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Latest revision as of 15:22, 18 March 2023

A Tip Of The Hat
Date of Scene: 17 March 2023
Location: 2nd Floor -- McDuffie Memorial Hospital
Synopsis: It is hard to tell who the most courageous Titan may be- but Gar Logan is definitely up there for trusting his life to Billy Kaplan's magic act!
Cast of Characters: Billy Kaplan, Gar Logan

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"And so, ladies and gentlemen and non-binary friends-" A swish of the cape, "-I just have to tell you I am /over the moon/ at knowing that you're my audience tonight!" A classic black-and-white wand appears in his hand and waves in the air. For a moment, little glowing moons and stars rain down from the ceiling, vanishing before touching the laughing, cheering children at the children's ward.

Wiccan of the Young Avengers grins. This is going well. As long as he doesn't try anything incredibly complicated, it should be easy sailing.

"But, you know, a magician can't work well all by himself. Right?" He leans forward, the top hat precariously balanced on his head almost tips over. Almost. "So, what do you think I need?" He holds a hand up to his ear.

A dozen of suggestions are shouted. He picks up on the one. "Right! I need an assistant! And you know who is the best type of assistant for a wizard?"

Another round of shouts.

"You are right! A cat! But..." Wiccan holds up a finger, "Not just any kind of cat. We need a /magical/ cat. So let's welcome my assitant!"

With a tilt of his head, the hat falls into his hand, and he taps it with his wand. "And I need to tell you that not long ago, this magical cat produced seven kittens right out of a hat! And we'll all say--"

He frowns, and then looks into the hat. And then back up at the kids, "Ahem." He clears his throat and taps the top hat again. "I SAID, and we All say---"

Gar Logan has posed:
It seemed like a good idea, something positive to do. Go to the hospital, make some kids laugh and smile. They've been through some sh...things...and if anyone could identify with that it was Garfield Logan, everyone's favorite (and only) Beast Boy.

Billy's suggestion was met with quick acceptance, and once the initial concept of the magic act was brought up, Gar knew he had something in mind. "I still have this costume," he'd said, going into detail about how the intro could work.

So it came to be that Wiccan was seemingly the only one at the front of the room, the attention of every child on him, in his usual costume except for a couple accessories suitable for any performing magician. At his question, there were a number of different suggestions: rabbit, cat, a pretty lady, someone named Trevor (apparently magical), and so on.

Naturally, Wiccan led into the introduction by reciting part of a particular song that may be unknown to the children themselves. The first round of tapping? Nothing. A few snickers and giggles from the children.

The hat seems empty, but it is in fact not. At the repeated line, something too small to be easily seen jumps out of the hat's interior and a second voice comes into being. "Oh! Well I never! Was there ever a cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees!"

By the time the line is given, a tuxedo cat is suddenly landing beside Wiccan for a deep bow. The 'tuxedo' is, of course, part of the costume, the face painted up in black and white with a wig to match. There's a nudge toward Wiccan's side with an elbow. "And that's 'this phenomenal cat,' so don't forget next time," Gar Logan grins.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
The kids absolutely love it, and respond in cheers and applause that lasts for a fair bit. Once the welcome subsides, Wiccan speaks. "I stand corrected!" he quips, and then gestures to Gar, "And he stands on two feet, which makes him a special cat." He flips his top hat back onto his head and gestures to the kids. "Have you ever seen a greater crowd? I think they're ready to see some magic, how about you?" He nudges Gar, and turns to the kids, who respond by clapping.

"So, my feline assistance, how do you feel about volunteering for some-" he throws a hand in the air, "Magic?" There is a little 'puff' of smoke. "I know you are famous for your conjuring turn, but are you flexible enough to touch your toes with your forehead?"

Gar Logan has posed:
For the children, they've seen an honest-to-goodness magic trick. For Beast Boy, it's as simple as can be thanks to his shapeshifting abilities. "I can also stand on my hands," he says, demonstrating by crouching to rest his hands on the floor and place his feet atop them. "See?"

Looking up from there, following the nudge, the feline-looking man grins out at the kids. "Oh, I'm sure I could do that, but I wouldn't want to get stuck that way!" Then, it's as if an idea sprouts as he adds, "On second thought...watch and be amazed!" He turns into an actual cat, green of course, and sits up on his hind legs to press both front paws to his head, toes touching. "Voila!" he purrs.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Wiccan claps along with the children, "Fortuitously, that's excetly what I had in mind!" Wiccan waves to the screen that has been set up behind him, and a large box appears out of it, sliding under its own power. "Because if there's a box where a cat fits, it sits! But say, Gar, I think that box is far too big for a little cat."

