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But look at all the nerd stuff
Date of Scene: 10 March 2023
Location: Cindy's Pad
Synopsis: Molly comes over for sandwiches with Cindy and they talk about morality and their relationship. There are feelings.
Cast of Characters: Cindy Moon, Molly Hayes

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy finishes up her patrol for the evening and climbs in the window of her apartment still wearing her costume. She'd sent a text to Molly on her way home asking what kind of sandwich the girl likes and then gave her her address to come by for dinner if she was interested. Now padding around tugging off the bandana around her face, she heads into the living room and drops back on the couch with a heavy sigh.

Still pretty messed up about what had happened to Divine.

She stares at the blank television, a pair of sandwiches laying on the table in front of her when she reaches out for the remote to find something to watch while waiting for Molly. Do you or someone you know have mesoth-' click, 'Mike Hostilo..' She blows out a long sigh and brushes the hair out of her face with a flick of her wrist.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    'Totes! :)' is the first reply to Cindy's text. The next is 'Lemme finish my homework!' and then finally, the third 'Avocado club or that cheesesteak with the grilled chicken instead! California style!' and that's it. For like. A bit. Cindy's able to chill and stare at the TV for a few minutes before the door can be heard. Knockity-knock-knock.

    "Heeeey..." calls out the familiar voice of Molly.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy sits there absolutely blank staring at the tv for the whole time. Flicking through channels without much interest in anything she's seeing on the screen. Her thoughts are elsewhere, as they have been for the past day and a half, and it's only been broken up with periodic moments of happiness sprinkled over a cake baked of SHIT.

The knock at the door shakes her out of those darker thoughts and she leaps over the back of the couch to go turn the deadbolt to pull it open for Molly. "Hey, come in." Smiling, hair hanging half across her face, the rest is thrown back over her shoulder.

She never got around to changing out of her costume, so if Molly didn't know she was Silk, surprise, now she does. "It's not much to look at, but it's home and you can make yourself at home."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    When Silk answers the door, Molly's eyes go wide and so does her mouth. She clamps her hands over the latter though, and instead of a shout of 'whoa', a small squeak comes out. She scurries in, quickly, and turns to face Cindy. "...you're Silk?" she asks, taking a quick breath. "...I mean ... the... web stuff... when Divy was..." she frowns. "...but.. so cool.." she whispers loudly.

    Then she shakes her head, "Oh! Should I take off my shoes?" she asks. The cute blonde is in her usual rainbow Converse sneakers, and today it's a warm leggings under a short skirt day, wrapped up in a pink windbreaker and a 'Curse Your Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal!' teeshirt with two dinosaurs on it. And of course, the hat of the day is actually an adorable orange doge hat, with floppy ears.

Cindy Moon has posed:
In all honesty, Cindy completely forgot, but ultimately... Molly deserves to know. What with developments in relationship and all that, it may have been an unconscious decision. So when she glances down, then back up at Molly, she just nods and grins. "Yeah." Waving her in and pointing at the little shoe rack to the right of the door.

Her nose wrinkles a little and she glances around with her finger scratching at the back of her neck, taking in what Molly's wearing with a little bit more mirth in her grin. Like her brightness is actually doing a lot to break through the darkness that is Cindy.

She reaches out and flips one of the dogs floppy ears on the petite girls hat. "You're adorable, you know that?" She nods to the couch and heads that way, flipping off the television and reaching for the sandwich. After checking the label, she holds it up to Molly.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Molly is super polite when she's not dealing with jerkbutts. As soon as the shoe rack is gestured to, the girl scoots over and flops down on the floor to take off her shoes. She's meticulous about untying them and setting them aside. It makes it all the easier for a hand to come down from above and ruffle her hat some. She is, after all, not much shorter than Cindy!

    Then the perky girl is back on her feet, laughing softly. Her cheeks are tinted pink at the compliment. "Naaaaaw... it's just the hats! I got 'em because they're cute, and so they make me cuter by proxy! That's... science... or... something..." she frowns, looking even more adorable when she's lost in thought. Then she takes the sandwich, nodding gratefully.

    "Thanks! Wow. I didn't know you were Silk... there's so many spider-people around that I wouldn't be surprised if half the house spider population of New York was radioactive or something..." she pauses, then shudders. "...gross... that's scary.. I don't like spiders.." she pouts, then blinks. "Present company excluded, of course!" she squeaks.

Cindy Moon has posed:
The whole flop down on her butt to remove her shoes has Cindy snickering, eyes squinting at the SLIGHTLY SMALLER girl until she's got the converse off and put away and come over to grab her sandwich. "That has to be it, yeah." She pats the couch inviting her to sit down and comfortable.

"There's only four or five of us, I think. A few people who are allies, but aren't spiders." She looks at her own sandwich and opts not to eat just yet, hands folded in the little basket created by her legs curled up beneath one another on the cushion.

