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Latest revision as of 05:28, 8 March 2023

Hail Hydra! -NOT!
Date of Scene: 06 March 2023
Location: Tenderloin District
Synopsis: Pretzels are had and shop is talked.
Cast of Characters: Joseph Gardner, Naria Shepard

Joseph Gardner has posed:
New York. Manhattan. Hawkman the hunter, and his prey. In this case the prey is a bag of donuts and some coffee. His helm is pulled up off his face to avoid steaming the eye lenses up. Must be cold. Nest to him is a spectacular specimen of a red tailed hawk. "I appreciate your hanging out. Those damn pigeons are all trying to mooch off me.' The hawk makes no comment, being a hawk.

Naria Shepard has posed:
New York, her home, the most common place she did her shows....and one of Rave's favorite places to go running! Compared to the silent vigil or airbourne observations? Well, Rave was a comet of bright blue light weaving her way over the buildings in pursuit. Fortunately, today the target was merely a simple pretzel which she zoomed up and purchased off a startled vendor.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman spots the streak of light. In fact he can see it quite well and makes out a metahuman.

In fact a metahuman who looks like they will collide with a pretzel wagon. The bag of donuts is depleted and this looks interesting so Winged Wonder leaps off the ledge he was on falling, falling. About ten meters from the ground the folded wings open and he streaks towards pretzels and blue light. Despite the muscle, the armor, the mace, Hawkman lands quite gently, his weight negated by the Nth metal. He is very glad the other person... the woman, did not collide and is making a purchase. Supervillains don't pay for things. He'd feel like a goof fighting her. She's kind of tiny and he doubts he could catch her. So he adjusts the helm, keeps the mace out of his way, and bids her good morning.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Rave wasn't going the speed of light, or close to it. That sort of movement or motion could be dangerous after all. For the moment however, she was standing still as she was handed the twisted pastry before she turns around and...jumps for a moment. After all, last year the city had been besieged by the 'angels' and the wings caused a momentary blink before she tilts her head. "Yeesh you're quiet! You uh...just snuck right up there huh?"

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman hops a foot into the air, descending slowly. The wings twitch a bit t keep him stable. "It's the only way to fly. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I caught sight of you... doing whatever you call that light show, and was curious. Also I wanted a pretzel. I'm Hawkman." He extends a gauntleted hand to Rave. He doesn't mention he caught the show from a mile out. That's just bragging.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Oh...yeah I kinda stand out, and pretzels are kinda great," the girl offers with a gesture to her glowing locks, stepping back to allow him to place his order. Okay. Hawkman. She'd seen weirder, a good percentage of her fans were metahumans and mutants after all, never mind her heroine stuff! Hand given a little 'bump' with her own before she took a bite of her own pretzel. "Rave. I'm Rave."

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman gets a very large pretzel, and another, bagging one. He eats the first with some honey mustard. "Nice to meet you, Rave. Maybe you met my friend Hawk Woman (two words)? She's with the Justice League? She lets me help out at times. Have you been heroing long?" He takes a bite of pretzel. Mmmmm.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Hawk Woman? She shakes her head. She'd never met her...but that didn't mean she didn't know them. After all, it was a league member. Instead she simply shakes smiles before gesturing to herself. "I mean, It's been a couple of years now I think? One or two."

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman swallows. He orders two water bottles and hands one to Rave. "Heroes are starting younger and younger. I got all this a little later in life. I haven't been doing it long. In fact I was pondering whether I wanted to continue at all but then Hawk Woman and Hawkgirl popped up and... I got curious. So do you throw energy blasts around or do martial arts or what?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I mean," Rave begins, pausing at the mention of her age before shrugging her shoulders. She watched him order the drink so it was safe enough, after all she was from the club scene and new better than to take drinks from strangers unknown. "I was nineteen so...yeah, three years. You kind of lose track when you're moving at a different speed to everyone...and I'm not even sure I'm aging anymore. Every time I absorb light I kind...reset. I can't even cut my hair."

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman ponders this for a moment. "I reincarnate... sort of. So I remember growing old a couple times. Not very often. So you're going to get carded forever? That's rough. I'm sorry if I asked the wrong question. I'm pretty straight forward. I fly around and hit stuff. I'm still learning, mostly from Hawk Woman." He gives his mace a spin twisting his wrist for emphasis.

"I mean, I have a couple doctorates, but I haven't really made use of them yet. Dr. Hawkman." There s more but bragging again.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I guess so. At least I'm kinda recognizable what with the whole," she pauses, gesturing to herself and her hair before drawing a little floating 'arrow' of neon in the air above herself with a little grin. As for the mace? She blinks.

"That's uh...a choice."

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman presents the mace to Rave to inspect. "Pretty, the light show I mean. This thing? Well, maces are often a symbol of authority. Add to that you can just bop people and subdue them, while a sword might lop off an ear. Also swords get damaged pretty easy. This? Virtually indestructible. It's made of the Nth metal that lets me fly. I can very its weight. Try it." The ball of the mace looks about the size of Rave's head. The haft is long enough for a double handed grip and swing.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Uh...okay..." she muses before reaching out hesitantly. Without acceleration, her strength was pretty much....normal human levels. The thing looked pretty heavy. "I mean skull fractures are a thing and all." Still, the weapon was hesitantly taken as she placed her pretzel in her mouth since she'd ran out of hands.

Joseph Gardner has posed:
Hawkman nots the pretzel vender moving his cart away. "I'm careful. No skull fractures so far. Unless it's a supervillain they get a punch or a jab with the haft. Uhm, don't do your light thing holding the mace. It can disrupt energy. Better safe than sorry. Uhm, you want to hand it back and eat your pretzel?"