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Revision as of 21:43, 26 March 2023

Lazy Titan Day
Date of Scene: 25 March 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Several Titans enjoy a little social time with each other in the Tower.
Cast of Characters: Koriand'r, Kian, Caitlin Fairchild, Terry O'Neil

Koriand'r has posed:
Afternoon in the Titan tower was...strangely uneventful. A rare gift, this moment of peace and Koriand'r was exploiting the most out of it by...well, doing nothing.

Indeed with her long near-flaming hair down and her eyes half-watching some movie on the screen, the Tamaran princess was wrapped in a dressing gown that suggested she hadn't moved for a while...that and she was basically poured out onto the couch.

Kian has posed:
    Bored bird.
    Which, really, doesn't happen often enough around here, so Kian will take it, if it's going to happen.  The flap of large wings is enough to herald his arrival, popping out of the open shaft.  Almost without thinking about it, a simple cant of the wings sends Kian towards the kitchen, and the refrigerator, and the pitcher of purple sugar water that is carefully marked in Akiar characters as his.
    It's really enough that it's marked in Akiar characters to identify it as Kian's special stash.
    He flits over the intervening furniture and lands on the back of the couch, without spilling a drop of hisrecious sugar water.  "/Kie/, Kori," he says, waving his free hand.  "What are you watching?"
    The observant might notice that Kian himself is clad basically in an underkilt (essentially a Speedo and not much more) and nothing else, his ever-present pendant besides.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The lift *dings* and the door slides open to allow Caitlin to debark. The redhead's wearing pink scrubs and matching white tennis shoes, and carrying a pile of bags in both hands. She gets as far as the massive communal dining table and drops her entire armload on it with a clatter of books, tools, vegetables and canned goods.

She detours to the kitchen to grab a SnackyShake from the dispenser and walks back to the entertainment area. Two awkward little steps allow her to step out of her shoes and the redhead drops her weight into one of the larger chairs built for her and Victor's scale.

The Amazon looks absolutely, soul-crushingly worn out, and slouches until her feet hit the ground. "If it's anything that requires no thought to consume, I'm good with it," she adds to Kian's question.

Koriand'r has posed:
Whatever Koriand'r's rather un-princess-like murmered answer was? It was certainly incorrect. Odds are she wasn't watching, not really.

Clearlt the exhaustion was all around. Still wrapped in her own pink and purple robe the alien rolled lightly onto her back, yawning lightly as her tall frame took up a decent section of the couch. "It is good to see you both..." she offers brightly, but it might be more convincing if her eyes were more than half-open.

Kian has posed:
    "Oh, /kie/ Cait," Kian greets, saluting with his tumbler of purple diabetes inducer.  He peers at the TV and pretty much immediately dismissed it as Incomprehensible Earth Things.  "Background noise.  I can understand that.  I know I can't sleep if it's too quiet, at least when I'm sleeping alone."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin allows herself five seconds of respite from the travails of her day. Med school, work, stopping apocalyptic timeline incursions-- the woman just has a lot on her plate.

But she can't sit long knowing Kori's feeling under the weather and opens her eyes a few beats later. Her feet walk backwards so she's sitting upright enough in the chair to look over at one of her oldest friends.

"Kori, you sound like you're running a little low on sunshine," she tells the Tamaranean without much preamble. "Does something have you feeling sad or do you need to take a short trip to somewhere sunny and tropical?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"And how often is /that/, Kian?" Terry's voice carries in as he rounds the corner. The Cheshire irrupts into the main room carrying his laptop, his satchel, three notebooks and a small salad in a bowl, all precariously balanced. He stops for a second, glancing at the assembly, then he sallies forth. "Did I hear a Caribbean getaway is in the works? I'd be more than happy to get us there if Kori needs the sunshine. It'd be a perfect way to foil Colete's attempt to get Gar to take us to Themyscira to celebrate my bir-"

Gears come to a stop. Quick, redirect, redirect "---birdboy. Kian. Who liked Themyscira a lot."

