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Latest revision as of 05:03, 13 May 2023

Going Outside and Touching Grass
Date of Scene: 12 May 2023
Location: Avengers Mansion - Back Yard
Synopsis: Clea meets Hal at Avenger's Mansion and the two of them talk. Nothing explodes!
Cast of Characters: Clea, Hal Jordan

Clea has posed:
Clea had decided that since nothing was burning down currently that she would sneak out to the backyard of the mansion. It was good to spend some time outside. It was rare to catch Clea out and about lately as it was, so maybe it was good for her. The white haired woman is floating gracefully about the lawn as she is usually doing inside as well. She's dressed in jeans and a purple t-shirt, but no shoes.

Currently her attention is on some of the flowers that have made it into the back. Away from the pool area. Her feet settle on the ground as she picks up one of the small containers and looks over the petals on the flower with a curious sort of gaze. Maybe she was going to eat it? One might never now with weird people from other places.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Sector 2814 was quiet.

Helpful that Earth has at least three other Green Lanterns able to protect the 'airspace' so to speak. So, it allowed Hal Jordan to take a breather. Having returned to earth 'on leave' from his Green Lantern duties to Oa, he finds himself walking on the lawns of the Avengers Mansion, a group of Earth's Mightiest Heroes that he's honored to find membership.

Hal finds Clea floating over some of the flowers as she seems to be collecting petals. Unlike Clea, Hal was dressed more like a pilot than a civilian: brown bomber jacket with numerous patches on it, a black V-neck shirt, some jeans, and some military-style combat boots.

"Hey Clea. Mind company?"

Clea has posed:
Clea's violet gaze looks over the flower, but her attention flicks to Hal when he approaches and she keeps the little pot in her hands for the moment. She gives a smile to him, "No, I don't mind company." she tells him. She then settles the potted flower down onto it's base in a delicate way, not wanting to damage it.

She dusts off her hands and then looks back to the Green Lantern, "Are you settling in alright here? I'm sure your duties leave little time for just wandering around or getting situated." she admits with a bit of a knowing look.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Brown hair nearly reaches his shoulders, long and glorious. Brown eyes focus in on Clea as she welcomes the company, allowing Hal to step forward. The green ring on his hand shaped like a Lantern. "Well, good to hear. Would've hated to have stuck around anyway, even when you didn't want me to." He winks at her playfully.

"Settling in fine. Glad to be part of the team. The Justice League has me pretty good working in teams." Not to mention there are hundreds of Green Lanterns in the galaxy. "But, the free time I /do/ find, I try to spend it well. What's been new with you, Clea?"

Clea has posed:
Clea listens to him and there's a bit of an amused chuckle that escapes the white haired woman, "I'd not be so rude as to tell you that you can't stay." she tells him. "That and it gets lonely here after awhile." she admits as she looks down to the plants. "One of the other reasons I'm looking to incorporate other things into the routine when I'm not being an Avenger." she smiles to that.

"We're glad to have you. Though I'm sure it is pretty exhausting trying to be everywhere at once." she states. "Just make sure you're taking time out to care for you as well." she offers gently. His question makes her lips quirk up, "Ah...nothing really. Just planting and painting. Trying not to poke the Hulk too much so I don't get punched in the face again. You know, healthy things." she explains.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Well, you /could/ have been rude I just would've told you that this is still a free country in...well, some kind of jargon about free space since earth hasn't decided to become a federation of planets yet." Hal smirks at her. "So think mumbo jumbo that sounds like something Reed Richards would say." He chuckles a little bit. "A good routine is healthy."

She tells him they're glad to have him and he shrugs. "You're sweet, thank you. Just a guy tryin' to do his part in the galaxy. Figure, why not get back to it at home." As long as he doesn't have to deal with Guy Gardner.

Fuck that guy.

"You paint? What do you paint?" She makes a joke about the Hulk and Hal winces. "Yeaaahh...want nothing to do with that guy."

Clea has posed:
Clea gives an amused look, "I'm not from Earth. Or well...yeah." she shakes her head. "I don't think I've met Doctor Richards outside of in passing, so I'll try to think of what he might say." she chuckles to that. "And having a home is nice." she comments.

She doesn't say anything more than that.

