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Latest revision as of 07:45, 11 March 2023

A Whole Lot of Something
Date of Scene: 10 March 2023
Location: Gotham Diamond Exchange
Synopsis: Invincible, Batgirl and the Bodacious Brick all battle with Killer Croc in a Gotham City jewelry heist!
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Brick Bardo

Mark Grayson has posed:
It's the middle of the night.

Glass shatters. Alarm sounds. Six cars are rolled up on the Gotham Diamond Exchange, about a dozen men wearing tactical armor - heavily decorated considering the skulls and drug motifs covering their 'uniform'. "Move it people! We have twenty minutes!" One of the goons shouts. They carry heavy-duty firearms: assault rifles, shotguns, the works.

At the head of the pack is a giant, crocodile-like creature with pants that are well-worn and torn at the knees, reptilian eyes that practically glow in the dark, and sharp claws that look as if they could tear through a normal person like a knife to butter.

"FIND IT! All of it....or I'll chew on your bones!"

Police are going to take too long to get where they need to go. Yet, Gotham had more than evil in the night. It had it's knights.

It had it's Dark Knights.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
From high above, Batgirl watches as chaos erupts on the streets below. She sees the crocodile-like creature leading a gang of heavily-armed goons, their objective clear: to rob the Gotham Diamond Exchange.

As the goons frantically search for their target, Batgirl remains perched on a nearby rooftop, silently observing. She knows that the police won't arrive in time to stop the robbery, but she also knows that she cannot engage the criminals directly. Instead, she waits and watches, her keen senses scanning the scene for any sign of weakness or vulnerability.

Also in the sky above the crime, a small army of near-silent bat-drones begin to sweep across the vista of Gotham's night time horizon. The drones are under the command of Batgirl, providing her with a wealth of information of what's happening down there that might escape her own senses. Being over a decade in to this 'job', and having amassed her own personal wealth, Barbara Gordon has put to use her intellect to build herself a lot of fancy surveillance gear such as these flying drones...

Brick Bardo has posed:
"Brick don't shoot the cats, Brick don't shoot the ducks, don't shoot this, don't shoot that. This America place really hates guns," growls out the would-be NRA spokesman Brick Bardo as he cruises over the streets of Gotham on a sort of flying motorbike that wouldn't look out of place on any toy store shelf, not least because of it and his size. He wasn't on patrol for crime so much as he was a place to eat where he wouldn't get stepped on when the sounds of violence and screaming civilians grab his attention.

The bike slows and hovers in mid-air as Brick looks down on the scene below, his stomach growling even as he grins in a rather malicious manner and unholsters his peashooter of a weapon, seeming unbothered by the fact any bullets it must hold couldn't be more than the size of a grain of sand. "Well, they can't tell me I'm not supposed to shoot when they're firing back. Praise to you gods of self-defense," the pipsqueak renegade self-narrates, his gun kept in one hand while he steers the hoverbike down low and fast, sweeping behind the looting baddies to park silently directly on the roof of one of their cars, little concern with being spotted. Few people were watching out for 4 inch tall gun nuts.

Mark Grayson has posed:
The bat-drones are swift and accurate with their work, soon enough providing Batgirl a near complete overview of the area, highlighting the enemies in red hues and locating their positions. They're smart, surprisingly enough, moving in pairs. Though it may be somewhat easy to identify weaknesses in their position. They're not the best or brightest.

Croc is the real danger. He's marching towards the vault. With superhuman strength on his side, his clawed hands reach for the door and start pulling at it, though a slow process, the metal is starting to give way...

"Come on, come on, before those capes show up!" One of the gunmen whispers, completely unaware as to Brick's presence...or the looming Bat that comes with the shining moonlight.

There's no hostages. Many opportunities for a quick takedown, either by the ventilation system, the windows, the skylight...or if Brick decides to make a big enough wall.

If Batgirl or Brick is attentive? They'll notice someone flying high in the air who seems to be watching too...wearing yellow, blue, and black...

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl is already gone by the time that someone else arrives in the sky. Where she had been before, is as if she'd never been there at all.

The drones are still spread out around the building though, flying a perimeter around it high in the sky, keeping a watch on the street below. Off in the distance, a large dirigible airship is en-route to the scene as well... though to most people it'd just look like one of Gotham's common-place blimps meandering around above the city....

Batgirl herself, has already entered the building, and is approaching the infiltrating criminals. In fact, she's getting very close to them now, and without any fanfare at all, the lights inside the building, as well as the rest of the city block, all shut off, bathing the building's interior in a blanket of shadow...

Emergency strobe lights come on here and there, flashing around the exterior, and interior of the building...

Have the 'capes' already arrived? It might be just so...

