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Clash of the Titans
Date of Scene: 06 April 2023
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Harley and Rogue meet up for the first time in two years. Harley has a bone to pick with the famous, and beautiful, Mighty Woman!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Harley Quinn

Rogue has posed:
Mighty Woman was out on patrol this evening. It was a sweet gig, really, being paid by <redacted shoe company here> to wear their products, and go out to battle crime in the city. They had their own super hero team, that worked closely with local law enforcement to disuade crime, and outright help stop it where needs exceed what the poor local Police are capable of handling themselves. Lots of crazy powers out there these days, let alone wild technology that makes the NYPD's trash budget really shine through!

This evening, Mighty Woman is in the Brooklyn area. She'd heard tale of a white pickup truck driving around schools, acting sus as Hell, thus the Belle in the fancy uniform made for her by <REDACTED> is on the case.

Said uniform consists of a charcoal colored shoulder cape draping down her left shoulder, with a MW logo embroidered upon it in white. The main jacket of the uniform is form-fitting, cleavage-showing, and primarily a deep forest green, with white trim lines around the edges, and up her torso where it splits off and sweeps up to her neckline. Her lower half is in charcoal colored form-fitting pants, that disappear inside metal adorned boots that go up to her knees. It's quite a number, all-in all, making her look as Pro as can be! But... also covered in little white 'swooshes' that give away her sponsorship branding too... take that as you will!

Currently, Mighty Woman is soaring over a local High School, her cape fluttering in the wind!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Ah, what a night. Nice weather, spring is coming. The Roller derby team is coming together! All is good in a clownette's life. It's why she is driving outside on her jaguar, the hood down so she is enjoying the evening air in her face, pigtails flying wildly.

Because the car certainly is going at wild speeds.

Yet it's night so it's not like the cops are out to stop her. A glimpse of someone flying catches her attention. Who dat?

And then .... "MY NEMESIS!" she exclaims. Eyes narrow suspiciously. What's Mighty Woman doing in HER neighborhood? Something nefarious for sure.

It's why she starts honking and driving after the flying one. Admittedly it's a very hard task to accomplish but no one comes to her hood for evilness and leaves without a talk with the clown!

"Hey you! Get down heah!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't notice the crazy woman behind her for a few moments. But the honking horn does eventually get her to look back over her shoulder, to see the vehicle swerving eratically in its lane. This causes her to narrow her eyes, but who knows... maybe the driver is in trouble?

Thus, the urging to get her out of the sky pays off, and the Belle sweeps down toward one of the sidewalks beside the High School baseball field. She touches down on her silvery metal knee-high boots, then turns around to face the street where the Jag was driving...

She catches sight of the woman inside it, and HER eyes narrow now too.

She looks familiar... but from where? Why does it make her feel on-edge too?

Mighty Woman steps up to the curb, her gloved hands going to her hips, as she just stands there, watching the vehicle pull up.., her dark hair tied back in a bun behind her head, her white bangs loose and flowing in the wind beside her face...

Harley Quinn has posed:
The jaguar swerves into the curb, tires screeching as she hits the breaks and it comes dangerously close from hitting Mighty Woman! But it stops a while back. A moment later there's a clownette jumping from the driver's seat, graceful flip in the air and she landing on the ground.

Mini hero landing!

"Alright, now we gonna ---" pause..

"Hol' up." Beat, "Why you all dressed up in <REDACTED> ?!" see? Harley recognized the brand! It's working. "Have you been stealing around heah?" she asks, suspicion brewing.

"This is my hood, so you gotta be careful what you do around heah..." a bit of a smile starting to grow up on her lips as she then ends with a, ".... Patchy." yep, she been waiting a while for this.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Harley stumble out of the car like she is barely able to walk, let alone get out of a vehicle. This causes her to tilt her head to the side ever so slightly. Then she sees the Clowny thing run up on her, gabbing in a deep Brooklyn accent. The accusation of stealing things gets Rogue to squint her green eyes, and then glance down at herself. She bounces her eyes back up at Harley then, shifting her weight from her right boot to her left, her green gloved hands staying on her hips, her shoulder-cape blowing gently out to the left side. "Wait a second..." Rogue starts to say then. "I know you... You're that girl from the yacht, who looks like she got run over by an ice cream truck."

A big smile crosses Rogue's lips then, as she points her right hand at Harley's chest. "Yeah. I remember you! You were with what's her face, with the wiggly wobbly spare arms." she points, she speaks in a deep Mississippi Belle accent, her voice still playful in tone though.

"You're askin' ME if I am stealin'? I'm a super hero lady, I don't steal. I stop the stealers." Her hand drops back to her hip, and she does a little pose.

Harley Quinn has posed:
When there's recognition on Rogue's face there comes a nod from Harley. "Yeeeesss, everyone remembers the Harley Quinn.." a hmph from her. And Harley talking about herself in the third person? So chic. Brows shoot up when Rogue then speaks of a ice cream truck. "Don't you say it ..." her hackles raising. She doesn't like being called a unicorn icing!

