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Latest revision as of 02:48, 2 March 2023

A Stolen Moment
Date of Scene: 01 March 2023
Location: Marie-Ange's Apartment (College House)
Synopsis: Marie updates Mary on the recent goings-on about one another, more knowledge is shared between the girls, and an invite to a booze-filled 21st is made!
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Mary Bromfield

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's been a little while since the last time Mary and Marie were able to wrangle their respective schedules to spend time together, face-to-face. Between their respective classloads, work, and the side of their lives that come in costume, it can be a tricky thing to manage!

Today, however, was one of those times when the stars aligned and fate smiled upon the two girls. Marie would've normally been meeting with the Wakandans for more martial training on a Wednesday, but... T'Challa's been unresponsive. She's not sure if she did something wrong, or if something was wrong, but either way, it meant free time where there had been none.

As soon as she realized this? The text was placed to Mary. Marie met her at the gate, as per protocol, and quickly led the other girl back to her room, because, frankly? She wanted some girlfriend time. Not that she didn't love her friends, or want Mary to meet them... but there was much to catch up on.

There's been some changes around her apartment, too. A few new pictures have gone up, there's what looks to be a training dummy sitting in what was an empty corner of her living room, and there's a couple books of the arcane sort sitting on her coffee table. However, once the door's closed behind them, the first thing she has to do is /properly/ greet Mary with a quick kiss.

"I am so glad you could make it over!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Life has been a bit of a whirlwind for Mary, and sometimes she felt like a leaf buffeted in a stormy wind. Something about thunder and storms and her makes sense. But she was able to squeeze some time in and had been hoping that Marie-Ange was available - and not that she was cancelling anything on her account.

Having the speed of Mercury is helpful in times like this, where even a few brief minutes can still be taken advantage of. Mary tries not to abuse her powers, but in this case, it was worth it. So she arrived mere seconds after Marie-Ange confirmed her availability.

"I'm glad too!," she says, leaning back from the kiss and taking a moment to look around the room. The training dummy earns an eyebrow, but not as much as the collection of arcana books. "You're not getting into anything dangerous, are you?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie follows Mary's eyes at the comment, and she offers a fond smile. "I do not believe so." she admits, walking over to settle down on the couch, and patting the spot beside herself to invite Mary to join her. "I... am not sure that I ever told you this, mon cheri, but my family line has a connection to the mystical arts." she admits, watching Mary as she makes the admission. Mary knew she was a mutant. She knew Marie practiced the tarot. She may or may not have guessed this part.

"My grandmother was teaching me of our history when I was small... but we had barely gotten into the reading of the tarot before... well." Marie's almost certainly mentioned that she spent much of her youth being raised in a convent, and was quite miserable and maltreated there. "...but, a couple weeks ago, I ran into someone calling herself a sorceress, who offered to train me in the magical arts. She said... for someone who had such talents, it was important to have survival skills, n'est-ce pas?" she tries, but doesn't quite remember the exact phrasing.

Of course, at this point she realizes that she's been talking openly about something that a lot of people probably still believe doesn't even exist, and wide green eyes face Mary. "You... do not think I am... how you say... crazy?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"Ah, I suppose that makes sense," Mary says, moving over to drop onto the couch next to Marie. "I figured that the cards were a mutant thing, not a ... magic thing." She leans back, smiling at Marie as she continues to explain.

"So your mutant powers manifested based around what you were learning...which makes sense." She pauses. "Does that mean your mutant power isn't /just/ about the cards?" She tilts her head, taking the other angle. "Maybe your mutant power, as well, could be expanded. Have you tried that?"

She shakes her head quickly, and laughs. "Marie, I was given the power of six ancient gods by a weird wizard who lives in a cave, why would /anything/ you're telling me now stand out as any crazier?" She leans in and gives Marie a quick peck on the cheek before drawing back. "So, wait. A sorceress is offering to train you? /Which/ sorceress?" Her tone gets a bit sharper than she intended, likely. "And how do you know you can trust her?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Once Mary's joined her on the couch, Marie gets herself nice and cozy. Even snaking an arm around the other girl. While she might be a shrinking violet outside of these walls, within them, with Mary, she's a little bolder. She can be herself. It's really nice.

"Reading the cards the way I do... looking into the future, has nothing to do with being a mutant." she admits with a little smile. "I... am not entirely sure where the line is drawn between mutant and magic, though I am told that I register as both, on devices which sense these things." So, sentinels/cerebro/etc would know she's a mutant. Arcane talismans would know she's magical! As for as the question goes? "I... have not, not yet. I will be honest... I have been a little afraid to." she says, squeezing Mary with that arm around her. "As if I would offend fate herself." A pause. "...but with you, perhaps I can be brave sometime. Not here, though."

Some of her manifestations are the size of dinner plates. Others the size of buildings. She likes her apartment too much to try right there!

When Mary talks about the source of her own powers, Marie blushes sheepishly, but is still smiling with that little peck. "I... might have forgotten for a moment, but oui, I remembered you spoke of the wizard, and," Conspirationally, "/the word./" The redhead doesn't dare speak it herself. It feels taboo. The sharper tone doesn't cause Marie to shrink back -- she feels safe with Mary. "Her name is Jennifer Kale?" she says with slight uncertainty. Admittedly, she doesn't know /too much/ about her newest tutor. "I... do not believe she intends to harm me. If anything, possibly the opposite, which made the offer... somewhat awkward." Added quickly, "I made it very clear my heart was spoken for, however, and she insisted that it was not the reason she was offering to teach me." Because Marie is not the type to run around. Even if she'd like to explore the magical side of her heritage, she would've refused it had /that/ been the bargain.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary settles in against Marie, content to have that arm around her.

