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Midnight Snacks
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Spider-Man interrupts Blake Riviere during her midnight feeding, and each learns a little more about the other.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Blake Riviere

Peter Parker has posed:
God, he's hungry.

Spider-Man has been going for hours. It's almost midnight. He's still full of energy, though.

Life is getting better for the ol' Wall-Crawler. He has a new job waiting for him on Monday, and when he got home, he would get a few hours of sleep and try not to nod off during the Easter service. It was a Parker tradition.

But right now, he was trying to find some place that was open at midnight for a meal..

Blake Riviere has posed:
Damnation...she was hungry.

It seemed that the poor Spider wasn't the only person who felt the sting of need for vital sustainance. Although the source was quite likely to be very -very- different. The woman herself was fairly different too, although perhaps she didn't look the part in the same way tonight. Compared to her usual gothic looks, parasols and everything else, the attire was very different.

Wrapped in the pleated leather skirt, a matched jacket and bright red stockings made to match the bow tied in her hair, the vampiress was moving through the streets of Queen's. With a milkshake in her hand and sipping from the straw, the girl watches and waits...finally, a window. One of the restaurant staff, their shift finally finished, was moving down the street to take a shortcut through an alleyway.


Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man stopped off at a fast-food place famous for burgers with 100 percent ground chuck for their burgers. He ordered quickly. One triple cheesburger, fries, large cherry Coke. He smiled apologetically since he was using their drive-thru, but no one else was around and he had convinced them to serve him. Like HE would own a vehicle?

He paid with cash, then tilted his head. Something...tickling at the edge of his Spider-Sense.

"Listen, hold that for me? I'll be right back for it."

He fired a webline and was off towards the vague sense of unease...

Blake Riviere has posed:
The taste of Strawberry was one of Blake's favourites, even back in the memories before she'd been taken by the vampire that would change her...yet it just couldn't compare to the pure life that only blood could give her. This is necessity at it's purest!

She was a beauty, her choice of outfit and that ribbon highlight as ment to give off that 'cute' vibe with just a little pinch of dangerous...but there was far more than the surface to consider. A step behind the waitress, there's a little clearing of her throat and the flash of a smile. "Hey there..." she calls after the other woman, tilting her head to the side. "Got a moment? I'm a little lost..."

There was a smile, perhaps a note of fliration, but there was a cruel logic to the approach. A man seeing her dress and approach might make some assumptions, but another woman was simply going to be less scared of some petite girl approaching her in a dark alleyway. More willing to look her way and meet her gaze...

Peter Parker has posed:
Evelyn looked up. She was dumping the trash when she saw the woman. She felt sympathy - New York was a dangerous place to be lost in. She was also beautiful, and there as something...interesting about her.

Evelyn smiled as she tossed the bag into the dumpster. "Well, where are you trying to get to? There's a subway not far from here, and if it's close by I can point you in the right direction..."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I was looking for somewhere to eat," Blake offers, a quirk of her gloss-painted lips at her own amusement as she draws nearer. Pretty as she was, with the mesmerizing power of her gaze? She could be downright hypnotic. "And I didn't want to settle for junk food tonight..."

Trust Blake to want to make a little joke for herself, but nights could be so long and boring without a little amusment in them. For all her senses, the vampire's focus was entirely on the worker who was intended to be her 'doner' for the evening.

Peter Parker has posed:
Evelyn smiled. "Well...the restaurant is closing, but...there is this little taco place I go to after work. They are open all night and I like the food."

Evelyn steps closer, entranced by the woman before her. As she gets close, she says almost shyly, "Maybe...you and I can have dinner together?"

She is amazed at her own boldness, but she never got to meet women like this in Hackensack.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"That sounds...wonderful." Blake murmers, a purr as she leans forwards, "Why wait...?"

Entranced enough to step in, that was all the vampiress needed. A little smile, she moves in, a hand coming up to stroke the cheek of her victim almost fondly. "Relax..." the purring prompt comes as she gently tilts Evelyn's head, bares her neck and nuzzles close.

The soft noise of those fangs extending was perhaps all the warning given before the 'kiss' was delivered and the first hit of blood hit Blake's tongue. There was nothing quite like it for either of them, but for Blake it was life itself.

