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Latest revision as of 06:03, 3 March 2023

Fixing a New Problem
Date of Scene: 03 March 2023
Location: Bethesda Terrace
Synopsis: Having enchantments that push her weapons, even when she does enchant them to be tougher, Tynan seeks the aid of Cecily Winters in making her weapons tough enough to survive.
Cast of Characters: Cecily Winters, Tynan Ireton

Cecily Winters has posed:
    No matter who it is, first-time buyers or shoppers or those seeking some sort of appraisal need to have a moment in space to talk before doing business with Kitsune Arms. It's the way Cecily has always done it. Does she advertise? A little bit. Is it mostly word-of-mouth? Probably, save for the small ad in the yellow pages (or on the yellow pages website) under 'Gunsmiths'. Just a simple ad, too. 'Custom work - hand loading - repairs: Kitsune Arms' and a phone number.

    It's out on the upper level of the Terrace that a certain fox awaits a potential client, barely dressed for the cold even with the recent weather. Nine bright white tails fan out around her while Cecily's attire remains at the 'professional agent' level. Black skirt, shoes, vest, and hose with a white blouse under the vest, complete with shoulder holster. She's got the good sense to be draped in a long coat, at least.

    The time is afternoon, the park not being terribly busy due to hour and temperature.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, Tynan has been looking for somebody to help fix up her Lynx to withstand her enchanting abilities. She heard a few things in the underworld, and took a chance to call the number. The woman takes a deep breath as she is told to go to a public avenue. Tynan takes a deep breath as she watches the woman. She focuses her mind, and a little bit of kitsune style magic, she bends her presence a little bit to make herself invisable. She starts to head up to Cecily.

    Once Ty gets close enough, she watches the woman. A 9 tail? Ty frowns a bit, and thinks for a moment. She only knows about Saeko. This one is a new one. As she keeps a fair distance from Cecily, she takes in details before she moves away to show up from an angle that Cecily isn't watching.

    Ty approaches quietly as she drops her invisability. "So...Kitsune Arms actually means a Kitsune?", she asks. The woman doesn't seem surprised, and moves with a quiet grace. Then again, she's also angling herself, in case she needs to defend herself. A sign of experience...

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Perhaps fortuitous for Tynan, the fox has turned her back to where the other woman was planning to approach from. In fact, as Cecily is standing on the upper terrace, the space directly in front of her is the balcony and the drop down to the fountain plaza. Were she to be encircled from behind, she'd be rather trapped--not that the drop ahead is very tall. She leans forward, arms folded on the railing, until her ears perk up at the sound of a voice.

    Slowly, Cecily straightens up, her tails fanning out and then curling with her body turning slowly. Violet eyes take in the slightly taller young woman, sizing her up. Arms fold under bust, emphasizing the holster, perhaps. "Mmm? Of a sort," she says, ears flicking as a cold gust of wind catches them. "I take it you're the one who arranged the meeting?" she asks, her gaze sweeping the area around and behind Tynan, as if looking for potential threats as well.

    Birds of a feather, perhaps, in a sense?

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "Aye, I arranged it.", Ty says. Her Irish brouge is pretty strong, dispite her asian appearence. She nods her head, as she stretches. The merc watches the woman a bit, and keeps an eye on the holister. "I have a weapon that has several very weak points in it that I need reinforced. How are you with heavy gear?", she asks. The woman rolls her neck a little bit.

    As Tynan watches Cecily, Cecily might notice that Ty's eyes seem to be...slightly fox like. "Also I need for it to stay its exact weight. Thats very important that it stays that weight.", she says.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily studies the other girl quite thoroughly. The voice makes a brow quirk, especially considering the other traits. Genetics. The eyes. Lots of a mixed bag, and also cute. The woman listens intently, though, to the order and purses her lips in thought. "Heavy gear?" she asks. "I'm very well-versed in it, actually." Her arms unfold and she settles her rump against the railing behind her, hands moving to rest aside her hips and grip her impromptu edge-seat.

