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Latest revision as of 03:47, 9 May 2023

Party Prep
Date of Scene: 09 May 2023
Location: 145 Central Park Penthouse
Synopsis: Mary gets the living room entertainment center set up, in preparation for the housewarming party.
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Marie-Ange Colbert

Mary Bromfield has posed:
The new place for Marie-Ange and Mary has been getting put together rather nicely, in large part thanks to the efforts (and checkbook) of Emma Frost, which not only kept the pair from living somewhere in the middle of Jersey, but also allowed them to not be using milk crates as furniture here in the penthouse. Since they are just getting moved in, Mary is doing her best to untangle the various console cords she has and getting the electronics set up for the living room.

While there are movers that helped them get things situated, Mary insisted on taking care of some things herself. Probably because she's used to doing it herself anyway, and still feels a little weird living in such a posh environment. She's also been streaming more, making sure the "office" is isolated from the rest of the penthouse. As well as keeping an eye out for rescue kittens to adopt, but that's something she hasn't done just yet.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie meanwhile has been in and out, wrapping up things with her classes and packing up her things -- she'll let the movers handle MOVING them, but wants to pack many of the things herself. Although, there had been a few exceptions, like the box with all of the redhead's photographs, and thr case containing her violin. She's also been forced to allow movers to do their job, given her wounds... still limping some as she walks.

Today has been more unpacking, though, rather than going out and about. So Marie's dressed in a far more subdued fashion than she normally would. White tank top matching the bandage wrapped around her shoulder, grey pajama pants. She'd been setting some things up in the bedroom but finished that, so limp-walking she comes into the living room. "Everything going well, mon chere?" she asks, visibly brightening.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Well enough... you sure you should be up and about hon?" She looks over at Marie with some concern, "I mean, you know I could bring you anything you want. Including breakfast in bed, which, actually, I did." She grins, "And I know my cooking isn't that bad, having learned from the best." Because Lady Vasquez made sure to teach all the kids that. Though the lessons didn't always stick...

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Dr. Reyes said as long as I take it easy... so, no moving furniture around or running in the Boston Marathon, but walking around our home? Oui, I think I can do that." Marie replies, eyes twinkling merrily. "...and your cooking, including this morning's breakfast, was most wonderful. If this is what happens when I get hurt, I cannot say it does not give me a little incentive to be a little more careless in fights." she teases, stepping over to where the brunette is, to peek over her shoulder and watch as she works.

"Have you been settling in well here? I have not been snoring or kicking you in my sleep, have I?" No, and no. Marie sleeps pretty soundly, really.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary laughs, "Not at all. You sleep like a very cozy French rock." With that, she turns and kisses Marie lightly, "And you can just leave the rearranging and taking hits to me, okay? I'm the one that's mostly invulnerable, I can tank it a lot easier than you." She winks, "And you know I love giving you some of my cooking... was thinking I might make empanadas, considering we apparently have an air fryer here. Always wanted to try out one of those things."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Whew." Marie offers cutely, before kissing back... letting her gaze linger on Mary for a few moments before moving to settle down on the couch -- setting up systems and whatnot was definitely Mary's forte, although she was able to help out with some of the soundproofing for Mary's 'office', since acoustics /are/ something within the redhead's wheelhouse.

"Well, if you promise to spoil me like this from time to time even if I'm healthy... I /suppose/ I can hide behind you the next time ninjas arrive." she replies with a grin. "Empandas sound wonderful! Just let me know if I can be of help. I /can/ cook too, oui?" she insists... then looks a bit sheepish. "...just not bake. I... ah.. am quite sorry again about the brownies."

That was a Valentine's Day offering. Several students (and a couple teachers) at Xavier's ended up getting mild food poisoning. The actual gift batch? ...well. At least it wasn't poison, and it was baked with love! Just no real skill.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary laughs, "Hey, at least you didn't do what Freddy did when he tried to bake us cookies. He mistook a teaspoon of baking soda... for a tablespoon." She wrinkles her nose, "They were interesting, for sure. And your brownies were fine. If you like, I can give a few tips."

