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Latest revision as of 05:45, 29 March 2023

Mind The Gap
Date of Scene: 28 March 2023
Location: Manhattan Subway
Synopsis: Attackers try to abduct Lara Croft in the subway. With Colleen Wing, Jessica Jones, and Captain America, the attack is stopped and Lara is safe.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Lara Croft, Jessica Jones, Colleen Wing

Steve Rogers has posed:
The even rush hour is finally starting to die down a little as New Yorkers have been wending through the public and private transit systems for the last two hours. There is still a lot of traffic on the roads if not as much as before. The subway cars are not completely full, but two thirds of the seats are taken at this time of evening, and a few more people who just chose to stand.

Steve Rogers is waiting on one of the platforms. He came in another train and exited at the station. Steve's phone comes out and he taps a text message off to Lara.

> Trained arrived, I'm at the station. Over at one of the news kiosks.

Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Steve glances over the magazines, books, snacks, and other offerings. Not as many places sell paper copies anymore, but Steve still prefers them if he admits it. He picks up a copy of Time, looking over the cover article.

A glance is given down the platform. Steve notices a couple of people that exited the same train as him, appearing to be waiting for a connection here. He goes back to flipping through the magazine.

"Hey," the vendor says. "You gonna buy that or think this is a library?"

Steve gives the man a wry grin. "Sorry about that. Here," he says, pulling out some cash. The man looks at the cash dubiously but rings up the sale. "Enjoy your paper magazine bought with your paper money," he tells Steve before turning to slide another copy over into the place the Time came from. Steve just grins again and shakes his head, moving just to the side, but lingering there since it's where he told Lara he'd be.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was coming in from the street up above. She'd hopped a cab over to this station from the Natural History Museum, and was on her way down the stairs when she spotted Steve down in the platform terminal from afar.

Dressed in a pair of drab green denim jeans, a pair of leather boots, a dark grey hoodie with it half-zipped up to her chest level, Lara raises her aviator sunglasses up on to her hairline, and starts down the stairs further. She adjusts her leather backpack strap over her right shoulder, and slips past a pair of people coming up the stairs. "Excuse me." Lara says in her polite English accent, bounding down the steps past some discarded pizza slices that rest up against a wall, with less than stellar looking mold growing on them. Ah, the city!

Once at the base of the stairs, Lara raises a hand up to wave to Steve, a good thirty yards down the platform from him, a smile gracing her pale pink hued lips. She waits for a group to pass in front of her, then starts walking casually toward the good Captain...

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones normally hops the rail and cheats the system, but Colleen's with her today so Jessica actually pays, the other woman comign up behind her as they head for the train. Jessica's going to work on getting a little training from Colleen. Her fighting skills are pretty basic, even if her super strength gives her an advantage in most tussles. But she isn't the only superhuman around, obviously, so being better at fighting is a good idea.

But she wasn't going to take lessons from any of the guys. Fuck that.

"I don't have to wear the pajama outfit, do I? I just brought, like, gym clothes," she says, a duffel bag in hand, "And yes, my cardio will suck and no, I'm not quitting smoking..."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen was not a stranger to the rail system, she rode it quite often. Living where she lived, she had seen a lot more frightening things outside her dojo than she ever saw on a subway; although in both locations she had seen a man urinating. As the pair head their way for the train, Colleen walks with purpose beisde Jessica, a smirk coming to her face in reply of the woman's words. "No. I only make people wear the pajama outfit if it is a night class. We should be good and avoid any embarassment assuming we get to the dojo on time. No promises."

She opens a bottle of water and takes a sip, nudging the other woman to show she is jesting. "We can work on the cardio, assumi ng you want to come bac aftet this lesson. And hey, no smoking in the dojo. Already had one fire there."

As they approach the platform she pauses in her step and turns to Jessica. "We should totally get takeout for after the lesson."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers skims through the magazine, noting articles he'd like to take more time to read. He has to flip back as he sees a photo of Tony in one of those early sections that mentions pop culture or celebrity happenings.

The blue eyes glance up and catch sight of Lara's wave. Steve's lips draw back in a smile whose emotion shows in those eyes as well. He raises his hand to wave back to her, closing the magazine and turning to go meet her halfway.

