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Latest revision as of 05:29, 8 March 2023

The Waves and the Magic
Date of Scene: 06 March 2023
Location: Hall of Heroes
Synopsis: Zatanna is looking for some fresh air and Namor fortifies the Starport in light of Svartalfheim attacks.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Namor

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The Starport, in its short life, has already been the site of two significant military actions unrelated to one other. But both were debilitating in their way: alien ships fought a pitched battle between factions above it, damaging one of the new landing ports for spacecraft. Far worse, since Malekith broke the portals to the nine realms, the Starport, built with hope and the promise for renewed relationships between kingdoms long separated, has been chiefly shuttered.

Zatanna has not been back to the port since that day. It was also the day that Malekith stole Thor and likely killed him. Nothing has been heard of the Thunderer since. Mjolnir is now in the hands of another.

Zatanna walked the Hall where the first battle between Swartalf and Midgard occurred. Zatanna reflects on that day. Lives were lost, great magic performed, and a minor victory was had when the combined efforts of Jane Foster, Dr. Strange, Sif, Diana Prince, and herself drove the invading forces back.

She makes one circuit of the Hall - its glittering floors restored and heads to a side door marked: Western exit Atlantic Ocean, Conventional Shipping. Once out into the open, the wind whips her dark shoulder-length hair into her face. Head down, she braves the salt-laden wind to walk to the end of the pier, her footsteps hollow on the thick wood. At the end of the dock, hands in the pockets of her tailored black jacket, she looks out over the waves of the grey Atlantic.

Namor has posed:
The elves just won't give it up.

The actions of Svartalfheim and the disappearance of one of the greatest protectors of Earth against hostile invaders has forced Atlantis to rise from the depths to further offer aid to the Starport - a place Atlantis helped to build. Soldiers are covering this place like locusts on a fresh field - ripe for the picking. Yet, Atlantis stands strong in it's vows.

Zatanna's eyes can see the Emperor himself directing the efforts some distance away as Atlantean soldiers flood the Starport.

"Double the shifts. Svartalfheim will not catch us off guard again. I will remain here for a time - Atlantis is secured and protected, but this Starport is a symbol of a powerful alliance. The vows will be held accountable with Themyscira and Wakanda. Atlantis will not falter."

His soldiers salute and leave the Emperor of the seas to his watch. Winged ankles allow Namor to float towards Zatanna, a friendly look in his eyes despite his overall serious expression.

"Zatanna. I trust my soldiers have not given you grief."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Braced against a rail protecting the unwary from falling into the depths, the sorcerer squints into the wind watching a man detach himself from the soldiers and wing her way. A man seldom seen by mortals, even by magic users like herself. Yet, she has seen him twice in a matter of weeks, both times in the ocean, his home.

She raises a hand and waves enthusiastically as he approaches, then dips her head in homage to his royalty.

"How could they? I've only just arrived. I've been putting off visiting. It..." she makes a vague gesture back toward the grand building rising behind her, "...was hard returning." With a wave of her hand toward the ocean, she changes tack, and smiles faintly "How is your work going? How much of it can you tell me about?"

Namor has posed:
Her answer pleases Namor. It's clear in the way his brows slightly soften from their sternly-set posture and his eyes have a brightness to it. Clearly, he was prepared to calm someone from anger at his decisions, but it softens his hurricane of a heart that Zatanna is not quite such a person to bring such upon him.

Then pity crosses his features.

"I undrstand. I'm sorry that you have had to face such hardship and pain. Two attacks in a matter of weeks...it's unheard of. But with any measure of luck, we'll find those who have wronged us so heavily." Namor's fist clenches when he says that, an imperius nature out him and a taste of his temper rises to the surface.