She smiles, continuing hooking up the various consoles she's collected... not all of them though. Some are already in her streaming office, since she's definitely been leaning into the idea of going full time into that instead of journalism. At least as far as a day job is concerned. "Besides, the effort was wonderful, Marie. I appreciate that you tried."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Oh. Oh my." Yes, even Marie knows what happens when you add too much baking soda. She can't help but giggle a bit, though she does at least hide her mouth behind a hand. "Freddy is a sweet boy... and so much /energy,/ too. I envy that sometimes." She doesn't quite have that energy level, but then again, few people that aren't speedsters do! "...but then again, Mary, I adore your family. They are most wonderful." They treat her like one of them, which means more to Marie than she can express into words.

"...and I would enjoy baking lessons, I think! Then again, I would enjoy most anything with you, oui?" Gentle teasing there, as she admires the work that Mary's doing from the couch. "I just wanted to do something special for you. You know... since it was /technically/ our first Valentine's Day together as a couple, oui?" Their lives had run parallel in ways, but just not close enough for a while. This time? She's seizing the opportunities she gets.

"So, did I tell you that I saw Jenny the other day?" Her voice sounds happy about this news, at least! She's been worried about the blonde ever since she left their apartment.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "No you didn't! How's she doing anyway." She moves back towards the couch, apparently having everything set up as she's holding a controller to the PS5 that's sitting nearby. She presses the power button on the controller...

... and everything lights up and turns on. "Perfect! Now, we can watch things out here." She grins and looks over towards Marie, giving her a wink, "And I'm sure Billy and Freddy will try to swarm over her to play games, as they know I have the best rigs." She chuckles a bit, "I learned a lot from Cyborg when I joined the Titans, for sure."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"She is /alive,/ which is the most important thing." Marie replies, before crinkling her nose a little. "Her choice of new friends is... unique. Madame Quinn, for one, who is as excitable as always..." ...then more crinkle. "...and this strange, strange man in a red and black suit who... does not seem to be all there. There was another girl too, who is more normal. Possibly. I did not see any of them for /too/ long, but she knows that she can find me at the Club whenver she wishes to catch up and talk properly."

Then when the PS5 comes to life? Marie claps happily. "Tres bien, mon amour! You have done most wonderfully!" Arms extend towards the brunette -- wanting to reward her with a hug and kiss, but 'behaving' by staying seated rather than coming to her girlfriend like she normally would. "They are welcome whenever they wish. As are your Titan friends, for that matter! Company is always lovely, non?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary sits down next to Marie, accepting the hug and kiss as she nestles in, "That's good at least, and yes, they'd definitely be welcome here. Though I always worry a little bit about secret identities... I mean, I know your school is keeping a few things under wraps, which I respect. I don't want to pry or anything, obviously." She flicks through the menu, wandering through a selection of movies that she has on streaming, before settling on the Mummy.

Brendan Fraser, not Tom Cruise. She's got the Wisdom of Athena, after all.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
As Mary settles in next to her, Marie tucks her arm around the brunette, holding her contently -- thankfully, she had the foresight to sit so that her wounded side was /away/ from Mary. "Secret identities can be... difficult." she admits, making a bit of a face. "I remember how things were like before we told each other about... you know. So many things I wanted to tell you, times I wanted to just... show you what I was." She sighs a bit. "I understand /why/ these secrets are kept, but... they complicate so much, non?"

Then the movie comes on, and she brightens up -- she's seen it, but it's clearly a good choice in the French girl's mind. "Oooh! Should I make some popcorn?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Yeah, they do. I get why, but..." She grins, "Popcorn sounds great, but maybe I should make it and let you stay seated?" She winks, obviously still concerned about her girlfriend and those injuries.

"I have to admit, I think I crushed on everyone in this movie the first time I saw it. Well, except Benny." She grins cheerfully, kissing Marie on the cheek as she moves to get up and start the popcorn.