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Just A Little Mugging
Date of Scene: 13 March 2023
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: An outing to play catchup turns into an attempted mugging. The muggers picked the wrong two people to attempt to rob.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Balder

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had wanted to catch up with Balder since they'd not really spoken in the last week. It was odd to have regular contact with someone these days outside of the school, but she didn't feel like it was an issue. She'd asked him to meet for dinner and after that they'd headed over to Central Park to take in some of the sights in a friendly manner. "The weather can't seem to make up its mind these days. I just wish it would stay a bit warmer." she mused to him.

She'd dressed in jeans, brown boots, green sweater and her long black over coat. She wasn't sure if she could catch a cold, but she wasn't chancing one either. "I'm not keeping you out too late am I?" she asks him.

Balder has posed:
Balder was dressed in more casual clothes, not wearing the fancy suit he had originaly manifested. A simple sweater, jeans and boots - blending in with the people of Midgard, to avoid the potentially chilly weather. Seasons were definitely strange here, after all!

Walking along with her, he chuckled. "Nay, I do not mind a later evening. It helps me collect my thoughts after dinner, most days. Besides, I have excellent company to walk with, Morrigan." He grins over to her. "How has the school been? No troubles there, I hope? And no assasination attempts?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was actually relaxed for once. Life wasn't blowing up in her face and that was a blessing. "That's good. I've always been a night owl, so figured I'd ask the God of Light if he minded being out in the dark too much." she teases him gently. They were definitely opposites in their duties there. "School has been good. We've got the science fair coming up this next weekend, then Spring Break. So if you'd like to come and watch the shenanigans the kids get up to you are more than welcome to." she offers to him.

She heads down one of the paths towards one of the fountains, just going with the flow of things, "How are things on your end? Anything new on Thor?" she asks him.

Balder has posed:
"I can only imagine how you are, now that you have your duties to the night." Balder grins over to her. "Are you usually readying for bed when the sun comes up?" He teases back, clearly not offended at the jokes regarding his being of the light. "A science fair? Do you have students who tend to win those more than others? Leaders in their research and such?" A chuckle. "And I imagine I've seen and been a part of my fair share of follies, when I was younger."

The path she takes is fine enough for Balder. "No new news. I have faith in our allies, and my family, to get things set straight."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"No, I tend to go to sleep around two in the morning. Tends to let me get work from the hospital done if there are any emails or things." Morrigan tells him. "The routine that I had when I was a child and until last year is sorta of breaking given I couldn't spend much time in the daylight...since it wanted to kill me." she chuckles to that. "But it's alright now." she adds.

"Aye, a science fair. They do projects and things. Pretty great ideas come out of it as well." she grins to that. "We've actually had a fair difference in winners. We invite those in other high schools as well." she points out.

"He'll turn up, I'm sure of it." she tells him. The path that they have taken is pretty empty and dark. The focus on talking might make them miss the rustle of a bush as feet hit the pavement and try to sneak up on them.

Balder has posed:
A nod. "Well, I am glad you are welcomed in the sun again - missing out on it would be a tragedy." Balder offers over to her. "Are you on call for the hospital? Or is it just your dedication to the practice?" The large man walks at her pace, simply enjoying the evening and the conversation. He grins at the mention of the science fair. "I would like to see this fair. I enjoy seeing young minds working out problems."

The noise is in fact, unnoticed by the God of Light. "He will. I do not expect him to fall so easily. I am sure he is battling his way back to us now."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I lived for a very long time without sunlight, but I'm glad that I get to share it with others now." Morrigan smiles to that. "I'm the head of Pathology at Mount Sinai, so I still have to sit in on some cases. Mostly I do things when they need me to." she admits. "Dedication to the practice is part of it though." she muses. "At least if the school ever closes I'll have a fulltime job there again." she chuckles.

"We'll be glad to have you there." she grins to that. "Maybe you can help judge." she adds.

Morrigan was about to say something, but there is a moment that she is standing and the next she's being tackled from behind. It causes her to let out a hiss as she grabs onto the assailant, "I suggest you get off of me unless you want to have a really bad night." she grits out.

