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Latest revision as of 05:45, 29 March 2023

Look! I brought you coffee!
Date of Scene: 28 March 2023
Location: Starrware, Metropolis
Synopsis: Kara goes to catch up with Karen. They talk about many things! Including family, clones, sisterhood and how Karen is absolutely a mom now.
Cast of Characters: Karen Starr, Kara Danvers

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen Starr is in her office at Starrware. It's post-five, and she probably should have left the office an hour ago, but a CEO's job is never done. Of course, neither is a superheroine's. Thankfully, she has plenty of people to help cover the city. But her company is her own. She's in her business suit, though the heels have been slipped off under her desk, as she types away, responding to email #too-damn-many-today of #dear-rao-save-me. She stabs at the keys almost accusingly, finally sending off the email, before pinching the bridge of her nose and leaning slightly back in her chair.

    "These people are idiots. That, or they're actively trying to drive me insane." She says, to no one really other than herself. She needs a vacation. Or several vacations.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara Danvers, by contrast, is bounding into the lobby of Starrwares reception area with an obnoxiously bubbly smile on her face. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail, blue eyes behind a red framed pair of glasses, and wearing something suitable for college in late winter Metropolis. White shirt under a thin faux leather coat and blue skinny jeans. A pair of comfortable boots.

And a carrier containing two coffees.

She walks over to the receptionist, "Hey~!" Leaning onto the desk where the woman is likely trying to get out of here before the traffic gets bad, "Is Ms. Starr still here?" Obviously she knows that she is, she can literally see her when she glances up in the direction of her office. The receptionist, likely a little annoyed because it's post-five and she wants to get home to take a shower, buzzes the CEO to let her know someone named Kara Danvers is downstairs.

Karen Starr has posed:
Oh, Karen knows. She heard that chirpy voice from down below. She knows it all too well, because let's face it, it's HER voice, just a half-octave higher and a lot more perpetually cheery. She picks up her phone. "Send her up, Alice. And go home already. I'll be leaving right after this. You should already be home."

She normally might be a little grumpy, but first of all, Kara's coming in civvies, which means this /probably/ isn't superheroine business, and second of all, she's coming with coffee. Coffee forgives a multitude of sins. She closes the laptop on her desk, gently sliding it off to the side, and waits for Kara's arrival.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara beams a smile at Alice, having heard the conversation as clearly as if she'd been standing beside Karen when she said it. "Thanks! Traffic's not so bad yet, have a great night!" Then she's headed towards the express elevators. Standing in the little box gently swaying to the music. Whether it's something upbeat and modern or just your typical elevator nonsense. Doesn't matter. Kara can be happy no matter the circumstances.

When the doors open, she strides out baring gift of coffee! Held up in both hands like Mr Jones presenting the Crystal Skull to the curator of a museum. "Heeeey there! I couldn't remember how you take your coffee so I just got what I get since, I mean, you know." She fishes one out and sets it down in the center of Karen's desk. "Caramel Macchiato, extra caramel, vanilla, two extra shots of espresso."

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen smiles as she looks at Kara coming in with the coffee. She gets a happy little smile, when Kara tells her what she brought. 90% similarity; 10% offshoot. Like them, honestly. She takes the cup, and takes a gulp of it. Kryptonians don't have to worry about how hot their bevvies are. "You guessed right." Her eyes close, happily, for just a moment, as she swallows it down, and then looks back to Kara.

"So, why the visit? This isn't about Alura, is it?" Her meeting with Alura didn't go well, and honestly, she feels a little bad for how bitchy she was in it. But at the same time, she isn't about to just ADMIT that.

Kara Danvers has posed:
If Kara said she weren't watching to see Karen's sigh of appreciation, it would be a lie. Her eyes are wide, anticipation mounting, with a little grin on her face. A grin that becomes a bright smile when Karen shows appreciation and leaves the younger of them practically beside herself with pleasant vibe. Which, to be honest, isn't terribly difficult to do anyways.

With a huff, she drops down into a chair across from her ... sibling? Herself? Lips quirking, holding her cup in both hands up close to her lips so she can smell the deliciousness within as it wofts up from the little slit in the lid. "Uh, nah. Jeju can ... I mean... yeah. I don't know what happened with you two, but.." She shrugs, both shoulders. "It'll work itself out. Hopefully, right?" Why was she here though..

"Uh. I met Divine."

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen certainly doesn't mind Kara parking it across from her. Honestly, the only reason she didn't expressly offer it is because she figured she didn't need to. She takes another drink from the sweet, sweet elixir in the cardboard cup, and looks a little relieved when Kara lets her know it isn't about Alura.

...and then she mentions Divine.

There's a moment of silence, as if she's sort of thinking through and choosing her words. Honestly, a rarity for Karen, who tends to just let people have what she's thinking with both barrels. Finally, in a dryly amused tone that probably means she's hiding her true feelings, she says "Guess I get to know how Kal feels with Connor now. How'd you two run into each other?" Not a fight. Please let it not be a fight.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara was only waiting so she could dramatically watch Karen drink coffee. She totally assumed the invitation to sit was unspoken... and probably would have sit down even if it hadn't been. She's a perfectly polite young lady to persons of authority, but... Well... Karen may be older, but they're the same person. Literally. While this takes time to parse, it comes with some unique perks.

Leaning forward after another sip, she rests her elbows on the edge of Karen's desk and sets her chin on it. Peering at her sibling, for lack of more elegant wording, "No, not a fight." She promises, shaking her head. "We ran into each other at the Hall of Justice... It was... uh... a little spooky, honestly. Like looking at myself, but not myself, who is not myself. Me-ception, ya know?"