But apparently, there are other people who have another idea on that matter. A train has pulled into the platform and the doors open, people disembarking and others moving to board.

A man and woman hurry down the stairs behind Lara, while another man was in front of her turns towards her. The three of them rush her at the same time, intending to grab her body and pull her into the subway train.

At the same time, those people that Steve had noticed lingering that had been on the same train as he, have walked nearer. As the other three assault Lara, these two rush at Cap. One of them flicks open one of those collapsible metal clubs, while the other pulls out a taser. Steve spots them just in time, blocking the metal stick with an arm that is going to be bruised tomorrow. The taser hits him, making Steve's muscles jump about, but he manages to knock the man away before the taser can take him down.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was in the process of pulling her phone out of her zip hoodie side pocket when the two people in front of her turn abruptly and come at her. It causes her to take a second to gain some blurry sense of what is happening, before Lara tries to react. But they get her by her arms, and instantly hit her with a stunning weapon pressed up against her ribs! The Brit loses some of her muscle control and the pair start to pull her toward the train.

"Steve!" Lara calls out over the chaos that is rapidly beginning to pour over the busy train platform. Lara's phone is dropped on the ground, toppling out of her hand where it clatters upon the pavement as she's drug toward the just-arrived train car!

Jessica Jones has posed:
They're closer to Lara at first, although they can see Steve getting grabbed, too. "What the sweet..." Jessica groans to herself. Really, she can't even ride the subway without shit breaking out now.

"Help her," she tells Collen, nodding towards Lara as he reaches out and grabs one of the big metal trashcans, hefting it up and wieelding it like a club as she starts to charge towards the guys attacking Cap (who she doesn't know is Cap or she would definitely not worry about him defending himself, but she doesn't know, so she's now swinging on tazer dude and trying to wallop him with a big long trash receptacle.).

Colleen Wing has posed:
What was Colleen saying about the subway being safer then where her dojo was? She seemed to be lost in trying to decide what she wanted for food. "I could really go for some Thai. Do you like..." Her words were interrupted by the scene unfolding before her, where the man and the woman on the platform near them were being assaulted and tased. More importantly, the woman seemed in obvious distress as she was being dragged towards the subway car by three assailants and seemingly unable to escape their grasp.

Jessica's words are met with a quick nod as the Sensei of the Chikara Dojo quickens her step into a run towards the three trying to kidnap Lara, attempting to place herself between the open door and the group. She just makes it and holding up her hands in front of her in a defensive position shakes her head. "Whoa whoa whoa. Cars full. Sorry."

Her plan seems to be to stall them from entering the car. "I'd let her go. It'sbeen a long day and I have about..." She holds up two fingers to show a small amount in a pinching motion. "This much patience left." Her eyes go to the man with the taser and she winks. "Go ahead. I promise you are not fast enough."

Steve Rogers has posed:
The snatch team is focused on getting Lara into the subway train apparently. As the Englishwoman is dealing with the effects of the stun weapon, the man nearest to Colleen sees her get between them and the door to the train.

He pulls out something from his coat. Not a gun. A cattle prod. Even nastier than what Lara was hit with. The end crackles with electricity. "Assistance!" he calls out.

Two men who had already boarded the train rush towards Colleen from behind, intending to clear a path for their partners. Leaving 5 of them for Lara and Colleen to face at present.

Jessica's help sends the one man flying. He stumbles all the way to the train, bouncing off and falling down. Another man steps off the train and helps him, while a woman in a trench coat comes out and pulls up some kind of larger, fancy looking gun. It's rather thick, a barrel more like a tube.

Steve whirls on the man with the metal baton, dodging back to avoid a swing of it and then jumping and kicking him in the chest. The man flies back into a pillar, rebounding back forward. "I'm fine," Steve tells Jessica. "Help the woman if you can!"

Lara Croft has posed:
The two carrying Lara by her biceps, up under her shoulders, cause her hoodie to rise up enough to show off her undershirt, some of her midrif above her denim trousers, and a dangling handgun holstered in a leather sheath against her left side... they don't seem to have noticed it yet either as their eyes are on Colleen now, who is getting approached from behind!

