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Latest revision as of 02:53, 14 April 2020

Feeling the Mode
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Bart and Mary fight the White Rabbit and reveal their identities to each other.
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Bart Allen

Mary Bromfield has posed:
It's Easter Sunday! But people still need coffee! So, well, Mary drew the short straw for running the shop as it was getting close to closing time. At least she got to spend Easter morning with her family before having to come in. As it is, it's been remarkably not busy... very few people coming in.

Even worse, very few tips!

So, she's been sending several bored texts to Julie, Marie, Bart... not quite noticing the giant mechanical rabbit moving outside. Well, not until there's a sudden explosion, as the door is blown off!!!

Ducking behind the counter, Mary doesn't exactly see the White Rabbit standing triumphantly by the mechanical rabbit, "Oh, lookit here, a business that /dares/ to be open on Easter! My favorite holiday! This will not do, no not at all!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Ironically enough, Bart was actually on his way over to the Coffee Bean, and was texting Mary things like:

'Don't worry Mary, its just like the little lamb: uneventful at first, but cool later.'. Just small things Bart would send to his girlfriend to try and cheer up her day. But when he sees the giant rabbit, Bart's eyes widen. "Uh oh."

Then the explosion at the coffee bean.

He hesitates.

"Mary." He mutters softly to himself before he puts on a serious look, moves into a nearby alleyway and immediately uses his super speed to change into his Kid Flash costume.


Now in full regalia, he applies his red goggles that he can see through before he's off to the races in a flash (pun intended) of movement.

Soon enough though, Kid Flash arrives on the scene. "Hey hey hey! Why ya pickin' on the best coffee place in town, huh?" Hesitation. "Oh, Happy Easter by the way." Remember to be polite! "But seriously, crashing the place? Not crash. Not crash - at all."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
White Rabbit cackles, "Oh, aren't you just the /cutest/ thing. Bunny, BALL BALL!" Then the mechanical rabbit pivots towards Kid Flash, gatling guns spinning to life as it fires!

With that, White Rabbit skips in towards the register, "I'll have a mocha latte, skim milk please... gotta watch my figure, a carrot cake muffin... oh, and all the money in the register." She blinks, then looks behind the counter as... wait, "Where's the barista?!? She was right here!"

Meanwhile, in the distance, there's a sharp peal of thunder. Was it supposed to rain today?

Bart Allen has posed:
"Oh man."

To avoid feeling the mode, suddenly Kid Flash is on the move, dodging bullets and pushing them out of his path. Now all you really need is a song playing in the background.

'If I could make days last forever....'

Is it derivative? It absolutely is. But Kid Flash continues to move about, attempting to speed and shoulder-barge that machine right in its mechanical cute nose to try and knock it over...though lets be honest, Bart will probably just bounce off it.


But, he hears the thunder in the distance. Huh, wasn't supposed to storm today. Weird.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
White Rabbit, meanwhile, is helping herself to the carrot cake muffins behind the counter, watching Kid Flash do the work as he dodges Bunny's bullets. Then she shouts, "Have a little fire, scarecrow!" Which causes Bunny's mouth to open, a napalm flamethrower there igniting and roasting the area in front of Bunny! Which, well, is where Kid Flash is right now!

Meanwhile, a crimson figure flashes into view, resolving into the image of Lady Shazam as she stops in front of White Rabbit, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store." She narrows her eyes, "And turn off the murder rabbit, while you're at it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Kid Flash keeps moving. "Hah! Is that all ya got! Looks like your bunny is pretty much as harmless as the original thing." Then there's a flame thrower.


Bart slides out of the way of the flames, moving behind the bar for cover, which currently gets a little bit smoldered by the flames.

....Wiat a second, where's Mary?

But before he can even finish the thought, there comes Lady Shazam as she stands there in front of White Rabbit, and Kid Flash takes this time to move out of cover. "Pretty please?" he says as he stops by what he doesn't realize IS Mary...just very adult and muscular.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Well, Lady Shazam is a brunette, but she's also a foot taller than Mary, so clearly they're not the same. Even as White Rabbit glares at Lady Shazam, "Whatever, toots! BUNNY, RAMPAGE!" With that, the mechanical rabbit just starts firing indiscriminately in the street, trying to turn the area into a war zone and not really caring about bystanders either.