Peter Parker has posed:
Evelyn moaned. The feeling was heavenly. Lassitude, a growing warmth that filled her. Her entire body seemed to loosen, the hands going slack.

No, she had never felt anything like this in Hackensack.

She didn't know what was going on, or how much time had passed. But suddenly there was a voice, hard and male, telling the woman to get away from Evelyn. *No, please don't go...* she wanted to say, but couldn't speak.

Spider-Man had landed on the wall overlooking the alley, and for a moment he felt like he had stepped into a movie. One of those mushy romance ones Aunt May liked.

Then he noticed it was two women and realized it might be a movie Aunt May might not want to watch.

And then he recognized the positioning. That woman wasn't KISSING the girl's neck. Her mouth was CLAMPED on it.


Blake Riviere has posed:
She drank, but she'd not quite had her entire fill. There was more that she could take, more that she could enjoy and sustain herself on...then Blake was suddenly interupted. Pupils that had been dialated wide constrict, senses snap into overdrive and the 'refueled' vampiress withdraws. There's a shift, a flick of her tongue to seal the wound rather than risking her 'donor' bleeding out before she draws back enough to meet the gaze of dazed woman in her arms.

"Sleep..." she urges, the hypnotic command given before she finally looks up twoards the Spider, lips still stained red with more than her gloss and fangs still visible. A little hiss, the woman's eyes are once more luminescently red...then there's a hint of recognition.

"The Spider..."

Peter Parker has posed:
<Oh, God help me...> Spider-Man thought.

Three years ago, he would have refused to believe it. Vampires just...don't exist.
But that was three years ago, and his analytical mind had seen and processed a lot, even as he recognized the face. Even with the bared fangs, the blood spots on her chin, and the red eyes, he still recognized her. The enigma from the rooftop.

His brains cells continued to work even as his eyes flickered from the vampire to the prey. Her name was Blake. He remembered that.
First things first.

"...Get away from her, Blake!" He had to check her vitals, and he couldn't do that with a vampire hovering over her.

Blake Riviere has posed:
He remembered her. Good. That probably helped a little, but now? Well, he also knew how she'd managed to move so swift and silent on their first meeting. "Well..." she purrs softly, one might almost wonder if she was 'drunk' on the blood, of the flirtation was simply more natural. "Aren't you awfully demanding..."

The waitress was lowered, gently placed against the wall of the alleyway before the Vampire steps forward, placing herself between the would-be hero and the girl. "She'll be fine...a sleep and a good meal are all she'll need." A tilt of her head, there's a lick of her tongue across her lips to remove the blood...or maybe just taste it.

"Would you have me starve, Oh Spider?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Intelligence is great. Intelligence is why he is going to work for Tony Stark tomorrow.
Wisdom, though...that has to be learned. So, start with the facts.
Fact One: If there was a rash of deaths where the victims were drained of blood, he would know it already. He spends enough time in the NYPD's files. Since there is none, apart from the rare loony who gets caught within hours of the crime, then what she is saying has merit.

Spider-Man leaps from the wall, over Blake's head, and lands next to the waitress (EVELYN, says the nametag, and checks her neck (which has no seeping holes...that's a neat trick) and her chest.
Fact Two: Evelyn seems to be all right - pulse is low, but not dangerously low. Probably down a pint, no more. Heartbeat regular instead of arrhythmic. Which gives Blake some more credibility. And the blissful look on her face is a strong indicator she didn't experience any trauma.
Fact Three: She's talking instead of attacking. If she meant to finish the job, a witness would make things VERY problematic.

Which reminds him of a potential countermeasure that might work. But they are not there yet.

"So...are you full for the night and I can tell the night manager she fainted?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
The leap? It has Blake shifting a little, tensing defensively for a moment as if she were making ready for a fight...but it wasn't to be. At least, not yet! Exhaling a breath, the dark-haired girl gives a little shake of her head, reaching a hand up to adjust the bow in her hair. "Honestly? I would have happily drunk more..." she pouts lightly, glancing to the sleeping waitress and shrugging her shoulders. "But someone interupted me!"