"...but that is then, and this is now." He looks out at his work, how his men take up secure defensive positions. "I have done my work well. My soldiers are already fortifying this position. I'll not have us caught off guard again." He turns to regard Zatanna. "Would it be possible for you to reinforce the wards? I - unfortunately - have little understanding of magic. And it pains me to admit it, but you are better than many Atlantean mages."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Like many of the famous, the popular press speculates about Namor. The rare sightings of him are newsworthy and is always accompanied by rumors and guesses written as truth about his temper and character. Zatanna, though for less exalted reasons, understands the world of the paparazzi and tabloids. Still, she's not immune to a certain fascination for the Emperor as she watches the swift interplay of emotions cross his face.

Her fine eyebrows hike high in surprise concerning his opinion of Atlantean mages, once renown as the most powerful magic users in the world. "You flatter me, sir." She looks past him to the construction in progress and a frown shadows her face for a brief moment and flits away. "I can try. I set the wards for the Starport but they did not hold back Malekith. You have a lot of faith in my abilities to ask me to set more."

Namor has posed:
Many people say many things about Namor.

That he's evil.

That he drowns sailors by the hundreds each year.

But people always fear what they refuse to understand. More and more, he's seen in positive light with those of the Fantastic Four. His careful maneuvering has gotten Atlantis a seat on the United Nations and an Embassy on U.S. soil. Yet, the kindness of Zatanna is most welcome.

"Yet, the fact remains you are among the most powerful magicians to walk the earth. Even if your wards failed, it is better than nothing. It needs reinforcement and carefully." he reaches out, as if testing, to lay a hand on Zatanna's shoulder if she should permit the touch.

"My faith in you has not wavered."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The popular press is full of lies, overlooking the strides he has taken to establish his Empire, so long hidden, as a major world power. None of them have captured the full impact of his charisma at close range. The hand on her shoulder is warmer than she would have expected, she lets out the breath she held when he lifts it.

With a dip of her head, she puts a good face on her feelings, "Thank you for that." She looks back at the Starport, "In the press of the war, I haven't had time to wallow in how badly shaken I was after Malekith's troops stormed the Starport. We have to do what we can with what we have. When will you be needing them laid?"

She turns toward the railing, gripping it with both hands while she looks at the ongoing construction. "I've already surveyed the ley lines under the port and the surrounding area. So that much is done and will make the work go quicker."

Namor has posed:
Namor's contact is strong - surprisingly so - yet just as surprisingly, gentle. The contact is brief and meant to be encouraging, rather than lingering. He releases the grasp he had on her, as brief as it was, with a squeeze of her shoulder.

Namor nods his head softly and takes an active listening role as she explains the trauma she suffered from the war. It's not something everyone has seen or was built to see. Namor believes that war is a darkness that no one should be forced to suffer. He still has PTSD from the horrors he saw in World War II. Horrors that he's carried with him the rest of his life. It hardened him, made him a leader.

But he wouldn't wish that on anyone.

"As soon as you are able." He looks at her. "Emphasis on as you are able. There is urgency, but if you need the time, you may have it." Hearing that she's already done the framework earns his approval. "Good. Quicker work is always good, so long as it's efficient."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Turning to face him, she nods, still assembling her reaction to his words. He understood - something that approached a miracle and also something she had given up on having. All of them had been wounded that day, either physically or psychically. It smacked of childish ego to bring it up, which doesn't diminish the impact of Namor grasping it and understanding in so few words.

Zatanna looks her appreciation to him, a faint smile curving her lips.

"Well, sooner will be better than later." She gazes back out to sea where the clouds have begun to redden in the setting sun.

"Not this evening. I prefer to work in full light and consult some things before I begin. Tomorrow or perhaps the next day. If that suits you?"

Namor has posed:
"I agree."

Sooner is better than later.

But Namor can see the deeper meaning in her eyes, appreciation present but also an understanding that they have both gone through similar experiences. There's no greater than or less than in this. Only an understanding that both of them have suffered and seen with eyes that things that no normal human should have to see.

And in that? They bond.

"It suits me." Namor agrees. "Take your time, Zatanna. The Starport will be ready for your work when you have recovered enough." Namor's no fool: he's aware that good things take a great deal of time and magic was no excuse.