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Godfellas: The Entellening
Date of Scene: 09 March 2023
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Alex tells Diana and Kora about Ares stuff
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Alexander Aaron, Kora Ikassis

Diana Prince has posed:
When Alexander arrived at the Themysciran Embassy this afternoon, he found it a little quieter than usual. The attendee at the front foyer had personally greeted him right as he'd stepped inside, and she'd offered to take him back to Diana's office. The walk was quiet, the courtyard outside was visible as they walked past it toward the office double doors at the far end of the main hallway.

When they reached the office, the doors were already open, Diana inside on the far wall of bookshelves.

Diana's attire is comfortably casual, with a simple blouse and slacks that allow her to move freely. The sun shines in through the windows behind her desk, casting a warm glow over the room.

With the last book in her hand slipped back in to the shelf, the Princess turns to see the pair, and she smiles. "Alexander." She says in that warm tone of voice as she starts back toward her desk. "Thank you, Paige." She tells the young blonde woman who turns to leave back to the front of the Embassy once more.

Now her eyes are fully on Alex as Diana stands beside her desk. "What brings you by today?" She asks him, interlacing her fingers together over her lap.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hey," It's a casual greeting, perhaps overly so as the young blond man steps into the room. He's been around now and again, but not quite as often as in the past. Likely that horrible thing he's bidden to do of late, that being a job, has taken up a good part of his time. "S'good to see you, Diana."
    Into the room he steps, a glance given over his shoulder toward Paige as he smiles an offer of thanks, then his pale hazel eyes turns back to his aunty. Further into the room he wanders. His garb today is his usual casual fare. That being white sneakers, blue jeans, and a black t-shirt that declares himself 'Possibly The Property of Schrodinger's Scientific Institute', though his backpack on his shoulder is black and he carries a visored helmet under his arm.
    He walks across and quirks an eyebrow as he rests a hand on the back of a chair opposite her desk, asking silently if he may take a seat. If she gives some sign of agreement he does so.

Diana Prince has posed:
There comes a smile from Diana as she sees his motion, and she nods softly once. "Have a seat." She says before she, herself moves to sit down upon her own chair in front of those windows looking out on the eastern yard of the Embassy property, fenced in by a distant stone wall about twenty feet from the windows outside.

"You've been well, then, I hope?" She asks with a light smile on her crimson painted lips. "This is not a dire visit, I hope..." She adds softly.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Into the seat he goes, then he sets the helmet beside the chair. He then sets the backpack down as well and when he straightens he's smiling. "Decently well, yeah. And I trust you have been too." He pushes a hand through that ragged mop of hair on his head only for it to fwoompf back into place out of place.
    "There is sort of a thing that might be going on, and it's weirdness. And I said I'd tell you all the weirdness when it reared its weird head." He offers that lightly, then his lip curves up a little. "You might find it a little funny. I mean, I do. But yeah."
    He pulls his leg up into his lap, almost like some yogic posture, his hands resting on his ankle. Those eyes meet hers. "So you know about my father doing that thing, trying to be normalish. Being all John Aaron and a construction worker and all that right?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's elbows go to the arms of her chair, her hands resting in her lap as she just watches him settling in. His words do garner a few different expressions, and her initial response was short and sweet. "I did not think you would inform me on /all/ the weird, just the important stuff." She'd fired back before just listening.

Any talk of Ares was a uncomfortable thing for Diana, and even Alexander could see it on her body language. They've tussled, more than Alex can likely ever realize. Diana even thought she killed Ares, once upon a time. But... 'he got better', as one seems to do in this world, when they are of origins such as theirs.

"I know that he has told you that was his plan, yes." She says, insinuations abound there. "I certainly hope that he is sticking to that idea. Have you heard otherwise?" She then asks of Alex.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    His eyes narrow slightly and his nose crinkles as they come close to that oh so momentary clash of ideals. Though he seems mostly at ease. He keeps his hands on his ankle, though at times he gestures with his right hand in the traditional manner of their people and the art of rhetoric.
    "He is, to his detriment it seems." He motions, "So he was voted into a position of authority for his union. Local Construction #427." As if she knew the various unions hither and yon. "Which meant he did some representation work, which... in and of itself is kind of awesome." Since it does cause him to half-smile a little.
    "But ok so he is doing union rep stuff. But well, you can't do union stuff in Manhattan and Jersey without... you know, getting the attention of guys with crooked noses and violin cases tucked nervously under their arms. Right?"
    He takes a deep breath, "Soooo." His lip turns, "He got... a death threat."

