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In The Green Spaces
Date of Scene: 03 April 2023
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Visiting Gotham, Shuri nearly has a dangerous encounter with Poison Ivy amid a conversation about the environment.
Cast of Characters: Shuri, Pamela Isley

Shuri has posed:
Occasionally business brings Shuri to places she doesn't normally visit. Gotham City is one of them. Her brother has probably had more time around the dark, foreboding city, but in her case it's more of a rarity. With some time to kill, she sought out an area that wasn't completely filled with brick, stone, trash, and all that. Green spaces. Places where things are growing, alive.

Leaving any of her security behind, she walks the area in Robinson Park alone. She's capable of handling herself, should any trouble come calling. Having taken a few pictures of the amphitheater along with the castle, she resolved to look them up later as she drew closer to a greenhouse. That, she also takes a picture of. Why not?

Her attire is not quite on the level of her usual Wakandan-inspired things, but there are some tribal influences to the colors and designs of her long-sleeved top, her leggings, and her footwear.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Normally she doesn't do 'work clothes' in her identities. It can be bad form to mix it up. The truth is she wanted the green 'costume' to help her blend in, and add with her green skin right now. She has a messenger style bag with her that bulges as she is moving around the The Forum to try and find good spots and set up small green boxes with solar panels and a cylinder protrusion ending in a smooth rounded end. She's set several all around the park and a few blocks out. She's almost done whens he spies the woman.
    Gothamites have a walk, a look, a way about them. Everyone that lives her long enough seems to adopt it. So that makes tourists and visitors easier to spot. Especially ones that are dressed so colorfully and walking alone and with confidence. She looks to be sure nobody else has seen and is following the woman yet.

Shuri has posed:
Without a doubt, Shuri does not look like she's from around here. If anything, her appearance and demeanor makes her look almost vulnerable. The truth is anything but that. Her braided hair is done up in a bun at the top of her head, angled back slightly, and she has a sharp eye about her. Visitor or tourist, she's still paying attention to her surroundings.

A slight tap to some beads around her wrist like a bracelet, any effects from it unseen - after all, it's only a bracelet to the unaware - and she crouches near one of those green boxes with the solar panel on it.

In actuality, she's attempting to give it a cursory scan to figure out what it may be for. "Hmm. Weather tracking, I wonder?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    To Wakanda tech it's easy for those beads to figure out what that device is measuring. It is a solar power sensor that is tracking the CO2 levels around there. Part of a shared network that has onboard memory for about three days before it must be downloaded/transmitted. Right now they have about a few hours information on them. That means it has only JUST been put up.
    Seeing someone going close to one of her things, Ivy pauses from leaving and just moving on to leave Shuri to whatever fate is in store for her. "Don't touch that," she says from about four meters off standing among the greenery. "It doesn't belong to you."

Shuri has posed:
Having begun to crouch, Shuri might be heard to mention the words, "Carbon dioxide. Interesting." But before she gets all the way into the crouch, there comes a woman's voice to chide her, or so it seems. There is a confident look in her expression as she looks the other one up and down. Green. Gotham.

"Ah. Poison Ivy, I assume? I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to pretend to be you." She's seen images of the woman before, is generally familiar with her reputation, if not all the specifics at this immediate moment. "I was only inspecting it, not touching it. Yours, then?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Poison Ivy nods her head and says, "You can assume as you like. Or was that meant to be a question as to if I am in fact someone that goes by that name?" The redhead sees little point in playing coy however. "Yes it is mine. I'm doing some studies on the city's air levels. Question is how did you know what that was and who are you?"

Shuri has posed:
"I'm something of a scientist myself," the dark-skinned woman replies, an understatement if there ever was one if anyone really knows her areas of expertise. "In a variety of ways, but I'm not here to tout my own accolades. I am Shuri, of Wakanda." Also a Princess, brother to the King himself, T'Challa.

Then she gestures to the device, adding as a follow-up, "What sorts of studies? Are you looking for ways to improve the air quality around here? Because this city could probably use something like that. I had to get off the streets just to feel something softer and see something nicer."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "You're a long way from home," says Ivy after a short pause about the woman. She studies the assured woman carefully and answers, "I think the only way to fix the air in Gotham would be to slash and burn half the city to rubble. But that's just me." Her voice not all that sympathetic to the harsher solution to the problem. "You're country is very secretive and here you are asking questions. If you must know I'm seeing about what parts of the city are the most smothered in CO2 and working on how to give.... alternative housing a study."

Shuri has posed:
Shuri interlocks her fingers at her stomach. "What can I say? I ask too many questions, sometimes. That's what my brother would tell you." She pauses, arching a fine brow. "If he wasn't fighting you. He is often much more prone to violence than I am." Her way of saying she isn't here for a tussle?

"There are..reasons we keep some things to ourselves," she allows, without expanding on it for the time being. "I do agree with efforts to improve things like that, if not with the potential methods. But, you could say I'm a fan of conservation, alternative energy sources, and ways to work with nature rather than simply taking from it."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "And should I know who your brother is," Ivy asks with arched brow? "I'm looking into some new directions of research from a patron of sorts." She herself being vague and cautious. "That's why the sensors. So you're in the park for fresh air, but why are you in Gotham?"

Shuri has posed:
Shuri considers this. Does the green woman not know? Not everyone is up on news of Wakanda, she realizes. "King T'Challa, the Black Panther." The man's identity as the superhero and protector of Wakanda is not hidden, not any longer.