"I paint, yes. Right now it's mainly just...abstract things. Someone suggested I take up a hobby and I enjoyed it. Still learning as I go." she smiles to that. "I was working on flowers a little while ago, was going to try people, but I don't want to mess anyone up too terribly." she chuckles. "He's not the most liked being. Bruce is a good guy though." she states. "So what do you do for fun, Hal?" she asks him.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Something tells me you're not used to that feeling."

He clenches his hand tight and a chair made of hardened, solid green light seems to appear behind her. "Want to take a seat and we can talk about it?" He crosses his arms for a moment, as if willing to listen.

"Well, sounds like you're living the dream. Abstract work is still good." He smirks at her. "I like flying F-18's and seeing how far I can push the tech. I really like just...using my imagination. Sketching, the like."

Clea has posed:
Clea's gaze flits to his for a moment, curiousity in it as he speaks, "Not used to the feeling of having a home? No. I don't really feel like I belong anywhere these days." she shrugs at that. "I'm a guest here and I try to keep myself in check unless I'm needed to protect Earth and other places though." she adds.

She looks to the chair that's created behind her and then gives a bit of a smile to him, "Sure. I don't mind talking." she tells him in a quiet tone. She settles herself into the chair, crossing one knee over the other and letting her bare foot dangle a little.

"If I ever get a chance to retire I'll just spend my days painting. Seems like a good thing to do." she admits to that. "So you are a pilot by trade?" she asks him curiously. "Maybe we can sit and draw one day. Maybe it helps to bounce ideas off of others." she offers.

Hal Jordan has posed:

He sighs. "Then welcome to earth. Be on good behavior and you won't have to be asked nicely." Hal winks at her, being humorous and friendly about it (or rather, attempting to). "Yeah. United States Air Force. Captain Hal Jordan, at your service." He looks one way. Then the other.

"At least formerly. Got an honorable discharge once I became Green Lantern."

He chuckles softly, clenching his fist to create a chair for him, which he straddles and rests against while he talks to her. "Wouldn't mind that. Creativity is a Lantern's strength."

Clea has posed:
Clea watches him as she sits there, she didn't even think twice about the chair made of the lanterns powers. She gives a grin to his words, "I've been taught to not cause too much trouble. Or well...I learned from being imprisoned a very long time." she states. "But it got better when I came here in the 2000's." she states nonchalantly. "I don't know if you've been asked this, is the ring magical or from another power source?" she asks him.

She was seriously curious about it!

"I mean, being honorably discharged I am guessing is better than dishonorable." she smiles. "I imagine they don't like the long hair in the service here either." she comments on his locks. "I've got a good amount of art supplies in my room and stashed away in the rec room, so anytime you want to get together, just let me know." she offers.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Which means she's either magic or is firmly aware of certain strange actions that a hard light chair probably doesn't bother her too much. "How long were you imprisoned?" Hal asks her. He's been imprisoned a couple of times, but human ingenuity often helped him out of a good bind. When she asks about the ring? He looks at it for a moment.

"You could call it magic, I guess. Anything that you didn't understand could be called magic. But it's not really magic, it's just an emotion weaponized into a force for good. It channels my Will into power."

As he says that, the light around his ring begins to glow with a brilliant green light, creating a a visual aid of a planet - Oa.

"I'm part of a intergalactic peacekeeping force known as the Green Lantern Corps. Each sector has a Lantern. Earth is in Sector 2814. Earth is unique though...I'm one of four Green Lanterns assigned to this sector. Guardians want me to also have a focus on intergalactic operations too. I'm just happy I'm here." He chuckles.

"Nah, not really." He tosses his hair, seemingly decently proud of it. "You bet."

Clea has posed:
Clea's expression changes when he asks how long she was imprisoned. A bit of a haunted look taking over those violet eyes of hers, "From about the year ten hundred in Earth time till around two thousand and four in Earth time." she tells him. She then straightens in the chair, her posture and things correcting as she was slouching a bit as she was comfortable.

"I am a being of magic, so I understand it quite well." she smiles to that. "It's also a very pretty color." she chuckles. "So you're basically space military or police?" she asks him. "You seem to have a lot on your plate Hal. I'm surprised you have time to sit down and talk." she teases him gently.

"Well, it's a good look." she comments on his hair. There is a look of unease that crosses her face and she rises slowly, "I apologize, I just need a bit of air for a moment. You didn't do anything." she assures him before he can ask.