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Latest revision as of 07:45, 11 March 2023

N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Like Home
Date of Scene: 10 March 2023
Location: Divine's Apartment
Synopsis: In the aftermath of the attack, Cindy and Divine are cute. There are feelings.
Cast of Characters: Divine, Cindy Moon

Divine has posed:
It's been about a day since the Girlfriend Squad encountered nameless goons out to, apparently, recover Divine for whatever nefarious purposes they have. It didn't go great for them, but it didn't really go great for -her- either.

Thusly, we find our erstwhile Kryptonian loafing on her couch, the blackout curtains thrown wide open to let in as much sunlight as possible. It's also why she's wearing a tank top and shorts despite the still cool weather outside, to get as much sun into her as possible.

The TV is playing some action movie from the 80's. Did she turn it on, or did it just switch to that? Who knows?!

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy has been the definition of an emotional brick wall for the majority of the day. Hiding behind her hair, even when out on her daily patrol of NYC, but ultimately her path leads her to Divine's apartment. Her hunt for the individuals who had attacked her came up empty, which is probably a pretty good thing. She hasn't killed anyone yet and she's not entirely certain she'd be able to help herself.

The Silk spider enters through the sliding door wearing her costume, but with the bandana hanging around her neck rathre than poorly covering her identity. Sans her usual change of clothes backpack, she pads directly over to Divine on the couch and sits on the end, moving the Kryptonian's feet only to set them back down in her lap.

Her hair still hangs in her face. A curtain of black to keep the raging tsunomi of rage from being visible. But she's pretty stiff, so it's probably not as subtle as she thinks it is.

Divine has posed:
In any other circumstance, seeing Divine fatigued, tired like a normal person, might be endearing. Knowing what caused it, though makes it alarming. She peeks up as the sliding door opens, and she smiles brightly, if tiredly, at Cindy as she comes in. "Hey," she starts, her smile starting to fade as the usual chatterbox isn't very ... chattery. The body language, too, is easy to read.

Feet still in Cindy's lap, Divine sits up. It, at least, seemed effortless. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? Did... Did you get hurt on patrol?"

Good at reading that something's wrong. Dense enough to not know why.

Cindy Moon has posed:
That's what hurts the most: Seeing Divine all tired and drained. Or rather, seeing her drained and knowing why it is. Cindy glances over, looking for all the world like Sadako as she peers out from behind her curtain of black hair, with the notable exception of the little smile curling the corners of her mouth. Her hand lays on Divine's leg, nodding slowly as she rubs her shin affectionately, "I'm okay."

Her other hand comes up to brush her hair back out of her face, but that doesn't really help the expression appear more relaxed. "No, nobody hurt me." She scoots, then, sliding along the couch to slide between the cushion and the Kryptonian, arm going around her waist. "I'm just worried."

Divine has posed:
One thing Divine never learned because she was never a child is that you get snuggles when you're sick. That's just what happens. Someone who loves you cuddles you, brushes your hair from your face and tries to make you feel better. If this is close to it, she'd take getting the sniffles.

As it is, when Cindy slides in to get the good cuddling going, the clone's arms encircle her back. "About what? Me? I'm fine. I promise. If it were, like, June, you wouldn't be able to tell anything happened. The sun's just not strong enough to juice me up from that ... drained, I guess. Another day and It'll be like nothing happened."

Cindy Moon has posed:
It's the only way Cindy really knows how to express herself in the moment. Divine isn't suppose to be vulnerable. She's the immovable object. The pillar. Seeing her all crumpled up had been a nightmare that Cindy hadn't ever realized was possible, so it made it so much worse. Her arms circle around the Kryptonian in as much contacting cuddles as she can manage, which is a lot because she's flexi.

"I know." She does, she can see how much better she is today compared to yesterday. "It's not you I'm worried about... I mean it is, if they hurt you and something happened to you, I'd absolutely lose my mind, Divine." She does stroke hair out of the Kryptonian's face. Not because that's what she's suppose to do when someone's sick, but because that's sort of her thing! Hair strokes.

"And then I kill them."

Divine has posed:
She breaks into a smile as Cindy gets cozy, She can't help it. It -does- feel nice. It's relaxing, too. Which, for once, is dangerous. Because it's so rare for her to be tired, she almost just leans into it. She stops herself this time, though. She listens, her expression going from concerned to worried.

Now it's her turn to reach up and touch Cindy's face, stroking her cheek and then cupping her chin. "I ... I really do appreciate the thought. I would do the same if anything happened to you. But.." She trails off, screwing up her face as she tries to find the right words.

"My base nature is pragmatic. I want simple solutions. If you kill a problem, it can't be a problem anymore. But I also want to ... connect with my people. Superman, Superwoman, even Power Girl, and they don't kill. So I won't either. Mercy, even to those, no, especially to those who we don't think deserve it. Would I kill the guy who made me? No. Will I break all of his toys so he can't do it again? Absolutely."

