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Latest revision as of 03:50, 9 May 2023

Danger Room Danger
Date of Scene: 05 March 2023
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Rogue and Remy battle robots in the DANGER ROOM!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Remy LeBeau

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands in the center of the Danger Room, her green and gold bodysuit fitting tightly to her toned physique. Her leather jacket hangs loosely on her shoulders, ready to be discarded at a moment's notice. The room is filled with the sound of metal clanging as robotic opponents descend upon her from all sides. Without hesitation, Rogue charges forward, her gloved fists pounding into the first robot's metallic frame with a satisfying thud. The robot staggers backwards, but before it can retaliate, Rogue leaps into the air, soaring towards her next target.

As she lands, Rogue is surrounded by a flurry of mechanical limbs and sharp edges. With a fierce determination, she punches and kicks her way through the onslaught, her moves precise and calculated. The robots' attacks come in waves, but Rogue is quick on her feet, easily avoiding their strikes and countering with her own. Her strength is unmatched, and with every hit she delivers, the robots are sent flying across the room, crashing into walls and each other.

Despite the chaos around her, Rogue remains focused, her eyes fixed on the task at hand. She moves with the grace and skill of a trained warrior, her body twisting and turning as she dodges lasers and projectiles. With each passing moment, the robots become more and more relentless, but Rogue refuses to back down. She knows that her training is essential to her survival, and that the fate of the world may one day depend on her ability to fight. For now, though, she is content to punch and fly her way through the danger, one robot at a time.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
It was difficult /not/ to hear the chaos that was happening in the danger room.

Remy LeBeau was in something akin to tactical gear, strapping on his vest and putting on his trench coat over it, tightening the fingerless gloves around his hands and shuffling cards in his hands in a perfect bridge before stuffing them in a pouch on his belt. "Remy, Remy, Remy...what you doin'?" He mutters to himself before he walks towards the door and leans against the frame.

THat gal was tearin' through machines like it was the spawn of all that she had come to oppose. These machines ain't nearly as strong as she is and even if they were, she's too quick on her feet to be caught by them for too long. He stares for too long. He should really check himself before he wrecks himself.

He cna't help it: she moves in all the right ways.

Then, just as Rogue is about to face the next wave, five of them find the edges of cards striking their central chassis, their individual parts experiencing a strange form of molecular acceleration until they explode in mere moments into piles of scrap metal.

"Mind company, cherie?"

Gambit is twirling his bo-staff, a cheeky grin on his face while those red eyes give her a look.

Rogue has posed:
When Gambit's cards impact against those bots that she was facing off with, Rogue raises her left hand up to shield her eyes from the explosions, but the energy was familiar. She drops down out of the air, on to her booted feet, and looks over at the Cajun standing there all smugly. She smirks at him. "Look who finally made it back." She tells him then. "Guess ya weren't foolin' about figurin' out whatever it was that went down last year..."

She says 'year' with a strained grunt, as a Robot was emerging from its hiding place, only to get punched in its metal face by one of Rogue's gloved hands!

It lets out a pathetic robot groan as its head is sent flying across the room, and a few moments later, it's bipedal body just topples over in to a pile of other robot guts that the Danger Room was creating with its Shi'ar 'hard light' tech.

With a heavy exhale, Rogue looks back to Gambit then.

"You stickin' around this time?" She asks. "The Professah might wanna know."

Rogue then points over Gambit's shoulder. "Ya got company." She warns him, as six more robots are bearing down on the Cajun now, their metal weapons being brandished as they try to attack him!

Remy LeBeau has posed:

It was beautiful and Remy *loves* blowing shit up. The impacts hit rapidly and the robots are swiftly destroyed. His bo-staff rests along his shoulders as he takes that moment to talk with Rogue and acknowledge her craftsmanship. After all, she was like an artist whose careful strokes meant supreme annihilation in the form of her hardened fist. The robot groans as it's head is sent across the room and Gambit whistles.

"You never fail to impress, mon petite." He smiles, but she points over his shoulder. "Ah, don' worry 'bout it. Ol' Remy got this handled."

With a flourish of his staff and a leap into the air, Gambit is acrobatically excellent. He's not as strong as Rogue. Not as swift in flight, but he has a technical excellence that many could envy. His staff is quick with it's strikes, more precise rather than relying on raw power. He strikes at obvious weaknesses: the neck, the knee joints, the eye sockets of these machines, the back of the neck where the sensory control center is likely to be.

A head is flying across the room, palms touch two of the robots, causing the bodies to glow purple. With a kick to either, he sends them into the group.

The explosion is an art form, really.

"I'm a man o' my word - most of de time. I've talked to de Profesor. Busy man, but never too busy for me no?" He smiles. "Gotta make you stuck wit' me somehow."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's hands go to rest on her hips, she just watches Remy as he does what he does. She knows he's like a glass-cannon amongst the X-Men, his dexterity being one of his best allies. But she's also seen him get hit, and that glass get 'chipped', or outright broken. She'd always been there to rush to help him, but against these kind of enemies, Rogue knows he's outclassing them.