Four out of ten, would not believe. He steps closer to Kori. "Hey Kori... do you need anything? Pineapple juice? Mozarella and dijon sandwich? I'm about to raid the fridge..." he offers.

Koriand'r has posed:
"It has been a long week," Kori murmers, stretching out and smoothing a hand against her own thigh where the robe had slipped. "Which is a strange saying, but I have heard several humans say it, as if elongated time makes you more tired?"

Caitlin's question earns a little stretch of her back. "Both maybe? I am...tired, and missing some time with some people."

Sad Kori? Not quite, more like sleepy and hug-starved, something far more worrisome for a Tamaranian.

Then there was Terry and the promise of food, earning an opening of her eyes in full. "Yes please!"

Clearly, both.

Kian has posed:
    "I'd like to see Themyscira again," Kian says, spreading his wings slightly as Terry wanders in.  He does *not* pick up on what 'celebrate my bir--' might mean, since birthdays aren't celebrated among the Akiar.  He doesn't even know when his own would be, and the anniversary of his First Flight was back at the end of December.  At least this time Earth wasn't invaded by his kin and friend.  That said...
    "I wouldn't mind seeing the Caribbean again.  As long as you don't just leave me there like you did the last time."
    At least he's smirking when he says that last.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Terry your birthday is in the Titan's calendar," Caitlin assures the young man without quite twisting around to look at him. "Just because you never check your messages doesn't mean the rest of us aren't paying attention."

Since Terry's going to the kitchen Caitlin relaxes again and slurps down more of the high-calorie shakemix. "I could ask Diana if I can take you there," Caitlin offers to Kian, and by extension the others in the room. "They're still not super big on guys on the island but if there's another fete or something planned then she'd probably lend me the Jet."

Caitlin's phone starts buzzing and she checks her pockets before realizing it's on the counter. She waves a hand vaguely in the air. "Terry, portal me?" she requests politely.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
A Rabbit Hole opens for Caitlin to snatch her phone, and he sighs as he pads to the fridge. "... okay, fine, I told Colette it'd be cool to go to Themyscira for my birthday. But that was just me /saying/ it. It doesn't mean it has to happen on Monday. Colette is a meddler. She meddles. She's always got her nose poking in on people's business!"

Pineapple juice, and then some mozarella between two baguette slices with a generous dosage of dijon mustard, lightly heated to make the cheese melty and gooey.

He brings them back to Kori, "Here ya go, Kori- this should perk you up a wee bit. You know, it's been a bit since we've all gone out and done something as a group outside of kicking supervillains. We should do... a road trip! What do you think? Kian, Gar and I tried to do one, but we got interrupted, so it was never completed... we could drive across the country to the other coast!" He beams at Caitlin. "Whaddaya think?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Up she sits and food is claimed, happily there to be devoured by the orange-skinned alien princess who takes a happy bite out of her meal before shrugging. "We are...not as social as we should be. We could do the clubbing, or just relax in the pool on the roof or..."

Oh dear, Koriand'r was indeed already perking up a little!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I would -love- to go on a road trip but med school has temporarily leased my soul from the Lord," Caitlin says with a wry but not-entirely-sarcastic tone. She wiggles a thumb vaguely behind her at the stack of books and looks at her phone. The expression on her face says everything, and after a few moments of exhaustion and disgust, Caitlin actually turns her phone off and tosses it onto the coffee table in front of her.

"No thank you, I'm not covering a shift today," she remarks to no one in particular. "I did a week straight in the clinic and got shanghaied to deal with Alura's thing and then I get back and I get like, a *day* off, and they want me to come in and work a pediatric shift." She rests her palms on her face and massages her cheekbones and forehead. "I cannot wait until I'm done with my residency and I can go back to having a life."