    "I admit that I'll have to know exactly what I'm working with, what your budget is, and what you'll be /doing/ with it before I can make a full and true assessment, however. Weight is no concern for me, personally, but I can absolutely understand the merits of a.. consistent kit. Which sounds like it requires reinforcements and ... culling of unneccessary parts... or replacing less vital ones with lighter alloys..." she muses, tails waving slowly, white banners in the wind over the edge of the terrace.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty's eyes are changing to more normal human like eyes. She nods her head a little bit as she takes a moment. "A Lynx rifle. Long distance antiarmor rifle, being...enchanted with soul style magics.", she tells. While not wrong, Ty isn't telling somebody she just met that she's using runes from Hell to power said magics.

    "Budget depends on level of work. And this is a personal weapon, so I'm kinda touchy about touch and feel.", she tells. The woman seems to be talking like a sniper. "But like I said, Budget is something that we can talk more about.", she says. "But as for what its used for? Think what it would take to fire 5 rapid fire shots at something like...say a Dragon?", she asks. Would Ty fight a dragon? No. But the fact that she says it without making a jest of it...It shows that she knows more of the magical realm then normal people. Especially since she isn't surprised by Cecily appearence.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Ah, 12.7x108mm or .50 BMG?" Cecily asks, almost casual in her inquiry. "...though the .50 is more common and largely performs better, I feel..." she muses, lifting an arm to lightly tap a finger on her own cheek. Then she shakes her head, lowering her hand back down again.

    "I understand. I'm well-versed in firearms of all types, but I do have a very small handful of ones I would consider... favorites. And common kit." Then there's a soft laugh, "...five shots at a dragon? Goodness... quite the big game hunter, aren't you..." she states, tone still professional but a hint of playful rising into it.

    "That might require some very unique heat-treating if you're rapid firing things... I have some special munitions that are still too hot to put downrange at a rapid clip without melting the barrel..." she sighs, shaking her head. "I'll need to know what heat tolerances we're talking about, but if it gets too exotic, the price goes up exponentially. Usually a period of cooling down is ... preferred. And with your weight concerns, additional cooling modules are.. definitely a no-go. What a conundrum..."

    She says it's a conundrum, but if Tynan is at all familiar with the body language of cats, foxes, or maybe kitsune, the fact that Cecily's tails are wagging so much is a clear indicator of her being way into this.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty watches Cecily a moment. "I can mod it into both types of ammo, but .50 BMG is my perferred. I was taught from a young age to think of what is the most dangerious situration, and plan for it. Thats just how I operate. And as you know, with a AMR being fired rapidly, the recoil and the heat generated can be a bit of a pain.", she says.

    Ty takes a moment to watch Cecily. "Ma'am, your tails are wiggling far too much.", she says. Ty's eyes grow a little more fox like, and then a second Ty...appears. "I am very well aware of kitsunes.", Ty One says. Ty Two nods her head a little bit. "Given that one taught me several magics.", she says.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Exactly...." Cecily sighs, "...if you're going to be firing five rounds at a rapid clip and there's going to be excess heat stresses involved, that might be out of my league. I might be a liaison with the Avengers but there's no way, legal or otherwise, to get ahold of enough vibranium for a thimble, let alone an entire rifle barrel and refit. Trust me, the Black Panther seems to spend his free time hunting down people who keep trying to steal the tiny sample at the Wakandan Embassy here in town.." she chuckles dryly.

    Then, when Tynan goes all foxy and double, she shakes her head, not looking at all surprised. "...well, you're not wrong... it's a task that's vexing, but it just makes it all the more fun, mm? And... ah... you were taught magicks? If I'm not mistaken, then, you're talking about the Kitsune of Central Park. She and I are very good friends.." she smiles at the fond memories. Then the smile fades, "Unfortunately, she and I are not exactly alike... I am, admittdly, not a /true/ Kitsune. But she does not take umbrage with what I am and what I do."

