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Latest revision as of 16:57, 16 March 2023

A Punch. A Knee. Lesson Over.
Date of Scene: 14 March 2023
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Caleb comes in for a lesson at the Dojo. During a little sparring practice with June, he takes a knee to the chest and leaves in an ambulance. Colleen cleans the blood from the dojo floor.
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, June Connor, Caleb Dykstra

Colleen Wing has posed:
During the day at the Chikara Dojo, much of her clients were private lessons, the students all came after school and that is when the dojo was most busy. Yet, it was late morning and Sensei Wing found herself giving a one-on-one lesson with an old aquaintance, one June Connor. They had a friendship that started out with an actualy fight in Elektra's living room over a misunderstanding and since then had a mutual respect for one another. The session was in Ninjitsu and the pair had been practicing for quite some time, and a water break was in order.

Colleen made her way behind the curtain into herliving space and shortly returned with two bottles of cold water, tossing one to June where she stood. "Youv'e come very far June. You have been practicing without haven't you?" The Senseai raise her ponytail from the back of her neck and first place the water upon the back of her neck as she pads her way back over to the student as she uncaps the water and takes a sip.

"Have you considered more weapon training?" She takes another sip and brushes a piece of sweaty har back away from her face. "I think you would be pretty adept at it."

June Connor has posed:
    June's tattoos are on good display in the black leggings and sports bra. Winding dragon tattoo and the reminiscent red handprint tattoo on her left shoulder. Her red undercut is sweaty, and so is the rest of her. She goes to grab her water bottle. "I mean, I always liked the hook swords," she comments. "But it's hard to just keep those on you all the time. And you think Elektra wouldn't be making sure I get my ass planted on the ground every day? She's a fuckin' slave driver. Almost got me killed in Japan last fall. One of those trial by fire bullshit things with her grudge match with Gao."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Quietly entering the dojo, is a teenager. The way he's dressed is meant not to stand out in any fashion: all his clothes are plain and everyday's, topped with a hoodie and a faux leather jacket. Once inside, he looks about, taking in the mood of the place. He finds Colleen and June at the center of the dojo, but given how they're practicing, he stands watching and says nothing until adressed - besides, matial arts are poetry in motion. Why break the flow?

Colleen Wing has posed:
"She will always make sure you are tested in everything she brings you into. It is how you get better...or dead." She shrugs and gives June a wink before taking another sip of the water. "There are small weapons you vould carry and conceal much easier. We can talk about what might work best for you. You have the basic foundation, it is now just putting a weapon in that hand. The weapon is an extention of your arm and your body. It is part of who you are.An enhancement to your strikes." She leans down to set the water bottle on the floor and rises back to tighten her ponytail with a tug from both hands and then walks over to a weapons rack to grab a towel, wiping down a bit abover her own black sports bra. "Towel?"

It is then that she notices the new entry into the Dojo, turining her full attention to the young man and calling out to him, taking a few barefoot steps in his direction. "Hello. Can I help you with anything?" She studies him with a narrowed eye, seemingly quickly trying to decide if he is a threat or actually here for looking to join. It was no secret, there had been many high-profile invaders in her Dojo, brought on by her friends and associates she chose to hang with. "I'm Colleen. The Sensei of Chikara Dojo. Please come in. Just leave your shoes by the door."

June Connor has posed:
    "I Mean, I usually got a few kunai and smoke pellets when I'm-" she stops, following Colleen's look toward the new arrival. Her expression is deliberately neutral, giving a once over of Caleb's shabby appearance. She squirts a little more water into her mouth, and without answering Colleen follows over to grab a towel for herself, pulling it around her shoulders with her free hand.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Greetings, Colleen", he says, proceeding to take off his shoes. "I'm Caleb", the teen says with a humble voice; maybe even a touch of insecurity. "Uhm... I was looking to enroll", he replies. "If that's okay, that is...?"

He briefly glances at June, "Kunais and smoke pellets. That's like... ninja stuff, right?"

Oh no - has he just fund out that June is a ninja? And believe it or not, that thought does cross Caleb after the words came out of his mouth. Take it from experience when you fight the Hand alongside Daredevil - and you come out winning by a hair's length.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen offers the teen a welcoming smile and places the towel around her neck as she walks up to shake his hand. "Of course it is okay. Here at Chikara Dojo anyone is welcome to come in and learn. The real question is what you wish to learn. I can offer you a variety of techniques to defend yourself it that is what you are looking for." She pauses a momnent and then asks. "Is that what you are here for?"