Diana Prince has posed:
The explanation that Alex gives of his father just has Diana sitting there quietly listening. The 'death threat' part does cause her to gently tilt her head to the right some. "He must have really been ruffling some feathers then. The Union system is certainly one not without its flaws, but... generally, it is not quite so dramatic."

She pauses for a beat, before continuing.

"Do you know any more about it? I would be happy to look in to it, though you know that he will not likely enjoy it if he finds out that I am poking about..." She states the last part with alittle more of a dry undertone. "Not that that would stop me, however."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I know a bit, hard to filter through everything when talking with him to get... you know, the full angle on things." Alexander shifts in his seat a little, drawing his leg up a little more and not seeming comfortable, but it keeps his back straight and his attention focused. His hazel irises meet her gaze as he says, "There apparently was some sort of real estate fraud situation going on and he... was very loud about not supporting it. Apparently made the whole thing fall through. So they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. And he refused it."
    The young deity crinkles his nose a little, "I plan to try and figure out what I can, work that aspect of it. See if I can find out who exactly is making the threats and why. But there's another aspect that comes in which might... overlap into your sphere of influence."
    He takes a deep breath. "So the union's hierarchy are legally obligated to take reasonable steps to protect their reps from organized crime. So my father is... likely going to have to have a bodyguard. Which raises all sorts of problems for him maintaining his identity."
    He uncurls a hand, "Which in turn leads to the fact that I might have to end up with one since they made a threat about kidnapping or harming his family. So... yeah."

Diana Prince has posed:
It is a complicated situation, and Diana takes a moment to mull over some of it in her mind.

"Normally, for someone like you, for something like this... I would offer the assistance of the Amazons." She tells him. "You are aware of us having many more numbers in America than we ever have before. I recently assigned some of our people to guard a US government official who was in danger... However, this situation is different. I am not sure I could ask any of my sisters to protect... your father." She grimly notes.

"you, however, I could make that assignment a thing. I realize you are not one to want a bodyguard, but also, what better bodyguard could you ask for than an Amazon at your side?" She asks him with a smirk.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander half-smiles as his eyes distance past Diana, out onto that beautiful tableau beyond her of the eastern yard. His eyes linger on the trees, the skyline, then he returns his attention to her. "That's understandable. But the key here, I think, is to... take it easy and not let on that there is weirdness going on. Or as little weirdness as possible. Having a personal Amazon bodyguard, while... tempting..." His lips twitch, "It would raise a bunch of questions I imagine."
    One hand lifts to rub at the back of his neck, "I mean, I don't exactly have a... secret identity. It's more that I'm me, and weird stuff follows me around. But I know you hate him, Diana. But this whole... roleplaying that my dad is doing, trying to be mortal and as normal as he can be. It is important to him. It's important to me. And the longer he does it, the longer he keeps his nose clean, right?"
    So he opens his hands toward her as if throwing the entire problem in her lap, "So this is the first like, secret identity thing I'm dealing with. Did you ever have a secret identity? How did you handle it?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sits straight up in her chair and places her hands on the edge of her table, her forearms resting across the sides of her desk. "If I had a secret identity, it was the name 'Prince' itself. I only had it to legitimize my persona here in the mortal world, after leaving Themyscira. I could not simply tell people who I was, as much as I thought I could when I had first arrived. The truth would not have gone over well, and that was something I had to learn via the assistance of good friends... So yes, technically I did have a secret identity, though not in the modern sense of the idea, I believe. It is a ... challenging life, to try and uphold such a thing too, with a wide variety of reasons why one would /need/ to uphold it. In my case, the world around me could not handle the story that I would have to tell, if I were forced to tel the truth of it. That might have, in fact, been why it took me so long to come out as who I was, as I got comfortable in the persona of who I had been, for a century."