    She finally pushes off of the railing and approaches Tynan. "Still, this sounds like a fun and interesting project..."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a few times. "Nah, I only know of the Avatar of Inari.", she tells. The woman takes a moment to adjust herself, and stretches. The Double disappears. She offers a light smile. "I rather avoid dealing with the Avengers. I had...something of a run in with one awhile back. He made a rather...unclothed comment, and I decided to play basketball with his head on the bar top.", she admits.

    "How much tim edo you need?", she asks. As Ty watches the other, she does take a step back, keeping a hand close to her leg, but slightly hidden.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Another soft laugh comes from the faux-sune. "...they're one in the same, really... there's a shrine here in the park. Make a wish and she may arrive..." there's that smile still. Then Cecily's shoulders lift in a shrug. "...I admit I'm not sure. I need to see the weapon in action, gauge the temperature of the rounds as they're fired... but it could be a couple of weeks, at minimum. It all comes down to what exactly I need for materials... titanium? Tungsten? Tantalum? Special coatings? There's even the possibility of hybrid metal-ceramics... but right now this is all theory. I'm not pulling the trigger if I haven't seen the target, if you get my drift."

    The she lifts a brow, watching the step back and the hand and... rolls her eyes a little. "...we're both packing, dear, and I'm not about to make a scene here in the middle of Central Park. This is why I choose a location like this to meet up." She turns her back to Tynan and resumes leaning on the railing, folding her arms. "You'll have to trust me a little if you want me taking apart your baby, after all," she clucks her tongue.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty smiles a little bit, and laughs a bit. "You're packing. I'm not.", she tells. "I try not to attract attention by carrying openly.", she tells. Does that mean she doesn't have access to her weapons? Yeah, no. She can pull if she needs to. "And I learned a long time ago to not trust on the first meeting. Its like using your tongue on the first date. Never kiss on the first date, and if you do, don't use the tongue.", she smirks. Leave it to Ty to think of a meeting about weapons to be akin to a date...

    "Being from Madripor, and being a mercenary, I don't trust easy. Working with my rifle is one thing, but catching me unaware is another.", she says.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Interesting, Madripoor?" Cecily asks, glancing over her shoulder. "Well, I'll take the job. But I trust you won't be taking potshots at civilians or orphans or anything, right? Once my hands are on your weapon, whatever you do with it is partially in my hands as well. I don't sell to criminals or those who harm the innocent." She makes her stance quite firm, tsking quietly.

    "Though if you'd -like- to go on a date sometime, I am unabashedly attracted to other women. Especially those who know the ins and outs of firearms handling," she flashes a coquettish grin at Tynan and gives a playful wink before returning to a more serious tone.

    "I still need the weapon and the munitions you're putting through it, though. But I warn you, even my own weapons can only handle one or two shots of Foxfire before needing to cool. I melted my poor Glock back in December after dumping three cartridges through it."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a bit. "Well, criminal yes, but I don't go after civilians. All my gear is pretty much stock. I kinda under the employment of the magical area of the Justice League, if that counts for anything.", she tells. The woman does have a contract with Nettie about working with the Dark group. She takes a moment to blush a little bit. "As for dating I havn't done that in awhile. Been focused on work at the moment.", she admits.

    "Madripor is my home. So, if its an issue...", Ty comments. She stretches a bit more. "Not sure the difference between Foxfire an Hell Runes.", she says.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily gestures for Tynan to come closer. There's a good dozen feet of open railing overlooking the fountain plaza to either side of her. She's right in the center of the balcony. "A little time to yourself is important, makes it easier to focus when it's fire time," she says quietly. "I'm one to say it, of course, as I'm always on the clock. I still get liesure time in, of course, but my phone's always on," she states as she directs her gaze back towards the people wandering, jogging, and milling about in the cold afternoon.