A gesture to poor Evelyn, the Vampire's fangs withdraw and she smoothes her hands over her own skirt. "She'll think it little more than a -very- nice dream, I assure you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looked at her for a moment, then opened the back door to the restaurant. "Hello?" He looked to Blake for a moment, then said, "I think your wait staff fainted."

A man in cook's whites looks out at Spider-Man, and he points to Evelyn. The cook utters a quiet expletive, "...knew she was working too damn hard. I'll bring her inside."
The cook lifts Evelyn, who moans softly. The cook has the decency to blush as he carried her inside.

Spider-Man waits for the door to close before looking back in Blake's direction. "So...why do this? Overdrawn at the blood bank?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A snort, despite herself, the dark-haired woman suddenly bursts into a swirl of mist, flowing upwards only to come into shape sitting perched on the rooftoop above. She didn't need someone new stumbling in on the pair of them after all! Knees pressed together to protect her modesty under her skirt, the woman's hands come to either side and gently bracing herself.

"People like to think of that one...think it more 'nice' than feeding from a person," she muses, tutting lightly and giving a smirk. "Would you rather someone took food from a restaurant or took it straight from a donation point for the needy?"

A smirk, there's a light flutter of her eyelashes. "That and I simply prefer it. They do not usually complain."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks. OKAY...that was an interesting trick. Explains how she was able to sneak up on him during his surveillance.

First the Black Cat. Now...the Pale Bat?

He looks around, then jumps hanfway up the height of the wall, landing on the wall and climbing up the rest of the way, without any climbing gear or even without slowing down. He gets to the rooftop, then stends up to face her.

Yeah. There is that tingle. But it's not imminent threat. It's more of an...awareness of how dangerous she is. And she can see his awareness in his stance, in his movements. He does not stand like someone who thinks they are going to come out ahead in a fight.

"So...how long have you been..." Come on, say it. "...a vampire?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
She could see it...but it was to be expected. It was 'normal' for any that knew what she was, albeit there was noticably more ease of movement about him. She could clearly tell the 'hero' was more than just 'some guy in a sticky-gloved suit', there was something more than human about him.

His questions? That actually makes her laugh, a soft and genuine noise of amusement before her hand comes to cover her lips. "Did you just ask me my age Spider-Man? Quite the faux pas..." Hand returning, she still giggles softly before shrugging her shoulders. "A lady never tells, but suffice to say it has been a very long time."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods slowly. "Right...you'll have to excuse me. I have an affinity for science and I have to say I'm curious. On a purely biological level, of course." He is not doing a very good job at keeping the curiosity out of his voice. "You sound European...French, I think. But there's something else. I dabble in a lot of subjects. I used to want to be an anthropologist, once upon a time."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Very good," she praises, a little lean forwards from the woman as she braces her feet against the wall below while she looks fondly towards where she'd been feeding moments ago. "I was born...both times in Europe," she explains, that accent hanging on her words. Mostly English, but indeed the odd word slipped by with a note of French accent to it. "Of course, there were places that don't exist anymore."

She turns her head now, looking towards that mask and trying to meet the gaze of those lenses. No hypontic push follows, at least not yet. "And you? What makes the Spider what he is? Are you a mutant or some sort of enchanted?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man glances around. "Science...genetic-engineering, radioactivity...and being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

He paused. "Selfishness also made me what I am. I received this gifts and wanted to use them to become rich. I became self-centered, enough to care for only myself...and that cost me everything. It is a mistake I will not make again."

The guilt is strong enough to be heard in his voice, the ancient song of "Would've, could've, should've...but DIDN'T."

Blake Riviere has posed:
There's a small sigh, a noise perhaps of sympathy. She turns, looking towards Spiderman with a little sad expression. "Mistakes and misfortune often make us what we are. Believe me. Making poor choices hurts, but having the choices taken from you entirely? Well...that is far -far- worse."

Leaning back, there's a stretch, long and practically feline in it's nature, complete with a soft delightedly content groan.

"But that is a story for another night...and there are other midnight snacks to sample."

There's a sudden breeze, cold wind and fog surging into the night. Just like that, Blake was out into the night!