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Latest revision as of 17:19, 20 March 2023

A Little R&R
Date of Scene: 18 March 2023
Location: A small airfield in the New York countryside.
Synopsis: Zinda abducts Cain, but not in a bad way!
Cast of Characters: Zinda Blake, Cain Marko

Zinda Blake has posed:
Cain Marko received a telegram... an ACTUAL telegram... this morning. The address of an airfield, with a little note. "Take off is 1000 hours. Hope to see you there, sugar."

A lot of airfields went up along the coast during the Second World War. While many fell into disrepair, quite a few are still not only serviceable but in use. This particular airfield has two functional runways, and while there's not a lot of traffic the Blackhawk flag flies just below Old Glory on the flagpole. A Lockeed Hudson sits on the tarmac, a blonde in a black flight suit and cap doing her walk-around.

Cain Marko has posed:
Wow. It's been a long time since he's had one of these. Cain received the telegram with bemusement. He of course knew who it was from even without a name. He only really knew one incredibly beautiful pilot, after all. So he made his way to the address in question at the appointed time.

Pulling up to the place in a cab, he squeezed out of the back and paid the cabbie before making his way towards the plane. Coming up on Zinda, he bent down and casually scooped the uniformed airwoman up into his arms and gave her a warm kiss, cradling her against him. "Hey there gorgeous. Where we headed to today?" The massive redhead peering down at the blonde.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake gasps at the greeting, letting out a squeal of delight and returning the kiss. "Mmmm. Hey, ya' big lug!" she replies, swinging her feet playfully as she's hoisted off of the ground. "It's Top Secret, I'm afraid." she replies, in mock seriousness. "All I can say is the need is great and you've been called up for duty. So what's it gonna be? Climb on in, or you wanna hail that cabbie back."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain considers that, removing her cap and then running his fingers through her blonde hair absently. "Hmmmm. Top secret huh. Sounds risky. But I guess I ca handle whatever it is." He replaces her cap, gives her another kiss, then settles her down on her booted feet. Then he gave a casual smack to the rear of her jumpsuit. "Finish your plane stuff then." He leaned on the vehicle, crossing his arms over his burly chest and watching her curiously.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake sage-nods at that, returning the kiss with another small laugh. Then she snaps to attention to give him a rather formal salute. "Very good, then. Mount up, soldier. We're just about secure." She chose the Hudson for a very good reason, of course. First is that it's roomy enough for Cain to be comfortable, especially with some of the seats removed. And second is because of the plane's payload capacity. She knows he's big, but does he way more than 1,400 pounds?

A few minutes later, Zinda is climbing up into the plane and closing all the doors, heading for the cockpit.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain rolled his eyes in response to that, "Yes, Ma'am." He clambered into the plane, and found a place to get comfortable. Well. It wasn't like any seat was hard enough to feel UNcomfortable to him. But the thought was still appreciated. He shifted in place, following her with his eyes into the cockpit. "All good to go then? Lets see what this urgent mission of yours is all about." He did always enjoy flying with the Blackhawk. She was good company.

Zinda Blake has posed:
There is a chuff and a whine, the right engine spluttering to life as the whole plane shudders. The lefts starts more easily, and then the airframe buzzes with the drone of the engines. The plane may look like a squat guppy with guns, but Zinda lightly whips it around ninety degrees to start taxiing over to a runway.

"Alright, sugah, here we go." she calls back from the cockpit. Turning onto the runway, she locks the brakes and ramps up the engines to full throttle. Let go the brakes, and the Hudson picks up speed surprisingly rapidly. She uses less than half the runway before the wheels lift off and she angles eastward... out towards the ocean. There are several clunks as the wheels are retracted, then Zinda calls back. "We got us an emergency on a tropical island. Just a short hop away, but they really need your skills down there."

Cain Marko has posed:
The one engine being reluctant to start makes one of Cain's brows raise. Eh, it'll be fine. He peers out the window at the ground as they take off, watching it shrink below them. It's been a while since he's been this high and it wasn't some supertype carrying him over the ocean to drop him in. Once they're actually leveled off, he raises to his feet and lumbers into the cockpit. Leaning on the back of Zinda's seat to look out the front windshield. "An emergency on a tropical island? That's my favorite kind." Then his attention is drawn back to the pilot. "It's good to see you by the way. Been too long."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake looks back with a warm smile when he comes right up into the cockpit. "It ain't a far ride." she replies. "And yeah, I sorta missed you, too. There's more than one reason why I picked you for this mission. Hope you don't mind."

True to her word, the flight isn't a long one before what looks like a small, private island appears down below. There's a crude airstrip, but not a lot else. "You better grab a seat, honey. Nobody knows we're comin', so I'm gonna bring us in hot."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain nods his head to her, "Nah. I don't mind. It's an excuse to spend more time with you." He bent down, and briefly caught the pilots lips in a kiss. Then he straightened, as much as he could, and retreated again. "Bring us down then. I'll sit down again." Making his way to the cleared out space provided and settling into place. Again watching out the window.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake tilts her head back for the kiss, and he is still walking back when the plane banks to the right. The engines roar as she pushes the yoke forward, descending very, very rapidly. The gear clunks into place almost immediately as the stubby plane response with surprising agility. No doubt that's another reason for Zinda's selection.

She makes the landing fast and low, coming in on the first pass. No go-arounds for this lady. When the gear first hits, she immediately feathers the props and the sudden deceleration is surprising. She brings the plane around and onto a taxiway, calling back. "Stay in your seat for a minute once we land."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain shrugs a shoulder, "Alright." The abrupt landing doesn't seem to phase him. He's probably used to it if he's flown with her before. The fact he'd be unhurt even if they crashed probably helps too. Once they've stopped he continues to wait, drumming his fingers on the arm of the seat. "Hope whatever the emergency is'll be fun at least."

Zinda Blake has posed:
There's a little rustling in the cockpit as the plane powers down. It's less than a minute before Zinda rises and steps back into the passenger area. She's wearing a familiar yellow bikini with black polkadots. Striking a pose, she flashes one of her best smiles. "Welcome to Bikini Island, y'all!" she calls out. "I got us a picnic lunch in back. I was sorta missin' you and thought the best way to fix that was a lil' ol-fashioned abduction."