Lara's focus centers itself enough again for her to plant her feet and jump backward to pull herself free of the two sets of hands grabbing her arms! One holds on though, pulling Croft off balance enough to get her to lean in to them, while Lara tilts, raising her right leg up to kick the one who fully lost their grip on her, right in his stomach!

She grunts, loudly, as she then tries to wrench herself free of the second person, just leaving more madness unfolding on the train platform now, a whole host of citizens running away screaming, a few homeless people hunkered down in a corner just watching like it's a movie!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones sees the dude fight and she might not know he's Captain America, but she can tell he knows what he's doing. "Fine," she says. She's still irritated that all of this is interrupting her day.

She turns towards where Colleen and Lara are struggling with the bad guys. She hefts the trash can again and throws it like a missile, aiming to take out some of the excess guys as she makes a kind of leaping dive, her limited flight abilities carrying her to travel that distance faster than most.

"You'd better run, you shits, or I'm gonna twist you into pretzels!" she shouts. If they manage to get them on the train before she gets there, she'll try to grab ahold of the outsidse of the train and hang on...

Colleen Wing has posed:
Is that a cattle prod? Was he seriously going to try and strike her with a cattle prod? Apparently the man was as he lunged forwad with the weapon. Colleen was not exactly wanting to be lit up like a Christmas Tree this day and with a spinning side-step, she grips the man's wrist as he lunges, directing the prod into the man behind her in the entrance to the subway car. The man's eyes go wide as he twiches and with a well=placed side kick he is sent further into the car, sprawling out onto the floor.

It is at that monent that Colleen turns just in time to duck from the incoming trash can, the action giving Captain Cattle Prod enough time time for another one of the assailants to send a well-placed kick to her face, sending her sprawling into the door opening and into the car. A quick shake of her head and she scrambles to her hands and knees, moving to push herself up from the floor as the one who kicked her follows her into the car to continue her assault. "Stay down Bitch!"

The man moves to stomp her head from above her to the subway floor, but Colleen is able to avoid the strike, spinning to the side and taking him down with a leg lock with both her legs. There is a small *crack* as the man grabs his knee. "You fuckin' bitch." He reaches with his free hand into his waist and pulls out a knife, swiping at her from her prone position; Colleen using her arms to parry each strike upon his forearms.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The people timed the assault so they would have enough time, they figured, to get Lara into the subway car, but not to leave too much time for Captain America to reach her.

There is a chime that signifies the train is going to be leaving soon, which at least those near the subway train can still hear pretty well. Though the cries and screams of fleeing civilians make it a little tougher to hear over on the platform where Steve is.

He darts forward towards the car, obviously looking to get to it before it can depart. The man with the metal baton is hurting but still up after bouncing off the pillar. He goes to engage Cap, while the woman lifts that big, odd looking gun at him. What is it a grenade launcher?

"Aw nuts," Steve says as he sees it, apparently knowing what it is. The man swings the baton overhand at him. Steve steps under it, grabbing the man and tossing him towards the woman.

There's a loud WHOOMP as the gun launches at weighted net. It hits the man that Cap threw, tangling him up, and only a few of the weights manage to strike Steve in the legs. It knocks him down as the woman steps back into the car, as does the guy who had the taser.

The doors start to close, while those fighting Lara and Colleen make a rush to get Lara into the train.

Lara Croft has posed:
The trash can that was turned in to a projectile strikes the man that was still clutching Lara by her left arm. It causes him to fully release her, and before she can be pushed on to the train, Lara whips out her sidearm!

Gun drawn, Lara aims it at the man brandishing the knife at Colleen.

"Back off!" Lara warns him, staring down the sights of her 1911 pistol, ready to use it if needs b---!

Lara is rushed from the side, hit by one of the enemies, pushed right toward the open train door now, where she's sent down through it on to the subway train interior, her gun falling to the ground and spinning underneath one of its seats!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica gets there just as Lara is knocked into the train as it starts to pull out. Jessica manages to get her hands in the closing doors and wrench hard, holding them open for Collen and maybe even Cap if he can't get in where he's at.