She nods once, realizing Ivy has certain things she has reason to keep close to the vest just as she does. "I wanted to stretch my legs and get away from all the old buildings," she remarks. "Guess I'm being a tourist. I wanted to see a show and explore."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "So you're telling me a princess of a foreign kingdom is just strolling alone in a park in Gotham?" She doesn't seem to believe that. "If you are serious, then keep your brother out of my business. I get enough 'cat' action with a friend of mine I don't need another." Selina can be plenty for Ivy most days.
    "Metropolis is for sight seeing. Gotham doesn't do pretty, she's not that kind of place. Maybe one day that will change, but I doubt it will be soon or easy." Ivy takes a few steps closer to the woman, and isn't above dialing up her natural charms some. "So what sort of scientist are you, Shuri?"

Shuri has posed:
Shuri laughs, if slightly under her breath. "I think you are mistaking all royalty for being like English Kings and Queens, where they are merely figureheads that have probably diluted their own gene pool somewhere along the way. If I was afraid of being anywhere in public by myself, do you think I'd be out here?" The words can be taken any way Ivy would like to, but her attitude exudes a certain level of confidence that goes beyond simple ignorance. "I'm quite aware of the reputation Gotham City has, and I'm also familiar with trying to improve areas that could use it."

Holding up a hand, she adds, "Don't worry. I am not sending my brother after you for no reason. I hear the Batman doesn't like others interfering in whatever he's trying to do here, anyway. I wouldn't mind seeing that other cat sometime, though." She gives Ivy a too-wide smile, then lets it fade.

Remaining where she stands, Shuri taps her chin and says, "One of my specialties is working with metals and alloys."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "If you want the local kitty's attention, wear some jewels of real value and rarity and then boast about security. Just don't be surprised if you get left with an experience but less gems after the game. She usually wins." Ivy may not always be best friends with Selena but she can respect the woman's talents. She considers the answer she was given. "So which metals are the most friendly to the environment and best for construction that don't encourage frakking or toxic smelting. If one such metal exists?"

Shuri has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind," Shuri says. However, it would be rather foolish to do something like that if the probability of losing out on some valuables is that high.

"But she isn't here, standing before me. You are." Then she admits, "That is one of the drawbacks with many of them, the methods of extraction along with refinement. Something reusable like steel is more friendly than most, as is aluminum." She deliberately stays away from the one she works with almost exclusively, however.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy adjust the strap on her shoulder as she gets closer. Letting the distance between her and Shuri slowly sink away. Creeping closer like her namesake as she watches Shuri carefully. "Aluminum is far to weak for actual construction. Save for light frame works. And I am not likely to encourage more lumber working over reusing steel or other metals we have." She purses her lips, "Hmm maybe I can bread something to feed of rust to avoid needing a chemical sealant."

Shuri has posed:
From her perspective, being slightly shorter than the other woman without the aid of any footwear, Shuri has to look up just a bit. She's got flat soles that also happen to be very, very quiet when she steps. Silent, even.

"No, I wouldn't suggest aluminum for any of that, just what you said. Stone and brick can be an alternative in certain cases, but wood and steel is still the most common way of making it last. I enjoy greenery for a more natural look that fits the surroundings," she elaborates, her head tilting toward one side with the woman shortening the distance between the two. "Or even something more resistant to rust and other degradation?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I'll have to study some options. Do small scale tests. There are some plants that feed off toxins and metals, just usually in the bodies of prey it caught." Ivy is watching the woman's respiration and eyes carefully. Judging for any early signs of effects. "Why don't you tell me what you use in Wakanda? How you build your homes."

Shuri has posed:
"That might be interesting, though..yes, that would have to be modified for..reasons." Shuri is left to think briefly about the idea of the plants that make use of the types of plants that could do such things. "We use a variety of things. What we've already talked about, other materials like muds, straw, grasses, things of that nature. We have some cities that enjoy a few modern things, but a number of smaller villages where our people live in tandem with the land." On the surface, this is no lie. So far, she seems more or less fine.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I wasn't aware you had cities in Wakanda. How big are your cities, Princess Shuri? I've been an urban girl most of my life so been to most of them. Though I'm just as happy in the bush of the wilds at a village. I've lived in all kinds." Ivy stops when she's about a foot from the woman. "Why are you here in Gotham as well? You got me curious now."

Shuri has posed:
Shuri holds her ground, whether a result of her own pride or some other reason. The close proximity to the woman puts a few things to the test in terms of what she notices, what she can withstand. "There are a few population centers, yes," she says, perhaps mildly distracted. "So you know what it's like to live in places that don't have as many people. It's a different way of life." She's quiet for a few long seconds, then she says, "I wanted to see more of what the city is about for myself. Meet some of the people."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy is quiet a long moment as she stands there near the woman. "You're being very evasive. But if I keep you to myself too long others may notice and I have more sensors to place. I'd be careful where you go and make sure during the mid day, maybe check out Burnley miss Tourist." She starts to back off from the woman and turns to walk away. "Watch yourself, princess. There's monsters in this city."

Shuri has posed:
Shuri squints at the green-skinned, green-clad woman. As if anyone could keep her! It's something on the tip of her tongue, but it doesn't make it all the way out to be spoken aloud.

Instead, her brows come closer together at the apparent warning, and as Ivy creates distance between them again she also finds herself better able to move away. A glance is had toward the greenhouse, a hand coming up to wipe at the side of her face, and she shakes her head briefly.

"..yes. Maybe I will." Her earlier scan already revealed another spot with one of the CO2 devices, but they're lesser on her mind right now. Instead, she follows one of the paths back toward an exit to the park. By the time she's left, she might be wondering exactly what she almost got herself into.