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Latest revision as of 15:22, 18 March 2023

Frosting the Ego
Date of Scene: 18 March 2023
Location: Coffee of DOOM
Synopsis: Crystal Frost meets M.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Crystal Frost

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Why does she come here so often? When everything is so strange? Probably just as she finds the decor interesting. Well, that, and the time the reigning Latverian Monarch was handling the training of employees himself. One of those rare things that made M actually shut up.
    She's sitting back, drinking a coffee, contemplating.

Crystal Frost has posed:
Why the hell is Crystal Frost, the mercenary known as Killer Frost, here at Coffee of Doom?

They have great espresso, that's why.

Thusly, she's standing in line waiting to order. Luckily Latverians are efficient. It's pretty quick that she gets her coffee, which looks to be more than one shot of espresso dropped into straight black coffee.

It's pure happenstance that she ends up at a table near Monet. The mercenary sits, and politely hoists her cup in greeting before taking a sip. She flinches, and activates her powers just enough to suck heat from the beverage until it's drinkable.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take a moment to look over at Crystal Frost, analysing her over as she would use her powers an drunning the woman through her recollection until confirming her identity.
    "Greetings." M would gesture over at her. The otehr woman has no warrants out for her so no reasons he can't be ou tand about.
    M does watch over at her curiously and gesture at Crystal to join her.

Crystal Frost has posed:
Crystal is, as always, wary of people addressing her out in public. Especially ones she doesn't know personally. It could be a setup. It could be mistaken identity, or worse, it could be one of those weird fanboys who want to hover-hand around her waist and take a picture. The thought nearly makes her shudder in revulsion.

Seeing that Monet is not one of these fanboys, she cautiously sits. "Not every day that a stranger invites you to their table," she says with a smirk. "So, either you're just real friendly, you want to hire me, or Other."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug over, "Oh, I'm somewhat familiar with your talents, but I have no particular need for your services. It is, hwoever, interesting to see one of your.. Pursuits out in such a locale as this. If you don't mind permitting some level of curiousity." She spekas in the way of one that's famiiar of the necessities of hiring mercenaries and how to handle them.

"I take it that you're in between jobs at the moment, if that's a polite thing to inquire?"

Crystal Frost has posed:
"It's polite enough," Crystal replies with a shrug, sipping perfectly warm coffee, savoring the bitter flavors and the warmth that spreads through her. She tilts her head slightly, blue hair shifting. "And I am. Got enough stashed that I can splurge a little." She pauses, smirking. "You've got me at a disadvantage. You clearly know who I am, but I have no idea who you are. Call me Crystal, anyway."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would laugh, "I see. I would hope that your line of work permits enough spending for caffeine. I would hate to see that the market had gone down enough for that sort of routine." she would offer amusedly. "A pleasure ot meet you, Crystal."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"It's a market like any other. It fluxuates. Sometimes I'm really flush, sometimes i'm scraping by with what I've got squirreled away. Not too different from any other job, really."

Icy blue eyes glitter. "Mine's more fun, though."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over and shrug, "Yes. I would presume, however, that it's often something that leaves youw ith minimal negotiating state depending on how in flux the market is. I am howeer glad that you remember to not be quite so profligate." IT's still cheaper here than Starbucks. "Most in your profession aren't quite so aware."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Most in my profession die in a couple years. You have to be smart, strong, lucky or all three to succeed at it. I'm some combination, I know," she says with a shrug, sipping her coffee. She glances about, and smirks again. "Most of my type don't come here anyway. They're more into the bars. Not that I'm not, but coffee is great."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over, "Of course. I presume that bars can lead to a level of escalation rather quickly. And property damage. And warrants. And a series of rather embarrassing exposures." She would deadpan over. "But your services are in demand."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"At the moment, they absolutely are," Crystal says with a shrug and a sip. "Tomorrow, they could dry up. Nature of the business." She shakes her head. "They're not that bad. Most of us can keep it in our pants, as it were."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over, "I see. What about those of you that wear dresses or skirts?" She would deadpan over at the woman. "I would hope that fashion isn't uniform."

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Wow, okay. First, it's a turn of phrase. Second, this fashion is great, I look amazing," Crystal says flatly. "Second, I'm sure some out there wear skirts and whatever, but not me. Not that I'm shy, mind, it's just not my style."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would laugh over, "Very well, I can't fault you for that." She would rest her hands together. "So have you worked for the.. Owner of this establishment?" She would inquire over with total curiousity.

Crystal Frost has posed:
"Doom? Pfft, no. He's too legit for the likes of me, honestly," Crystal says with a shake of her head. "No, I do more ... sketchy stuff than that."