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Chance meeting in the Teacher's Lounge
Date of Scene: 05 May 2023
Location: Teacher's Lounge - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Stadler and Crush have a frank discussion that starts with being more understanding to Mike, and morphs into what the future holds for an alien 20-something.
Cast of Characters: Xiomara Rojas, Richard Stadler

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush had given it some time, and some distance, though really it was longer coming than she had intended it to be. The mere existence of an issue between her favorite teacher, Mister Stadler and her friend and music teacher, Mike had been eating at her mind since learning about it the day the protesters showed up at the school. She had spoken to Mike about it and gotten his side, now it was time to finally pin down Mr. Stadler and get his side.

Asking around she learned that he had been sighted heading into the Teacher's Lounge, and was likely still there. During the hours of seven in the morning to five in the evening, the lounge was sacred territory for teachers and students did /not/ go in... well they weren't supposed to. It was now six o'clock, and to her that meant the sanctity was lesser and she could enter.

Pulling open the door slowly, almost as if expecting a teacher to scream, 'Be gone from this holy place, student!' she took a deep breath and walked in.

Richard Stadler has posed:
The nice thing about having a room at the dorms of the school was you didn't have to worry about how late you were spending at the 'office', as it were. That doesn't mean he can't get suprised at the time, however, and he looks up suddenly from the paperwork in front of him. The first stop is taking a look at the clock on the wall, and second is checking his wristwatch.

"Crush! Was about to ask you what you were doing here, but given the time, I think I should be asking myself the same question." He says, a slight smile on his face. It's just the joke, admittedly; it looks like he's making no effort to pack up, and that he might be locked in for the long haul. "Were you looking for Doctor Macintyre? She's not usually around after closing. I imagine she'd be in her office if she was."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Often in their heads, students will build up an image of what the Teacher's Lounge, or other more private rooms they aren't allowed in might look like... Crush was no exception. She had built up an idea of a more serious room with tables, a fridge and a coffee maker, much like seen on TV, so this room was a nice surprise.

A smile lands on her face at his joke as she crosses to where he is sitting. "The sacred room," she says with a chuckle. "One more mystery of life solved."

She didn't sit down when she reaches him, instead she sort of hovered. She wasn't entirely certain she should sit, it was still the Teacher's Lounge after all. "I was actually lookin for you," she continued. "If ya have the time I mean, I don't want to interrupt your work."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Richard Stadler gives a bark of laughter at Crush, with a nod of agreement to her comment. "I'm sorry for sucking the joy out of it; I remember the first time I saw the inside of a Teacher's Lounge when I was a TA in High School. You get an image, and then all the mystery is gone once you look inside. Even more so when you actually start teaching." He notes, before shaking his head slightly, and standing up from the table. "Oh, no, It'd be good to take a break. I've got another hour or two before I try to get some sleep. Next week's lesson plan and a couple of favors, is all." He notes, moving over to the actual coffee maker that's in the room. Given that it's full and hot, one has to wonder if he just made the pot for himself.

He spends a moment doing a quick search through a cabinent. "I'd offer you a cup, but I don't... think we have any spare mugs." He says, grabbing a mug with a 'Met U' icconagraphy and pouring a cup.

And then a return to the table, and the mug set down, hands folded in front of him. "So. What can I help with?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Watching him go about his coffee collecting, Crush can't help but keep grinning. The end of the school year was approaching as mach speeds and yet here he was, making lessons plans. He really was one of the best teachers,

"I didn't expect couches," she comments about the vision of the room. "The rest matches up, but couches? You all nap in here?" The smile broadens as she pictures him trying to nap between classes on one of couches.

The pot of coffee is stared at a moment, then she looks to him and then the pot again. "I know the truth... you're planning to drink that whole thing and don't wanna share." She sounds dead serious as she speaks but starts chuckling almost immediately afterwards. "Greedy caffeine monsters, that's what teachers are."

