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Latest revision as of 02:23, 22 May 2023

One foot in front of the other
Date of Scene: 21 May 2023
Location: The Danger Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: A bit of exercise leads to some unexpected team bonding
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Donna Troy, Terry O'Neil

Jinx has posed:
Jinx feels like she's been given a new purpose, a breath of life blown in to her. The trip for Nettie to Padagonia enlightened her. Nearly dying gave her new perspective. And now she feels like doing things for herself, not because she has to do it. No, now she's become self motivated.

It turns out it's okay not to hate yourself to your very core. Self love they call it. Now she has a place to change her life and people eager to help her do it. Not -everyone- but enough at least.

Jinx has been on the Danger Room treadmill program for a half hour. Her exercise clothing is getting soaked but her concentration hasn't lapsed. The program throws random obstacles at you to climb over and straight aways to jog or run. The run has become more of a jog and the jog more of a fast walk at this point. But the quietness of being along while she pushes herself is .... nice.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Everyone needs exercise, including super scientists. It is all well and good to be out of shape until some lab creation tries to eat you or you need to explore some other planet. While Nadia has always enjoyed a high level of athletic ability thanks to the Black Widow serum in her veins, it is not something she can just take for granted like some of her friends.

    So it is that she finds her way into the danger room dressed in her workout clothes, a coordinated red and black Van Dyne designer tracksuit with a little stylized wasp logo on it. Though she whe sees someone else is already here on the treadmill course, she pauses in the entrance to watch for a moment.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Does the Danger Room think for itself? Well not so much /think/, not unless Cyborg has been up to his old tricks and has been turning random technology sentient again, obviously. But maybe it has some kind of adaptive algorithm that learns from the way it is being used and modifies the program as it goes along? Maybe it's not just the tiredness in Jinx's muscles that make it seem harder now. Surely the occurrence of obstacles is happening more frequently? Surely those obstacles are getting higher, steeper, and harder to climb?

    Even the flat bits are getting harder to run on, getting distinctly less flat. As well as the taller obstacles that need climbing over, Jinx is starting to find more and more small obstacles in the form of rocks scattered across the flat parts of the virtual course, small enough that there's no difficulty stepping over them, but requiring a greater concentration to avoid a stumble.

    But wait, even if it's learning and trying to make the course more of a challenge, surely more obstacles is one thing, but the pack of wolves that can now be seen loping towards Jinx in the distance is a pretty extreme way to encourage her to keep her speed up?

    And what's that ominous rumbling sound, and why is the ground starting to shake slightly?

    A few moments after Nadia arrives, Donna comes in behind her. She briefly rests a hand on Nadia's shoulder. "Looks like Jinx got here before us," she says to Nadia. "I guess we'll have to wait until the wolves catch her."

    She's grinning slightly.

    Yeah, clearly it's not some adaptive algorithm running on the Danger Room systems. Donna has been messing around with the program remotely.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx is singing to herself with ear pods in her ears. Oblivious to the outside world and Nadia arriving she belts out loudly:
~ Lost inside
~ Adorable illusion and I cannot hide
~ I'm the one you're usin', please don't push me aside
~ We could've made it cruisin', yeah

Though the wolves make her wonder just what kind of program this is meant to be. Perhaps it's meant to make you stop after a certain amount of time. She's been trying to push herself in short bursts which she read online is the way you build up muscle strength and then cruise in the down times.

But the wolves and rough terrain are making that kinda hard to do. It's then that she catches sight of Nadia standing there in her very stylish workout gear. She stops singing and takes the earpods out of her ears and stares up at her, daring Nadia to be the one to break the awkward silence.

But then Donna arrives and she raises an eyebrow. She is -pretty- sure the danger room doesn't actually hurt people. The wolves are just to mess with her right. She slows to a stop. Her breathing is hard and she calls out to Nadia and Donna, "Hey."

Terry O'Neil has posed:

"Aaaw, man," a familiar voice pipes up from behind Donna, "I thought I was gonna have the place all to myself. I was going to run my parkour programs!"

Vorpal isn't clad in his usual uniform. Oh no. Suffice to say that today he has, apparently, decided to become the avatar of the Eighties- blue bodysuit, bright pink leg warmers, arm warmers and headband. He probably would have hanged a walkman from his waistband, if you could still find walk---men? mans?--- around.