"Kidnapping pieces of shit, you picked the wrong train station today," she yells, breaking some of the motors in the door as she holds it open. She's going to get dragged along the side of the car if it starts to move but she can fly, after all. Mostly. Ish.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The stabs from the man do not seem to cease, that is until he has a gun brandished on him and Lara gets his full attention. "You don't got the balls bitch." Tho there is a bit of fear in his eyes. It is just enough of a distraction for Colleen to manage to scramble to her feet, backing away from the knife wielding man and Lara as she is struck and sent onto the train car.Colleen acts quickly, grabbing the man's forearm and placing a pressure point grasp upon him, forcing his hand to open as the blade drops in a clatter to the subway floor. She continues to twist his arm enough to flip him forward onto his back upon the subway floot, sending a heel strike to his face. "You cut my favorite hoodie."

She take a brief moment to catch her breath, looking to Lara upon the floor and the man who put her there.

Steve Rogers has posed:
A chime that is the final warning sounds and the doors on the train all close. Except for the one that Jessica has rendered inoperable. It doesn't stop the train from pulling forward though, which it does with a lurch that sends standing people rocking. It started unusually abruptly and fast, at that, should anyone notice.

There are a few people stuck on the train with the combatants. They back away, going through doors into other cars where possible.

There are a few more people on the train who finally stand up, a pair of women, one with a metal baton she extends. The other has a syringe. "Take her out," the woman with the syringe is told by the other. Those who made it onto the train from the group move to try to grapple Lara so the other can jab her with... whatever it is. Poison? A tranquilizer? A nice shot of vitamin B?

Meanwhile Cap is back on his feet and rushing past the man tangled in the net. He jumps down onto the tracks and takes off sprinting towards the fast moving train that is already zooming through the tunnels.

Lara Croft has posed:
If she could, she'd express how grateful she was for the help from Colleen and Jessica in this fight. She had no idea who they were, or why they were trying hard to help her, but god... this would be going way worse without them!

She doesn't have time to focus on that though, and once on her left side inside the train car, she feels it pulling away, and looks up to see where her gun had gone! Lara sees it, resting up against the far wall of the car, near to a discarded coffee cup! She crawls toward it, releasing a series of grunts and little restrained noises as she darts for her weapon!

But she's grabbed, from behind by whomever tackled her, and now from more people coming in from the sides. Who the hell were these people!

Lara doesn't see the needle-bearer though, as it is carried toward her, right down toward her neck which is fully exposed as she's still trying to make a grab for that handgun while she's wrenched in multiple directions!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones yanks herself up and in, superstrong arms letting her leverage her way back. The door is more or less stuck permanently open, though, in need of repair, and the wind is still whipping her black hair a bit as she stands in the doorway.

"Watch it!" she yells when she sees the needle and lunges herself forward, throwing up a big kick to try to catch the perp in the chest with a heavy-soled boot, hard enough to knock them back into the other wall if she hits.

"I hate this god damn city sometimes.s"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Needle stab averted as Jessica sends the wielder into the wall of the subway. He strikes with a loud thud, his eyes rolling into the back of hid head and collapsed into a pile on the floor. Is he twitching? And what are those noises he is making?

Colleen makes her way to the man who is holding onto snd trying to stop Lara from reaching her gun. It is a floor scramble and seems to be a bit of a standoff, tho Lara is inching her way closer. She throws herself upon the back of the man and wraps her arms aorund his neck, grabbing her wrist and choking tightly in read-naked chokehold. "Go...to...sle..."

It is then that the other women with the metal baton begins to rain down on her back and ribs with the extended baton, relentlessly beating on her, but still Colleen holds tight to the chokehold.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The next station isn't all that far away. But when you're sprinting behind a fast moving subway train, where people have abducted the woman you love, it seems like the distance is never going to end.

The door in the front of the car opens up to the front of the train where the train driver sits. That door peeks open and someone looks out, but not wearing any kind of uniform from the Metro Transit Authority. He frowns when he sees the scuffle going on in the train car, and closes the door, a click sounding as a lock is slid into place.

Up ahead the next station finally becomes visible. At first the train is going too fast, like it's not planning to stop. And then it breaks harder than normal, enough to make people grab for handholds. For those rolling around on the floor of the car, it could get really interesting!