She turns and gesrues to the Dohjo with an arm sweep. "It isn't much, but I assure you it suits everyone's needs. If I told you some of the well-known names that have come to train here, it would blow yor mind. However, for privacy sake I cannot say that. Behind that curtain is not part of the Dojo, but actually where I live."

She looks over to June and gestures her way. "This is June. Friend of mine. Our friendship started with a fight, a flipped couch and and almost breaking a priceless vase that belonged to someone...well, let me just say it was good we did not break it."

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't miss a beat when Caleb asks about ninja stuff. "Yeah, I'm a stone cold assassin," she says with a deadpan answer after Colleen introduces her, leaning into it as if it's a ridiculous joke. "I murder like eight people a week." She drops the water bottle to the floor carelessly and then wipes the sweat on her shoulders. "Don't worry I take Tuesdays off because I can go to the zoo and it's less crowded."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Well, then let me say, you have a funny way of making friends", he comments; rethinking that, he finds out just how much cliche and tropey it sounds. "And yes, it is what I'm here for", Caleb replies. "Being a Gotham native, believe me some self-defense techniques are always appreciated." He looks at June, nodding with a smile. "Miss June..." It dies out when she says she's a stone cold assassin, and the quip about her day off. He smiles, nervously. "Well... Hopefully not working for the Hand."

He might sound more serious than June does.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen does all she can to keep a straight face when June states of her accomplishments and how her typical week goes. Murdering 8 people a week? She turns her head to june and rolls her eyes with a smirk, before turning back to Caleb. "Yeah, she likes to go to the zoo and watch the monkeys. That and steal kid's balloons and their popcorn. What can I say. I have weird friends."

She then slides her attention back to Caleb, her eyes watching him a moment before speaking once more; a bit of an awkward pause. "Of course. Self-defense training. I can certainly help you with something basic to at least get you out of a situation. Yeah I can do that." She seems to be deciding in her head if she should address his last words, choosing to simply say. "She lost a bet. Alcohol and um..the only Hand that has ever been in here was uninvited. And forced to leave."

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't break the deadpan, but arches her brow expectantly for a moment as if there's some challenge to the newcomer. She is a good nine inches shorter than Caleb, but the slight wincing narrow of her eyes at the mention of the Hand would lead one to think that in her own mind at least, she's got the size advantage.

    "So you just happened in, huh?" she asks, knowing that the dojo doesn't exactly have the most overt advertising on the entrance. "Sounds like someone has somebody already set to kick his ass." She gives a smirk, not taking her eyes off him as if to challenge him to tell her different. Definitely not quite as generous in personality as Colleen.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Right..." Caleb feels the love coming from June. "Uhh... Right." He forces himself to look at Colleen, sideglancing at June eventually. "So when can we get started?" Sideglance, there you go! "And please tell me she's not going to be my sparring partner."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"You will have to excuse her demanor. You get used to it. Eventually." She takes another pause and throws her hads in the air. "Okay maybe you never will. She's like black licorice. You either love her or you hate her. There really is no in between. It's strange." She shakes her head to switch back. "Anyhow. Yes. You want ot get started right now?" She shrugs and exhales slowly. "I mean I guess no time like the present. Might as well teahc you something while you are here so you don't get mugged outside the Dojo. That's bad for business."

She looks over to June and gestures her. "June. Claws away for a moment." Her words now for Caleb. "So first let me see what I am working with. I want you to...throw a strike at June here. She is going to simply..." She looks to June with awide-eyed glacne. "Simple block. Leaving you on your feet and uharmed. Right June?"

June Connor has posed:
    There's an open mouth grin made from June, her lower lip covering her teeth. "Sure," she says. "Don't worry, I won't hurt ya too bad," she says, tossing the towel on the floor next to her water bottle, and walking her bare feet to the middle of the mat, and takes a 'not at all ready' stance, fully facing Caleb. Her hands are at her sides, and simply curls her fingers in a motion for Caleb to go ahead, and tosses a wink at him. There's definitely a look that says she might not follow instructions.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The teen nods to Colleen, taking a deep breath. And all of a sudden, it's like his concerns were brushed aside - or outright kicked out the door of his mind. "Right. Basic block."

He looks at June, and places himself in a street-fighting combat position - a clear indication he's already seen one or two fights here and there. No, he's not going into those half-cocked 'WATAW!!' positions you'd find in your b-rate martial arts movies. No, he's seen battle; he has the look, the spirit of a survivor in him.

Study... Stare... Relax... Time...