Once he returns and sits again, she finally pulls out a chair and sits down. "Uh... this ain't a pleasant topic," she says a little more seriously. "I need ta know what's goin on between you and Mike. I ain't never seen either of you act like that to anyone before, and to be doing it to each other now..." she shrugs slightly, sounding concerned, worried and a little sad. "It ain't right."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Of course he was making lesson plans! Reviews for AP and Regents were still at least a week away, and he planned on working next year, certainly. Plus the way he scoops up papers and nearly stacks them might indicate he's hiding the 'favcr' part of the discussion. "Of course. You catch sleep whenever you can. Teenagers usually more often than not, but even an old guy like me could use a power nap." He says, before raising his coffee cup in recognition. "Not that I get a chance to, most of the time. Certainly, being a caffeine monster means I have a rather... high tolerence for the stuff. And I mean /high/. Helps with the headaches, but I need a lot to keep me going. My doctor, well. She's not too happy about it, so, have to make aan effort to try."

His face grows a bit more serious as she mentions it not being a... fun conversation. Right up until she mentions who it's about and there's a slight, very slight wince on his features, and suddenly looking to shy away. Granted, she wasn't playing fair with how concerned she sounded. "I... suppose you won't just let it go if I told you it'll work itself out, right?" He notes, and shakes his head. "Honestly... it's a touchy subject."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Calm wasn't something most people would associate with Crush, but she was. Sitting there, she folded her hands in her lap as she watched Richard, her expression unagitated and even perhaps a touch worried.

"Sorry," she states first and actually meant it, she was sorry that she couldn't let it go. "I already asked Mike about it, and I want your side... I know it's a touchy subject, but..." she looks down at her hands.

"I only got so many people I feel I can trust," she continues and looks back at him. "My adopted parents, for all their faults with the law and drugs, didn't fight with each other... so this, situation... it's unsettling for me and... I gotta know what happened."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler furrows his brow as Crush goes on with what she's learned so far, leaning back, just a bit. "I assurre you, it's not... as bad as all that. I'm not going to just up and decide to shoot thr guy, if you'rre worried about that. We... call it a personality conflict. We were both over at Columbia University. I had a guest lecture, he was helping out with their music department, I beleive. I... can't recall how we got to it, but the question of college came up, I mentioned I was suprised he hadn't gone, suprised he wouldn't go now, he mentioned not everyone had the money and oppurtunity, which is true, but he came at it in a way that implied, I, what, came from money? Like I mentioned, I'm lucky I didn't just go next door to Northwestern after high school."

He was rambling a bit. "The point is he took offense at what I said. I didn't mean to cause it, but cause it I did, and since then it just seems like I can't get my own foot out of my mouth whenever we talk."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush listens intently, keeping her hands in her lap as she watches Richard's face. His words start to mingle with what Mike told her about the situation and the bell dings with realization.

"Well fuc...dge," quick correction because it was him. "I get it now, and there ain't a dang thing you could have done to change the outcome." Reaching up she runs her fingers through her hair with a heavy sigh.

"Ain't my place to say much more then that," she continues. "I wish I could cause it would solve everything, but I can say this... referencing Mike and school of any kind is a trigger. You didn't know, now you do."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Crush get's a warning look. "Ah, when you graduate, say it as much as you want. Thank you." He says, before shaking his head. "Well... that makes me feel a little better, but it doesn't solve the present tension. Knowing that I didn't cause it doesn't fix it, after all. So it sounds like I just..." He starts, before exhaling. "Have to bite the bullet. Have a talk with him. Get the water flowing under the bridge. At least if we're going to keep having to work together. It's always better to be cordial than just... cold. I can do it, I've done it before... just never pleaseant."

"So. There we go. I've gotten some informaation, you've gotten more. Anything else you'd like to mention? Becuase I do have a question for you."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
There were a number of things Crush wished she could tell Richard regarding Mike, but it was personal, and she didn't share other people's secrets. At the root, the situation was a misunderstanding that would eventually work itself out... that is if Mike let it.

"I think you adult better than Mike does," she admits plainly with a soft sigh. "I mean he tries, but... dudes a bird sometimes, so who knows about how is head works?"