Lady Shazam's eyes go wide, and she flies out after the Mecha-rabbit, grabbing it by the hind foot. "Now stop right there!"

As Lady Shazam leaves, then White Rabbit smirks, "Exit rabbit, stage right!" And with that, she tries to sneak out, hoping the mecha keeps the heroes occupied...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart watches as Not-Mary-But-Mary fights the robotnik bunny machine. But while he doesn't immediately get involved, he turns his attention on the White Rabbit as she tries to apparently tae her leave.

So, Bart zooms over to try and literally sweep her off her feet in a running slide. "Not so fast! You still need to see Alice when she's in Wonderland or you'll really disappoint her y'know." He winks, but his arms cross as he stands there, successful trip or no, as if he's peering at her. "Trust me, I'd surrender."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
The White Rabbit yelps and falls over as Bart sweeps her off her feet, "Well, how rude! And I'm late! I'm late!" She grins and tosses an Easter Egg at Kid Flash, "Catch!"

Meanwhile the bunny is... not having a good time of it, as Lady Shazam is using a combination of super strength and speed to dismantle the demonic mecharabbit. Literally, in this case, as guns and pieces start to lay scattered throughout the street as she focuses on making sure it can't hurt anyone that might be around.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles cockily perhaps at the White Rabbit before there's suddenly an Easter Egg in his hand. "What? Chocolate? Thats whatcha got. I mean, seriously, thats kinda ludicrous if you ask me." Unaware that this Easter Egg is about to smoke bomb in his hand....which it absolutely will, thus blinding Bart for the moment.

"Hey! Thats cheating! Plus I feel like its a rip off of every single hero who uses this stuff. Batman, Green Arrow, Every Robin Ever-" He puts his hand over his mouth. "Oops, spoilers." He mutters to himself.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
White Rabbit laughs and runs off, heading out into the street, "So long, sucker! Now to make my get... away..." She stops, pausing as she stares at the mechabunny. Or rather, what's left of him, as Lady Shazam has taken the time to rip the robotic rabbit apart and mold it into a rather convincing looking Easter Basket.

A very LARGE Easter Basket, but the point remains.

White Rabbit, however, looks suitably cheesed, "You... YOU... MY MECHARABBIT!!!" She's definitely fuming, and rather distracted as Lady S is putting the finishing touches on her artwork.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart tapped his foot in super speed-style annoyance before he just rotated his arms fast enough to produce a guest of wind that dissipated the smoke. "Man, smoke is so annoying. People get bad lungs from that stuff! Smoke is bad. Or, more like cigarette smoke is bad. Or should I say Nicotine smoke?" Bart questions himself very briefly before he shrugs.

"Meh, its crash." He smiles though to himself as he sees White Rabbit be absolutely freaking out at Lady Shazam, who seems to have turned the mech into a holiday representation before he speeds on over to White Rabbit and winces to himself.

"Know gramps said never to hit a lady buuuuut-" Bart will try and give her one clean shot to the temple at high speed to try and knock her unconscious.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Lady Shazam descends down, landing near Bart as he knocks out White Rabbit, "Well, I daresay that she's no lady, dressed like /that/." She wrinkles her nose a little, then gives Kid Flash a warm smile, "Besides, the robot was endangering people, and I thought I'd be a little festive."

Even though she's definitely an adult, she looks and sounds... a little familiar. Bit hard to place, really.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart eventually crosses his arms and assumes a more classical 'heroic' pose. "Hah! And the day was saved." Bart then turns his attention to Lady Shazam, a small smile on his face as she greets. "I know, right? How can you use Easter to ruin Easter? Sounds and looks al ittle counter-productive. Buuuut what can ya do, not like I'm a economics or holiday expert."

He shrugs.

"But! Good job. Say...you sound kinda familiar. Have we met before?" Bart on the other hand....his identity might be a little easy to figure out. His red hair is left in the open and the lower half of his face is easily visible. He might look very familiar to Mary, or he won't.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Lady Shazam grins, "I don't believe that we have... though, you seem pretty familiar. Kid Flash, right? I'm Lady Shazam." The woman makes a bit of a face at that, "Well, my brother's idea, it just feels a little patriarchal to me. But well, it can be changed later, I guess." She pauses, then looks around, "Glad I happened to be in the neighborhood."

