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Agents After Hours
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Dane and Daniel discuss life the universe and women. It turns out everything is coming up roses after all.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Dane Whitman

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    After a long day at the Triskelion, Agents have to go somewhere to blow off steam. The quiet little hangout bar in Westchester is closer than New York and so often fits the bill. In this case, Daniel had invited Dane to drinks after several hours mulling over top secret things in hangars. It's not as easy as it looks turning theorycraft into reality. "My treat." He offers as he steps into the bar and gives a look around. There's a moment where he listens to the music, tapping his foot. "This isn't bad... booth?" He gestures to one of the booths along the wall. It was reflex. Pick a spot with good sightlines where people can't sneak up on you and you can watch each others' back.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane Whitman steps in after Daniel, giving the bar a once-over with a bit of bemusement. Place feels like it has some history, regardless of how long or how short it had actually been here. At Daniel's suggestion he gives a nod, "Sure, Booth is fine." He's not nearly as up on his spycraft, even if he maintains a generally good sense of situational awareness. But then again, actual espionage has rarely been his stock in trade. "Been here before? Or just scoping it out for the first time?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"First time." Daniel replies with a game shrug. "I'm trying to get used to.. hoofing it." There's a glance over at Dane at that as he slides into the booth. "So finding a place closer to home seemed to make sense. Lest the commute kill me." Snagging a menu from the condiment rack, he opens it up. "Frankly, I don't know how long they expect us to do both. The school and research." To clarify. "And.. now I've got another problem." He let's that hang in the air. Either that or he meant what he's going to order. Doubtful.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"I don't know. Ag- Phil seemed to imply the higher-ups liked having me at the school. Orientations seem to be going mostly well. Or at least most of the exercises I manage to finish with plenty of time to spare." Which leads to time spent in the hangar for the most part, at least until it's time to sign out for the evening. The DO like to kick the trainees out on time. Overtime budget isn't THAT big. Dane peruses the menu, though his eyes tip over the top at Daniel's latter admission, "Anything you want to talk about? Or can?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel nods along agreeingly. "I certainly can't complain. Your knowledge of engineering is a little more practical than mine at least as far as current standards." As opposed to those of the Kree? "But I can tell you.. time is a precious commodity. So is sleep now that I know I can get it." Safely? Then he chuckles. "And you say you wouldn't cut it." Smirking a little with a shake of the head, he orders a lager with a hamburger and fries. "There is one thing. Something I think you've got a unique perspective on.. with.. again.. more current information." He leads vaguely until the waitress wanders off with their orders.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Sure, I can try, at least." Dane replies, ordering a chili-cheeseburger and a Hefeweizen. Don't drink and ride flying horse? Thankfully not a problem for Strider. Though unlikely Dane's having more than one or two. "An engineering problem or something else? I'm kinda hearing something else."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Good ear. Finely tuned." Daniel observes with a chuckle. "So.. I don't know if Doctor Foster said anything to you the other day. But.. I.. have begun courting someone." He waffles a little as if not entirely sure he wants the world to know yet but he's here and brought it up so there's no avoiding it. "My problem is.. in any ordinary day.. I'd have met her parents on day one. At least from the moment of declaring my intentions. That.. didn't go as planned. None of it has. Now, her mother.. and by extension now her father for sure.. know and found out quite tangentially and in a way I would hardly call ideal." He sighs, giving a nod of thanks at the arrival of the beer. "Now.. naturally she is a forward thinking young woman and made it clear to me that her choice in the matter trumped that of her parents (a point that is still something he's getting used to) but that's hardly the best way to put a good foot forward. So.. I was wondering.. what is it do parents.. well.. look for these days? How does one make up for such a faux pas?" If, indeed, it still /is/ a faux pas.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Huh." Daniel muses eloquently, taking a gulp of his own beer at the question, but clearly thinking it over, "I think it really varies from person to person and culture to culture. I'm gathering it's someone in the US though, which really just boils it back to that "person to person" bit." He considers a few moments, "I think most often these days whoever wants their partner to meet their parents would likely arrange a time and place to for introductions but it...kind of sounds like it's already past? At least where the mother is concerned?" Another sip taken, "In all honestly Daniel, I think your best bet would be to get her read on it. Not that parents are never a factor, especially depending on how close they are, but ultimately it's your relationship with her, the parents are, in a way, peripheral to that. Maybe vitally so, but either way not the primary concern. If they love her, and you make her happy, treat her well and with respect...."