He walks over to the box, which has been styled to look like a rectangular wooden shipping container from the 1940s, with 'BEWARE OF TIGER' stenciled on one side. He taps the box with his wand and looks at the small cat. "It's got some room to grow. What do you think about moving in?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Looking up as the box comes into play - it's definitely oversized for him at present - the green cat circles around it a couple times. "Oh, I could really stretch out in this!" he says, turning to look back at the kids as they marvel at his ability to continue speaking. It's definitely not normal.

Once he's hidden inside the box, he decides to make things a little difficult for Wiccan. Following any magical effects, incantations, and whatever else goes into it, there will be a surprise: no full-sized tiger, but something rather close to what went in. Instead, a toyger, striped much like a tiger would be.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Wiccan taps the box and it turns itself around, the other side facing the kids now- and the other side happens to not be wood, but bars, allowing the kis to see the toyger. The magical teen stares at the small striped cat and purses his lips. He glances at the kids, "I think someone shrunk our tiger, kids," he says in a stage whisper, and the kids giggle. "But no worries, we can fix this with magic!"

He taps the ide of the box with his wand as he mutters a spell, and the box slowly begins to shrink, the four sides moving in on Gar.

"Say when!" the mage says, grinning.

Gar Logan has posed:
The toyger plays at grooming himself, licking a paw and wiping it over his head and ears as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening at all. This further delights their audience, though he stops to make a couple turns within the box as it gradually becomes more suitably sized for his current form. "Oh, is that the magic word?" he asks, spreading his front legs out as if it's going to prevent the box from closing in on him.

And then? He's out of sight again! If any of the children are quick to catch it, they might just spot a fly buzzing its way around, first toward them, then back in Billy's direction. He lands on that top hat, continuing to watch the box get smaller and smaller. Is Billy even aware Gar's left it?

No cries or yelps from within, so just when it seems the box could even disappear on itself, a bird that looks much like a parrot is now perching in place of the fly. "Polly says 'when!' Now where's my cracker?"

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy's eyes roll up and he tilts his head back just enough to get a glimpse of parrot Gar. "Well, we can officially say that the bird has flown the coop!" Alright, wise guy, if I give you a cracker, will you cooperate? Our public is waiting for a magic trick!"

He taps the tiny box, and it returns to its usual size.

Plucking a cracker from mid-air, he offers it to Gar, and gestures to the box. "Deal?"

Gar Logan has posed:
The parrot's wings spread apart to help maintain balance as Billy's head leans back, allowing him to adjust his body and peer down at the mage's face. "Squawk! I thought we've already been making magic! Squawk!" he answers, though his brand of 'magic' is solely related to the creativity of his shapeshifting.

Flying away from Billy, he zips around the room to stop on the shoulder or head of this child or that, asking along the way, "What do you think? Should I take the deal or see what's behind door number two?" It's probably too obscure for the kids, but they're laughing and enjoying things, so that's all that matters. "Deal! Deal" Deal!" they reply.

"Fine! I'll take the deal, and the cracker!" Gar makes his way back over to Billy, only to land back in his Mistoffelees guise, plucking the cracker from the other's fingers. "Hmm. Needs some tuna if you ask me," he declares after making a show of crunching down on it. "Into the box I go. Like you said, if I fits, I sits." So he does.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"Well, now the cat is in the box!" He turns the box around to the side with the transparent wall. "Ok, now kindly put one hand... here." He points to one corner of the box which has a hand print, along with its opposite corner. There are foot prints on the other two corners, "And another hand there, and a foot here and another one there..." it will result with Gar stretched across the box, held up by both hands and both feet in the corner.

Billy waits for Gar to do so, "Why don't we give him a hand to encourage him, kids?"

THe kids oblige, giving Gar his own little ovation.

Gar Logan has posed:
"What is this, Twister?" Garstoffelees asks, lowering his voice so only Billy can make out him practically whispering, "At least it's not Co-Ed Naked Twister. Totally inappropriate for the setting." With his painted face, his black and white attire, the tuxedo cat places one hand where it belongs, then the other, followed by one foot, then the other, and he really does look like he's getting into a bit of a position. "This is all PG, right?" he again whispers, before adding more aloud, "There'd better be some tuna in this for me! If I pull a muscle here...me-ow!"

Of course, he plays it up to the level of applause and cheering the kids give him.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Alright, here we go!" He taps the box, and little slides come down to cover the side of the box in segments, rendering the inside invisible. There is a hole to show Gar's hand, one to show one of Gar's feet, and another one placed close to where his head is, so his face can be seen. "Now, watch closely as this phenomenal cat performs an astonishing feat!"

"Don't move! And- trust me!" he whispers to Gar, and suddenly he brings out three large saws from behind the large screen. "Now, Garstoffeles, I am going to ask you to sing your song, so the kids know you are A-Ok, alright?"

He taps the first saw, and it levitates into the air and comes down, beginning to saw down on the box along a dotted line, which would, if it continued, sever Gar's arms from his body.

"Ready? Go!"