She shows a smirk to Alex then. "I do not hate your father. I do hate what history exists between he, and my family. I do admire him, if he is truly trying a new course in life, and I do fear for this kind of roadblock, should it be putting him in a place where he might be forced to lash out in ways that we all hope he does not."

She draws in a light breath through her nose then. "I can speak to him, if you think it would help."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander listens to her, nodding slowly as she offers her insight and explanation. When she reaches the part about his father, his eyebrows climb and he nods, "I hope he is too. I mean, I know that the amount of time I've been alive for him is... a bare sliver of time that he's existed. What's twenty some years to someone a few thousand years old right?"
    He looks to the side, then back, "But that's why I feel like... if there's anything I can do to help him get that chance. To, I don't know, make it as easy as possible for him to follow that path. Then I should do that."
    Then she offers to speak to him and his eyebrows raise, "That could help possibly. Or..." He looks to the side, brow furrowing. "Possibly if you showed you are extending of yourself to try and smooth the road."
    Then he tilts his head. "Though might be wise to create an alternate path this information came to your attention. Though ultimately I'm fine with him knowing it comes from me. He knows we talk now and then, and that I've fought at your side."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is seated at her desk with her back straight and her hands folded on the edge of the desk itself. She's looking at Alexander across from her, who lookws like one of those annoying guys that has messy hair that still seems to work for them somehow, plus he's got a weird science property shirt on, and some jeans, so annoying, those guys.

Anyway, Diana listens to what Alexander says, her chin dipping ever so slightly. "I will be honest. My initial inclination is to speak to your father, and then show up to whatever meeting may be coming of all of this, with... or without... his blessing. I would rather just confront the people who are under the impression they are dealing with your average construction worker, and show them that their heinous attempts at underhanded dealings would be falling on the wrong ears, in to the wrong hands, and that ... well.. they would see me, and know that their actions would result in very little other than devastation for whatever crooked schemes they are plotting here, and otherwise. People like this? They need to be brought to justice, in to the light, to let the light deal with them... as it does."

"But would your father want that?" Diana asks with a half smirk.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander spreads his hands wide, "I know, and I mean... that's an option. Just... then it raises questions." The young Olympian finally lowers his leg from his lap, only to swap legs and pull the other up, his hands wrapping around the ankle as he looks thoughtful.
    "And that's the main thing we're trying to avoid. If they find out this union guy is somehow connected with wild aggressive amazon women," His lip twists as he offers a /small/ hint of teasing Diana's way, "Then they might think he's not just some construction worker from Jersey."
    He takes a deep breath, "I have myself and a few friends from SHIELD, we're going to try and investigate who is making these threats, see if we can perhaps aim law enforcement entities their way. Something. The ideal scenario is my dad deals with his bodyguard for a bit, keeps his cool, and we handle the Maggia."
    That said he gives a single nod as if that solved the whole thing.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
A discreet knock on the door announces the tray of refreshments that the kitchen saw fit to send up. It is one of Kora's favorite rooms in the Embassy. It gracefully blends modern New York with the antiquity of their home with enough formality to welcome dignitaries and friends. The young Amazon (with Diana's permission) regularly raids the books lining the walls and enjoys hiding in her office to read when she is out.

The kitchen thinks nothing of grabbing the newest amazons like herself to wait on the Princess. Luck would have it that she gets not only to serve the Princess but a guest today. A guest that had staff gossiping until they knew she was in earshot. She knew better than to ask but was curious now.

Dressed like a New York college student, Kora sports ripped jeans and a MOMA sweatshirt, arriving noiselessly in running shoes - a far cry from sandals and armor. She carries a silver tray laden with an ice bucket, glasses and Diana's peche mignon, Coca Cola in bottles, next to a bowl of chips and a tray of freshly baked kourabiedes.

With a nod, she sets the tray on a table near the two and takes a step back.

Diana Prince has posed:
"Mm..." Diana simply says to Alexander moments before Kora enters. The arrival of Kora has the Princess showing a smile as she moves to stand up, "Kora, have you had the chance of meeting Alexander?" She inquires, once on her feet she moves around the corner of her desk, and motions to Alex. "Alexander Aaron, this is Kora. One of our more recent Amazonian arrivals to the city, though Kora has been here for a little bit now, enough time to settle in somewhat I think." She looks to Kora for confirmation of that.