Colleen Wing has posed:
Oh dear God. What has she done? Colleen takes a stpe back and goes into Sensei mode, ready to watch what Caleb does and how he reacts. It was simply to see what he brought to the table. Did Colleen have to start from square one or could she advance things along a little further for the new client. "Okay now. Yeah. So this is not like a full blown spar. No. Not at all. Few strikes. Few blocks. Simple. Right. We are going to keep this simple." He eyes look to June when she says this as if to say *no broken vases*.

She fold sher hands behind her back and nods once as she states to Caleb. "Okay Caleb. Ready?" Her eyes then slide back to June and she murmurs. "Don't make me step in."

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a moment of his studying, that smug look still on her face. "What? I'm not gonna break him. Much." She doesn't give forever for Caleb to prep though. After all, a real fight doesn't give you time to study. She lunges, fake prepping a punch. She doesn't actually throw it. Instead she just makes that initial thrust forward, closing the distance a little in an attempt to get a reaction from him. She doesn't finish the move though, because... well, Colleen can beat her up.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And Caleb, still observing, instinctively steps back when June moves for the punch, trying to put more distance between her, which should give him further time to react - and dodge in case it's meant to connect. It seems to be the more sensible thing to do, given how the 'trained assassin' bit has stuck with him.

And that's when he notices the tattoo on June's shoulder: a hand.

A Hand tattoo... The Hand organization... *DING!* Former clash with The Hand announced... *DING DING!!*

Caleb's brain turns the lighbulb on and proudly announces: 'you're in hot water, pal!'

This is the point where it becomes survival mode, and Caleb is not waiting; retracted punch or not on June's behalf, he goes in to clear that distance, fist retracted for a face-meet-fist greeting.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Ever see those movies when something bad is about to happen and everything goes into slow mtoion, but you know even tho it is in slow mtoion you are nto going to be able to stop it? That is what was playing out in front of Colleen. Her eyes go wide and she takes a step forward with her hands raised with palm out. "Oh no..no..no.." Yet, clearly she is going to be too late.

June Connor has posed:
    June has a smug grin on her face when Caleb flinches back, this is all a game to her. It puts her off guard enough to not expect him to bring a fierce punch back immediately, and it clocks her straight across the cheekbone. Spit flies from her mouth as her head and hair snap to the side, and she stances outward to keep her footing. Much harder than a sparring punch. She's a little hardier than she looks, though, and that spread stance instantly turns into a knee strike, swiftly swinging up toward the diaphram to clear him back. Suddenly this isn't fun. That punch is definitely going to leave a mark.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And that knee strike to Caleb's chest area brings it - the hit, precise as it is, makes all his chest cavity rattle, including his lungs. One of those lungs is filled with scar tissue from a gunshot wound, a wound suffered to protect his sister during a grocery shop robbery.

That tissue has now been rattled, more times than it can count - and it's overdue for a new tear.

Caleb muffles the scream as he tries to hamper himself, protecting his left side. "Oh, c-crap...!" His eyes widens as his voice sound gurgled, and he has trouble breathing. He spits, and there's blood.

Eyes start watering, and slumps to the ground.

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't even notice the damage she did at first. Most people that strike would knock the wind out of them, but do little more than that. "Fuck me," she growls, rubbing her cheek. It's several seconds before she even realizes what has happened. She's busy being grumpy about getting actually punched hard. "Asshole, it's practice, I was just fuckin' with-" she looks back over to where he is on the ground. Is that blood? "Shit. I didn't hit him that hard. Colleen I swear I didn't hit him that hard." There's a little concern in her voice, though the selfish person she is, it's more about how she'll be viewed than the harm she's done.

Colleen Wing has posed:
She was too late. Her attempt to block the knee strike is a split second slow and her eyes go wide as the knee strike lands with such force and impact upon the teen's chest. "Shit!" Her eyes flash to Caleb as he eyes go wide and the start watering, and then there is thr blood coming out of his mouth before he slumps to the ground. She quickly drops to her knees at his side and begins to assess him for breathing, wiping some of the blood away from his mouth. It is clear he is gasping for air, bt at least he is breathing. "It's going to be okay Caleb." Shemoves to gently move his arms over his head to open his airway more.

She looks back to June who seems distressed and the comforting nature of Colleen is evident in her tone. "It's going to be okay June. He's going to be fine. To be safe...can you call 911. I just want to be sure. Yes. To be sure." She looks back to Caleb and says. "I amgoing to try and sit you up. Slowly. I don't want you choking..on...well any more blood. Just spit it out." She gingerly moves to try and at least get him to him slightly elevated. "Deep breaths..or any breath. Just keep breathing."