Bart Allen has posed:
Kid Flash smiles at Lady Shazam, though he offers her a little bit of a shrug. "Meh, sounds unique to me. But then again, I don't know any Superbros." He chuckles. "Well, except for Superboy. But...meh, you catch my drift, right?" Kid smiles though once again.

"Yeah, me too. I hope the girl behind the counter was okay. I got here just in time for the explosions to start kicking off and hope she didn't get hurt. Speaking of which, did you see her at all while you were suplexing the murderbunny?"

He is completely oblivious that he's actually speaking to Mary herself, but that is a good thing for Lady Shazam for as long as he wishes to keep her identity from him.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Lady Shazam grins a little, for no reason whatsoever. Though, well, it's a lot like another grin that Bart's probably pretty familiar with. But that's... well, I mean, she's /old/. At least, older than Mary, right?

She then says, "Oh, um... yeah, I think she's okay, I saw her running down the alley to get some help. I'm sure she'll be back here pretty soon."

Okay, someone might be a little bit new at this whole secret identity thing.

Bart Allen has posed:
Kid Flash would suddenly narrow his eyes for a second at Mary, and starts to peek around her. To a naked eye, its like he would checking her out. But no, Bart is investigating something, but its when she -smiles- that he already knows.

and the alarm is seen on his face. "Wait a second....."

Eyes widen.

"MARY?!" Bart says in a hushed shouting variety of a whisper, his hands moving into his redheaded hair as if he's trying to do the math.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Lady Shazam's eyes go wide at that, and she puts a finger to her lips, "Shush! Geez, I didn't yell out Bart you know!" She looks a bit sheepish as she whispers in the same tone back at Bart.

Then she blushes and looks a bit wryly as the police, and more importantly, Damage Control start to show up, "Um, hey, want to get out of here... I think we need to talk." Her tone is a bit... well, strained, maybe, but it's not like, probably a /bad/ talk.


Bart Allen has posed:
Bart suddenly has a -very powerful- finger stuck to his lips to seal them closed for a moment. So his words sound more like hums than actual words, but when she speaks that she knows his secret identity, he simply hums somewhat that can be translated to 'huh? really? was I that bad?'

Then the sounds of a talk.

Bart hums defeatedly in agreement. He's worried that she'll break up with him and then his world will come crashing down and his next date will be with a tub of ice cream and a bad soap opera. So, he nods to her when she moves her finger away from his face. "Lead on, I'll follow, yeah?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "I can do one better than that... if you trust me, anyway." She winks, then suddenly scoops up Kid Flash in her arms, taking off into the sky and soaring along quickly. Though probably not //that// fast, considering Kid Flash's standards.

She then descends onto a rooftop not too far away, where there's not going to be a lot of prying eyes or ears, setting Bard down there and giving him a bit of a sheepish look, "Well, you //don't// have much of a mask, it's not like I don't know those lips, Bart!" She blushes a bit, then looks down, "I... well, I guess I have a few things to explain."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart 'woahs!' at Mary just picking him up like he's a featherweight before they start going for a fly. "Okay, so...if you drop me, I can't fly. I can only run really fast and that needs traction and -ground-." Bart seems to cling to Mary a little bit, but there's definitely trust there. He knows Mary won't drop him unless he says or does something very inensitive.

"Not like I don't know that smile! Or those lips, either. Though I'm happy you're alright and am very tempted to kiss you." Because Mary is still Mary, regardless of whether she's in superform or not, as it were.

"And....kind of? So...how on earth did you turn into Wonder Woman two-point-oh?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, and suddenly drops her voice a bit, as she says, "A wizard did it." She then coughs, "Well, it's a bit of a story. But I was given these powers by the Wizard Shazam." She pauses, as if she's not exactly saying /everything/. But then again, there's also a Mister Shazam, so maybe he's the wizard?

Then she hmms, "So yeah, I basically can turn into this version of myself. Though I've just been doing this for a few weeks now... Kid Flash." She grins a little bit, "My family knows, though I try to make sure to keep them safe."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart seems to outwardly laugh. "For real? A Wizard? Is this a strange re-enaction of the Sword in the Stone or something?" But Bart then seems to clear his throat a little bit when he notices she's being serious. "So....how did that happen? It seems really mystical and for a gal who lives a simple life of a barista and college student....seems a little outthere."