Diana's eyes fall to the tray that Kora brought in and she smiles toward it, moving to pick up one of the drinks and treats. "You are a true treasure." She tells Kora then. "Alexander was just informing me that he might require an Amazon bodyguard." She starts, with a little grin. "Would you be up for that job?" She asks Kora, though she may just be teasing, it's hard to tell for sure.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Kora enters the room she'll see the aforementioned gossip-topic in human form. Or something approaching it. He's a pale blond young man with loose clothing and a ragged mop of hair that is considered stylish in certain well-cultured circles of the world. And his t-shirt if one were to consider it and were perhaps educated they might see how very clever clever it is. And yet...
    He turns and smiles one of those small smiles that are offered politely. It is then accompanied by a wave of a hand that signifies recognition. Hello fellow sentient life form, as it were.
    Then he looks back toward Diana as she speaks, making those introductions. Which, in turn, cause him to gain his feet as he offers his hand to her, "I believe we met, albeit briefly. You were wearing more armor I think." He steps forward and should she accept he'll shake her hand. Though he does glance sidelong toward Diana.
    "We're trying to avoid the need for a bodyguard. Hopefully it'll never reach that point."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Tucking back a lock of hair that got loose from its elaborate braid, Kora dips her head. Diana's affable treatment of even the youngest among her warriors never ceases to amaze her. It is only one of the list qualities in the Princess that earns her loyalty.

With a nod, "Yes, we did briefly, once, I think. You have an unforgettable face, Alexander Aaron.

Glancing from their guest to Diana, "A bodyguard?" She takes his hand instead of his lower arm as she is accustomed to and gives it two firm shakes, looking him in his pale eyes. She politely does not ask why but looks expectantly between him and the Princess.

Diana Prince has posed:
Taking a moment to enjoy some of the treats that Kora had brought in, Diana just observes the two of them while she remains standing off to the edge of the seating area. After a sip of the drink, though, she moves to sit down on the edge of one of the leather sofa chairs. "Alexander is actually a relative." Diana informs Kora, with a smirk offered to Alex. "He is the son of a... brother." She vaguely explains. "His father is going by the name of John Aaron, though you may be more familiar with the name Ares."

A moment is taken to let that sink in, Kora likely having been informed about the basics on Ares to the Amazons at some point.

"He is trying to turn over a new leaf today, and well... it would seem some unconnected issues have arisen."

To Alex then, Diana looks. "I do appreciate you bringing this information to me too. I'm going to look in to this Union you mentioned, and if something more does come up, I would be eager to hear about it."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "She is teasing you," For that is what Diana is so known for, constant teasing. Alexander smiles as he releases her hand and then heads back over to his seat, dropping into it with that carefree attitude that takes quite an amount of cultivation to attain as he settles back down. He looks to the tray and considers it, but ever so politely awaits Diana to take the first taste, the first sip. Then he takes the guest rite and accepts a small bite to eat, chewing as he looks between the two.
    "I don't need a bodyguard," He says with that matter-of-fact tone that some people adopt when they are trying to assure others of the truth of their words. "Just there is a small." He holds up a hand, fingers barely a millimeter apart, "Smol, chance I might be given one. Which might cause complications."
    He takes one of the bottles of soda and twists the cap off as he listens to Diana's words, nodding a little in time then glances to Kora, "She has the sum of it," A small gesture with the bottle is made in the Themysciran's direction. Then he tilts his gaze toward her. "If you do look into it, please I would ask for you to be discrete. I worry if he gets wind that we are... clearing the way for him he might take it adversely. But who is to know?"

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Despite being a child of an ocean demi-god of little importance, Kora's eyes dart to Alexander, at first with surprise that she is too well-mannered to show, then with a faint blink of understanding. It explains so much of his civilized poise.