Kian has posed:
    "It was never completed because of **you**, Terry /tenar'h/," Kian says pointedly, "not that you minded seeing my world."  He hops up into a full perch on the back of the couch.  "Although I think I would like to see more of this country.  Really, all I've seen are bits of both coasts.  I suspect that's not representative."
    He flips out his T-Com and pulls up a map of the United States.  "I mean, there's Far-go, and Toh-lee-doh, and Des Moines--"  Yes, he pronounces both of the S-es so it comes out 'dess moiness'.  "--and Al-byou-kwer-kwee...."
    Note to anyone: suggest Kian take some geography courses in place of some of his English classwork.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry purses his lips at Kian, "... I'm gonna have to get you to memorize Wakko's America song so you can get the pronunciation right, at least..." he scratches the back of his neck, "Okay, so road trip no bueno right now... Kori's suggestion has merit, we should go clubbing. Surely Doctor Fairchild can spare one night to shake her booty with her besties?"

He grins and leans on the couch, "We'll invite Harley to come along and make it a full outing. I can challenge Dawn to a dance-off and see who, in truth, is indeed the Dark Lord Of The Dance. It'll be fun. We'll even do Karaoke."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I don't dance and I don't drink," Caitlin reminds Terry with a frown. "...but if Harley goes, I'll at least come hang out," she allows a few beats later. The way she rubs her knees together gives her a sense of adolescent uncertainty. The redhead likes neither crowds nor attention, and as she's one of the more visible Titans in any social scenario, both are hard to avoid.

The energy does prime her to jump up and start to the table. She gathers up the bags and spilled veggies and starts transferring them to the large island. "I'm thinking steak tonight, and some fried potato cakes with veggie mix for the vegans," she suggests to the two men. "Any special requests? I might need someone to run to the store if it's too exotic," she advises them as an afterthought.

Kian has posed:
    "I'm not picky, as long as it doesn't involve birds.  Or eggs," Kian says.  "And I remember the last time we did karaoke, Terry.  I had to pull the song out of your head because I didn't know it."
    He pauses, and thinks a moment.  "Although the pin-ya colada was really nice."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Caitlin Fairchild!" Terry puts his hands on his hips, "As the Birthday Boy come Monday, I /demand/ that you dance with me. I will not accept 'no' for an answer..." he realizes that exerting this privilege means that he has to accept Colette's ploy and have Caitlin talk to Diana. He sighs inwardly.

"I make no suggestions, though. You are the empress of this kitchen, anything you make is absolutely delicious. Just make sure there is a lot of it because Gar is... well, Gar."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Do you know how long it takes a broken metatarsal to heal?" Caitlin asks Terry in a wry voice. "The good news is that I can set the bone, the bad news is that I'll also be enforcing your physical therapy every day. Do with that information what you will."

She dons an apron and starts tying it behind her waist so she can get started with the meal prep. "I always make extra, Kian," she reminds the birdman. "But not so much that I can cover a bunch of unexpected appetites. After I dish out the first batch it's first-come, first-served for the leftovers."

Caitlin starts chopping celery against her thumb with a razor-sharp knife in her hands. "...but I could *probably* set some aside for him," she confesses a few beats later. "If he's for-sure gonna be here in time. I don't want him to go hungry."

Kian has posed:
    "It doesn't matter if Gar is expected or not.  If there is food, he will be there sooner or later.  There's food.  There will be Gar."  Kian states this as if he were giving a law of reality, like gravity attracts or the square root of two is irrational or Earth is weird.  "Gar's appetite is never unexpected.  And if he doesn't show up, one of the speedsters will."
    Yeah, Kian pretty much has a handle on Earth now.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"We have trained you well," Terry pronounces with a satisfied grin. He reaches over to stroke Kian's hair and says, "Try to convince Cait to dance at my party, whatever /that/ ends up being. I am far too agile for someone to step on my toes!"

Picking up the things he put down to get the sandwich, he adds, "I need to head out for a bit, mom needs help cataloguing some stuff over at the office and the IT guys have told her not to call them again. So it's my turn." He smirks, "But I should be back for dinner! Maybe I'll bring some tiramisu for dessert!"