Sitting back a little more in the chair, she folds her arms lightly across her chest... the defensive motion. "What... question you got for me?"

Richard Stadler has posed:
Rick looks to be wobbling, quibbling over to say anything about the jab that Crush has opened up on Mike. "Oh, it's... I'm sure we just live... different lives. Grew up different places, got into different occupations. He's been in movies, has some records out, I... get excited when I get to talk about the urinary system because it's neat and get really excited if I see an unusual garden slug." Well, that was mostly true. "But I'll talk to him. It's... uncomfortable, but this isn't going to get better unless it's treated."

But to his own counteroffensive with questions, he's at least a bit tactful whne it comes to discussing the issue. "So, during the protest, when that SHIELD agent... what was his name? Coulson. He and his team came up, and you were... well. That's quite a grip you have on you. I feel..." He starts, before pausing, holding up his hand and taking a quick swallow of rapidly cooling coffee to find the words. "I know you have concerns. So I want to hear what they are, and see what I can do. It'll probably be just /listening/, but please."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
The very second Richard said SHIELD, the color drains from Crush's face... well, what color might be there. Her body tenses, eyes narrow and she sits forward in the chair like she might just stand up and walk out. She doesn't leave, but she does sit there staring past him at the wall while attempting to decide exactly what she intends to do or say.

It take her some time before she finally settles on what actions she'll take. "Touchy subject," she states in a very low, smooth voice. There is no anger in her tone, in fact in that moment the only real emotion that could be placed on her is hesitation.

Tighting her arms across her chest, she shifts slightly in the chair again, before she speaks again, "I don't... there's just... I don't like em." Oh way to bail on the topic.

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler sees her tense up, almostl ook like she'll walk out, and just... stare past him when he does ask it. Well, this was going to be a bit... tougher than he might have thought. "Touchy subject, indeed." He agrees, but continues to pointedly wait until she gives an answer. There's a few moments of him silent and contemplative. Deciding if that was enough and to disengage... but, like she approched him about Mike, this needed to be handled. So, halfway. "That's fair. Lord knows G-Men like that make a lot of people nervous. Can you... tell me a bit more on why you don't like them?" He asks, before adding, quickly. "And, I will say, an acceptable answer is 'No, I can't. If you say that... well, it's not ideal, but I'll respect it."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
If any other teacher, hell any other person had asked the question, Crush would have told them to go to hell... but this was Mr. Stadler, so it was different. She didn't want to talk about it, but he hadn't wanted to talk about the thing with Mike, so... fair is fair, even if she loathed it.

Looking down at the front of her shirt, the typical teenager move to not look someone in the eyes, she fidgets one more time before speaking.

"You know I don't do well with authority," she breaths out, chewing at the inside of her right cheek a little. "Add that I'm an illegal alien from space, with no documentation and no real claim to anything, anywhere..." She paused, realizing she was slightly wandering off topic. Taking another breath she finally looked at him.

Her voice returned to a softer almost whisper. "You hear things on the streets, about the police, the military, SHIELD... good things, bad things. Mostly bad. I ain't always been a... nice. I still ain't nice, but... I..." she shakes her head, she just can't tell him that part of her past.

"I don't want SHIELD comin after me cause I ain't supposed to be here," she finally states bluntly. "This ain't my planet, an I'm trying to do right by humans, but... I ain't ending up in some jail just cause I landed here instead of another planet."

Richard Stadler has posed:
If Rick was being honest with himself, this wasn't exactly equal exchange of information. 'Tiff with a work friend' was a lot less valuable than 'why are you scared of cops'. But with this information, he really wasn't going to stand on so much principle. He kept his own gaze steady, giving her a place to look if she chose to, as she gave some rather... personal information. "I do know you have some problems with authority." He says, before pausing and hearing more. He was glad she continued, that would have been a let down of inforomation. "But that's... what I figured might be the case. It's not something I want to... normally bring up, but I am glad to know. And... I know. Bad things." He says, taking a breath. For her past, he could accept 'not nice'. Fair was fair, after all. If he dug, she'd want to as well, and that was something he was /not/ prepared for. "But... All right. I have a bad habit of fixing things instead of listening some times, but I hope you'll indulge me, and I realize a lot of this sounds like telling someone with depression just to 'be happy'. But, well.