"Interesting.I hadn't realized that. I thought it was all tied together." So much she did not know, but she was eager to learn! "I'm glad I can help you be brave. And I don't know, maybe my wizard friend can you help you." Mary can't call him by name, of course, because then that would destroy all of the lovely things in Marie's bedroom.

Mary smiles as Marie explains the sorceress. "I don't know who that is, but hopefully that's a good thing. If she isn't someone we are watching who might be bad..." She reaches up to brush some hair back behind her ear. "I can ask around, though, just in case, if you want." She sighs happily as Marie affirms where she stands. "I wouldn't want you to short change your learning, and your development, though. No reason to turn down a trainer, at least."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie nods, "That is how I understand it, at least. If my grandmother still lived, perhaps I would know the answer for certain, but..." Marie's parents had no interest in that sort of thing. Or in Marie herself. It's one of many reasons she's not eager for a return to her home country. The suggestion that the wizard could help, though? She leans askew slightly to study Mary a bit more. "...do you think he would?" Word choice; would, not could. She doesn't know too much of the wizard, just that he was responsible for her girlfriend's powers.

"We?" she echoes, before quickly guessing, "Oh! You and the wizard? Or the Titans?" she asks. "I would not object if you did, especially if it would make you feel better." she offers; Marie's... incredibly trusting. She's a big believer in innocent until proven guilty. She recognizes that others aren't quite as easy to trust strangers.

Now, it's Marie's turn to place a gentle kiss. This one on Mary's forehead, before she leans back -- half into the couch, half against the brunette herself.

"So, you remember what next week is, oui?" Marie asks, eyes twinkling with just a bit of mischief.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"He might. I'm not sure. He is a hard one to really predict, but it never hurts to ask." Mary smiles, always willing to assume the best until she sees otherwise. "We shall see. I'm not sure he even does the same kind of magic, but who knows?"

She nods in agreement. "I can check the Titans database, and see if we have anything on Jennifer. It's the least that I can do." She sighs quietly, seeing Marie's trusting side. Mary has one too, but she also knows that evil can always show up with the nicest of faces. "Your powers are amazing, and there are always going to be people who would take advantage of them if they could."

Mary smiles at the kiss, and then settles herself against Marie. She thinks for a moment. "St Patrick's Day?" she asks, tilting her head to grin at Marie.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"If you would ask please, the next time you see him?" the seer asks, sounding hopeful. Admittedly, there's a belief that Mary likely /will/ if she can, but it's polite to ask nonetheless. "I do not deny that I do not know much of my magical background, but I would be happy to attempt to answer any questions that would help."

Now, Marie's other arm slips around Mary. Just a sustained, happy hug. "You are the best, mon cheri. The absolute best." Mary's definitely the more world-wise of the two girls. Marie? Marie just goes with things, generally. "Oui... you are wise as always, my love." she admits, frowning just a touch. "Sometimes I forget that not all are like me who respect the sanctity of fate."

Of course, then as Marie's hint appears to be missed, she starts to make a face... then pauses, counting on her fingers... and then laughs and shakes her head. "Non!" she corrects, "That is /three/ weeks away. You are just eager to try and pinch me, I think." she teases, blushing a little at her own thoughts. "On the seventh, I turn twenty-one. A most sacred date in America, non?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"Of course I will," replies Mary with a warm smile. "I'm not sure how much he can help, but at the very least, maybe he'll grant me permission to bring you to the Rock of Eternity." Mary says that last piece with a bit of reverence, as if it has some importance somehow.

"I wish it weren't so, but I wouldn't be a very good friend if I didn't at least try to warn you, and watch out for me." She leans in and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "And an even worse girlfriend."

Mary's face just sits wit a grin as Marie starts counting, and then she laughs. "You thought I'd forget /that/?" She nudges Marie in the side. "That's a big birthday. It means you can start drinking booze." A pause. "/Legally/."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
They may have known one another for quite some time now... but that's the first time she's heard of the "...Rock of Eternity?" The tone of her voice makes it pretty clear that she's never heard of the place. Although, after a moment her eyes suddenly widen. "Oh! Is that another television show, like the Rock of Love?" She's watched some reality television, usually because someone /else/ was.

"You could never be a bad girlfriend." Marie assures, returning the kiss on the cheek with a soft kiss on Mary's lips. "I will always watch out for you, as best as I can... even if my eyes are not always open." She knows she's too trusting. She does. Though, it's also a reference to not reading /them./

Marie beams brightly as Mary confirms she knew, "Non. I did not think you'd forget." she admits, grinning. "I know I matter to you, mon amour." She doesn't have a ton of self-worth, but in this? In this she sure does. "One of my teachers suggested I celebrate by inviting those closest to me to share... how did he say... 'some really old scotch'. I will invite others, but I wished to invite you, first, as you are /the/ closest, most important person in my life, and I know none other who I would wish to spend the day with more..."

She's going to assume the acceptance, though, because she's going to pre-empt Mary's answer by leaning in for another kiss. She, after all, has no where else to be tonight!