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Latest revision as of 02:53, 14 April 2020

At Your Service
Date of Scene: 13 April 2020
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: Fabian returns to Genosha and offers his services to the daughter of Magneto. She accepts... begrudgingly.
Cast of Characters: Fabian Cortez, Lorna Dane

Fabian Cortez has posed:
The transport from Wakanda lifts off, leaving Fabian (and a couple of other of Genosha's returning residents) behind on the recently constructed airstrip. The tall Spanish--now Genoshan-- man with his hair pulled back in a ponytail rubs his chin ruefully, noting the beginnings of some stubble. He should have shaved this morning, but his transport was an early one and despite his desires otherwise, he was not completely healed from the injuries he had taken in Genosha's fall.

Still. He was back now, against the Wakandan doctors' preference, perhaps. It had only been two days since he had awoken from his comatose state. He only had the bare outlines of what had happened-- an attack on his liege's island nation, and from the sounds of it, Magneto had perished. The thought had sent mixtures of grief and thrill through him: grief at the loss of a great man, one he served at the right hand of, but a thrill at the fulfillment of what was yet to come. Their people would rise, stronger than ever from this. This was but a testing, a mere moment in time before Homo Superior took their rightful place in the world. He was gratified in many ways that despite his injuries, he had survived the devastation to see what the Acolytes had fortold.

Leaning heavily on a well-made crutch, Fabian Cortez, leader of the Acolytes, devout follower of Magneto, and advisor to the ruler of Genosha-- perhaps? still? He hoped to find out... begins painfully making his way off the airstrip and towards the camp at the edge of the city's ruins. He had, naturally, had a message sent ahead to whomever was ruling now, which he had been pleased to hear was Magneto's youngest daughter, Lorna, who he had named heir. In the hands of the line of Magnus, Eisenhardt, Lensherr... whichever alias his God-King chose this day... the House of M would survive, flourish, and rule.

And he would be there to ensure its prosperity, for the greater good and power of all mutants.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had had a rough return to Genosha as the X-men had helped to work to establish a base of operations more permanent than the tents that she'd used on her brief visits. Her injuries, though not physical, had required rest, some painkillers, and a dark room to just lie down in. She had refused to use one of the prefab constructed buildings that had sprung up in the area, and instead used a tent that was vacated. Scrap metal became everything of furniture that she needed and while she could have gone back to the Mansion, she wanted to make a point to stay in Genosha. Even for a brief time.

The X-men had set up patrols, but none were currently about the young Queen, though a few of the more loyal mutants certainly had paid close attention to where she was and whether or not she was safe. So there was that.

Lorna sat up from her cot, rubbing her eyes blurrily as she pushed off and walked to the metal chair she'd constructed from scraps. One of many that she'd sat down and made since she'd spent a few extra hours here. She'd spent a good amount of time just twisting scrap metal into whatever useful objects people needed at any given time. As well as helped to twist a few new fences, gates, and support structures into creation.

She picked up her phone, flicking through messages and typing up a response here and there. Her hair was still long, thanks to the sew in extensions, and a mass of curls that tangled down her back. She still wore her 'uniform' of metal constructed bodysuit and boots.. But the headpiece was long since set aside.

Fabian Cortez has posed:
The twisted metal construction Fabian spies as he makes his way into the encampment earn a nod. He recognizes who must have made these things, and is pleased. Another sign that at least the heir had escaped, alive, and was well enough.

He raises the hand not managing his crutch to greet some of the survivors. He was well-known on the island nation before, and as such his presence is a happy thing for many, one more step on the return to normalcy, such that it might be.

He chuckles at a couple of well-wishers who approach him with more personal greetings, assuring them that despite the crutch he is fit to serve once more. "...perhaps you might direct me to our... Queen?" It's a momentary pause as he corrects himself before he says otherwise. This will take some getting used to.

He is quickly pointed towards the direction of Her Majesty's chosen tent, and makes his way towards it as quickly as he can while maintaining his dignity. So... not overmuch for the moment. But he continues to greet and speak with the people there, shell-shocked as many still are. The rubble of Hammer Bay in the not-too-great distance is looming both in his vision and on his mind. He had heard it was bad-- but he had not yet realized HOW bad. And Carrion Cove was largely the same? He let out a breath of mild frustration. It was no matter. The harder the fall, the steeper the rise.

And so he eventually finds himself outside Lorna's tent. Not much to knock on, exactly, but he reaches to rustle the fabric doorway a bit, while speaking loudly enough to be heard inside: "Your High-- Majesty?" His voice is likely familiar to Lorna, given the years he served her father.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna was busily tapping through emails, texts, and other forms of messenger on the only Genoshan made phone left. Her spare. That she'd kept at the Mansion some months past during a visit. She kept it as closely guarded as anything she had from before Genosha had fallen. She clung to the relics like they were her last lifeline and she rarely if ever let them leave her side.

The shifting of the tent flap earned a glance, and a slight look of irritation. Lorna had never been too fond of Fabian. The man was the leader of the group that was obsessed with her father, and in return: her. They'd thrown galas in Magneto's honor, as well as her's, and she'd tried her best to avoid them as much as possible. There was something inherently creepy in the way they watched her, as 'Magneto's second coming' and how they preached that her father would die.

She swallowed a curse, and waved her hand, the magnets that held her tent closed more firmly released, and revealed Fabian Cortez to her gaze. "I see you're awake." She offered, simply, running her gaze over his crutch briefly and back. She was aware of those that had been in the medical tents of Wakanda.