Balder might feel the person that was behind him slam into him, mainly because they were DUMB and thought they could move the Asgardian.

Balder has posed:
Balder wonders. "How long, I wonder." He grins to her, not going to ask her age - that's rude! "They say that one can burn the candle too far." The Asgardian offers over, smiling to the doctor. "It is good to be dedicated to one's practice, of course." He decides. "Be the best at what you do. And let us hope that the school does not close, aye?"

"I would be honored to help. I do not know if my understanding of Midgard science would be up to the task." A wry grin.

As she's tackled, he blinks. "Scoundrels!" The man crashing into his back is all but ignored. "Knaves who would assault people on a walk?" He's watching - clearly conflicted. He doesn't want to besmirch her by taking matters into hand, but he does not want her hurt either. "Unhand her."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The man that had rammed into Balder's back is stunned for a moment. "What the fuck!" is blurted out before he tries it again. "We might have chosen the wrong couple to rob!" he shouts at the man that's currently tangling with Morrigan.

Which is correct.

The man that was currently struggling with Morrigan manages to turn his head, looking to Balder, "Is this dude for real. Hey, Shakespeare, calm down before I stab this broad!" he shouts. That means that his focus is divided and Morrigan manages to get a hand loose, which she uses to seize his hoodie and he looks back to her in enough time to take the full force of a headbutt from the redhead. It causes pain in both of them, blood starting to leak from her nose as she shoves him off of her. He scrambles backwards as she gets off the ground, eyes glowing as she does, "I'll give you five seconds to run." she growls at them.

Uh oh...

Balder has posed:
Well, she's got a handle on things, clearly. "You chose... poorly." The Asgardian says to the man now nursing his head. "Fare thee well." It is then, that Balder turns to glare at the man who was stunned by the impact against him. "Do you yield, then? Wait for the authorities? Or must I insist?"

There's a shimmer, and a longsword appears at Balder's side - masterful in make. Svraden, his trusty blade. "I do not wish to shed blood, but shall if necessary."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan goes after the man, seeking to hurt them again, but she realizes that Balder's a God of Peace...and she doesn't want to make him tackle her. The second assailant has already tucked tail and ran, which given the circumstances is probably smart.

"As long as you don't turn me into a fucking shishkabob or a juice box I'll wait right here for the cops." the man states with a Jersey accent. Morrigan's all fangs and fury, so that might be the reason he is worried about being eaten. Plus the blood running over her face isn't helping the visual.

"You're lucky he's more civil than I am." she states.

Balder has posed:
The sword never leaves its sheath. Balder watches the man, concerned if they are injured... well, seriously injured that is. "Are you all right, Doctor?" He asks, unconcerned over the fangs or the blood - he expects she is all right, but it still doesn't hurt to ask.

Looking to the sole man. "Phones, call the police now and ask to turn yourself in." It seems ridiculous - but they are facing two deities, Asgardian and Celt.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'm alright." Morrigan states as she keeps herself away from the one remaining perp. They really did make a mistake. But, lucky it was them and not a human.

The man takes his phone out as told and dials 911, letting them know what happened. The cops are PERPLEXED to say the least.

Given the location it isn't too long before they start hearing sirens and the cops arrive to look over the situation. Morrigan's thankfully less fangy by the time they get there or they'd be a bit more worried.

Balder has posed:
The God of Peace is patient. He keeps an eye on Morrigan - making sure she's under control with all the blood about. There's a nod of approval from Balder to the remaining mugger - he's doing the right thing. "I would use this time of incarceration to revisit your life plan. There are better ways of living." He assures the other man, sincere in his word.

"If I am about when you are released, let me know. I will make sure you set foot on the correct path." He offers a handkerchief to Morrigan, to help with the tidying up.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The cops keep Morrigan long enough to get her statement, but she waves away the suggestion of the hospital, "I'm a Doctor." she tells them. She then walks a short distance away and tries to keep from getting even angrier than she is. She lets Balder talk to the man and she's not surprised at his words.

But she still wants to punch the guy. Which is why she's over there by herself.

The cops take the man off to probably be OR'd out the next morning. People probably didn't learn, but they'd see.