Of course, wait till she hears about -his- origin story.

"So the family knows, phew. I thought I'd have to keep it a secret from them and I have a habit of spoilers."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmms, "Well, they were looking for someone... well, pure. Though I wasn't, ah, the first pick. That was Shazam. But well, he needed help, so..." She looks a bit sheepish, "I mean, yeah, I'm not telling you everything Bart, but it isn't all my secret to tell, you know?"

She then nods, then smiles, "So, Kid Flash? How exactly does that work?" She looks a bit curious at that.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart nods in an understanding fashion to Mary before he chuckles. "Well, you were definitely -my- first pick, if that helps. First girl I ever had a crush on actually too." D'aww, thats sweet. Or is it just really cheesy? Who knows.

"Yeaaahhh. About that. So, you know how your magic? Yeah. I'm from the future. Technically 'Bart Allen' didn't exist in this timeline until about three years ago. I was born iwth a connection to this thing called the Speed Force. I can run and perceive things really really REALLY fast. Which is why I sometimes rush." He rubs the back of his neck.

"So uh....yeah."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Okay, and your 'grandparents'?" She says that in quotes, sounding a bit curious as she tilts her head down towards Bart. It's weird that now she's taller than he is. But then again, right now she's taller than a lot of people!

She hrms a bit, and then says, "By the way, definitely still your girlfriend. I mean, if you wanted to be. I mean, I don't want to pressure..." She laughs a bit, "Zeus I'm horrible at this. I mean, I don't want you to think 'great Mary's gonna fly to my house and throw a supervillain at me if we break up' or something dumb like that." Besides, the fact that the boy that led her own (in her mind) hasn't been bothered by her does speak well of her character like that.

Bart Allen has posed:
"They know. Actually, uh...you know the Flash? Yeah, they're friends of his. They adopted me officially and he helped me get an ID and all that fun jazz. So yeah, the Garricks are in the know. Even about the future bit, so you don't have to hide anything from them."

Bart sighs a moment, before he looks at Mary with a beautiful smile. "I sure hope so, because I don't remember breaking up. And hey..." He leans forward, cups her cheeks, and presses a kiss on her lips if she allows, different-looking or no. "I still think you're the greatest person in the world. And I'm pretty positive I'm in love. So there's no way I'm breaking up with you just because you can turn into an Amazonian magic lady at the drop of a hat."

He smiles. "besides, you have no idea how much of a relief it is that you know I'm Kid Flash."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, and kisses Bart back for a second, then ahems. "Hey, um... one sec." She takes a few steps back, motioning for Bart to wait there, then she exclaims, "SHAZAM!"

A bolt of lightning crashes into her, immolating her entirely...

And then regular old Mary Bromfield is standing there, giving Bart a shy grin, "Well, if you're sure... I mean... this is who you're going to be getting." A bit of a blush at that, as she looks at Bart, waiting...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles against her lips before he's let back don on his feet and he watches her take a few steps back and call out the magic word. When she turns back into Mary, Bart lifts his goggles from his eyes to rest on his forehead as he walks over to her.

"I prefer you. So I wouldn't have it any other way." He offers his gloved hands to Mary.

'If you don't mind that I'm who you'd be getting, if we keep this going. Not that I can transform like you do, but...at the end of the day, I'm Bart Allen."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Hey..." She leans in and kisses Bart lightly, sliding her arms around him. Then she breaks the kiss, resting her forehead against his, "Right answer, Kid Flash. And I like you, a lot. I'm still... kinda new at all this, but there's not anyone I'd rather discover all of this with." She looks a bit skittish about the 'L' word, but she definitely isn't wanting to go anywhere, either.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles at Mary when she slides her arms around him and closes his eyes for the kiss. Its gentle and not pushed, which Bart seems to enjoy before the kiss is broken, his arms sliding around her waist to hold her close. "Hey, I'm new about this too. And I like you...a lot." Bart exhaggerates the 'a lot' part of the conversation before he chuckles.

"Because I think you're amazing. a real marvel." Bart chuckles, keeping his forehead against hers as he just...decides to be with her.