"You do hear bad things and good things about those groups. For the cops, I wouldn't worry about them. For the most part, they're... not at your level, to put it charitable, and to be blunt, I expect even the low IQ ones have a survival instinct. The military, don't worry about them; trust me, there's a lot more going on that they need to deal with than aliens. SHIELD..."

He trails off a bit, before clearing his throat. "I'll say this, Crush. If SHIELD ever decided to grab you, we'd handle it. Me, Mr. Hannigan, Doctor Macintyre, Ms. O'Connall, we'd make sure you were out. Diplomatically, most likely, but if that doesn't work... less diplomatcally." He's quibbling over the words, but he seems confident with what he's saying. As with the next part.

As for this no being yourr planet, no documentation, illegal alien and all that... I mean... do you want to fix that? Or start to fix it?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Deep down she'd really like to believe that the teachers and Mike had some sort of pull with SHIELD, some kind of authority to diplomatically get her removed from the deep dark dungeonous cells of the Triskelion... or so the word on the street said was there. Truth was, Crush didn't believe anyone could actually do anything about it and that was a direct result of her childhood.

Watching his face as he spoke, specifically his eyes, she knew he meant what he said. He meant that he would be part of the teacher team that would move heaven and hell to get her back, but even so he could see the doubt all over her face. "I won't let em take me," she states waaaay too calmly. "I won't go peacefully, and it'd take Superman, Kara, and Donna Troy to take me down to do it."

It was enough, just thinking about what would happen should SHIELD or the police try to 'detain' her... her entire body shuddered, and she closed her eyes. "I don't want ta hurt anyone... in the past I woulda just..." deep breath taken, slowly let out. "I won't hurt any of em, but I won't go peacefully."

Taking several slow deep breaths, she finally opens her eyes and looks back up at him. Her eyes aren't the red that indicates rage, so she seemed to be keeping that in check at least. "I don't think there's any immigration laws for aliens from outer space, and I don't know if I belong here... I don't know anything about me... but if there's something that makes me more legal, without having to give my DNA to people or a bunch of invasive tests or anything like that..." she trailed off there, wishing for a minute that she has shut up sooner.

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler had given as much information as he could have given the circumstances. Diplomatically could simply be asking the right questions and following the proper channels. Less diplomaatic... well, she clearly understood the use of force. "Of course. And anyone who knows you knows it's going to take that level. So they're not going to try unless it's serious. I mean, unless you decided to... I don't know, declare dominion over Battery Park, there's not a lot that normal cops can do, as I mentioned. Which is why I like seeing this side of you. Deep breathes, and active work on emotional control. Those are important skills to have, because at the end of the day you're one of the few people who can hold yourself to account."

He gives her time, time to breath, to calm down, and nods approvingly whne she does. "You're right. There aren't any immigration laws for space aliens. But at the end of the day, you're a person who came to this country without documentation, and, I probably don't have to tell you... but you're certainly not the first refugee that's done that. Pleanty of huddled masses, wretched refuse, and tempest-tost have come here, and while we don't take as many as we should and some people thing it's a bug rather than a core feature of this nation. So while I can't guarantee it... I doubt they'll be tests or taking of your DNA, any more than a normal immigrant would have to go through. I mean, there's paperwork, but it's nothing I couldn't handle, and I know a few people. Some at State, one or two who went to USCIS, some others. If you want to get the ball rolling, we can do that. But it's up to you. I can tell you anyone can belong here. This is America. More importantly, this is New York. So the only question is what you think."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
There was a time that Crush would have avoided this topic in the most violent of ways. Punch the teacher, leave through a wall, perhaps even through the fridge through a wall to get out... so many violent ways, and they all ran through her head. The temper of the Czarnian was a real and true problem, it wasn't always a choice to get angry, sometimes the littlest of things just made the urge to punch, smash, and mangle so incredibly strong. It was that violent streak that lead her sperm donor on the path he was followed, and she absolutely refused to be anything like that bast... person.