Dane shrugs, "I'd like to think it'll work out. You seem like a pretty all right guy to me. Though not being able to talk much about your work might make for some awkwardness."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel nods, sips, listens. His brow knits a little as essentially the advice comes to down to 'wing it' and 'use your instincts'.. he'd already talked to Valeria about it. They had a.. sort of plan. Tearing off the plaster is not much of a plan. He puts down his beer. "Well.. more or less she's already aware of what I do because of an incident in the plaza where I flashed a badge. Now, that doesn't mean she knows the details.. but she knows I'm a scientist first and foremost and.. that's what led us to talking and.. talking more.. and.. then to the opening of the Latverian Embassy where we unexpectedly met her mother." There's a drag of his eyes to the side as if to say /that/ was a nightmare moment. He sips his beer again.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane frowns a moment, "Wait, Latverian Embassy?" Dane fixes Daniel more intently with his gaze, "Your new girlfriend took you to the opening of the Latverian Embassy and her Mom was there?" Dane blinks a couple times, "And she knows SHIELD, so it stands to reason she's at least in some way in the same orbit as our business." He has the look of a man with most of the puzzle pieces but not quite the final picture there. "OK, so...setting aside what a wild coincidence that might normally be, I'm guessing her mother didn't take it well?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Yeah.. that sounds about as bad as it was. Dan is drinking that beer remarkably fast. "She.. took it.. well enough. In the end, I think she pitied me for the other attention I was getting. Not that I think I'm off the hook. Far from it actually. But there were bigger fish to be concerned about." Hey look, food! He picks up a fry. Waves it about. "You see.. her Godfather.." Fry devoured, he reaches for his burger. "is Victor Von Doom." And cue burger in mouth. Nope, no questions for now. Eating burger, see!

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Godfather? How..." Dane stops abruptly, then finally things fall into place, "You're dating Valeria Richards." Another gulp of his own beer, and when the waiter goes by, he already orders another. He thinks he might need it. "OK, so...it's a good thing you're already well-accustomed to weird happenings, because I can't imagine her life is much-if-any less colorful than her family's." All right, time to mull this over around a few bites of chili-cheeseburger. "As for the rest, I mean...I don't think it really much changes. They may be amazing people, legends in their own right, but they're still just people underneath it all. I think that's a big part of why they're as beloved as they are."

"I mean...this sounds like it's maybe still in preliminary stages but if it gets serious, you may need to factor in that you're going to become a target of media scrutiny, as well." A pause, "Well, nevermind, one hurdle at a time. So you met Susan Richards, and she seemed...OK? That probably means Reed Richards won't be completely hostile. I mean honestly I'd probably be more worried about Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm, but even then not really. As for Doom, well, I won't speculate too much, but if Doom is her Godfather and actually cares about her, he's not going to vaporize you out of hand, since that would probably upset her. "

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel had a feeling it wouldn't take Dane long to figure it out. "I'm.. surprised the media hasn't already blurbed something.. but then I think Von Doom likely had a strict control on the media at the event. And.. we've been discrete otherwise." Mulling over his burger, he nods along with the rest of it. "Valeria is.. well.. she's brilliant." His smile goes a little dreamy as he sums up the Richards' youngest in a single word. "Forthright, hopeful, engaging.. she just.. she makes me feel alive, Dane." His eyes track back to his lunch mate. "Like maybe all that war and grief and nonsense.. it might actually have been worth something. That there /is/ hope for mankind. And.. maybe I'll have to hang up the badge if things get serious. Or.. go on an inactive reserve roster or some such. But.. so long as I'm making a difference? And they do. I'm alright with that." There's an appreciative nod given to the air as he washes down his burger with more beer.

"That bit that has me worried is.. I think he approves of me. At least, he said as much. Mrs. Richards nearly lost her drink when he said it." Daniel offers wanly. "And for some of it.. I felt a bit like the superfluous arm candy.. but I imagine that's to be expected. Mostly.. I need to figure out how to handle the media fall out when it finally happens."

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane smiles just a bit wistfully, "Heh, Yeah, think I might know a bit of what that's like. Or be figuring it out, anyway. And I've heard she's the most brilliant woman in the world. Possibly even more so than her father." Mmmm, more burger. Fries. Beer.