Lara Croft has posed:
As the train speeds down the tunnel, Lara feels the aid of the others making a difference. She hears the shout to look out, and catches a glimpse of the neelde-bearer before they're thankfully knocked back, unable to get at her with whatever was in that syringe!

Lara is freed from the grasp of the strong man behind her, and she lunges forward while Colleen is attacked by someone with another baton!

Then, gun shots.

They ring out inside of the train car, loud and ear=jarring. Lara puts two rounds in to the ceiling, then draws down on the woman with the baton.

She doesn't warn this time, she fires.

A bullet slams in to the arm of the woman's baton-wielding hand, and Lara sits back on the edge of the train car bench, holding her weapon out.

"We're done here! Make another move and you'll never see the light of day again!"

Of course, then the train hits the brakes way too hard, and Lara is thrust forward in the bench. She's forced to move her right hand to clutch one of the metal support rails, as she looks forward to the front of the car!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica makes sure the needle wielder is out of the fight, watching as they pop back up only to meet them with a hard right cross, knocking them out at Jessica's feet.

"Booyah, bitch!" she says, outstretched arms making a triumphant gesture. But then the train stops suddenly and, without anything to hold onto, Jessica gets sent flying down the aisleway of the train, tumbling over her head and down the seats until she manages to grab ahold and pull herself up.

"I'm gonna get that driver."

Colleen Wing has posed:
The gunshot to the baton wielders arm causes the woman to drop the gun and recoil, her other hand quickly going to where she was struck as she staggers back. Then the breaks hit and the former gun wielder is thrust forward towards the side of the car , finding herself on the floor next to the door of the next car, herarm bleeding profusely from the gunshot.

Colleen is still lying on the ground as the eyes of the man she is choking start to slowly close and she can feel his breathing slowing. She is not going to kill him, but just enough to lose consciousness; that is until the breaks had hit and she and the man slide across the floor as well, but not that far..as they were not standing.

When she feels him no longer resisting, she releases her grasp and rolls onto her back, breathing heavily and cluthing her ribs. She calls out to Jess ."Okay Jess. I'm going...I'll be right here. She turns her head to see Lara. "Thanks...you good?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
As the train is coming into the station, the assailant in the engineer's cab makes a quick call on the radio. "Alternate pickup, move now, we're here," he says over his radio. He frowns, but is glad they thought ahead for this possibility instead of exiting the train where they had intended.

As the train pulls into the stop, a pair of men roll a metal transport case over towards the train where the doors are just starting to open. Both of them pushing it, one of the men's jacket hangs open, revealing a gun in a holster there.

Neither of them have time to react to Steve Rogers sprinting at the speeds of a moving vehicle as he leaps from the floor of the tunnel up to arc over the platform. His head almost skimming the ceiling as he comes down on both men hard.

They all tumble, and Steve is back on his feet before either of them has his wits about them. He rushes over and knocks them both out, then takes the gun from the one's holster.

"Lara!" he calls as he heads for the train, where the civilians who witnessed the right are streaming out as best they can.

Lara Croft has posed:
The question from Colleen has Lara considering it for a moment before she just nods her head decisively once. "Filled with questions. But I'm okay. Thanks to you and your friend." She tells her back, all while keeping her eyes on the woman she'd shot.

Lara stays seated, keeps her gun up at the same target, and just glares hard upon her.

"Who are you with?" Lara asks. "HYDRA? Trinity?" She doesn't really expect an answer.

A second is taken to look forward then just as the train comes to a stop at the next platform. "Be careful!" She calls up to Jessica before hearing Steve's voice outside the train. "I'm here!" She calls back, the door that Jess wrenched open still wide open, allowing their voices to travel more easily amongst the assured frantic reactions by the civilians at this new depot.

Inside, Lara just starts to stand up again from her bench, keeping her gun aimed at the woman she shot...

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones is just marching down the line of the train, kicking doors open and generally getting angrier and angrier as she stalks forward.

She finally tears open the door to the driver's area and shoves it aside.

