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Latest revision as of 20:34, 7 March 2023

Trying A New Thing
Date of Scene: 14 February 2023
Location: Yoga Studio
Synopsis: Clea takes Bruce to yoga. Nothing gets broken!
Cast of Characters: Clea, Bruce Banner

Clea has posed:
Clea had called to make arrangements for the Hot Yoga session. She'd then started to see the downsides between her experience with it and what Bruce might experience. She didn't feel the extreme temperatures and things. So it was comfortable for her.

It might stress out the Doctor. Or he might thrive in the climate!

They'd see!

The establishment is in a well to do area, no chances of getting mugged and Clea had promised the security that if anything happened she would take full responsibility for it. She'd dressed for the occasion in skin tight royal purple yoga pants that criss-cross low on her abdomen and a black tank top. She'd gotten the information to Bruce earlier in the day.

They had an hour session. Just a beginners one, but it would be fun!

Or the building would be leveled is the worst turn out.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Perhaps it was meant as some sort of joke, or a reference to their conversation of the other night, but when Bruce arrives for the session he is wearing a set of purple yoga pants and a bright emerald green tank top. Once actually out of the lab clothes, it turns out that the scientist has at least a reasonable physique. He clearly was not kidding when he said that meditation and physical discipline were part of his routine to avoid becoming "the other guy".

He had accepted the invite with appreciation, and had been looking forward to it tremendously. Not that he expected yoga, hot or otherwise, to be a particular breakthough, as he had tried it before, but he appreciated the idea that someone was trying some outreach. It was nice.

While heading over, Bruce noticed that the abundance of flower hawkers out on the street, and it only occurred to him about halfway there that today was, in fact, Valentine's Day. Not that he had anything in particular to celebrate, nor did he suspect that an otherworldly sorceress cared much for the day, but he decided that it would still be polite to procure some. Stopping briefly at a stall nearby to the studio, he looked over the options and selected what he thought would be most appropriate - a lovely single lavender rose.

And so as he arrives at the studio, he offers Clea a warm smile and the rose.

Clea has posed:
Clea was looking on her phone for something when Bruce arrived. The yoga pants that he'd worn make her smile, "I almost said that one of us need to go home and change." she teases him. The rose was not expected, but it is accepted. She gives a bit of a softer look over it, "They mentioned it was Valentine's Day. The holiday has always struck me as odd." she admits.

"No one's given me flowers before. Thank you for this." she tells him with a bright smile.

Then she tones it down some, "I just figured this could be fun, I know you've said you've tried yoga before, so this is just...hotter." she muses. "You sure you don't wanna ditch and go get donuts instead?" she waggles her brows at him as she jokes.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"Nothing wrong with matching," Bruce says, taking a moment to glance at Clea's outfit and chuckle. "But, of course, you didn't go for the brave choice of a green top to match." He waves his hands at his fairly ridiculous top.

He nods about Valentine's Day. "It always felt odd to me. People who have someone shouldn't need one day to remember to honor them, and people that don't just feel extra miserable." He shrugs. "But you have to keep the industries in business, so..."

At her smile, he smiles back. "I'm surprised to hear that," he says. "But I suppose if you haven't been on Earth long..." He trails off, realizing that he is only going to run the risk of saying something stupider, and so he stops and lets her take over again.

Hotter. Bruce nods. "I can do hotter, I think." He laughs at the idea of donuts, shaking his head again as he stretches out his arms for a moment. "How about donuts after?"

Clea has posed:
Clea grins to that, "I guess there is not, no. And no, I was not brave enough to do the green. Maybe next time." she tells him. "I more meant...how does it go from a feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine to...candy and flowers?" she chuckles. "I guess it's a lot like Samhain in that regard." she admits.

"I've never really seemed to be in a proper relationship. Or a relationship like ones that are had here on Earth." she shrugs. "I do like flowers though, we don't have them in the dark dimension." she tells him. "But!" she smells the rose and moves the conversation along, "This should be fun. If you end up not trusting my judgement though about what is 'fun' after this I completely understand." she chuckles.