"And yea, that's right. We kicked yoh asses. Youse and that guy with the fake french accent that likes exploding cards up." a roll of her eyes as if that was the silliest power ever.

"Her name was Spiral too.." another grumble from the clownette. What is it with these people and not remembering people's names?!

"You a superhero?" She guffaws at that, "More like SuperVILLAIN, hurtin' peoples feelin's everywheah ya go."

Meanwhile, even if they didn't notice it they are stopped right in front of a jewelry shop. There's a couple of people exiting it, dressed in black with masks on, a large bag in their hands. They freeze when they spot the duo not too far away. "Shit, you think they saw us boss?" says one of the men.

Rogue has posed:
"Hurtin' feelins?" Rogue is saying moments before she glances over to see the group of men in black leaving the jewelry store. This causes her to do a double take, and she looks back to Harley, giving her a 'once over' from head to toes, and back again. "Look, Toots. You hang here for a minute. I'm gonna go check this out..." The Belle says as she turns away from Harley then, briefly thinking back to that day that she and Gambit ran in to Harley and Spiral... what had they been there for? She can't quite recall, but then... she lives a pretty damn wild life!

"Hey!" Rogue calls out to the men, walking toward them with determination in her stride... and her outfit making it clear she's either a Super Hero, or a stripper cosplaying as a Super Hero, but do they want to take that gamble and find out?

"Ya'll don't look like your average Helzberg shoppers."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Toots? TOOTS?!" The clownette springs up in a hackled up posture at her nemesis speaking such disrespectfully to her! Because it's usually her doin' the disrespectin'. "Look heah, smart ass....." pause. What's going on over there? Harley is peering over at the two robbers that are trying to skulk out of the shop. Not that they are able to because they get Rogue sassy walkin' over.

Yes, Harley does indeed wolf whistle at Rogue when she checks the stride the other woman is making towards those criminals.

"Hey, I wasn't done talkin' with ya..!" But she is getting closer to the scene too..

The two guys look at each other, then at Rogue, "Think they saw us." one whispers to which the other sighs, "Listen, we don't want to hurt anyone." he does draw out a pistol though, pointing it at Rogue.

"Boss, boss, I think that's Mighty Wo--" "Shut up, Felds.", then the 'boss' looking at Rogue more directly. "Move away sweet cheeks."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was in all business mode now. This was part of her hired duty for <REDACTED>. She was 'Mighty Woman' and though the shoe company didn't own the name, it did pay her to uphold justice and the company's brand name while out in public. Thus her focus is solely upon the would-be robbers, and when one brandishes a gun, Rogue just jumps in to action.

"Shoulda let your boyfriend finish fillin' ya in on ... who I AM!"

Mighty Woman jumps in to action, literally, and lunges at high speed-- and with the help of her flight power --to slam in to the gun toting man! He fires a shot, right in to her gut! But she grabs him by the shirt, swirls him around in a full 360-degree spin before throwing him down the sidewalk! She'll launch him down on to the concrete and cause him to flip end over end before finally landing on his stomach in front of a parked car. Dead? No. Injured? Definitely.

And the shot to her stomach? The bullet just landed on the ground, crumpled up in a little ball of lead.

Mighty Woman turns from the one she'd just thrown, and looks to the other. "I AM Mighty Woman, would ya like an autograph?" She asks in that sassy Southern Belle way of hers.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Rogue was in full business mode too and Harley ....., she was too. With her phone out, recording the scene so as to unmask this FRAUD of a superhero. But then the action starts. Bam! Puf! And the guy is out, the gun thrown aside. Of course that Harley lets out a gasp at it.

Then rushes in, "My nemesis!" she sounds worried ..., with Rogue? She slips right in-between Mighty Woman and the bandit that's left. "Let me see that ..., did it hurt? Do I need to take ya to the hospital or somethin' ...!" she's just about to start fussing over Rogue when she spots the bullet on the ground. No hole either. "Hol' up, you even got one of those suits from <REDACTED> that don't get holes from low caliber stuff?!" she's surprised at that. Because <REDACTED> never sponsored her like that. Maybe because she was a villain till a few years back.

The other thug just looks at the boss on the ground and raises his arms. "He's not my boyfriend and I ..." pause, "Yes..." about the autograph. "Please don't hit me." he pleads.

Rogue has posed:
Suddenly Harley!

Rogue, with hands on her hips, just blinks her eyes a couple times when Harley jumps in between her and the other bandit. She eyes the Clownette, who is now fussing over her? "I'm fine..." Rogue quietly says back while Harley crouches to pick up the bullet, Rogue snatches up the handgun.

"Sit down." Rogue tells the other bandit. "Over there." She points at the front stoop to the store they were going to rob.