Dane listens while he eats, though, considering, "I may be kind of a rookie as far as this particular agency is concerned, but I don't get the impression they're likely to throw away a valuable asset for a little publicity. I'm not in charge or anything, but for me if things go in that direction...get that serious...it'd seem like a natural fit to just make you the official liaison for the Four and Company."

Dane shrugs, grins a bit, "Besides, I kinda think that given circumstances the media's gonna have a real hard time finding much out about you that you don't want out there."

Doom approving gets a blink, "Well uh...that's...something." He considers further still, "I mean, you're a pretty brilliant guy yourself, so maybe he's glad she's found someone that she can talk to on a more equal level?" He's had some experience with earning the respect and admiration of enemies but...certainly not in this particular manner!

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Thank you.. though I will have to confirm that she keeps me on my toes." Daniel replies with a bit of a chuckle. "Which is great. I love it actually. I haven't had to truly excercise my brain muscles in years and we don't grow if we aren't challenged." He lifts his beer in toast to the absent Valeria. "I.. just hope I can keep giving her mysteries to unfold.. or can keep up." Ever the worry of a man. Is he worthy? Such is his humility at least. "There is that. The Director did reinstate my passport though I've no family to harangue and all of my colleagues are deceased. My one paper that wasn't classified is now old technology. And.. I live in one of the most secure facilities on the planet." There's a snort of a laugh. "This may be easier than I thought."

Dan sips his beer again. "Worst case, if we're cornered, we.. aren't." A hint at his emergency exit ability. "So that's handy." He takes a moment to refelct, setting his nearly finished beer on the table. "Thank you, Dane. Truly. I'm.. feeling a lot better about all of this."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"You're welcome, Daniel. Don't feel like I did all that much, but I'm glad you're feeling a little more on-balance. Sometimes it just helps to get it off your chest." Dane lifts his own glass in a bit of a toast, "And thanks to you too. Nice to have the thought reinforced that folks can go through the kinds of things we do and maybe still end up with a chance at a little more than just ending up a name in a bunch of classified reports or obscure history books. Duty is important, and responsibility should be upheld, but everyone needs to live a little when they can."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I assure you this wasn't planned." Daniel replies with another laugh, his mood brightening. "I questioned her after the Mole Man incident. Then.. talked to her about a project.. and talked again. Next thing I know I was taking her to the Alps for lunch. Showing her a spot I saw there once during the War that caught my eye. When we went to the gala it was more.. I was the plus one? She had an invitation, naturally. Asked me if I wanted to come along. I think it was then that I realized I /did/ want to go. With her. Everyone just assumed we were an item and treated it as such. I think it caught us both off guard. So.. we talked after.. and.. now its official." He's playing with his fries now.

"How about you, hmm?" Daniel looks up from his reverie to Dane with a canted head and a curious eye. "Surely, you're not immune to cupid's bow. Any.. thoughts? Leanings? A particular lady niggling at the corner of your mind?"

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Oh, yeah. Real familiar with the "not planned" but I'm definitely not complaining." Dane chuckles, finishing off the better part of his meal and shifting it aside. "And I'm definitely not immune. I...well I'll just say I was very pleasantly surprised that Jane and I seem to have some chemistry. She asked if I wanted to meet her at the Cloisters for a concert a couple nights ago. I don't think either of us really showed up with much of an expectation beyond some pleasant company for a couple hours, buuuuut." He rubs at the back of his neck, looking a bit sheepish, "It went well. Really well. I'm not a hundred percent sure it's an official thing yet but I get the impression it could be. Which is...amazing. Mildly terrifying, in that always-afraid-you're-not-quite-worthy sort of way. But the amazing outweighs."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Doctor Foster?" Daniel raises a brow and grins with a fingerpoint that suggests he's a sly dog. Or something. "I have to say I won't be the only one worrying about the press then. You realize she has something like.. three million followers on that Twitting application, yes?" He chuckles and seems.. much relieved to know he's not the only one with that problem. "But seriously, good show. It does rather outweigh though.. doesn't it." There's a pragmatic nod as he considers all things. "I could be blasted to oblivion by one of the world's most terrifying dictators any second and yet somehow.. it all feels worth it."