Brick Bardo has posed:
Brick wasn't totally against the idea of stealth, it was a lot of guys and one hulking monster...thing. He knew to pick his spots. And that started with the lookout left outside the building to watch the street for cops, capes, and any civvies who decided to be brave enough to come back for a better look. What he wasn't watching for was rodent-sized men as Brick slid down the car windshield and onto the hood, the metal vibrating under his feet, the engine left running for a quick get-away. As the crook looked around his eyes swept right over Brick at least twice before he actually perceives the miniature man and starts to raise his gun, only to drop it back down again. After all, how could this thing be a threat?

"What the heck is that? Some kid's toy?" mutters the lookout as he leans in for a closer look while Brick stops walking, waiting for the man's face to fill his view.

"You got it pal. I'm the 'hit' new toy of the season," Brick snaps back, raising his gun and firing. Fortunately he had switched to his stun bullets. Unfortunately the gun as ridiculously small as it is and even using non lethal ammo hit like a damn truck. There's a high-pitched whine as the gun fires and the man flies backwards several feet crashing into the front door, his body jittering as an electric current courses through him before he slumps out cold.

Stepping up to stand on the tip of the car's front end like the city's most violent hood ornament in order to survey his work, Brick twirls his gun and lifts it to give a little blow across the barrel before adding to the benefit of no one, "You just got 'played.'"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Sirens can be heard in the far distance.

If the heroes are going to do something, they'd best learn to do it swiftly. But, all the same, that blip in the air is noticed by the hero in the skies, but with a swift movement, he near vanishes from sight, lost in the dark clouds with the moon no longer illuminating his silhouette.

Inside the bank...is another matter.

Lights from Batgirl's tampering shut off, with emergency lighting coming online in shades of red. "Fuck, it's the Bat! I know it!" Exclaims a panicking thug, while another punches him /hard/ in the shoulder. "Stone the fuck up, Chuck! We get this gig done and we're rich." Though alerted and afraid, the gang continues doing what they're doing.

"Hnnnnhhhhaaa....." Croc's mouth unhinges from the corner of his mouth. "The Bat...." He sniffs. "I can /smell/ you..." Could he actually? Or is it just a fear tactic. He thinks he knows where Batgirl is. Of course, he's long and away from where she /actually/ is. But he's looking.

And that's a problem.

Brick proves that he's quite literally his namesake.

There's a slump of a man with a cavity of blunt force trauma where a chest should be. Though he's still breathing, that's what matters.

"Wow, nice gun."


I N V I N C I B L E.

"Think we can go in there and cras the party for these guys?"

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl creeps silently through the dark building, her cape billowing behind her. She knows she's getting close to her target as she hears the distant sound of Killer Croc's gruff voice. Suddenly, a group of his henchmen emerge from the shadows, blocking her path. Without hesitation, Batgirl leaps into action.

She moves with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging their attacks and delivering swift, powerful blows. Her training and expertise in martial arts allow her to take on multiple opponents at once. As the goons continue to advance, Batgirl uses her acrobatic skills to somersault and cartwheel out of harm's way. With every strike, she gets closer to her ultimate goal of taking down Killer Croc.

Batgirl's flying bat-shaped drones sweep around the dark building outside, their cameras capturing every movement in high definition. They offer a crucial layer of security, allowing Batgirl to stay aware of any potential threats lurking in the shadows. The drones move with precision, their propellers whirring softly as they hover in the air. With their advanced technology, they can pick up even the slightest sounds and movements, giving Batgirl an edge in her fight against crime. As she watches the live feed from her handheld device, she feels a sense of relief knowing that her drones have her back. With these tools at her disposal, Batgirl is more than just a hero - she's a master strategist, always one step ahead of her enemies.

Brick Bardo has posed:
Brick hears and feels the landing of something moving fast enough to stir a breeze around himself, still jumping a bit as Invincible speaks in his brightly clad costume. Brick starts to raise his gun and then stops, brow furrowed up. "What's with the get-ups on this planet? Any of you people ever heard of a damn shirt and jacket?" Brick recognizing if not Invincible in particular, at least the signs of what this planet called 'heroes' most of which seemed to dress rather, uniquely compared to its civilians.

"Whatever Junior, come on, sounds like we're missing some of the fun already," Brick snaps up with his usual sense of respect despite the fact Invincible towers over him a dozenfold. He hops down off the car without fear of the drop and marches towards the front door where the unconscious baddie still blocking the entranceway. He actually walks up the man's body and lifts his gun again. The shot that comes out this time isn't 'stun' as the door explodes inwards in a shower of glass and steel.

"Anyone asks, they did that!" Brick warns Invincible as he hops off the hooligan and nearly vanishes in the shadows of the darkened jewelery store.