"Hey, everybody!" he grins, giving Jinx a wave and glancing at Donna and Nadia. "... okay, how about we jazzercize instead?" he is kidding. Probably.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Jinx singing as she exercises brings a smile to the Waspette's face. More people should sing, life is just better with singing. Her head does slowly begin to tilt as the course begins adapting and becoming more and more extreme the longer Jinx goes. Nadia is definitely wondering what Cyborg might have been up to, particularly after the Great Roomba Uprising. And then there's wolves. Wolves?! And also Donna. Nadia turns giving Donna a curious look. "Did you add wolves to the treadmill?" Donn's love of harsh training regimens is known.

    "Now you can run parkour with wolves." Nadia turns to inform Terry as he arrives, before turning back to see how Jinx will deal with her canine pursuers.

Donna Troy has posed:
    The danger room doesn't actually hurt people /much/, but if you get bitten by a holographic simulation of a wolf, you know you've been bitten. In fact the program is calibrated for each user, and you'll get bitten enough to feel it whoever you are. Injuries are possible, though the safeties are there to make them unlikely. Bruising is definitely a thing though.

    The wolves are not there just to mess with Jinx, and when she comes to a halt they put on a burst of speed, realistically slavering jaws open wide to bite, the ferocious sound of a wolf pack scneting blood filling the danger room!

    Donna moves past Nadia in a blur of sudden action, and before any of those simulated jaws can clamp down on Jinx, Donna is between her and the wolf pack. She grabs the first one about the throat in mid leap, holding it there as its claws attempt to scratch at her while aiming a kick that sends the next in line flying. She hurls the lead wolf to one side, straight into a wolf running to flank, then hurtles forwards into the pursuing pack, sending canine bodies flying in a tangle of yelps and limbs.

    A pair of wolves on the other flank finds themselves alone in the pursuit of Jinx, and stalks forwards cautiously. Donna turns momentarily from her melee and hurls a knife, taking the foremost of the two in the neck. The second starts to slink away.

    The melee is over as quickly as it had begun, with a few wolves down for the count and a few others clambering to their feet to flee. Only one remains fighting, its jaws clamped around Donna's forearm. It's doing its best, but having little effect. "Hi Jinx," Donna replies.

    She raises an eyebrow in Terry's direction. "No jazzercise," she says. "Nadia's notion is sound. Yes Nadia, I did add wolves to the treadmill, though for the parkour idea, I think we'd want something better at getting up high. Maybe lions? Or seeing as Terry's a cat, perhaps we should come up with some more agile type of canine. The point wouldn't be to tree the Cheshire, it would be to give him a really good challenge."

    The wolf with its jaw clamped on Donna's wrist must feel like it's being ignored, because it growls viciously around the forearm in its mouth. Donna punches it hard enough to make it shatter into a cloud of pixels, which while unrealistic is better than the more realistic alternative.

    "Jinx, if you want to stop mid-session, use the voice command 'simulation pause' or 'simulation end'."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx narrows her eyes as the wolves start to close in on her. She takes a combat stance - not that it'll help much. Fighting wild animals is not really something she's trained for. She can't use her magic in here - far too many synthetical materials keeping her separated from mother earth.

But Donna jumps in to take them out. She relaxes and folds her arms. A wave is given to Terry too and she smiles. "Oh.. I know." She taps her temple with a finger. "I remember from last time. But I was curious to see if you were really going to let me get mauled by wolves or not. Honestly, I thought you would."

She looks a touch amused and then looks back at the course. "This thing got harder the longer it ran. Kind of disappointing. I was in a nice zen space before it started getting rocky and bumpy and difficult. Anyway- uh.. did everyone come here to exercise? Plenty of room to share."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Let us NOT have the Cheshire pursued by wild, slavering beasts, please," Vorpal pipes up, and then amends: "Ok, so maybe I just described date night with Gar, but that wouldn't happen in the /Danger Room/ of all places." He smirks, holding one finger up, "Besides, Harley already had me do parkour being chased by Bud and Lou when I lost my powers. You'd be treading on familiar ground Donna. Wolves aren't well-known for their parkouring skills, though, Nadia."