"I seen how the United States takes in people," she offers after he finishes speaking and she's certain she's absorbed the information in a way that actually comforts her. He got it, he actually knew her, he actually listened. "I also seen how Americans treat some of em, but still... I don't think I can go to college until I'm all legal."

Finally starting to relax a little, she reaches up to run her fingers through her hair to get it back in place. "Battery Park is boring, I'd rather rule Central Park... or New Jersey," she idly comments, trying to lighten up her mood.

"I want to go to college," she continues more seriously. "I know I could just go to a library, read every book and remember it all, but that ain't the same as a class with a teacher. So... to go to college I gotta be legal, to be legal means... I gotta say yes."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler was... very grateful that he didn't have to worry about having to replace his glasses, nose, and jawline, or would be if he had known what was going through her head. But instead he's blissfully unaware and nodding along, and hearing what she says and... doesn't say about the United States. There's another painful wince on his face. "It's... sometimes more aspirational than policy, I admit, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight for the values that the more viewpoints and cultures we have in this country, the better and stronger it makes us all. I'm... hoping I can smooth out some of the more difficult parts. Granted, it'll probably require some dates, back dating some requests, getting special dispensaations for others, but a challenge is there to be met. And I /want/ you to go to college. I've been though enough academia to know I enjoy it, unlike Mr. Hannigan," He had to get that jab in quick before he made amends. "And I want you to have that same sort of experience, not just of the knowledge you're getting, but the people you're around. Now Columbia... I don't have anything aganist the Ivy League places, I'll say that, but I just have a soft spot for the lesser known colleges out there. I've seen the way you learn, you can get into any college you want." A pause. "Just... avoid Annapolis. Den of theives and liars, the lot of them."

And then there's the term of conquering places. "I mean, I don't jog around Battery Park, and I do like going out among the Ramble. New Jersey, though, that's a question. Isn't there some sort of league of heroes over in Hoboken?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush shrugs slightly at the question of heroes in Hoboken, "No clue about New Jersey or whose there doing whatever... I don't go there, just like the idea of dominating a smallish state." Was she being serious? She sounded serious, she looked like she might actually be serious but then a smirkish smile appears. "Maybe I'll go take over Hawaii, nicer weather and pretty beaches."

Finally she was relaxed again, well enough so that her body stopped with the overly tense muscle problem. "You'll feel like an ass for that comment about Mike, if he tells you the truth I mean," she adds before she stands up and stretches and touches the ceiling of the room... imagine if she started sticking pencils in all the little holes. "Whatever might be needed for all this... let me know, but I ain't go near any official buildings, and I ain't going to no human doctors."

Dropping her arms back down to her sides she shoves her hands in the pockets of her vest. "I gotta go finish my last book report of High School... but uh, yeah... let me know what comes next, alright?"

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler waves his hand. "Well, just something I've heard. All about knowing your enemy, after all. And if I'm being serious, there's a lot worse places then New Jersey; a lot of history, quaint towns, Jersey City's right across the river there, good public transit. But, as I am a New Yorker, I should say that you can tear it down and remold it in your own image and it could only be an improvement." A pause. "Oh, Hawaii, that's good. Really would piss the Navy off, which is okay in my book.

"And I know that Mike's... Well. I /don't/ know about Mr. Hannigan, and that might be the problem here. But I'm sure that we'll come to some sort of understanding. And as for the rest, we'll... we'll work on it. I'll see if we can work around the buildings," That probably wouldn't work, but one problem at a time, "And if we do need to see a doctor, you can use mine. I can be honest and say I trust her with my life. Or... you know, I'm sure Doctor MacIntyre has priviliges at some hospital."

He moves to stand up, respectfully, when she moves to leave. "I will. I'll source the right paperwork, and let you know. Good luck though, all right? I'm looking forward to seeing you get your diploma."

And with that, he sits back down, and goes through his paperwork, with the teacher's lounge making the world just a little brighter.