"Well. That did put a damper on the evening." she states as she takes his handkerchief carefully. "It's healing. Sorry about all this." she motions around.

Balder has posed:
There's no hesitance in his answers to the police, confirming the mugger's story and explanation. He thanks the police, offering a wave as they depart with the perpetrator. "That was... unusual. Midgard folk seem oddly inclined to violence to make ends meet." He sighs, looking back to Morrigan once they are alone.

He cants his head. "Will it heal normally? Or do you need..." He motions to the blood spattered on the walk.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a look to him, "It's something that is sadly has been long in the history of Earth." she states. "Wealth has never been evenly distributed." she frowns to that. "I got accelerated healing after I came back. Blood helps, but..." she shrugs.

"I'll be fine, just trying not to get all worked up." she admits. "Are you alright? I should have realzied you'd be calm." she muses to that.

Balder has posed:
The man looks up to the sky, then back to Morrigan. "I think, even with wealth distributed evenly, there would still be violence." A slight frown. "Covetous behavior is a trait among nearly all the species." Balder shrugs. "Power, wealth, items, land..." A shake of his head.

He affixes a smile to his face. "At any rate - how can I help? And this is certainly not your fault, nor anything you would need to apologize for." He assures. "I am fine. I would wager the other fellow bruised himself severely by running into me."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You're probably right on that." Morrigan states with a bit of sad tone. She was sure that he was right, but, it was still sad to admit. "I don't think there's a way to change it either, but we can help out a bit in our own ways." she states.

"I'm not sure what you can do really. I do however know that walking around with blood on me is a bad idea." she points out. "So probably need to head back to my place." she frowns at that. "And yeah, that's like running into a brick wall." she grins to that.

Balder has posed:
A smile. "Always hope for better, Morrigan. Sad as it may seem, always hold out for hope." Balder comments. "And yes, we do help in our own ways. We make people want to better themselves, for various reasons." A glance about.

He extends his arm to her. "I can get us there, quickly. Do you trust me?" He asks, eyes on hers.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Are you also the God of Optimism?" Morrigan asks as she quirks an eyebrow up at him. "I mean, I just want people to use common sense." she tells him truthfully. She then gives a nod to him as he looks to her, eyes on his as she reaches out to take his arm.

"I trust you, Balder." she tells him as she smiles a bloody smile at him. Amusingly it was fitting given her job description.

Balder has posed:
"I suppose so, in a fashion. Some would see that as a form of light." He winks, patting her hand on his arm. "And if common sense were common, I believe a great many of us might be out of a good deal of worshipers." A shrug. "It might give us time to find a hobby." The Asgardian teases.

There are a few old Norse incantations, and a flash of light. When the sparkles clear, the pair are standing on the porch of Morrigan's home. "There we are."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You're absolutely insufferable somedays with your big smile and your handsome face." Morrigan mutters to that jokingly. "Mmm, that's true. I doubt there's a lot of folks that worship me though. Or well, only when they need blood shed." she admits.

"Oh I have hobbies." she muses. "Maybe we can find you one?" she teases him. She then quiets as they travel. Though she blinks as the sparks clear, "Thank you." she tells him.

And from the kitchen, there is the trill of a happy Occam as his heavy feet hit the floor and then rush to the door to wait for them.

"Did you want to come in?" she turns to look at Balder.

Balder has posed:
"I get that, quite a bit. The curse of being insufferably handsome and well-spoken." Balder teases, clearly having heard such things before. "I would think people speak of you when concerned for someone who has passed, or needs to be taken to end their suffering." He murmurs.

"I would wager I have some too - just that I do not always have the time to engage them." A wry grin as he hears the footfalls of Occam. "You are quite welcome."

"Did you still want my company, then? Tonight?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh yes, you poor thing." Morrigan grins at that. "They probably do. But it's something that I rarely hear." she admits. She then gives a look to him as she hears the trill, "Fan club is waiting." she chuckles to that as she heads for the door.

Though his question makes her pause and she looks over her shoulder to him, "Your company is always welcomed. Come on in and take a load off. I'll have to go change and wash my face." she tells him.