"Donuts after. Deal." she winks at him. Then she pads over to pick up the water bottles she brought, "Extra water. You'll need it. Temp starts at eighty degrees farenheit and goes to one-hundred." she states.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Shaking his head, Bruce laughs. "I am not sure it was even really that, at any time." He nods to the Samhain reference. "Coopted by those with a special interest? Yeah, that's totally what it was. Now the chocolate and flower industries rely upon it too much."

He considers her words on her past, but offers no comment. It is not like he has had much in the way of relationships other than "the other guy" since he showed up. Not much room for anyone else when you have an eight foot rage monster sucking all the oxygen out of a room. "I imagine it would be impossible to have a dark dimension if there were flowers there," he says, instantly wishing he had those words back. Stop with the dad jokes, Bruce.

He does as suggested and retrieves a water bottle, taking a series of small drinks from it - it seems he does know how to properly hydrate. "Even if this is not fun, it won't make me stop trusting you. I'll just make you work a bit harder next time." He winks at her, and then nods as she explains the temperatures. "Got it." He nods down to his ankle. "And if this thing makes so much as a peep, get the temperature back to normal as soon as possible."

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a nod to that, "I read a lot of history related to Earth, but the holidays and their origins baffled me a little sometimes. Just figured it was best to leave it alone." she muses to that. "Christmas is pretty though. All the lights and decorations." she grins at that. "I don't think I'd make my other half buy flowers and chocolate for that reason really. Plus...I can by them myself if I want them." she states.

"It would have been a little nicer if there were flowers." she tells him quietly. She doesn't seem to mind his comment though!

She listens to him as she heads for the door to the room, "If that beeps I'll get the room cooled and get you out of here. Promise." she explains as she opens the door and heads in.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"See, that's exactly the right attitude!" Bruce points at Clea and looks around as if there were some kind of audience. "It just reinforces gender roles that have an adverse impact on society, and if it were up to me, I would SMASH the holiday." He grins. Yeah, definitely overdoing it.

He nods as she responds. He realizes he does not know much at all about the dark dimension, and should probably avoid making jokes, as he truly does not know if it was horrible for her or not.

A quick nod. "Ok. Good. Because if anything happens, I will not be in any state to help." He trails in after her, rolling his head around on his neck.

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a laugh, "Well, if I had a boyfriend I'd probably get him /something/." she states. "But yeah, the whole gender role thing can sometimes be weird. I'm stronger than most guys I'll ever meet. Kind of puts a damper if people get upset over that." she shrugs. There are mats already laid out and there's the sound of the heat going up once they are settled.

"Ah...so this is where I tell you the temp won't bother me at all, right?" she looks around, then back to him.

"I mean, I'll keep a hold of you while we work things out. Or well, while me and the big guy are working things out." she admits. "Anything you want to chat about?" she asks him as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Just trying to find a center.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"Any guy who gets upset because you are stronger than him is not a guy you need," replies Bruce evenly. "It's stupid to think that way. Nothing wrong with not being the strongest one in a relationship." Says, of course, the literal strongest being on the planet.

There is a look of confusion on his face as Clea admits that. "Uh, if it won't bother you, then..." He peers at her. "Is this just so you can watch _me_ sweat?"

He shakes his head, laughing a bit, but then he starts to move into a position. "Clever. Very tricky."

Clea has posed:
Clea gives him a warm smile, "Thank you, Bruce." she tells him. Then there is a chuckle, "Honestly I just wanted to try it with you as it was new for you. Sharing new experiences with someone is nice." she admits.

"I might break a sweat. It could happen." she grins at that.

"It's more my heritage. Like my mother, I'm all but immune to environmental extremes like the vacuum of space or crushing pressures at the bottom of the sea. I'd love to feel the cold of snow or get a sunburn, just to experience it." she tells him as she opens her eyes and looks over to him with a smile.