    "So long as you're not going to be hurting innocents, that's all I care about," she makes a slightly disimssive gesture. "And it doesn't matter where you're from. I was born here in the city and was a cop most of my life. Now half of the force doesn't want to even deal with me and half of that wants me dead, so hey..." she chuckles. "...I do honest for for honest pay and it sounds like that's exactly what you do, too."

    Then she lifts her shoulders in a small shrug, "...Foxfire and Hell Runes... I'm sure it's all a matter of color and smell at the end." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a spare magazine for her Glock, thumbing out the top round and letting Tynan see it. It looks like a normal .45 cartridge but the projectile itself is a transparent capsule with a swirl of blue-purple fire inside. "This one's just a tracer, doesn't burn nearly as hot. Makes for a good beacon. The real thing? A shot to an unarmored limb can incinerate it. I'm sure that's not too far off what you're working with."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty smirks a little bit. "Its a little different then that.", she tells. The woman draws a small knife out. She traces a rune on the knife, and then pulls out a small piece of leather. She puts the knife to the leather. Normally it wouldn't even make a scratch, but Ty starts to cut the leather a little bit. There's no smoke, or heat. There's a slight glow to the edge though. "The more runes I use, bigger the effect, but the more strain. Physically and mentally.", she says. Her skin seems to turn a bit red...Does her magic have physical changes on her? A little bit.

    "I was trained by a former IRA commander, who was my dad. He didn't go after civvies, and neither do I. THats why I take offense to people calling me a trigger puller.", she tells.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "How does it affect the cartridge, then?" Cecily asks, slotting the cartridge back into her magazine, and the magazine back into her pocket. "Do you inscribe those on the round? The casing?" she asks, nodding to the rune on the knife. "Or do you inscribe the barrel itself? These are all things I need to know before I can do this," she explains. "...and not for any reasons other than knowing exactly how to make this work for you without the rifle falling apart.." she chuckles.

    "I don't care if you're infusing your ammunition with cursed goat's blood, but I do take pride in my work. And I'm glad to hear you come from good stock. It sets me more at ease," she says quietly. "I live my life behind a gun. I prefer a lonely rooftop but... I get messy in the middle sometimes, too. We're not too different, we just... self-identify differently..." she chuckles.

    "You're a mercenary, I'm a..." she rolls the next words around her mouth for a moment, as if finding humor in them, "...'security consultant.'"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty takes a second to think on that. "I tend to inscrible as I'm aiming. All my magics are designed so that if I'm in combat, I can still use them. And well, here's the thing.", she says. The woman picks up the leather, and traces a rune on it. And well, she tries to stab it with the knife. It doesn't go through...at all. The leather...seems more durable...

    "It lasts for about an hour, or less if I'm constantly using it.", she tells. "Basically, think of it as a level up type of deal. Like my 1911s hit like a desert eagle. I...havn't done a test fire with the Lynx, given that its a bunker buster gun...", she tells.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily lifts a brow, "...it sounds like you need to do more field testing..." she clucks her tongue and turns back around, a little restless perhaps. "...how about this, then. We go on a date. A firing range is a good date venue, yes?" she offers, hint of mirth in her voice, sparkle in her eyes. "You bring your Lynx, I'll bring a box of fifty and some instruments."

    She offers her hands, palms open, "...then I can be sure of what exactly I'm working with. As I said, right now? I don't have enough information. If it was just a barrel reinforcement or a rail repair..." she sighs. "...but weird magic bullshit is something that I'm barely familiar with myself, foxfire aside. So, what do you think?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a bit. "Sure. And if you like, you can make a field run set. I don't rely on pure sniping. Either way, I do need to get going. We can arrange a time to meet up, sure. You have the number to my burner already. I'll see ya soon.", she says. Ty does stretch a little bit. One of the bad things about being out in public, is her power tends to want to copy what she sees, the little mannerisms. Stretching keeps her muscles from acting on it. "Later."