Could she keep to that if the tables were turned? If it were Cindy who got hurt? She's not sure.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy rubs her cheek against the palm, her own hand coming up to lightly grip Divine's wrist. She doesn't have to turn a whole look to look at the Kryptonian, but she is listening. Even if all she wants to do is lean into this happiness and forget how scared and angry she's been all day. Like the other woman, she listens instead. She doesn't run from the problem just because it would be easier and more comfortable to do so.

"Neither do mine. Spider-Man, Spider Girl..." She blows out a sigh and closes her eyes, again leaning against Divine so her face is hidden. Not by her hair, but by someone who cares enough to try and talk her into being the bigger person in a situation that may never happen.

"I know. I'd regret it if I did, even though they hurt you. I'd feel like I'd done you a dishonor because of all the work you're putting into being more like your kin.." She flicks her eyes up, looking through her hair, "But if I didn't, all I'd ever think about how they hurt you and I did nothing... Ugh.." She sighs heavily and squeezes the soft pillar.

"I don't like this."

Divine has posed:
"They didn't have the green rock, and I don't think they wanted to hurt me. They want me back for some reason, and that means in one piece." She grins, leaning forward to rest her forehead against Cindy's. "That just means that if they do get me, you and Molly have to rescue me. Those guys are hosed." She pauses. "You might need to get Emma on board too, if only for transportation. I'm sure that lab is in bumfuck nowhere."

She learned a new phrase!

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy tries to take that as relieving as Divine means it and it's clear that it has a little. She smiles, even if it's a small one, it's a start. Nuzzling her forehead against Divine's with her hand tracing down her shoulder to rest on the back of one musclie arm. "We would too. Man, we'd absolutely destroy those dick heads if they kidnapped you. She might be tiny and adorable, but that Molly sure does pack a hell of a punch... and I'm really mean when someone messes with my people."

She nods to the thing about Emma too, "She'll definitely have a few choice words... but she'll have to get in line! Grrrrrr face, Grrrr.." Trying to look playfully menacing instead of the actual menacing she was looking only a few short minutes ago.

"Bumfuck Egypt."

Divine has posed:
"I think," Divine starts, looking almost troubled. "Molly might be stronger than me. Honestly, she's a better catch than me. Cuter, stronger, doesn't use foul language. Great hats."

She smiles again, her heart lightening at the false-menacing. She much prefers this. "You're a better catch than me too, I think. No matter how you... self-depreciate, you're way smarter than me, that Silk Sense is way cool." She pauses, the hand not being used to touch Cindy's face lifts and tugs the bandana-thing. "And I like the bandana, even if it's not super practical."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Oh fuck off with that." Cindy slaps Divine's shoulder. It's not hard, just a swat of her upper arm accompanied by the roll of her eyes, "I'm not with you because you're strong. That has nothing to do with anything, unless I was, like, trying to field a baseball team. Which I'm not." And even if she were, "Besides, I guess I got you both?" She's not even sure how that works, if she's honest, but it's ultimately unimportant.

With Divine trying to break the self deprication cycle. "Bah, no, I'm terrible. The worst. I am the night." She playfully covers her ears with both hands and squeezes her eyes shut. Lips puckered all adorably in defiance. "And my bandana is the worst super identity covering that anyone has ever attempted to use in a costume. What was I thinking? Dope Silk outfit, annnnd a bandana."

Divine has posed:
One of these days, Divine will shatter that cycle. She will crush it in her mighty fist and let it crumble to the ground forgotten. Cindy will believe she's awesome. "Yeah. You have us both. She's such a sweetheart." What a trio, though. Divine, the goth titan, and two tiny ladies who are far scarier than she is.

While Cindy runs the denial game, Divine just leans forward and kisses her on the forehead. "You're great, and the bandana doesn't give you ... mask hair? Hood hair? I'm sure the other spiders have terrible times with it."

Cindy Moon has posed:
It will be a hard won fight when Divine finally gets Cindy to agree to such LIES and SLANDER. She does open her eyes at the kiss to her forehead, "Yeah, she's pretty sweet." It's not every day that Cindy is the weakest person in the room, but that's basically anytime they go to the movies together. She snickers and rolls her eyes. "Whatever, you'll never get me to agree to that."

The whole thing about her bandana, partially held by Divine, and she glances down at it. "It keeps falling down while I'm fighting. I should get a half baklava or something more practical. But you right, all the other spiders probably have stank ass sweaty hair when they get home." She preens, combing her fingers through her long, beautiful, black hair.

Divine has posed:
"Maybe I won't get you to agree with it, but then again if I feel it hard enough for the both of us, you won't have to," she says with a smile. She lets the bandana go, and considers. "Your hair is lovely. Even when it's mussed up by the wind. It gives you an ... ethereal thing. ... I dunno, words are hard sometimes."

She pauses, her hand lowering again. "I'm sorry I scared you. I should have been paying more attention. I feel bad that I worried you two."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy is fine with basking in a little attention though.

She is a creature of inconsistancies.

Truly, it's a vibe.

