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Checking up on Royalty
Date of Scene: 20 May 2023
Location: Genoshan Royal Palace
Synopsis: Raven performs a wellness check on Lorna, mostly to ensure her wellness and share the exciting news they both already knew.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Lorna Dane

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A beautiful Saturday morning in Genosha, though to be fair most days were beautiful there. Raven stepped through a swirling white portal into the foyer of the palace, a small paper bag in her hand, in a very exact location. She was used to the sensation Ritz's teleports caused, and the young mutant teleporter was getting better and not causing people to regurgitate and pass out upon arriving at the chosen destination.

Without a pause in her step she continued through the foyer and up the stairs, the only acknowledgement the guards received being the briefest of nods as she passed. They were all in their correct places, wearing their uniforms and protective gear, she'd drilled and trained them for months to ensure they performed their duties as easily as others walk across a room.

Reaching the royal chambers, a series of interconnected rooms including bedroom, sitting room, sun room and bathroom, she opened the doors and entered. Mister Leiberman had reported regularly on the Queen, including her latest issues, and was becoming quite concerned. Typical man.

"Lorna," she called out pleasantly, and added, even though she knew exactly where she was, "You around here some place?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "Yeah. I'm her-" Her thought interrupted mid sentence, with an involuntary body reaction as she turns towards her porcelain throne. A metaphor.

    This happens two more times in ear shot of Mystique, but then quietly there's a flush and Lorna is standing back and stepping towards her vanity.

    The queen has certainly seen better days and her face is wearing it openly. She's pale, sweaty and disshevelled.

    Turning to look at Mystique but only with the mirror as if it was some sort of protective filter, a mask even, Lorna frowns. "I'm not feeling so hot lately." She whispers, and looks down, away from any eyes.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Crossing the sitting room at a slow paced walk, Raven arrived just in time to see Lorna standing herself up and moving to the vanity. She gives Her Royal Majesty a moment of discomfort, letting her look away and pretend for that moment that the blue mutant wasn't there before moving into the room.

The small bag is set on the side of the vanity so that Raven can collect a wash cloth, soak it in cold water, wring it and place it on the back of Lorna's neck. "So I have been told," she expresses as she works. "And yet you haven't gone to the Royal doctor, why is that?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna's eyes glance towards the bag, but she doesn't verbally address it, instead letting the question linger in her mind. Then there's a cold towel on the back of her neck, and she softly reaches up to hold her hair up and away. A sharp breath and then a sigh as she loosens her posture and allows the cold cloth to wash her pains through the touch. "I haven't felt I've been sick enough to warrant that. I think it's just something I ate."

    Is she trying to convince Mystique that, or is she convincing herself. Her tone makes it easy enough to tell. A glance up and Lorna's finally making eye contact with Raven. "I'm scared." She whispers faintly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
While holding the cloth to the back of Lorna's neck, Raven slips her other arm around Lorna's shoulder. Body language often spoke louder then words, especially in those who try to give the impression of strength when they are lacking it.

"Something you ate," she repeats, guiding Lorna to sit herself on a fancy padded stool in the bathroom. "A week ago."

Once she has Lorna sitting she wets the cloth again, wrings it one more time and puts it back on her neck. "There is a reason for the doctor being on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week," she then says, speaking gently. She's not scolding, merely informing and attempting to offer comfort. "So you don't have to be scared, and so everything about your body and yourself is kept private, between you and doctor Hathaway. Alright?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "It happens." Lorna says with a pout towards Mystique. Yeah. She's in denial more than anything else. She knows it. Mystique knows it. She just doesn't want to admit it. For some reason.

    Lorna takes a deep breath as the goosebumps rise up across her shoulders from the touch. "Do you need me to go to the doctor?" Lorna asks, looking into Raven's eyes through the mirror. Asking really if they both need someone 'professional' to confirm their suspicions.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven has been maintaining the mirror game, watching Lorna's face there rather than looking at her directly. It if made it easier for the green haired woman, then the blue mutant would play along.

"Lorna," she says even more softly and finally looks to the woman's actual face. "You and I both know what is going on. I probably knew before you did, but then I've been through it... twice." She offers a soft smile before kneeling down to look Lorna in the eyes.

"You have nothing to be afraid of," she then says with a soft smile on her lips. "Yes, you will need to go to the doctor to be examined. Yes, things will be changing and different and in time, so amazing you won't know how to handle it."

Reaching up slowly, she brushes a bit of the green hair from Lorna's face, "You won't be alone through this, I know that is your worst fear because it was my worst fear, it is every woman's worst fear upon learning their pregnant."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    There's the word. There's the evidence that her life is changing. Drastically.


    Life seems to have this way of thrusting incredible change onto Lorna when she thought she was finally on the path and on her way to making the best of things. Not that this is bad, but it's just. Sudden. Different. It's big. But it's also not. Yet. But she feels a new incomprehensible weight lifted and a different weight placed onto her shoulders all at once.

    Standing quickly, Lorna would give words of appreciation and sisterly love to Raven, but she has to use the bathroom again.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven straightens and steps back so Lorna can move past her to the toilet in the adjacent room. She remembered both of her own pregnancies as if they were yesterday, and the end results. She wouldn't talk about the results, because no one should have to live through what she did.

"I brought you some prenatal vitamins," she calls into the bathroom while turning to look the other way. "Along with some ginger tea and ginger preserves to help with the morning sickness. There's a few other tid bits of advice I can offer... later of course."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna lifts a hand with a thumbs up and is about to give her vocal approval when she makes another dreadful wretching sound.

    Eventually she comes back out and stops at the sink to rinse her mouth out. "This part sucks." She moans before turning back to Raven and still sweaty, she takes a deep breath and simply embraces the warrior woman. "Thanks." The one word carrying so much weight.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Prepared for the physical contact, Raven wraps her arms around the reluctant Queen and holds her close, comfortingly, even caresses her back lightly. She'll let Lorna decide when the hug is over by waiting for the cue, the desire to step back and break the contact.

"This part does in fact suck," she offers with a quiet chuckle. "The ginger will help with that, it sooths the savage stomach." She pauses for a moment before adding, "You're welcome."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna does hold the hug longer than comfort would dictate, but the warmth of Raven, the touch of another, is something she could really use at this moment, and even calls it out. "Sorry I'm hugging for too long, but you're one of the only people who I trust in this world to not abuse or abandon me." She whispers, and holds just that little bit tighter.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There are no complaints issued from the cobalt mutant, in fact Raven hugs a little more tightly and rests her head against Lorna's. "No need to apologize, I'm always willing to give out a hug," she replies softly. "Just like I'll always be here for you, for whatever you need... and right now what you need is a firm, loving hug and the reminder you'll never be alone."