Glancing first at Diana for confirmation. "Neither of you need a bodyguard? But might need a bodyguard? I would do it if the Princess would allow it. But what would your father say?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Both of them are listened to by Diana who rests on the edge of that leather sofa chair's embrace. She lowers her new drink down to set it upon one of the coasters upon the coffee table in the seating area of her office. "Well. Whether Alexander needs a Bodyguard, or not, is mostly dependent on this situation, it would seem. No one thinks you 'need' one for actual protection, but for keeping up an image for this situation might be enough reason to call for it. But we shall see. It might be premature to jump to any conclusions just yet. I would like to know what your other associates say about all of this too, Alex. If you would call me, or send me an e-mail, or even just a text, to let me know, I would appreciate that too."

She smiles then to Kora, and motions to her. "And as you can see, Kora here is already willing, should the need... whatever it may be, does come to pass. As for your father, well... if anyone is to be assigned to /him/ in such a capacity, I believe I would handle that myself."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small shrug is given by Alexander as he looks between Kora and Diana, "My father doesn't comment too much on my life, but he also doesn't keep up hugely on it." Though there's a moment where his gaze distances as a small smirk touches his lips, some inner monologue likely occuring where he's arguing with himself about that statement.
    Then he says, "In any case, though. I'm hoping..." He looks toward Diana, "That it won't get that far. Ideally I'll be able to remove the reason I might need a bodyguard. With some help from my friends and all."
    When Diana speaks his attention snaps to her and he listens, giving a nod as she offers her own insight and asks him to email or text. Though when she asks what his colleagues mostly think his lip curls. "Well, they think it's kind of funny actually. But they offered to help at least."
    Yet when she offers herself up as bodyguard his eyes widen marginally and then close as he shakes his head. "I... don't think he'd take well to that. But... yeah." Already his hazel eyes are distanced, imagining some distant future image of Ares and Diana, likely in not entirely peaceful circumstances. He looks back.
    "But see, now you're caught up." A pause, "Mostly. I've moved, I'm not staying at the townhouse in Greenwich."

Kora Ikassis has posed:
It is not her place to comment on the Princess offering herself as a body guard. But, it underlines how important she takes the possibility of Ares needing one for cover. When Diana finishes speaking Kora puts ice into two glasses, then uncaps a bottle of Coke. She smiles to herself, the fizzing drink has fascinated her since arriving in New York and she likes it now. The first glass is put before Diana. She, then pours for herself before sitting on the edge of the spare chair.

"So a body guard for keeping up appearances? Is that right?"It doesn't take a deep study of the Gods to know that neither Ares or his son -needs- guarding. She looks abstracted for a moment, considering how the world beyond Themyscira would deal with the God of War and his son, Phobos, being among them.

Diana Prince has posed:
The delicious Coke with the real sugar is a treat for Diana, and most Amazons seem to have an afinity for it for that matter. When Kora hands her the glass she accepts it and sips it whilst listening.

"Sometimes the mere act of publicly showing a presence, like a bodyguard, is enough to send the message that needs to be sent." She quietly says to Kora before shifting her gaze back to Alexander.

"You moved out of your Greenwich loft? It was a nice little place. I hope you found something better then, though in this city, that can be a challenge." She states with a faint grin. "You are with SHIELD now... fully, I assume? Did you take up quarters within their facility up north?" She inquires.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A nod is given toward Kora, "For the most part. My father has been trying to live as a mortal the last..." He shakes his head and gestures to the side, "However many years, and he's been doing a passable job. I believe." That particular wording might well please Diana as he does make allowances for her world view.
    "So yeah, the people threatening him if they realize that Princess Diana would protect him might start... asking uncomfortable questions. So that's what we're trying to avoid."
    He leans to the side in his chair as the topic shifts away from the task of needing a bodyguard, though as she makes that last comment toward it he nods. "True, hopefully I can find out how set on this course of action the Maggia might be. Perhaps they can be dissuaded."
    That said he takes a deep breath, then nods at first about working for SHIELD, "Yes, I'm working full time with them, but I'm living in that apartment building on 9th..." He scrunches up one eye, "I still don't have the address memorized. Honestly feels like I spend most of my time at the Triskelion. Downtime feels rare." He crinkles his nose, "This whole job thing sucks." He gives a nod toward Kora as if looking for some solidarity on this sentiment.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Kora blinks, blowing the cue to agree with him. Unlike Alexander, Kora was thrilled to get a job. The whole notion of being paid to do something you liked doing beyond getting a full net of fish, or a good crop of grain to make bread or to trade, still has novelty to it. Obviously, that can change and she stores his words for the future. But right now, the world is wide and wonderful for the young woman.