"Think it's time for an unexpected stop," she says. With quarters a little cramped up front, the thug intimidating the driver doesn't have much room to turn before Jess snatches him by the collar like an angry mother, yanking him backwards and leaving him scrambling and flailing limbs as she casually tosses him over her shoulder, letting him fly the full length of a train car and crash headfirst into the wall like a lawn dart.

Colleen Wing has posed:
With the gun pointed at the woman who was shot in the arm, Colleen slowly makes her way to her feet, one hand on her ribs and starts to approach the woman. With a bit of a wince she removes her hoodie and stands in frntof the woman, but not so much as to block a clear shot from Lara if need be. She looks over her shoulder and asks. "You got me?" She does not need an answe. She knows Lara does.

She eyes the woman and speaks calmly and softly. "You have two choices. You can resist me. Or you can let me wrap this around your arm tight enough for you to not bleed out before you get help and we can question you." She shrugs. "I mean if you resist, I can't patch a bullet to your forehead..so there is that."

The woman narrows her eyes in a glance and seemingly starts to say something, but stops, only nodding. Colleen then wraps the hoodie around the bleeding arm with a tighter than needed tug, causing the woman to wince. "You're Welcome." Damn the Bushido Code she follows.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Hearing Lara's voice, Steve pushes through the flow of people leaving the train via the broken door. There aren't many left so he gets inside and his eyes quickly scan the area. The woman's bloody arm is noted, and Lara holding the gun. And there's Jessica at the ruined door to the engineer's compartment, and the man that was in there going flying past Steve, who leans back to avoid him.

The engineer follows behind Jessica. "Oh god, thank you," he says. "He said he'd kill me if I didn't do what he said. Wanted me to go to the next station, but we went so fast we would have rammed the next train before we got there."

Steve pulls out his phone. "This is Captain Rogers. Get police to the 191st Street Station. Watch for anyone with a container in particular, metal container, and they are likely to be armed. Probably a van or small truck nearby as well. They tried to abduct an Agent of SHIELD," he says.

He pushes his phone back into his pocket and moves over to Lara, eyes anxious. "You ok?" he asks her, crouching a bit where she's seated, but staying out of her line of fire towards the woman that Colleen is bandaging.

"Thank you, both of you, for your help," Steve says to Jessica and Colleen.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is standing by the time Steve is at her side. She does keep her gun on the woman too, the last of the ones that could do 'something', if they were so stupid as to consider it.

"I'm okay." She tells Steve. "I dropped my phone back on the other platform. It was unlocked." She quietly tells him before she glances down at the floor.

"Grab that?" She asks, pointing with her free hand at the syringe that is rolling around as it settles after all the momentum from the train had come to a stop.

Lara then looks to Colleen, and nods once to her. "Seriously. Thank you. I don't know where I'd be if you and your friend hadn't intervened. If there's a way I can repay you, buy you both some dinner, or a replacement hoodie... I'll be happy to."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones makes her way back to the car with the rest, dragging the hoodlum she knocked behind her, "Add this one to the pile," she says.

She reaches into the pocket of her leather jacket and draws out a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out with her lips and lighting it with a sharp inhale. "Fuck the rules, I earned a smoke," she says. She peers at Steve for a moment, "I know who you are. I've seen pictures of you before," she says. She is a detective after all.

Colleen Wing has posed:
The woman bandaged, Colleen leans into her and murmurs softly before pulling away. "I still hope it hurts." She steps away from the woman and placed her hand on her ribs once more as she looks to Steve and Lara. "Oh no need for thanks. I was supposed to give my friend here a lesson this evening. I think this qualifies. So..yeah." She coughs once and runs her hand through her hair with her other hand. "So um, this happen often to you guys? Or is this like a date night wrong type thing?"

As Jess comes back into the car dragging another, Colleen canot help but smirk at her friends demeanor and words. "The live pile or did you kill him?" She just shakes her head when she breaks out a cigarette, "Yes. Yes you have. Just...just, blow it that way." She gestures with her hand away from her.