He walks up to Jinx and purses his lips, "Oh, right... that treadmill program. I swear it's haunted. Or someone likes to muck with people when they're exercises." That is totally not a side-eye, Donna, nope, not at all. "But being here together, it would be a pity not to do a bit of group training. Donna /loves/ leading training excercises."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    "Normal wolves Terry. Normal wolves are not very good at parkour. I'm sure with a bit of enhancement they could do just fine." Nadia gives him a mischievous grin. These days she doesn't take the addition of wolves as more strangeness of the world beyond the bunker, these days it's just another fascinating training idea from Donna and why shouldn't she help out with that?

    "Donna doesn't usually let people get eaten by wolves unless she thinks they have a fighting chance against them." She adds to Jinx very matter-of-factly. "Her training can be a bit... intense though." She smiles brightly with a little shrug like it can't be helped.

Donna Troy has posed:
"I understand why it's not the easiest lesson for you learn Jinx," Donna says with a grin, "But of course I wouldn't let you get mauled by wolves. That would hardly be heroic now, would it?"

    "We have a large and extremely well-equipped gym," Donna points out. "If you want to do a nice quiet run without the risk of wolves suddenly showing up, that's always an option." She arches an eyebrow in Terry's direction and gives him an amused half-smile as she returns his side-eye. "Gyms are great if you want to keep fit, but that's not quite the same as training. The danger room is ideal for training not just physical fitness, but mental fitness for being a hero too. Things like how when you're in a dangerous situation, you often can't just stop for a breather, and quite often things will go on getting unexpectedly tougher and more complicated even when you're starting to tire. "

    "Training in the Danger Room is also about training instincts. Instincts such as not letting a team mate get mauled by wolves. Supervillains might think that people getting mauled in training occasionally is a good motivator. They might not be wrong about that, but it's terrible training for the /rest/ of the team to stand by while that happens. We look out for each other, we watch each other's backs. That does include you, Jinx. Your past is behind you, and as long as you're staying on your new path and hanging out with us, I'm not letting any damn wolf maul you. Don't forget it."

    "Robot wolves," Donna suggests to Nadia. "No wait, the spider robots. We've got those in the system already. They can climb walls, so ideal for pursuing parkouring cats. What do you think, robot spiders /and/ wolves? Gives people more to think about. Wolves when they're at ground level or within jumping distance, spiders when they get higher. Always better training when there's more than one kind of threat to deal wi..." the ground shakes again, and Donna is interrupted by an even louder rumbling than last time. "SIMULATION PAUSE. With. When there's only one type of threat to deal with, you focus on that to the exclusion of other things. You need more mental flexibility to consider multiple vectors of attack."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx folds her arms as Donna exhaustively points out how she wouldn't and couldn't possibly let Jinx come to harm. Her eyes slooowly drift over to Terry and Nadia and smirks just a touch. This isn't just a lesson for her apparently. "Yeah yeah. I get it. Mentally I get it. But my heart is going to take some time to heal too you know. I've been gaslit my whole life."

She snap points, "And being gaslit is a term I've only just become aware of." She motions around the room, "Also, as you know, I cannot actually do magic in here. So.. and I'm not saying this is true.. if someone -where- to have added ravenous wolves in to the simulation just to prove a point, naturally they'd also be obligated to make sure the people in the danger room aren't hurt by such ravenous addition..."

She points to her eyes and turns the finger pointing to Donna a few times. "Nadia.. right?," Jinx asks Nadia having only met her one other time as far as she can remember. "Nice threads."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Robot spiders. Well, that takes me back. Remember, Donna?" A lot of things have happened, but surely Donna hasn't forgotten about /that/ particular event.

He peers at Jinx, and nods. "Yeah... there's a story you've been told that you have to unlearn. Now..." curiosity mode: engaged, "What are the bare minimum conditions the environment has to meet before you can work your magic? I'm only asking because I have ideas, but I want to know if they'd be any good... and before Nadia decides to run experiments to test theories."

He grins at Nadia, and then looks back to Jinx. "She turned me into a bottle rocket, once."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia gets a thoughtful expression on her face when Donna begins talking about robot spiders and wolves. "This is starting to sound like one of Red Robin's DnD games." Yes, the Outsiders taught Nadia about Dungeons and Dragons. Which isn't to say she isn't interested, far from it. "Though if the spiders had some manner of elastic projectile restraint that would add another dimension to the training and oh! I know! Add sonic canons to the wolves like the unicorn kitties on Rann!"