June Connor has posed:
    June clenches her teeth and bares them, hissing through them in frustration. "Dammit," she groans, and goes to the dojo phone to start dialin 911. "Wasn't serious about the murder thing!" she declares to Caleb. "Yeah, um, Chakira Dojo. Got a guy who is spittin' up blood after takin' a hit. Yeah EMT I guess." She taps her toe impatiently as they work on transferring her call.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra tries to follow every instruction to the best of his ability - that is, in the middle of all the lighting varying in bloom, and the voices melting into a blend of reverb, chorus, and delay - and no equalization to keep it all steady and perceptible. He pulls out a number that he hands to Colleen, "C-collapsed l-lung... C-can you call my family, please...?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
The panic is being masked. She is doing her best to remain calm. She has seen people die. Just not in her Dojo. She takes the paper and grips it between her fingers, standing up and dashing to her phone which is on the coffee table in her living area. She calls back. "Don't die yet." She comes dashing back into tghe dojo, fiddling at her phone and typing in the number. "What do I even say? Who am I going to be talking to?" She kneels down beside him once more, looking over to June and murmuring softly. "It's going to be okay. It's always okay. Trust me." The phone keeps ringing.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
It doesn't take long for someone on the other side of the line to pick up.


It's a young girl's voice, to which Caleb smiles. "That's my kid sister, Sheila..." He coughs. "Tell her there's been a code red and that she should put her father on the line."

In the meantime, June's phone also rings, <<9-1-1 Operator, how may I help you?>>

June Connor has posed:
    "Yeah I need an EMT. Chakira dojo," she repeats. "Like, yesterday, a guy is coughin' up blood, he might have lost a lung or somethin'. June glances nervously at Colleen dealing on the other phone. "It was an accident, just took a hard hit he didn't mean to. It was an accident," she repeats. Maybe to convince herself more than the operator."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Uhm... Wasn't it 'Chikara'...? Caleb mumbles and spits some more blood.

And the operator confirms it, "I'm sorry, I have no indication of a Dojo called 'Chakira' on record. Could you tell me the address?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Hey Shiela is it? My name is Colleen. Can I speak to your father? It is kind of important. A code red? He looks to June and raises a brow. "Yes yes. He is okay. We have it under control here. I just need to speak with him. Please. Like now."

With the father eventually coming onto the phone, Colleen continues. "Hello. Mr. Dykstra is it? My name is Colleen Wing, I run the Chikara Dojo in Chintatown. Your son...he yum, came in for a lesson and well and um, well he took a strike to the chest and..well we are going to have him brought to Saint Vincents I think? I can let you know. No no, he is..um.." She looks to Caleb and winces. "Just fine. He is talking. Sort of. And, yes more of precaution. No no, no blood. Okay maybe a little."

She then shouts, havng heard the operator. "Chikara Dojo. Chikar fucking Dojo. Just send someone. Who has ever heard of Chakira Dojo!"

June Connor has posed:
    June growls "Chikara! That's what I fuckin' said!" she yells. "Just get someone here now!" She looks over at Colleen apologetically, she's stressed out, knowing that she just created this situation.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
On the other side of the line, the man comes to halt, and a sigh followed by some sobbing is heard. <<O-Okay. St. Vincent's, was it? I'll be there shortly.>> And, in the background, there's a young girl screaming and crying. <<Sheila, for God's sake! Caleb needs you to keep your cool, right now!>> And she tones it down. <<Okay, sorry about that... She blames herself. Long story, something not on the phone. We'll be there shortly.>> And he hangs up.

Caleb looks up to Colleen, "She freaked out, didn't she?"

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Yeah...she did. I am not going to lie. You are going to be fine. I promise." And shortly after EMT's are entering the dojo and kneeling beside Xaleb and seeing to him.

As soon as the help arrives and Caleb is being tended to, Colleen finally leaves his side and moves to take June into a warm comforting embrace. Not letting her go as he whispers softly into her ear. "It's going to be okay June. I promise. It't not your fault. These things tend to happen from time to time. Why don't you go sit on my couch for a little bit. Get some ice for that eye out of the fridge. I will be in as soon as things are handled here. Okay? Please?" She pulls back and offers June a soft smile. "Trust me. It's not your fault."

She then goes to see to the EMT's and a few words are exchanged as to what happened. "Sparring accident. An accident. Saint Vincent's right? I will confirm that with his family. Thank you." And with that Caleb Dykstra's first lesson is over, really before it even began. She will then join June in her living area, a softly muttered. "What the fuck."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Well, it's the cost of saving family", he says. "You take the blows... Even a bullet!" He smiles, coughs more blood. "But what can you do, if not look out for them?"

Soon, the paramedics arrive, and he says, "Sorry for being such a nuisance", before he's carried off.