She glances from time to time at Diana as they discuss his terrible (it must be terrible if it sucks, right?) job for SHIELD. Kora now knows what SHIELD means and didn't glance at the weapons on display in the office.

She addresses the Princess with her next question, "We would carry a gun?" Now her eyes do wander to the spear and shield on display.

Diana Prince has posed:
What Alexander says of his job earns a big smirk from the Princess. She knew all too well that her nephew lived a life of relative ease up to thise point, and she knew that this 'first job' for him was a big one at that. "You have discipline in so many places, Alexander, you need to learn it in the work place too. This job, you have now, is a good one. One that can teach you so much, as well as let you help others stay safe. So many of SHIELD's agents are at a major disadvantage at the challenges that they run head first in to... having you there to support them, is a big deal. One that you should lay your head down at night, knowing that you're in a good place right now. I have not seen this new apartment, but I hope it is a good upgrade." She finally just smiles there before her eyes go back to Kora.

She caught the glance to the displayed weapons in her office, then looks back to Kora. A more serious expression falls over the Princess' face as she turns the glass of Coke around in her hand.

"Training in firearms is something that I have considered embarking upon with the Amazons who have joined us here in America. It is not something we should ever take on fully, but I do think it would be wise if our ranks were informed on operations of how the arms work, both small and otherwise. One never knows what might be needed in any given hostile situation in this very complicated world, after all."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander's expression plays at grumpiness, but the crinkle of his nose and the amusing glint in his eyes might give some hint that he's perhaps playing to a role that he enjoys Diana ascribing him. So it may grant some measure of surprise when he tells her. "I kinda actually enjoy it, to be fair. The discipline suits me. Reminds me of..." A pause, then he adds, "Well, other times."
    Then he nods as she mentions his new apartment and he says, "Will have to invite you around some time soon. I'll send a text to you with the address."
    Then his attention shifts toward Kora as Diana speaks to her. He looks between the two, nodding at the sentiment given by Diana, reinforcing it with his own slight input. "Always better to have more arrows in your quiver and not need them..." He leaves the saying unfinished.

Kora Ikassis has posed:
Diana treats Alexander with the same patient respect that she shows everyone among her people. A good general knows her troops. The word discipline and Alexander needing it at his work place earns a small smile. Even the son of a god is not perfect. She glances sideways at him and takes a sip of the fizzy drink.

"Then, I should like to train with them. Even if they don't make for a fair fight."

Kora is relieved when he avows liking his work. So he's not a prig, which she also stores alongside the other interesting things she's gleaned from the conversation.

Eyes narrowed, she studies Alexander for a moment then nods, "An extra spear to save the soldier behind you..."

Diana Prince has posed:
"Some form of them might become necessary, the further we push out in to the stars, as well." Diana further says to Kora on the topic of guns, likely referring to some kind of energy gun though.

Diana's eyes go back to Alexander, and a smile graces her visage again, as she softens some at his behavior, and mannerisms. "I would like to see it." She says then quietly about his new place. "I will make sure to get a new house warming gift this time too." She adds, since when he moved in to the last one she brought him a statuette to help add clutter!

"Well then, if it comes to it, Kora will make a good bodyguard, otherwise... we shall see how this pans out with your father. Hopefully, he can just resume his life and those pushing threats, will simply see the light of reason, and think twice."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    And Alexander was ever the enemy of clutter.
    The young man pressed his hands onto the arms of his chair. "In any case, speaking of work." He gains his feet and rises up, taking a swallow of the soda and then reclaiming his backpack. He slings that pack over one shoulder, then tucks his helmet under that arm. The other hand holds the bottle of coke because he's totally taking that stuff with him since it's so tasty.
    "I should get back there. Things have been... hectic lately." That said he gives a nod toward Kora, "Good to see you again, Kora." Then a smile is given toward Diana as he lifts the bottle of soda in her direction. "Thanks for the coke."
    As he says that he starts to retreat toward the door, adjusting his grip on his helmet as he goes.