Smiling at the compliments she'd only accept from a very select few people, she lays a hand on Divine's cheek and wiggles her nose to brush with the kryptonians in true Cindy-fection. "I just like hanging it in my face and staring at people wide eyed to make them uncomfortable in public."

Then there was a pause... and she reaches for Divine's hand, "No. Absolutely not. You're not blaming yourself for that.. That was not your fault at all. You shouldn't HAVE to watch over your back every second to make sure some weird fuckers aren't trying to kidnap you back to a lab. You're a beautiful, wonderful, delightful soul who should be comfortably walking around holding your girlfriends hand on a date without any concerns beyond, I hope I look good in this or.. I hope they have the latest issue of (incert ficitional comic book here). The fact that our lives are so revolved around the potential influx of psychos is ... I honestly don't even know."

She brings the hand up to kiss Divine's knuckles. "But it made something very clear to me. Which is both scary and also very good. I think.. I hope."

Divine has posed:
Divine can't help but feel a little bad, even if Cindy is absolutely correct. It's not her fault. She never asked to be made. She never asked to be dumped, and she sure as hell never asked to be recaptured. She sighs a little, nodding and taking in the affection.

"You're right. I know, but I like to blame myself, because I can at least punish myself by feeling bad. ... That's weird and stupid, isn't it?" She pauses then, tilting her head. Something feels heavy, and she swallows, her throat suddenly dry. "W-what's that, Cindy?" Her eyes flicker, almost looking frightened. Anxious and worried.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy bites her bottom lip, forehead resting against Divine's as the Kryptonian confesses to punishing herself for things that are both out of her control and not even her fault to begin with. It sounds familiar. She does that too. Her hand comes up to trace down Divine's face, brushing her thumb under her eye gently.

"Nah, it's not stupid." Quietly, shaking her head quickly, hair fluttering slightly over her shoulder. "It's... ugh. It's not a bad thing. Just, feelings, you know? They can get complicated. Especially when you say things and it's maybe too early, but I kind of think I'm falling for you. Like not even in that 'hah, yeah she cool' way. But in the l-l-l.. llll... lluuuu... the big way."

Hand out wide because the other is curled up beneath her head. "Big."

Divine has posed:
She nods once. Feelings are complicated. They're difficult and painful and sometimes they're just too much and she has to get away. She has to be alone with her thoughs somewhere she can't be found for a while to process. Divine doesn't know if this is normal, or if she's weird or broken, but she keeps it to herself for now.

For now, she listens. She takes in the words Cindy is saying without comment. It looks like gears are turning in her head, and a few seconds after Cindy finishes, the Kryptonian blushes fiercely, understanding coming across her face. "I ... wow. Um...," she stammers. She goes quiet, doing a very catlike slow blink. "I ... feel the same. I think. I'm ... bad at this. I don't know what to say or do except ... be me. And what I want to do is be with you. Protect you. Do fun things with you. I want you to be happy."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy is terrible at voicing her feelings and has tendency to run away after she does. Find an excuse to leave. There's so many things that go into all of it.. so many fears. Soon as you point out how you feel, you open yourself up to get hurt. You open yourself up to THEM getting hurt.

She doesn't run away, but she does hide her face. Combing hair over it with a little sigh. Not necessarily regretting voicing what she's been feeling, but certainly apprehensive on how it'll be received. Because that's human.

The response is what she'd hoped.

Peering out at Divine with a solumn nod, she wraps the arm around the Kryptonian. "I'm very happy. So now we know." She kisses Divine's chin and lays her head back down to just stare at her, stroking hair back from her jaw with the tips of her fingers. "My heart is exponentially more full because I met you."

Divine has posed:
It was only a little awkward. And difficult, but it worked out. "Thank you for telling me. I know we haven't been together that long, but...I think you've helped me grow a lot as a person. To...learn how to -be- a person. A better one." Divine leans forward and kisses Cindy right on the tip of her nose. "You're .. pretty inspiring, honestly. You go out there every day to help people. Sure, you're really strong and quick, but you're not invincible. You just need to get unlucky once, but you still do it."

She gives a self depreciating smirk. "And look at me. I am mostly invincible, and I bodyguard a woman who could put half the city in a coma with a thought if she wants to. Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my gifts." Blue eyes stare into dark ones. "But it all led to meeting you, so I can live with a little guilt."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Yeah, well, what was I gonna do; keep it bottled up? It's not like I'm asking to move in or anything, I'm just saying you mean a lot." Cindy can't help getting a little defensive, which is weird since it worked out. There goes more compliments. She wrinkles her nose, shaking her head. "No, stop, I'm not an inspiration to anyone except the surprisingly small amount of Korean super hero market." She jokes with a little playful grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

She doesn't look away from those blue eyes though. "In fairness, she strikes me as the kind of person who probably needs an invincible bodyguard. Plus she pays you well. Maybe you should be inspiring me, I live in Harlem." So clearly alturism isn't paying very well.

The last part, that she accepts without any question, "That's a tale as old as time. Girl meets other girl on the roof of the Empire State Building. Feelings... Fin."