Harley will then see Rogue just crush the handgun between her gloved hands, catching the other bullets as they spill out in to one of her palms. She then drops the pieces of the weapon to the pavement.

"Yeah, this suit doesn't rip from bullets. It probably would if I weren't invulnerable beneath it though, I mean... can't have a bullet hole if the bullets can't break through your skin, right?" She smirks to Harley, then puts a hand on her shoulder.

She lifts up her other hand, and holds a zip tie. "Wanna slip this on this fella, while I go check on the one I threw?" She asks, now smiling to Harley, showing off her pretty facial features as the sun shines brightly upon her from the west down the long Brooklyn street.

Is Mighty Woman suddenly prettier? Or is that just Harley's mind playing tricks on her! This is her arch nemesis after all! Maybe she's a evil telepath too!
Either way, the Southern gal with the flowing white bangs gives Harley's shoulder a squeeze, then turns to walk toward the man groaning on the ground with his butt shoved up against the grill of the parked car, and his legs stuffed underneath it's front bumper.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The poor bandit walks to the front of the store and sits down, shoulders hunched down. Just his luck, easy score today and they just come out in the middle of a superhero discussion. Or whoever that clown is!

Harley blinky blinks at the gun smashing that Rogue does, "Ooooh, now you just showin' off.." she tells her. But she likes that, because she makes a snarly look. "I like it. You own the look and ain't scared of showin' it.." yep, she continues to record what's going on with her phone, including the gun smashing part. "Now do a little flex..." she says, moving to find a new angle. Though she doesn't seem as angry anymore, as if she was getting into it. The offer of the zip tie makes her waggle eyebrows.

"Thought you'd never ask." she twisting the zipties on a finger and with that salacious Harley look to her expression. "I usually wait for dinner first though."

Shuffling closer to the bandit she starts placing the zip ties on him. "Hard hench life, eh?" Harley tells him. "It's ok. It's all fun and crime until you take a superhero to the knee."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue DID flex for Harley's phone, she had a body camera mounted on her shoulder cape right above the left side of her chest too, so she was getting footage of everything she did for LEGAL safety! After the pose, she smirked, then whipped out another zip-tie on her way to the injured man who'd shot her.

What unfolds nexst is a professional grade level of hog-tying, with multiple ties. She gets the man's hands bound to his ankles behind his back, while he is cursing up a storm, calling Rogue all kinds of dirty names, saying all kinds of filthy things about what he'd do to her, until finally she gets a stretch of tape over his mouth to shut him up.

holding him by the ties she carries him like luggage at her side, not even showing a HINT of him weighing a lot, as she brings him back to the store front, then sets him down like a duffle bag on the sidewalk again.

"Cops are comin'." The Belle announces, stepping over to the guy Harley tied up. She brandishes a photo of Mighty Woman's latest comic cover, jots a autograph on it, and rolls it up, before stuffing it in the man's pocket. "That's for bein' cooperative. Thanks, Sugah." She says in a semi-flirty way to the Bandit.

Finally, Rogue turns to Harley and grins at her. "So, what did ya wanna talk to me about again? I forget.... Oh, I like your car, convertables are hot. Got one myself, a Dodge Charger... 69. Yeh, Baby."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oooh, baby. You are making it sound all kinky!" Harley calls out to the guy being hogtied by Rogue with a wink wink. And that sorta makes the guy shut up. Besides the stretch of tape over his mouth too. Details!

Though it's true that Harley is sort of seeing Rogue in a new light. Did she looks as pretty as before. "You know, we might have gotten off the wrong foot." she admits. Mmm, the light hits her soooo right on that luscious brown hair. And she doesn't even feel like making fun of that white patch of hair either.

Once the ziptie bandits are tied up Harley is up on her feet too, hands on her hips. "I was sorta uh ..., I don't remembah." Oh, she remembers. It just doesn't feel as important anymore. "Well, if you want I can bring you for a ride." she says in way of offer to the Mighty Woman.

"Least I can do really!"

Rogue has posed:
It would seem that Rogue doesn't really have anything against Harley, per se, but does seem to taunt perceived criminals pretty harshly! But she isn't perceiving Harley as such, at least not now! Thus, Harley just gets a smile from the Southern super heroine.

A look is shot across the street at the car Harley had been driving, then her green eyes dart back to Harley's blue. She grins at her. "Well, I fly, so I don't really need one. But.. hey, once I get these guys checked in with Brooklyn PD, I wouldn't mind a guided tour'a the neighborhood. You got the accent of a local, so I figure you know the place pretty well. I've been flyin' around it for awhile now, and got a lotta questions. Like there's a burnt up buildin' a couple blocks away, I'd love t'know what that place used t'be. Seems like it was somethin' neat, like a ... water slide INdoors?? How a water park could burn down just baffles me."

Along those lines, a police car is spotted down the street, and when it spots Mighty Woman it gives a -woop woop- of its sirens to let them know it's arriving on-scene.