Her hair hangs with her head, draping down across her forehead with brown eyes staring at her costumed knees and her lips flicking in side to side quirks. "I don't really like spiders, is that weird?" Turning to look at Molly with a sheepish grin, "The hats are nice, but no... I meant you. YOU are adorable." Then a pause, a pregnant one at that. "Can I ask you something?"

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Flop numero dos occurs when the couch is patted, and she sits herself down next to Cindy. "Yeah but... like... how many radioactive spiders ARE there? It's cool! I don't wanna be bitten by one, though. I'm already weird enough..." she nodnodnods quickly and makes the ears on her hat floppy-flop around. She's opening up her sandwich slowly, taking in the scent of it. Chicken and cheese and peppers and mushroom! Unless it's a club sandwich. And then it's, like, a BLT with turkey and avocado. It's all good!

    "Huh? Really? Kinda! But. I mean. It's kinda traumatic I bet, too? Like... here's this thing that totally turned your life upside-down. Boom. Fresh Silk of Bel-Air!" She takes a big bite of her sandwich now, cheeks burning brighter when she's called adorable. She's just left there, chewing in silence, before that query comes up. "Mmm?" she blinks, then swallows, "...huh? Sure!"

Cindy Moon has posed:
It was the chicken melt because peppers and mushrooms from Angelo are the best. Cindy side glances at Molly and, no matter how much her insides want to stay angry, she just can't. Not staring at her with that floppy hat and just, all of her. The grin keeps flickering onto her pale face and it's not something she's faking. It's just there and impossible for her to get rid of.

"A little traumatic." She admits with a slow nod, reaching for her sandwich now. Something about smelling Molly's makes her hungry. When she unwraps it, it's Philly Cheese steak and clearly the best thing she's ever eaten by the euphoric expression on her face after the first bite.

"Honestly, it's more of a confession.. because I'm not very good at saying things to people..." She takes a breath and then another bite of her sandwich. Chewing quietly. "I'm glad we're all together. I'm glad you're .. uh... I'm glad you're my girlfriend..."

She clears her throat and looks down, "Unless that's not.. are we?" She glances back over, "I w.. I.." Her lips quirk to the side. "I hope so." She really isn't good at voicing things.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    It's magical. If Molly's eyes could be sparkling with stars in them, they would right now. She can't pull a Karolina though, so she just sort of stares at the sandwich, wide-eyed, enjoying that bite for all its worth and clearly contemplating how small she can make her next bite so she can make the sandwich last as long as possible.

    She looks over at Cindy, though, when the confession starts, after the bite to the second sandwich is made. She starts to nod, then blinks, then she tilts her head to the side some. The little squeaky doge is running circles around in her head, making little barking noises. It's the equivalent of a hamster wheel. Does she have internalized loading screens for each and every one of her hats?! Probably.

    Another bite. Another thoughtful chew. And a swallow. "Um. I'm glad we're all together too! Like... more is better, and... so is quality... but.. what if both? Right?" she asks, wiggling in her seat. "...I mean... before I... re-met Nico... I wasn't totally sure... if girls were my thing... then... I... we got Karolina back.. after so long... and.. and I was... trying to figure out.. if... more than one girlfriend was okay?" she rambles. "...cuz... I dunno I'm scared someone's gonna come along and take one of them, or one of you away an'... tell me 'Bad Molly, only one girlfriend allowed!' or... 'Bad Molly! Boys only!' or... something totes stupid like that..."

    She's rambly. Yep. "...an' I didn't know you 'til... 'til I met you at the con. Cuz... I really.. really like Divy. But. Even if it's... been like... a super short time? I like you, too. An' I can tell Divy loves us both lots. An' we can protect her, too. Um... maybe I dunno yet... fully what a girlfriend means? Cuz..." she trails off, looking sheepish. "...my first kiss with a girl was... on New Years Eve... an'... so was my first girlfriend... I'm still... super uber duper new to all this..."

    She sighs and closes her eyes, then opens them again, giving a lopsided smile to Cindy, "...but if you wanna... be my girlfriend... an'... be lovey an' hold hands... an' hug on each other an' Divvy together.. an' do girlfriendy things... then... yeah. I'm in too. You're real nice. An' one of the good guys! Like Batwoman! Cool costume an' all! ...that was a lot of words... mmm... yes? Yes. Girlfriend power."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy isn't at all sure where all of that is going, but she nods along slowly as if she's certain that eventually it will go somewhere. Every new twist and turn has her grinning a little more. Never so much that it would seem like she's inwardly making fun of Molly, but that she's kind of adoring her even more the more she just.. talks. At some point she takes a bite of her sandwich, but she's watching the motor mouth ramble.

When she finally finishes, and it has gone somewhere, she nods again. This time with the sandwich laid back down on the table in front of the couch. She wipes at her gloved fingers with a napkin, then turns on the cushion to face Molly fully. "I do care about Div a lot. Like more than I've ever cared about anyone."

