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Latest revision as of 05:56, 12 April 2023

Temp Title
Date of Scene: 09 April 2023
Location: Copperpot Diner
Synopsis: Marie shares her good news with Julie!
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Julie Power

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie-Ange Colbert is a woman of habits. She wakes up, the first thing she does is do a quick tarot reading to get an idea for how her day is going to go. She always cleans her plate when she eats... sometimes looking like she's never seen food before and expects it to vanish if she doesn't eat it quickly enough.

But Marie-Ange Colbert also always keeps her promises. So in the light of recent news, a quick text was sent to Julie's phone that read as follows: I have news! Are you free? I'll treat us to dinner at the Copperpot!

And once she got the affirmative, her next call was to Uber to pick her up.

Now, Marie waits in one of the booths of the diner, menus laid out on the table, one facing her, the other facing the empty booth in front of her. She's dressed casually today, wearing a yellow-and-white sundress that goes down a bit past her knees, and a matching, wide-brimmed sunhat upon her head. Those paying careful attention might also notice the little wires leading up towards her ears and the swaying of her head to inaudible music, too. Well. Inaudible to those who aren't her (or Kryptonians, but they cheat!)

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power might not have been free before the text, but she is anything but not a bad friend. She'd never be. So she made sure to shift plans a little to be there as asked. And she even made it on time... by virtue of taking the rainbow express for at least some of the trip.

Slippoing into the diner, she's wearing a knit top, jacket and light colored pants, which count as stylish-casual, but then again, she cheats a tiny bit. Unstable molecules.

"Marie-Ange!" she greets as she steps to the booth, offering a short hug as she stops at the side of the booth. "You look good. News, hmm? Good ones or do I need to make sure to track down someone that stole your lunch money and... I dunno... scare them?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie might've been listening to music, but at least her eyes were open! She does see Julie coming, tugs out the earbuds and stands to greet her, hugging the other girl back in return before motioning for her to join her in the booth, and settling back in herself. "It is good to see you again, Julie!" she greets, beaming from ear to ear.... and then bursting into giggles as Julie makes a guess about possible bad news.

"Non, non." she assures, waving her hands slightly for emphasis. "It is good news! And I said that I would share all the details, so I am here, and I wish to tell you!" A pause as she feels her stomach rumble. "...but perhaps we order first, oui? It will build... dramatic suspense! At least, that is what my creative writing professor once told me. Plus, I am hungry."

Julie Power has posed:
"Your professor is right for a book, but what kind of dramatic suspense you want to build? I mean, you want me to want to turn the page to see if you're eaten by a zombie after you ordered your food or you want to build up to you telling me you need a maid of honor because you are going to marry Mary? Anyway, we shall order." Julie answers with a little tease after settling in herself and scanning the menu.

When the waiter passes by, she drops off her order with a smile, then returns to Marie-Ange. "Now, food will come in time, so... you could tell me or try to torture me more..."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Marry Mary..." Marie echoes for a moment as a mild blush reaches her cheeks, before trailing off in giggles. "The English language can be so funny sometimes, non? In French, it would be epouser, rather than marry... I think I like the English best." It plays particularly uniquely with their names, after all. She /does/ wait until their orders are made, though, and once the waiter's left to give their orders to the kitchen? Reaches her hands across the table to try and take Julie's hands.

"She. Askedmetomoveinwithher!" Marie shrieks as... not yellingly as she can. The people at the next couple tables still hear, though, and shoot a look back in the French girl's direction. Welp. She doesn't entirely care right now. "I am sorry to torture you but it is torture of the best kind, non? This is most wonderful news in America, I think?" She hopes. There's a look in her eyes that's quickly growing concerned as she waits for confirmation.

Julie Power has posed:
Looking at the snatched up hands, Julie tilts the head a moment, then chuckles as Marie Ange toys with the words. "Ohhh? You move in together? That's a big step! I mean, You two *do* fit together quite well... Her place, your place or a new place? I mean, you do need to figure out how to set it up and all, and who's furniture goes where and how to sort out decoration but I bet you'll manage."

"And after you tested out living together and all you can do the other thing. Or have the other thing done? I mean, so Mary maries Marie-Ange... or should it be Marie-Ange maries Mary?" There's a little tease in Julies voice as she liberates a hand to pat on those holding her other.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"It is!" Marie agrees, smiling brightly. "We have not figured it all out yet. The school I go to is unlikely to let a non-student move in... so most likely either her current apartment, or a new place we choose together." As for decorating? "...I do not think it will be too much trouble. I do not have a great many things, even in my own apartment. Most were provided by the school before I even moved in." ...there are a couple things, though. At least one of them fairly large. But she's got people who can help her move!

...and then Julie's talking about marriage and Marie's turning about as red as a beet. "Oh... that would be a most wonderful and romantic moment." She's practically swooning. "...but while I certainly hope things end up in that direction... I do not wish t o rush things. All things will happen when they should, oui?" she offers, smiling once again.

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power says, "Oh yes, she got people that can help her move. Her brother for example. And <thr erest of the family, and I might mobilize a few others... We get you moved in within a day surely!" Julie notes with a wide smile.

When Marie-Ange turns red as a beet, Julie chuckles, patting the hand again. "Comeon, I'm only teasing, but of course it would be. Don't rush it, don't push yourself. Just make sure you're the best you and things come to one another naturally. This isn't a Jane austen novel.""

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie can't help but giggle, "...and that's not even bringing up the rest of my friends. I do not think it will end up being a problem at all." she admits. That's not even counting the potential powers involved. Mary /alone/ could probably get them moved in within the hour if she Shazam'd it... though there's something more satisfying about doing it without powers. "It is a little funny... the last time I moved, Mary helped me... and now, I move in with her."

Then she'd flashing a little grin, "I know you were, but... it's something I cannot help but think about from time to time, you know? I think every girl does when they're with... or even when they simply feel for someone. Think about how things could be in the future..." she sighs dreamily.

Julie Power has posed:
"Oh you bet..." Julie notes, slowly liberating her fingers to take hold of her drink. "So now you are officially taken quite well. I mean, living together. Can't be much more noticeable unless you get matching partner tattoos, and I doubt either of you would go for that."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie laughs, lowering her head slightly. "I mean... I am taken whenever I am with someone, n'est-ce pas? Whether it was her, or when we were together.." she admits, reaching for her own drink, now. "...I would never betray a partner's trust in such a fashion, nor do I think she would betray mine... so a such a branding would not be necessary, oui?"

Julie Power has posed:
Now it's Julie's part to join in the blushing, but she manages to hide that behind her glass at leas a tiny bit. "Come on... we were only... like... you didn't plan on moving in with me or anything back then. Aaaaanyway... let's dig in and discuss what you need for the move? I mean, when are you doing the step?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Perhaps not, but I was no less committed to you back then than I am to her now." Marie points out. Faithfulness is just the redhead's way, really. Of course, as she works to change the subject, Marie's more than willing to allow it. "We plan to make it official as soon as the school semester is over... so over the next couple weeks, we will likely be looking at places until we find one that suits our needs... and that we can afford!" The Club pays her pretty well, at least.

Julie Power has posed:
"And which is reasonably close to your classes and work. You wouldn't want to spend all day in transit. You'd have no time for yourself and her!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Well, that covers... quite a bit of ground. My school and work are not quite the closest together, so as long as it is reasonably between them..." Marie replies, shrugging a bit. "But, these are things we shall figure out as we look at places, oui?"