    "That's me." Nadia smiles at Jinx and gives her a sympathetic look. "I understand, believe me, I grew up in a Soviet Assassin Daycare bunker, gaslighting abounded, like literally everything. Even small stupid things there was no reason to gaslight... Anyway, it feels a lot nicer when you finally let go of thinking everyone is just waiting for their chance to kill you, but yeah it can take time..."

    She pauses to consider at Terry's question, "So how DO you do magic?!" Yesss more research notes to help her discern the scientific laws of magic for her Grand Theory of Everything, Nadia is interested. "That was for SCIENCE!!! Terry! The Color theory is sound!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods at Jinx. "Yeah, it'll take time. You're not the first person who has come to us with distorted assumptions. You won't be the last. Nobody's going to give you hassle because of it."

    "The Danger Room has safety protocols intended to avoid causing any major injuries," Donna says. "But don't make assumptions. The safeties can get turned off. Accidents can happen. It's not impossible that the Danger Room computers could be hacked and additional wolves added by a malicious actor. Or, you know, it could spontaneously become sentient and decide to try to destroy all humans. That's a thing. Also, you /did/ wreck my exhibition..."

    Donna breaks into a grin. "No, I wasn't going to let you get hurt. But get that obligation idea out of your head. You heard Nadia and Terry, they think I train people hard. Actually I go easy on them compared to what I'm used to, but not everyone's an Amazon. I do try my best to make sure everyone on this team is as well equipped to deal with the problems they may face as possible."

    "Magic's a tricky one though. Remember these aren't /real/ wolves. The program needs to simulate the effect of what we do in here. That's pretty easy with physical actions, less easy with effects that can't easily be measured. Magic is too general in impact and technology does not do a good job of understanding it. We can work at simulating specific effects, but we should really work on something outside the danger room for Jinx to practice her magic use."

    "And no. No Nadia. The color theory is not sound." Donna laughs a little and shakes her head. "It may be kind of a signature, but it's not a deterministic principle. Jinx, tell her. Terry's magic tends to produce an excess of purple light because it's showy, and that suits his nature. Someone else could produce the same magical effect with different color effects. Or none at all."

Jinx has posed:
"Those sound like very specific examples. I imagine there's stories to tell about that.." Jinx raises an eyebrow. "I usually got the impression that H.I.V.E. only pushed me -so- far. They were afraid of me and happy with my performance so they didn't poke the bear, so to speak."

She shakes her head to Nadia, "Color theory of magic? Oh dear. No. The color of magic is more flair that content. But.." A long sigh, "Okay so talking about my limits is sort of 'don't do that' 101 for superpowers right?" Her face twitches a touch.

"Fine.. finefine. I need to learn to trust you people so let's talk limits. First thing you need to know about sorcery is that it needs a source of power. For me that source comes in the form of bad luck. It builds up, ambient I guess, and I can unleash it in its raw form on people - or things."

She motions around the room, "So if you wanted to see this expensive room break I can do that with just the flick of my wrist." She grins, "But if we're talking about doing proper magic then for some reason I need my feet on the ground. Like, the earth. It works best on dirt or sand."

"Manufactured stuff like cement work.. but it's not as easy. Roads in general are hard. But carpets, plastics, synthetic materials in general? Yeah it's like I'm cut off from my abilities entirely. I dunno why it's like that but it is."

Certainly there's more to be said about this but that's as much as she's comfortable spilling on right now. "Which means in a high tech room like this I can't do real magic and I can't fling about bad luck without seriously risking breaking the place. Imagine giving Donna bad luck and she misses with a sword and hits the wall or floor or something."

"My point being - you're welcome. I've been so very careful not to break this room." She puffs her breath on her nails and then buffs them on her shoulder as if applause were incoming. She's just joking of course.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It is sound... in Wonderland, Nadia, but Wonderland plays by different rules, you know that. Or should I call you... Alice?" Vorpal grins, and then turns his attention to Jinx. "I'll take you to Wonderland soon. I mean, you're going to be there for the wedding anyways, so we might as well get you ready for the shock..."

He raises his eyebrows, "Okay, how's /this/ for an experiment: I wonder if something different will happen to the magic you can do by setting foot in Wonderland? Is your magic dependent on the world you touch upon-" he glances at Donna, "-a connection to Gaea perhaps? But--- in any case, let's try something!"