Her lips purse. Trying not to grin. "I'm kind of jealous I don't have a clone now. This is some bullcrap."

Karen Starr has posed:
"Well, you and me is already a little bit of that." Karen admits. "But the age difference at least makes that a little less painful. And don't say that, Kara. It is weird as hell. It weirds me out. I had trouble with Connor, and he isn't even MY clone. Divine is. It's...I don't have words for how strange it is."

She looks down, fidgeting a little bit with her coffee cup, to be honest. It's rare; Karen tries to present the image of absolute certainty. Absolute confidence. And when that fails, sheer temper. And none of that works here. "I had a long talk with her the other day. I'm...trying this whole acceptance thing. It's weird. I had to do it with you to some extent, to be honest. And I know I haven't always been the most approachable. But I'm trying to be better. I really am." She finally manages to get the words out.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I get it!" Kara assures her, stressing her words more than raising her voice. A reassurance in her gaze by way of the grin on her face, with her chin still resting on the fold of her arms laid across the edge of the desk. "It was kind of weird for me too when you showed up, but we made it work. You and Divine can too.." Her expression faulters, but only a touch.

It is neigh impossible to break her spirit.

But seeing Karen struggle comes as close as anyone can. Part of her wants to stand up, walk around, and comfort her...self? She does sit up, but rather than walk over she drinks some of her coffee held in both hands. "I know it's very odd, I had trouble with Connor too. All of it... like I look at Divine and I see me? Older, sure, gothier, absolutely, but she's still /me/... because she's you. Who is me..." That's dizzying. "But she /needs/ you, Karen. You're... I mean you're basically her mom." Poor choice of words maybe.

Lips quirk slightly. "Okay maybe no mom, but you know what I mean. Either way, I'm here for you? Like if you're going through it, so am I. We're sisters." It's easier to say it that way.

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen's hand twitches reflexively, and coffee goes spraying everywhere. "Dammit." She says. A quick blast of super-breath flash-freezes it so she can sweep it into the trash can under her desk, which she does, leaning down and grabbing it. "SISTER." she says forcefully. "I am a SISTER, I am not a MOM." Okay, maybe she still has some unresolved mom issues. Maybe it's the Alura thing. But either way, Kara is getting a healthy dose of super-stink-eye.

Kara Danvers has posed:
If there is anyone who is unmoved by the ferocity of Karen Starr's intense stare, it's Kara Danvers. She grins up at her duplicate, inspite of her stink-eye.. maybe /because/ of it. Sipping her coffee held in both hands while Karen busies sliding her's into the trash after flash freezing it. With a sigh, she pushes up and sets her own down in front of her sister. "Okay, okay. Sister. She still needs you." Reaching up to adjust her glasses with that impish, little sister, smirk that has her nose wrinkling and her blue eyes sparkling. Who can hate this adorable face?

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen nods, approvingly, as Kara wisely drops the "mom" issue. She looks over at the sleeve of her business suit. "Dammit. Now I'm going to have to get this dry-cleaned." The stuff that hit the desk was easy to freeze, but that wasn't all the collateral damage. "All right, all right. You made your point. I swear, sometimes you can be a brat." Karen stands, finally; taller than Kara even barefoot without the heels. "I told you, I'm trying to handle this big sister thing. For her, AND for you." And that gets a slightly guilty sigh. "/Which/ means there's probably someone ELSE I need to have this family chat with."

She makes a shooing motion with her hand. "Go on. I'm going to have to drop this off." Though she pauses a moment. Dammit. She doesn't really know the answer to this, and she needs to. And she doesn't want to ask Kara, but she has to.

"Where /is/ Alura, anyway?" Kara has to know, right? She's her mom.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara breaks into an even bigger grin when she ultimately gets her way. Not in a teasing, hahaha way, but in a happy 'this is the way' way. She puts her hands on her lips and lifts one shoulder in a sheepish shrug at being called a brat. "If it works, it works!" It clearly has. Twinkle in her blue eyes, which look at the sleeve with a laugh. "Even with coffee stains you're better dressed than I am, Karen." Stepping around the chair, again adjusting her glasses with her left hand. She absolutely doesn't need them, and adjusting them does absolutely nothing at all. It's a programmed habit of her disguise.

"mmmm..." She thinks, quirking her lips and squinting one eye. "She was on Themyscara last night. She may still be there. I was going to go see her.... I kind of was drunk last night." Nose wrinkling. "Wanna go find her?" Inviting herself. Just like a little sister trying to hang out with her big sis while she goes off to do cool kid stuff.

Karen Starr has posed:
"Ugh. This is going to be hard enough to do this WITHOUT you, much less--" Pause. Frown. "Wait. How in the name of Rao did you get drunk? We don't /get/ drunk." Kryptonians, immune to virtually everything. She looks somewhere in a mixture of confused, concerned...and possibly intensely curious.

"But...yes, I should probably go talk to her." Karen says, a little reluctantly. Not necessarily reluctant about doing it (though she is), but definitely reluctant about ADMITTING it.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara beams a smile up at her much taller sister and shrugs as if she has no intentions of imparting her wisdoms on what beverage she consumed to get herself drunk... Then, with a glance hither and thither, she puts a finger to her lips and whispers. "Amazonian wine. Almost as strong as Asgardian mead." She winks up at Karen, hands on her hips.


"I'll be there for morale support okay?" Sure, she said the thing about it being harder with her there, but once Kara has it in her head, good luck trying to wrench it free. If Karen is the stoic anger, Kara is every bit as headstrong with her unshakable positivity! "Less'go find Jeju. Hey, maybe we should bring Divine? Ya know, multi generational family dynamics are important in these trying times."

If anything, she's just a pain in the entire keister.