She ends up with just her right fist planted against her hip, her left hand hanging at her side as she sees him finish that group of robots off, then go back to quipping in her direction.

She just sucks in her bottom lip, shakes her head from side to side, her white bangs flowing against the sides of her face.

"You're incorrigible." She tells him, before some flying ball-shaped robots swoop down out of the sky inside the Danger Room.

Rogue jumps!

She moves to intercept them in midair! There comes a collision of woman, and robots then, a grinding of metal and flesh as the Southern Belle is mauled... though it does little to actually harm her, even her jacket is spared from real damage in the moment with the Danger Room's safety settings sparing her clothing from getting hurt in this simulation... but even if it shredded her attire, her skin was stronger.

Punch, elbow, kick, smashing of two robots together, Rogue is a whirlwind of Mutant mayhem, and though the robots seemed to have the upper hand on her at first, they soon start to dwindle in numbers until she's the last one left.

Then BOOM, she's shot from behind by a kinetic beam weapon that knocks her down to the ground of the Danger Room, down on to her stomach.

A big rolling machine comes around a corner, holding two large kinetic beam cannons like Cyclops' eye beams. It starts firing at Gambit next!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
A glass cannon.

Remy can dish out some extreme punishment if he's able to get a lot of things to go right. Rogue's picked up his mangled body more than a few times because he was caught on the wrong end of an explosion or - quite frankly - targeted the wrong person who has an excellent resistance to his powers. Since, like Rogue, much ofh is abilities rely on touch? It makes ranged options somewhat minimal unless he's able to throw something.

He whistles as he turns to walk towards her. "I'm /adorable/ cherie." He winks at her, apparently noticing how she sucks on her bottom lip and takes the time to scold him. Which, he just shoots her a playful grin in return. "Behi-" She's already got this. She's been doing this for a hot minute in the Danger Room.

He watches her collision, scrap metal and shards flying all around the place. Punch, boom, kick, drop, pop bottle pop. That woman was a juggernaut. That is, until a blast of kinetic energy knocks her down to the ground of the Danger Room and Remy is spurred into action. He sprints across the room, the beam that fires at Remy manages to barely miss - close enough that it starts to sizzle a piece of his hair - but he grabs a piece of machinery, accelerating the innermost molecular activity until it's as if it's on fire from the energy, burning brilliantly ash e throws the torso of the torn-apart machinery at the rolling monsterosity, as if hoping to cause it to explode on one of the kinetic beam cannons!

"Cherie, are you alright?" Remy rolls backwards, posturing in a position to help Rogue up to her feet or otherwise push her out of the way if another beam comes their way.

Depends on what comes first.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's right hand takes Remy's offered own, and he helps her back up to her feet, only to get pushed back down by him a second later. "Ayeeeeeeh!" Rogue calls out as the kinetic energy cannon beam sizzles between where she'd been standing, and where the Cajun is located now.

Pushed behind some cover, Rogue lands on her butt with a thud, her hands bracing her fall behind her. She sees the energy blast go sizzling by, and she knows its what knocked her out of the sky.

"It's Alpha One!" Rogue calls across the gap of cover that she and Remy are behind. "It's the 'Main Boss' of this program!" She adds before jumping back up to her feet with the use of her flight power to make it look effortless.

Rogue starts to scale the cover she's behind just as its blasted away where she was, while another kinetic beam shoots to where Gambit is hiding for cover!

"Aim for its eye!" Rogue shouts from ontop of the silver metal column that she's scaled.

In the middle of the room is the Alpha One robot himself, a tower robot, with a set of tank treads that it is rolling around on, while atop the treads is a multi-armed robot monster, with a giant shining 'eye' that it is using as an optical sensor to aim for Mutant targets.

On her column, Rogue crawls to the edge to peer over at the Alpha One robot.

"I'm gonna draw its fire!" She shouts down to Gambit before he can even reply... she's gone. Off in to the sky!

Rogue swoops down toward the giant treaded monstrosity, swooping out of the air, she blows its giant optical sensor a kiss before it fires another laser beam at her, only this time the Belle dodges it!

This is what she now sets off to do, fly around the Danger Room, ducking, dipping, diving, dodging all the blasts that the 'Main Boss' sends her way, trying to give Gambit time to blast its eye!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Rogue's gloved hand is in Remy's own as he pulls her up to her feet. "WATCH OUT!" and with a good shove, he pushes her right back down. The /only/ reason why that was even *possible* is because she wasn't all the way up to her feet and had no leverage to stand with when he pushed her back down, a red beam coming in-between them ash e turns back to this 'alpha one' that Rogue designates it as.

"It's real friendly!" Remy complains, another beam coming his way as he ducks into cover, getting low behind some makeshift cover that a third beam that comes his way manages to punch clean through, yet it nicks his shoulder and causes Remy to hiss out in pain, his hand patting the wound as if to prevent it from catching fire from the friction burn.

"Oui! Workin' on it, cherie!" Remy pulls out some cards, charging it with energy and accelerating it's base composition. He looks around the room. What can he use, what can he use....