"And yeah... so new to this.. I mean, until a year ago I was being held in a bunker for years.. Since I was fourteen..." She frowns and shakes her head, then glances over.

"So it worried me, at first. But I'm not worried anymore." She sighs from her nostrils and shrugs. "I'm just.. like... I don't know, I.. like you. And I know you like Divine.." She quirks her lips and glances around slowly. She shrugs and frets her hands in her lap, "I sound silly, never mind."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Molly takes a breath now that she's done talking, seeming a little light-headed. "...sorryItalktoomuch..." she mumbles and nomfs a bigger bite out of her sandwich. So much for small bites to savor it. But she enjoys it. It helps her center herself. And she had to notice that growing smile on Cindy's face. It's infectious. She's smiling too. She can't help it. She's a pretty sunny girl, all told! And when the chips are down, she's been known to just flip the table.

    But this? This is good. She blinks at Cindy's confession about the bunker, and finishes up her bite. "...y'know.. Me 'n Nico 'n Lina... we uh... um... our parents were, like, supervillains... an' were gonna sacrifice us to some, like, elder gods or something... I dunno..." she says softly, shoulders hitching as she dredges up the memory. "...an' I know Divvy's... got the whole... clone thing... so... we're... kinda all... all sortsa messed up. An' insecure. An'... I dunno..." she sighs.

    "...I kept running so much I ended up here an' stuck in a dozen foster homes from here to Cali... so... stuff like... people... is hard, for me, too... okies?" She's holding on to her sandwich, even if there's drippy cheese getting on her fingertips now. "...I like Divine an' I like you, too. S'okay. I know it's hard.. but.. you can talk to me! I mean it! You don't sound silly...! Keep... keep telling me stuff... so we can.. totally be on the same page. An' maybe the same book, even."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy glances out the corner of her eyes, turning them to look over at Molly in as much as she can do so without turning her head because there's red on her cheeks. Hands in her lap working endlessly, ringing them over and over that she may wear a hole in the gloves! Which doesn't mean she's not listening.

She even turns when Molly explains how she came to be in a foster home. Her brow furrows and she frowns, but the way the petite girl navigates terrible subjects by remaining sunny in the face of that adversity garantees she can't stay frowning long. The grin flickers back into place.

"It's weird... no it's not weird. It's not. We're allowed to feel however we want to feel." She blows out a sigh, "I..." She shakes her head again and bumps her shoulder into Molly.

"I would like to get to know you better. Hold hands, cuddle, all that stuff.. I'm just getting to know who /I/ am.. I don't even know if I'm gay or just... like Divine? But I know I find you really cute. And I never would have said it, I certainly wouldn't have ever acted one it, at least not until... I mean you know, but since.. well..."

She looks down at her hands, "I guess it's okay for me to tell you you're attractive.. and that I think you're pretty awesome."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    It's a lot. Molly's been through a lot. All of her friends, old and new, have been through a *lot*. Not just Nico and Lina, but now Divine and Cindy, too. "...our lives are uh... kinda been like... bags of wet cats, y'know?" she offers with a lopsided smile. "...but... we gotta make the best of 'em... an' be the best people we can be... 'specially for each other..." she nods, finishing off her sandwich now. She'd been going at it hard between talk sessions, and licks her fingers clean before actually grabbing a napkin.

    Just in time, too, for being looked at and gently bumped at. "Mmmm? I mean... y'got time... to figure it out... y'know? It's... like... maybe one day you like chocolate an' peanut butter... then next day you just want chocolate.... 'n then the next you decide you want to get a vanilla cone instead..." she offers up in the simplest way possible.

    Then, all cleaned off from sandwich time, she scoots closer to Cindy and wraps her up in a big hug. "...you're real pretty, an' pretty awesome too, Cindy..." she says, rubbing cheek to cheek with exuberant affection. "Got plenty of time to get to know each other, too! An' protect Divy while we're at it."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Their lives are bullshit.

Someone needed to think it.

Cindy grins at the effortless way Molly turns a terribly complicated thought into an analogy that makes sense. "Yeah, I guess I do." She admits in a quiet voice, bobbing her head in a slow motion with her hands buried in her lap. "I like mint chocolate chip right now." She isn't sure that's relevant to the analogy, but it's a truth that needed verbalizing.

The hug is very welcomed. Cheek pressing against Molly's with a sight blown across her ear. Her forehead leans forward to rest on her shoulder, specifically at the mention of protecting Divine. With her hands coming out, she wraps them around Molly's back and leans into her. Feet unfolding and bending behind her rather than beneath her. The other arm wraps up to grip the indestructable girlies upper arm, pulling it down enough to rest her chin in her elbow.

"If something happens to her, I'm going to kill whoever did it." She told Divine as much, but... she needs to get it out and Molly is as close to her as anyone else that isn't Divine. "So we can't let anything happen to her, okay?" Peering up and to the side. She moves quickly and pecks a kiss on Molly's cheek, then rests her head back on her shoulder. "You want to watch cartoons and cuddle?"