When Jess asks about the identity of Steve, Colleen turns her head out of curisoity trying to places the face, but decides to wait, addressing Lara first. "Thank you. Lara was it? That is what he kept screaming. A pointed finge to Steve. "Dinner would be good sometime. Don't worry about the hoodie. When she dies I am taking it back." She smiles over to the woman.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The syringe is retrieved, Steve letting the tiniest amount leak out as he gets a small scent of it, but careful not for too much in case it is something toxic or otherwise could affect him. He gives a tiny shake of his head, unsure what it is. He finds something to stick the tip into so it doesn't end up poking him or anyone else.

Steve moves back to the Englishwoman and rests his hand on Lara's shoulder for a moment. Though he heard her and knows she's ok, that touch still goes a long way to quelling his fears. Fears that grew with every step as the traced the train down the New York City subway tunnels.

"I'll ask for someone to look for it," he tells Lara, pulling out his phone again. After it connects, "JARVIS, Lara's phone was left on the platform at the last station. Could you ask NYPD to pick it up? If they can't find it... yes, tracking it down if not would be appreciated," Steve says. Easier than calling SHIELD to have them do it.

His eyes go to Jessica and Colleen again. "I'm not familiar with you," he tells her, but then turns to look at the unconscious man that Jessica threw the length of the train car. "Though I'm guessing that might change in time." He offers Jessica his hand first, then Colleen. "Steve Rogers," he says. He smiles to Colleen and says, "Would you take a replacement from... ah, I don't know if Janet has a line of hoodies, but... something as similar as I can get?"

Lara Croft has posed:
A glance is given to the needle that Steve claims, and then she nods softly to what he says of her phone. She keeps her gun out though, still aimed at the woman who was bandaged-up. "thank you." She says quietly to Steve as he calls in the Jarvis assistance.

Her eyes go to Colleen next then, and she just nods softly to her. "Yes, Lara. Croft." She responds in her London-flavored accent, still a tad breathless after the adrenaline rush that was the past twenty or so minutes.

"I've managed to make a number of enemies in my life, so I can only imagine which of them these people were sent by... I'll be eager to find out precisely who, though." She states, her fingers adjusting in a wave-like stretch across the grip of her handgun.

Once the NYPD shows up on the platform, Lara pulls her SHIELD ID badge out of the back pocket of her trousers. She has it up on display already when they inevitably start to filter in through the open door that Jess had rended permanently open. "You're a fight instructor?" Lara asks Colleen. "Perhaps I should sign up then, could always use more refresher lessons." She shows a faint smile then.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones pulls out her card and hands it over to Steve, "Jessica Jones. Alias Investigations. In language you'd understand, I'm a private dick. A shamus," she says with a grin. She's been watching Bogart movies lately in some of her spare time.

"Don't worry, though, you don't owe me anything. Always appreciate a donation, in cash or whiskey, either one," she says.

She keeps away from the cops when they show up, letting other people talk to them because they have a habit of pissing her off and she doesn't need the hassle today. She's already had a lot of hassle. "Colleen's the real deal," she adds to Lara. "She could probably kick my ass if my ass wasn't so damn super."

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Wait Steve Rogers? Like../THE/ Steve Rogers? Not like some guy just named Steve Rogers." She shakes her head and watches him a moment. "I didn't think people like you rode the subway. With us normal people who don't save the world regularly or are on the walls of thousands of young teenage girls and well their moms too." She looks to Lara and quickly adds. "I mean I assume. Sorry. I;ll stop talking." She then adds to Steve. "I mean if you want to buy me a new hoodie, I am not going to stop you. A gift from Steve Rogers..not going to turn that down. Hey, like my hoodie, Yeah a gift from Captain America. I know him."

She rolls her eyes and then smiles back to Lara. "Lara Croft." It is then she notices the SHIELD badge and she murmurs to herself. "Shit, I just fought with Captain Amarica and SHIELD? I am in way over my head." She exhales slowly and then softly adds. "Yeah. Anytime. Chikara Dojo in Chinatown. Just stop by. Your lessons and yours Jessica are going to be free. Yeah that's going to happen."

Eyes slide ot Jessica and she walks over, patting her friend lightly on the shoulder. "Hey, what you lack in finesse and manners, you far make up for in effectiveness. That's a skill in itself. I have to be good at what I do...or my squishy little normal human body would be.." She lightly kicks one of the men unconscious on the floor. "Like this guy."