"Che-" She's gone. She calls out her intent and action and takes into the air to swop down on it. Seems she's determined to buy the Cajun some time to take this thing down - if that's something he even has the firepower to do. "Should've brought my flask..." Remy groans to himself before he's moving, leaping over his cover and balancing atop it if only to leap into the air with a flip, his eye a marksman's ability as his arm extends and the cards leave his hand. The cards themselves?

A Royal Flush.

Five Cards, 10 to Ace cards of the heart suit all going for that blatant, red eye.

Tick, tick, tick....

Now does it boom?

Rogue has posed:
% R Remy's cards soar not unlike Rogue herself. Through the air, with grace and a plan! The Royal Flush rushes straight at that Alpha One robot's optical sensory system, whilst the Belle keeps its blasters busy! She narrowly avoids one of its melee swinging arms too, just as Remy's cards impact!


The reverberations from the charged cards rumbles the whole Danger Room, and anyone outside in the silvery-decored corridors might feel the vibrations coming from the X-Men's training room...

Inside it? The Robot's entire eye has been obliterated by the explosive power of the Cajun's cards!

But its arms yet remains, and they're wildly swinging, wildly shooting, and wildly doing damage to the battlefield setup inside the room here tonight. Remy, as it so happens, get shot at by one of the Alpha One's random blaster beams, sizzling his way again!

But then there comes a 'Mighty Woman'! She slams right in to the right side of the robot's body, its confused... sightless... form getting lifted UP in to the air, a serious amount of total tonnage, and Rogue is just pushing herself against it, and lifting... shoving! Her teeth gritted, her eyes clamped shut, and her muscles clenching within that green and gold bodysuit. The Mississippi Magnolia just keeps on pushing though, until she finally upends the machine, and shoves it over on to its side. One saw-bladed arm comes up for Rogue, its buzzing blades trying to cut her in half, but she just catches it by its wrist and rends it from the Alpha One Robot!

A minute later, and the Robot just goes dead...

Followed by the sim itself. The Danger Room falls dormant, all the mess of robot parts disappear, and the Cajun and Belle are left alone in a giant empty metal room...

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy got the job done like the Hives song.

Tick, tick, tick, tick...


It was glorious as the purple and black clouds of destruction clear to reveal Remy's work well done: the eye of the machine had been obliterated completely. Best hand in poker right there and for a moment, Remy kisses his fingers like a michelin chef providing a masterpiece into the world.

"Dats de most beautiful thing I ever did." Remy smirks, except for the tiny, itty, bitty, teenie, weenie little detail.


Remy stares ahead. "Ah, shit."

And then Rogue is doing her thing, just getting her hands dirty straight into the machine's chords and damage it's mechanical guts with her superior strength and all that grit and spit.

Remy wolf-whistles at her.

He starts to approach as they are left alone in a giant empty metal room as the Danger Room falls to sleep, waiting for new orders. The bo-staff collapses and he sticks it in a pouch on his belt as he draws nearer. "I like dis 'Mighty Woman' attitude you have goin' on."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just left floating there about twenty feet off the ground when the sim shuts itself down. She turns when she hears the wolf whistle, and then silently descends down to the Danger Room floor again. When her boots touchdown on the metal, she's a few paces away from him. She's still a bit heated up by all the physical exersion of that workout, but that was the point of it all, wasn't it?

"Nicely done." The Belle tells the LeBeau. "ya gotten better with your aim, I think." She quips at him with a smirk.

Her hands go in to her jacket pockets then, and she huffs out a heavy exhale. "Gotta do that every night this week. Same mission. Word on the street is robots are gonna become a bigger threat, so I've heard anyhow." She tells him then.

"Ya done good though, Cajun, thanks for the backup. Glad t'have some help in this one, though... Mighty Woman's got a lot of work cut out for her." She says with a grin.

"Time t'get cleaned up, an' go see what's cookin' for dinner upstairs..." She says then, walking past him now, hands in her jacket pockets, toward the Danger Room exit.

Maybe next time I'll add Robot Ninjas too..." She idly speaks on her way out...

Remy LeBeau has posed:
That's what all this is for.

To get hyped. To get hot. To get tired. To get beat up. To win.

The Danger Room was all of that and more. Though the Belle tells him he's gotten better at a few different things and Remy seems to smirk at her. "Few better things still, mon petite." He winks at her playfully. "You /think/?" Remy feigns some measure of insult, as if she had paid him a grave letter of poor writ.


Yet, even still, Rogue informs him that new monsters are coming up - these machines are becoming more common or so the word on the street is - and they'll pack a bigger punch. "Hope so. Machines more fun to take out. Lets us actively use what we have to our best without usin' murder no?" Remy chuckles.

"You too. If you ask me? I prefer Rogue." Remy grins at her, a smile on his face.

Yet she walks past him and he turns /juuuust/ so, in order to have the best possible angle to watch her leave.

Old habits.

"Robot ninjas? Don' go promisin' me a good time now cherie. I think I'll stay a few more minutes, run a few more rounds. I'll join you later." He gives her a wave, sighing as he watches her take off. "Robot ninjas. Fuck."