lisa. She's from space. Don't be a doofus. The Foot apparently might be working with aliens to distribute mutagen around. I called you earlier but you didn't hear me cause of the headphones. Thanks for the pizza." He flips open the top box, and grabs a fresh slice. "Lisa, this is Mikey. He's the youngest brother. I know it's shocking how he looks, but we didn't all get the same good looks as me." Then he focuses on the hologram that she producd of Krang. "...but he's as handsome as I am compared to that thing. Holy shell." He leans in, studying the image. "So we're looking for an alien brain that can disguise itself to look like a normal human, who also has psychic powers? That's gonna be fun to track down. Still. Sounds like he needs a beatdown fast. So we're gonna have to give it to him."

Leonardo has posed:
Leo up nods to Mikey as he dances through as if this is absolutely normal and doesn't take him out of his zen-like interest in what Mona Lisa is saying about this potential new threat. "Wait for it..." One hand is held up, just as Mikey heads off into another room... slowly pointing a finger back in his direction as he shoots back in to double take on the Salamander lady in their lair. "There it is."

Raph does the introductions, which is long enough pause for Leo to whip one of his swords off his back and slide it flat end tbeneath the top pizza box and carry it over to the table infront of him in a fluid motion, like the katana was just an extension of his hand. With the lid flipping open and a slice scooped out before Mikey can try to reclaim it.

There's no mistaken that all three boxes were for the orange turtle. At least not to his eldest brother, anyways. You either steal pizza or you go hungry.

With cheese dangling, he jerks his open mouth beneath it and takes a bite of the gooey mess with a little finger pointing towards Mona and Raph, flicking back and forth. "What's this logo?" Pointing at the empty mutagen cannister. "I've seen this, where have I seen this?"

Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey's only semit- paying attention due to the hologram of Krang being promoted for a moment or two. "Gross." is all he has to say about that.

As pizzas start getting opened and slices are taken, it's up to Mikey to just let the masses have this one and he sets the boxes all down. Yes, each one of them says 'Mikey' on the top but it's fine. He can share. They have company.

"Eh. Party would've been better." is Michelangelo's response before he snatches up a slice of pizza for himself and at least pretends to look like he's trying to pay attention.

Nom nom. "Sounds like we're gonna' get to kick some shell." Nom nom nom. "LOVE IT!"

Mikey looks around at his brothers. "Are we going to space? Please tell me we're going to space." Mikey really wants to go to space.

Mona Lisa has posed:
     Mona appears... still a little confused by what Raphael says, but then gives a soft smile, saying "Personally, I think it's adorable the three of you wear matching outfits, and color coding yourselves must make it easy for the humans above to tell you apart... but I wouldn't say Michelangelo is ugly. I think you're all rather cute, as far as mutants go. But I digress..."

     She considers trying to pull a similar stunt as Leo, but simply files that display away for later as a demonstration of his prowess... "You are all highly skilled, for mutants living in the sewer..." she comments, thinking on this. "Not... I mean no offense by this, just that... it's surprising. Your master Splinter must be a skilled mentor..." She grabs for a warm slice of pizza, and seems to visibly enjoy this one more than the cold slice, her shoulders slumping as her eyes flutter a bit, saying "Mmmh... Oh yes, much better..."

     Then she blinks at Leo, saying "Wherever you've seen it, keep an eye out for it going forward. I've recovered another cannister of Mutagen from a company called Oscorp that seems to have dealing with TCRI." To Mikey, she gives him a look, saying "I might take you with me to space sometime, but not right now. Krang is here, on earth."

Raphael has posed:
Raph nods to Leo, eyes shifting back to the logo on the canister. "Yeah. I feel like I've seen this too. But I can't...." Where was it? He keeps on thinking, ignoring Mikey's questions about space. The comment about Splinter draws his eyes to her face and he nods. "Yeah. Master Splinter is.... incredibly skilled. He can kick all of our shells blindfolded. Literally. He's one of the best warriors you'd ever hope to meet." He has a lot of respect for his teacher at least. "And we've been training our whole lives." His hand reaches out now and then to grab another slice, even while he talks with the others.

Michelangelo has posed:
"Uh, no." Mikey explains with the quickness and he points towards his mask. "The orangeness is mondo superior. Don't get it twisted. These colors are because I refuse to walk around looking like Raph. There wouldn't be an uncracked mirror in the whole city!"

Mikey's little teasing is probably going to cost him but he risks it anyway. Which is why he tries to keep the conversation focused on Krang and alien invasions. "So we find this lame brain looking thing and we shove it on a rocket and vwoooooooosh! It's outta' here!"

Michelangelo grins and shrugs. "Piece of cake."

Mona Lisa has posed:
     "Training your whole lives..." Mona scratches her chin, and then smiles, saying "Well, if you want to stop the Foot clan and Krang, then we should definitely work together. I'll continue to research Oscorp's links to TCRI, and if any of you want to tag along, well... I would love to see your skills put to the test. In fact, maybe some time in your training room is in order, to see how we match up..." She looks at Raph as she says those last few words, but then downs the rest of her coke before giving a satisfied sigh.

     "In any case, I wonder if I might rest here for the night? This place is much less conspicuous than my ship, and would save a lot of time..."