Gar Logan has posed:
Clearing his throat, Gar says, "Trust you? Do I need to remind you what happened the last time, with the Roombas?" From within the box, with its openings to show certain parts of him, Billy and the kids can see the very skeptical and dubious look on Gar's face as the saws come out. "Really? If you wanted me to multiply, I'd have just turned into a rabbit and--" At that point the saw begins to start on that line. Trust Billy? Yeah, sure. Okay. At the first sign of trouble, he's shifting.

"Okay, I am now going to sing the song of my people." A series of meows of different lengths and pitches starts up, only long enough for a reaction to set in before he goes back into verse for the famous song from the musical he's costumed up from. Billy better not mess this one up.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
And the other two saws come through and slice down as well. In the end, the box is cut into three neat portions, separated by the large blades so nobody can see what's inside the box.

Gar's hands, though, and feet, and hands, are visible. And nothing seems to have happened to him. Billy walks over and knocks on the box where Gar's face is visible. "Hey, Gar, everything alright in there?" he grins, "How about you wave to the kids out of the hole? And wiggle your foot?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Oh, right. The saw trick. Through mirrors or other visual tricks, it looks like someone is cut in half or more, but the 'victim' stays in one piece within the box. So, Gar makes sure to tuck himself in, face itself still visible. He plays it up with a grimace or two, a little 'mew' where it seems to fit.

Then, the parts of the box have the blades through them and he looks up. "Well, I'm feeling a little separation anxiety right now," he explains, playing along by waving a hand, wiggling that foot.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"Well, that's understandable. Let's put him back together, shall we?"

Billy taps the boxes, and they start moving- and miss each other. Another tap, and the boxes rearrange themselves one on top of the other, with Gar's feet on top, his hands in the middle, and his face at the bottom.

"Huh, that wasn't quite what I expected. Hey, Gar..." he reaches out and holds his hand to Gar's hand. "Fist bump1 We'll get you sorted out soon enough! You're all in disarray right now!"

Gar Logan has posed:
Flatly, Gar says, "Like this is a new thing," to the mention of being in disarray. "But there's someone I know who's an even bigger disaster." Still, that hand makes the fist bump after the rearranging, and the kids get to be wowed at the visual of the 'Cats' character being in quite different positions than normal.

The question is, how will he be put back together again? "I assume you have a plan to do better with me than they did with Humpty Dumpty."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"Don't worry, buddy! I know just what to do!" Billy ponders, and then waves his wand. "Alright, for my grand finale, I am going to put this cat back together and out of the box! Kids, say it with me: Abra-"

And as the kids chant the res of the chant, Billy gives the middle box a vigorous tap. Suddenly, Gar's face, hands and feet vanish as if someone had pulled him away from sight.

"Uh oh..."

Billy hastens to open each box, removing the slides. Every time he does it, the result is the same: An empty box.

"Oh no, it looks like we've misplaced our cat! Can anyone see him? Anyone see him? You- do you know where he is?" He points to one kid. The kid shakes his head. "How about you?" a little girl shakes her head.

"Sir? How about you?" He points to one of the adults standing in the back. He shakes his head. "And you, sir? How about you?" He points to a man wearing a hoodie whose face is hidden by it and who had, until now, remained unremarked upon by everyone, leaning on the corner.

Gar Logan has posed:
Through the 'magic' of going too small to be seen again somewhere along the way, Gar is long gone from the box by the time the tricks and illusions are done. Everyone's attention is on the show the whole way, making the rest of this too easy.

The hoodie had been placed there earlier, before the show. Now it comes into play as, by the time Billy draws attention to the one wearing it, a familiar voice is heard. "Who, me?"

The lower half is that same tuxedo cat costume, and when he looks up to pull back the hoodie, that painted face, wig, and grin registers. "I must say, not quite as magical as /I'm/ known to be, but well done all the same. You had me going for a minute there. Bravo." He applauds, strolling amid the children so they can react as they will.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"Everybody, let's give a hand to the magical Mister Garstoffeles!" Billy grins and holds out his hand to Gar so they can share a bow. The children go wild, clapping and jumping and stamping their feet. Billy reciprocates their enthusiasm with a blast from his wand, which ends up being a rain of bio-degradable confetti.

And just as Gar joins him on the makeshift stage, he can hear Billy say, just under his breath:

"Gosh, I'm glad I got /that/ spell right-"

Gar Logan has posed:
The hoodie itself is one available for purchase from the Cats shop, and after wriggling his way out of it, smudging a little of the makeup in the process, Gar tosses it to one of the kids as a gift. He was watching to see which of them were the most enthralled, picking out one.

The bow is shared, and before the kids gather 'round for pictures and autographs and whatnot, Gar lowers his voice as well. "Uh, yeah. So am I. I've already done the whole 'lose a limb' thing once before. 0/10 would not recommend."