A Rabbit Hole opens at ground level. The green grass of Metropolis park pokes through, clearly seen. "Behold! Mother Earth! I think you should be able to use your magic by sticking your foot through this! And don't worry... my Rabbit Hole doesn't cut off people if it closes. That only works with inorganic materials- metals, things of that sort. Give it a try!"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia nods her head a few times, "Yeah, a lot of rules change in Wonderland, the nature of magic seems to change depending on what dimension we're in. But that very resistance to quantification is part of what makes it interesting. The Laws of Physics can change in such situations too, so it's really not that unusual." Terry's invocation of Alice does make her smile, that was quite an adventure, a neverending adventure, also the story of how she became the messianic figure of a cult...

    "So if we just put some dirt on the floor for you it would be fine? Does it matter if the dirt is artificially produced? Or do the materials have to be exposed to natural geological processes? What if those geological processes are induced in a lab? What if the lab was an outdoor lab?" Nadia has many questions about this.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Yeah try not to break it Jinx," Donna says. "Supergirl got through several emitter panels training her heat ray vision thing in here. Caitlin and I have both smashed emitter units several times. I once stabbed one so hard it went through the walls of the building. And one time Cyborg managed to wreck eight emitters /and/ the control console with a stray blast of his sonic cannon. It's build modular because that kind of thing was expected, but it's still damn expensive."

    Terry's suggestion gets a shrug from Donna. "Connection to the ground isn't a hugely surprising thing, magic-wise. The power has to come from somewhere. It can be extra-dimensional like yours, a channel created to the astral realms. If it comes from our plane of existence, then there still needs to be a channel through to some source, and contact with the ground can create a channel to the Earth's fundamental powers. Gaia, or one of the chthonic sources, sure. Or one of the elemental sources. I'm pretty sure that part of the reason it feels so good being home is because of the closer connection Themyscira has to Gaia than anywhere else on Earth, and obviously she's the ultimate source of my power."

    "But it could be the other way around entirely, that Jinx has an inherent connection which is normally stifled by a curse or similar, and connection to the ground is a counter-channel to that. There are traditions that use techniques to attempt to undo foreign magical influences by dripping blood onto the soil, for example. I'm not really that good on magic though, Magala would be the one to ask about that."

    "The bad luck thing though...." Donna frowns and shakes her head. "That doesn't sound right to me. Bad luck wouldn't be a source of power, it would be a way power is shaped." She pauses a moment in thought then shakes her head again. "Not my area of expertise though."

    Donna waves a hand in Nadia's direction. "There you go Jinx, you've done it now. Nadia's gonna science you. She is absolutely set on unravelling all the secrets of magic through the application of the scientific process. I think she's just volunteered you for the experimental process. Be careful, and don't let her turn you into a bottle rocket."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx folds her arms across her chest. Tightly. Defensive posture as they start to excitedly talk about the nature of magic - and the nature of -her- magic. "Hm." She's starting to mentally shut down as they delve deeper in to the subject matter.

She went out on a limb discussing how her magic works which was a big deal for her but now that they've moved on to the idea of experiments, or dripping blood on the ground rituals, she's feeling that chill up her spine. She's said too much. It's hard to unlearn that distrust of everyone and everything overnight.

"Awesome. Let's talk about literally anything else.." There's almost an icy touch to her voice much the way a cat will let you know you're getting close to pissing it off. She eyes that portal and looks back at Terry. Her eyes turn to Nadia and then finally back to Donna.

"I already have Harls trying to psychoanalyse me, telling me I need to face the demons of my past and shit. I really don't need the nature of my magic deconstructed." Her hands clench and then unclench. She takes in a breath and then lets it out. "It's fine. We're good. I think may be I should... go take some chill time alone before my issues make a mess of this place."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Awr. I'm sorry, Jinx." Terry closes the portal, "I was just thinking about ways to help in case we were stuck somewhere that had bad juju for the magic. In my case? If I'm surrounded my holy magic, or order magic? Well..." he glances at Donna. The story will come out at some point or another. "I once touched Diana's lasso and I tripped balls and... I think I was actually drunk from that experience." He remembers, "Oh god, I was a complete goofball..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    The eager effervescence evaporates in an instant. "Sorry. I was just trying to think through what might let you use your magic in here or similar situations so you never wind up cornered in that way." Nadia looks at the ground, it's very nice ground, even if artificial and not conducive to some people's magic. "Chilling is probably a good idea. Maybe we should all do that, I should probably get back to the lab before something explodes."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "You're always a goofball, Terry." Donna smirks a little and shakes her head.

