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I'll Fight Crime. But Not Before I've Had My Coffee.
Date of Scene: 21 March 2023
Location: Star City Coffee
Synopsis: Three souls find solace in the bottom of their coffee cups, and a bit of random Monday Morning chatter.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul, Caleb Dykstra

Jason Todd has posed:
Mondays are, well, Mondays. For those who hate or just Don't Like Mondays, the Boomtown Rats are the morning soundtrack of choice. For those who look forward to the begining of the week and consider the ways Mondays are So Good to them, The Mamas and the Papas are the obvious choice.

For the rest of Gotham there is coffee.

Jason Todd is among those of this last camp. Monday is just another day of the week. Another opportunity to over pay for a designer coffee that somehow tastes better than brewing it himself at home from the same blend of coffee sold in the shop. Things just taste better when someone else prepares them. It's Science.

Standing in line, dressed in a red tee, ripped jeans and a leather jacket, the dark haired man stares at his smart phone, queing along with the other Gothamites seeking their cup of joy.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Mondays. Hated things of fat cats from the comic strips and of anyone that loathes the American concept of the 'forever' work week. On this day Talia Al Ghul has come out of her current temporary residence and was waiting in line for whatever reason in the same place as Jason.

Currently skimming a copy of the Onion showing a full page picture of J Jonah Jameson in full rant mode with a headline of 'THAT MUSTACHE, THAT MENACE'.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Mondays. To Caleb, they don't bother him much. Having managed to sell all his quota during the weekend, he can say he's actually happy he can relax.

Having dropped Sheila, his kid sister, in school, he heads to the Star City Coffee for a well-earned gold brown beverage.

He stands in line, looking at the food and beverages on display, wondering what to order - and right beside him, happens to be Talia. Catching a glimpse of the newspaper's full page, he can't help but chuckle, "Man... Hitler call from the grave, he wants his look back."

And he realizes he said that out loud.

Yeah - this coffee is gonna taste real nice. Maybe he'll have a double. Or a triple.

Jason Todd has posed:
A foundational trait when leaning the role as Robin, or any member of the Bat Family, is alertness. The act of being aware of what is going on around yourself, as well as who. Small details can often be the key to a case.

As Jason makes his way up to the counter, he snerks to himself at the comment about the article picture but then turns back as the Barista asks for his order.

"I'd like a large dark roast with two shots of espresso added." A glance back to the "news" reading Talia and Caleb beyond her. He frowns a moment in hthought. The guy seemed familiar so what the hell.

Looking back "And I'll pay for the lady's drink and his as well" upnodding his chin toward Caleb before affirming to the two, "Whatever you want." He taps at his phone to bring up the coffee shop's app and steps aside to let the others order before he pays.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Jason, and smile, "Thank you.." Then over at Caleb, "Poor taste." Only Mel Brooks was allowed to make Hitler jokes.

"Just whatever you can throw the most coffee grinds into. I don't particularly care. IF you have things from the bottom of the last batch you put through the processor, that would be perfect." Apparently someone liked thier caffeine -very- black.

The paper is for now folded underneath an arm and tucked to the side.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb can't help but nod at Talia's remark, "It... It is." He looks slightly depressed, "It was a Monday brain fail, sorry."

He looks at Jason, and smiles even if surprised, "Why, thank you!" He orders, "I'll have a triple, please, and..." He ahs, "Two slices of apple pie?" Boy, he really is hungry.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd doesn't judge as the two place their unique orders and pays for them as offered. About that time his drink is delivered and he offers a nod to the two. He steps away, glancing for a place to sit. As fortune would have it, there is a table with all of four spaces, but one of the chairs has been claimed for another group. He walks over and drops into the solo chair on the one side and takes a slow drink from his cup.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Jason with a moment, and then shrug, "Who's your friend?" With an 'I didn't know you had any's ort of amused tone over to her voice. It's more of a tease than a needle, so Talia is trying to behave.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb squints his eyes looking at Jason, "His face kinda looks familiar...", he says to himself. But at this hour, who remembers a face from a while back?

He's quick to look at Talia, "Name's Caleb, Miss...?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks to Talia, "Not friends, yet. Another friend took her car to a garage for some work. Pretty sure he was the mechanic." Caleb offers his name then, "Caleb. Seems familiar. Either way, just being a good citizen." For once.

He offers, "Jason." Then he looks down to his phone again as the two are getting their orders. The two chairs at the table remain unclaimed but for how long?

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Jason, "Tatyana." She would offer to Caleb. "Let me guess, someone stole the wheels off it while it was parked in a neighborhood? Or just the hubcaps?" She would inquire while getting her own drink.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra is not one to refuse table hospitality - free food, after all - so he approaches. "You look awafully familiar...", he talls Jason as he takes a seat. "Where do I remember you from, man?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks up, repeating as he'd told Talia, "A friend of mine had some work done at a garage you work at? Something like that?" He shrugs. "Can't say we talked a lot but there were a number of us there when she dropped her car off. Probably.. last fall at this point."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance at Jason, "And here I thought you didn't seem the type to have a long memory. consider me impressed." She would lightly needle him - moreso in the tone of voice that an ex might if it came to that.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra recalls now, "Ah yes... A client, Stephanie Brown. Yeah, big assembly, that one. Took me and my dad a while to program that beast." He nods, and looks at Talia, "I'm a mechanic, with a bit of a dabblery in tinkering and restorations." He smiles at that, and now says to the group. "So, if you ever need a piece fixed or restored, send it my way."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "That's her" he affirms as he sips his coffee. He looks to Talia. Seriously? "Well, Aunt Talia. You know me. There are some days my sinus pressure is too much and it's all I can do to remember my own name" he snarks back. "Today I'm feeling particularly lucid."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smirks over at Jason, wagging a finger over. "Yes, it must be all those things you snort in the backyard. I'm sure that over the years you've gotten a bit too many of them." She would glance to Caleb, "I can't say I do. I drive one of those old VW's. If you kick it, a part comes off. If you can't kick it back into place, you just let it stay off. At some point the engine block falls out, you sell it for twenty dollars to a junkyard, and get a new one."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Aaah, and then, I get to scrounge up the parts, and depending on how their condition, they can either be reused... Or repurposed into another thing entirely!" He provides examples. "A rusty chain into a nice statue? You got it. A few plates of metal of different types? How about a nice ornamental damascus knife, then? Would you prefer that with an ebony handle, or maybe some koa?" He grins at Talia, "One person's trash is another person's treasure, lady." He looks back to Jason, "So, how's Stephanie? Happy with the piece installed, I presume?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd listens as he sips from his cup, "Steph seems pretty happy with the results. She hasn't said anything negative anyway? Sounds more like you're making art than fixing cars, Caleb? Not a bad thing. Seems like a lot of people look for repurposed art or sculpture. Or a weapon. If there's one thing Gotham could more of is more weapons" he notes dryly.

His phone chirps, prompting him to look down at the screen. "Looks like an appointment has been moved up. Nice to see you again, Aunt Talia." But was it? "And you Caleb. Stay safe." It's Gotham, who is actually safe in this city?

Standing he lifts his cup, "Cheers. See you 'round." And he turns to head out to his bright red '69 Mustang Mach 1.