She had to be.

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"I am," Fabian replies evenly. "May I enter, your majesty?" Ever polite and noble, in bearing if not in deeds. "I apologize for my absence, but it seems I had little choice in the matter." There is a hint of amusement in his words, a polite joke at his own expense to put her at ease. "I'm afraid I remember nothing of what happened-- though I have been told our nation was attacked, and the perpetrators are both unknown and still at large." He bows, slightly, from the waist, though he is somewhat restricted by his cane.

If he knew of her discomfort with his fiercely held beliefs regarding her father, and the line he had produced, there is no sign of it. He neither absents himself from her presence nor seems inclined to force it upon her.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna set her phone down, turning fully to face Fabian as she leaned her hips back against the metal constructed table, which stood without seam or any separation to parts. It was simply molded into being by her hand after all. She refrained from crossing her arms, if only just and let them remain still at her sides instead.

She waved him in, despite not wanting to interact with him, and as she did so, summoned a metal constructed stool toward him, and took the other herself. The green haired woman took her seat as she crossed her legs and arched a brow. "Enough for the pleasantries, Fabian. I am aware of where you have been. I keep tabs on everyone that has been accounted for as best I can. What can I do for you?" She drawled, and her phone came floating over to hand after it ding'ed yet another notification.

Her father had humored Fabian more than she had ever cared to. And more than a few times Magneto had admonished her behavior for being too flippant about the nobleman. Her father had a use for the mutant, and had kept him around.

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Fabian took the seat that was offered, somewhat gratefully, though he wouldn't admit it. "It is that question I have come to ask of you, my queen. I served your father loyally, and I have come to offer that same loyalty and service to you." He inclines his head slightly. "From what little I have managed to learn since I've awoken, the death and damage was extensive. I grieve with you for our people, our nation. I wish to be of use to you as I was to your father; to serve the crown and our nation. To rebuild what has been torn asunder and to watch our people thrive once more; rising from the ashes stronger than before." He considers his next words carefully. "My powers have long served the pleasure and needs of the House of Magneto-- I offer them as a willing tool for you to wield at your need. As well, I am content to manage reconstruction, security... where ever you need me, that we can bring a sense of normal back to the people as soon as we can." He draws in a slow breath, considering. "And of course, I am willing to serve as both an ear and a sounding board for you, as I did for him."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, her own conversations with her father coming back to haunt her. She had never liked Fabian or the Acolytes, and more than once they'd butted heads. And she'd lost it with the whole situation and she could remember her own words. 'Why do you keep them around?' And her father had simply waved his hand, paused and looked at her.

'Because they have their uses, Lorna. And if I do not use them, someone else will.'

She closed her eyes briefly and then glanced back to Fabian. His powers //were// useful. To an extent. Her father certainly hadn't used them to save himself or anyone. And here they were.. For all that she couldn't stand them, Fabian and the Acolytes //were// useful.

"Very well, there is one other Ambassador that survived and had previously been on the Council. You can speak with them in coordinating what needs to happen about here. Helping our people to rebuild."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
Fabian inclines his head again. "As you wish, your majesty. May I ask whom it was that survived?" His tone is pleasantly neutral. "So I know who I am looking for, of course. In any event, I will coordinate with them as soon as possible."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna picked up her cell phone, flicking through. "He'll be on contact with you, and has been handling the donations we've received from foreign countries such as Latveria and Wakanda. There was a charity ball just a few nights ago, and that raised several million dollars to help us with the reconstruction efforts. We've yet to see anything from the US, or UN but that's no unexpected." She mused and clicked her phone off and set it down again.

"The X-men have been helping to establish a parameter around Hammer Bay while Frost, and Shaw Industries have been helping to clear the rubble. There will be a dedicated base established here to help as well." She paused and glanced at Fabian.

"You're practiced in such administrative duties, right?"

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"Naturally," Fabian replies with a nod. "I will be happy to coordinate the offered aid and assistance so that you do not need to worry about it. Of course, I can provide regular reports either as requested or on a schedule, whichever is your preference." He smiles politely. The mention of the X-Men causes him to lift an eyebrow, but he says nothing. They had assisted in the liberation of the island, it was not entirely surprising they would come to its aid now.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's ties to the X-men were on and off throughout the years. Her father had been well aware of it, and had never discouraged her. But beyond him? It was hard to say just how many in the upper levels of Genosha's governance had been aware of who she'd known or not. Still, the green haired Queen simply kept her position on her chair and inclined her head.

"Good, then I ask that you aid in such services. We lack the organization necessarily to see through the steps we need to see the dead buried and rubble cleared away to rebuild. I'm asking you to do as much. If there's anything further, you need Fabian? A tent here can be arranged for you. We're working to establish as many of the prefabricated buildings here as possible to move all of the survivors here, but for now it will have to be a tent."

Fabian Cortez has posed:
"A tent it is, then," he replies smoothly. "Nothing further, your majesty. I thank you for the opporotunity to serve once more. And as always, I am at your service should you need anything." He rises to his feet slowly. "I will not take up any more of your time. Should you require me, you need only ask." He gave another courtly bow. For all his polite manner, however, his eyes never leave hers. He is not quite obsequious... too proud for that, of course. A mixture of arrogance tempered with loyalty.

The fire in his eyes might be a bit unsettling. It isn't what some men of his age might have gazing on Lorna-- not lust. More a religious fervor more suited for an Inquisitor of old or perhaps a Crusader.