    "Jinx, this is just how Nadia is," Donna says, holding her hands up and patting the air. "She's a scientist. She wants to understand the universe. She's not really going to science you if you don't want her to."

    "But don't get the wrong impression here. Yes Nadia's super-enthusiastic and wants to uncover all the secrets of the universe, but nobody's saying anything here that isn't about helping /you/. Remember that the a lot of people who come to the Titans do so without much experience first. Helping people to understand their own powers is just one of those things people around here are used to doing it, because it's something a lot of people who join us need. Nobody's going to push you into doing something you're uncomfortable with on this, I promise."

    She wraps an arm around Nadia's shoulders and gives the small Titan an encouraging half-hug. "Nadia here is a great scientist. And the goofball over there has an amazing imagination when it comes to figuring out ways to use powers in unexpected ways. Jinx, if you change your mind and would like some help trying to figure things out so you can get better at what you do, they'll be happy to help. But if you want the subject dropped, consider it dropped."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx frowns as she watches how she quashed their enthusiasms and it's clear on her face she's blaming herself for this outcome. "Paranoia runs deep and it is the foundation of H.I.V.E. ...and it's rubbed off on me ever since they adopted me."

She looks away and sighs, "You three should stay and train- I'm the one bringing shit down." She remembers kicking Nadia's butt when the Five attacked the Titans. Her forehead furrows and she stares intently at her. "I'm sorry..." she's not just saying it to Nadia but it is the first time she's said it.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It's ok, Jinx. You're used to one type of team dynamic, and it'll take some time to get used to another one. It's no big deal, and beating yourself up over it just brings you down." He shrugs, "I mean, Robin and I - it took a LONG time before we weren't constantly setting each other off."

He smiles, "Besides, no amount of paranoia is likely to make you do something like making out with your own evil doppelganger. And at one point I ticked Hawkeye off so much that we fought and I temporarily resigned from the team. Relationships are messy is what I mean, and even if we have our rough edges, what matters is that we're willing to try. The rest? Takes time."

A little smirk, "You sure you don't wanna stay? I can set up my parkour program and you can be the judge on who has the sickest moves. Although I have an unfair advantage- the Cat Pass is pretty much my hardwired move."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia looks up from the floor again and shakes her head. "I'm the one who should apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. But, if you ever want help figuring these things out, just let me know." She leans into Donna's half hug, she has always been a big fan of hugs.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods her head. "Truth. Robin and Terry did /not/ get along. I basically had to stop them murdering each other on a weekly basis. I mean I'm not sure that's actually entirely relevant here, but that's Terry for you. He rambles. I mean unfair advantage? I can /fly/, that's hard to beat when it comes to parkour. "

    She gives a wide smile. "Look, nobody needs to apologize here, it's all good. People take time to get used to each other, that's all. And that doesn't get better if any of us thinks they'll make things better by making themselves scarce. How about we all stick around, and I'll run us through a routine that's /fun/. Nothing strenuous, but some great scenery and a few puzzles to solve. It's basically a video game. The four of us."

    "And no wolves, I promise!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal slowly, very slowly turns to Donna and gives her the most baleful stare he can possibly summon at the description of the program Donna is proposing they do.

"Donna Troy, if you are planning to take us to MYST island, I'm going to let YOU figure out what the f--- that lever that got me stuck for three hours does."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx sighs softly, "I have plenty to apologise for." She shrugs her shoulders, "But sure. Why not..." A huff as she looks around and then back to Donna. "And if you feel like cheating Vorpal can always open a portal to some grass for me to set you back down on the floor."

A small smirk twitches at the corners of her lips as she entertains the idea of some of the team advantages. Working together rather than as individuals. What a novel concept - certainly not one she's ever experienced before.

"I guess I need more practice at being personable anyway. And you three are pretty alright. It's not like we're trying to do this with Gar or Hank in the room." She gestures to the controls, "Fire it up."