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Latest revision as of 02:55, 27 May 2023

Cruelties and Creeds
Date of Scene: 25 May 2023
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Victor Creed and M brawl once more. M survives by the skin of Creed's teeth.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Victor Creed

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Ugh, how she hates this side of the city. It's so /poor/. But it makes for another place to go,a nd sometimes one just has to do something. And for once Ms. St. Croix is attempting to be lower key - likely as she doesn't wan to be associated with this part of town and get it over with. So she has on a large coat to cover her and is keeping her head down. Only her very well done hair and complexion makes her stand out.

She's walking past a rarity - a clean bar with a good reputation and onto one of the other parts of the area without any interruptions.

Victor Creed has posed:
On the other hand, Victor Creed is at home among the poor, the soiled, the violent. Granted, he can appear to be at home among any types, really, except those really fancy higher end up types that actually look for invitations.

He has just completed a "job"; no one is dead, per se, but certainly their pants are a bit brownish now. Next stop is to get a bite to eat (because if he does it now it goes on the expense report, if he waits until he gets home it's on him) and then get out of this mudhole before it starts to stick to his clothes.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Nothing that Creed has done has made him stick out to M. She's walking quickly through things, keeping a low profile, and staying out of th eway of people. Of course, a low profile by her standards likely has her sticking out like a sore thumb to Creed.

So he of course has the option to fall in behind her and follow her without any issues whatsoever, if he chose to.

Victor Creed has posed:
It is not so much that Creed spots her. And certainly he could, because she does NOT look like she belongs here. And clearly, also, she looks like she does not want to be here.

But the smell though? Victor never forgets a smell once he has laid a claw on someone. He weaves quietly through the crowd after spotting her walk past on the other side of the street. Why? Boredom, more than anything else.

He can get that food a little later.

Or, perhaps, she could join him.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M's not paying that much attention to her surroundings. She's going at a fast trot, just wanting to be out of here as soon as possible. Not that she would pick up Creed even if she was. He's incredibly stealthy and far, far beyond any training or experience she has to pick out.

So it's easy to weave along after her without her being aware. She's muttering up ahead while going to stand at a street corner. Not speaking, but her lips forming the words - and readable at this distance 'Where the hell are they?' and then 'tehy're late' and 'better not be wasting my time'.

Her body language reads annoyed but not on alert.

Victor Creed has posed:
There has been so little that has ever really stood a chance of harming Victor, at least seriously, that a certain over confidence comes with his step. And an amusement as he watches Monet come to a halt. He may not know the full extent of her powers, but how much harm could it be?

"Ditched, huh? I hate that." The words float over from just behind Monet and to the right, as Creed looks her over in her attempt to "be casual" with her far-too-expensive-for-the-Kitchen ensemble.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
That voice she remembers. That individual is one she's read more of the files availble of. That smug voice she wants to shut up. Thta voice she has an idea as to what the individual is capable of from painful personal experience. That voice is met by M twisting around rapidly with an attempted punch over at Creed's jaw that has considerable force behind it!

Enough force that if it struck cleanly head on would cave in the front engine of a car. But her sudden swing is giving itself away and telegraphing itself.

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor was ready for Monet's swing before Monet was even aware that he was there. He knew she was one of the newer brats at Xavier's, and likely hadn't spent enough time learning how to properly fight one such as him. As soon as the words were out of his mouth he was ducking and lunging to the side, so her first goes well past where he was. Exposing her midsection, which is frankly one of his favorite spots.

He lashes out with taloned fingers, aiming to try to take a slice out of her not-so-subtle clothing, and maybe some of her skin as well. All part of the start of the dance.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M is fast! But not that fast. She's able to pick up on his blow but isn't fast enough to block or avoid it, though she can twist out of the way enough to avoid the worst of it. The slash goes over her stomach, but doesn't gut her as it did the last time the two brawled. There's a streak of blood along her stomach from the blow but not even to have fully skewered her - though her outfit is ruined. She goes to snap her fist over towards his elbow when he's committed to the strike. He's fast and can dodge, but at close range his options will be limited - and Creed's more the type to tank strikes according to his profile.

So M's fist snaps about to try and strike him in the elbow.. Presuming the strike hits with partial force, even if he can twist out of the way or block some.. Well..

It's still a strike that can cave in the front end of an engine block, so if it hits it should hopefully snap the bone like a twig!

Victor Creed has posed:
The initial grunt of satisfaction as Victor is rewarded by the scent of Monet's blood is quickly replaced by a brief grunt as his arm is snapped.

But if Monet was expecting this to slow him down, or make him withdraw, she is sorely mistaken. If she takes too much of a victory lap at the feel of his broken limb, she'll miss his other arm coming around from behind, trying to slash at her with greater intensity than the first, powered by pain and fury.

And excitement at having found a foe who can actually hurt him.

Victor is a strange combatant, as M is about to find out...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This time M is ready for him. She has faced enemies - none quite so feral and as psychotic as Creed, but those whom enjoy carnage and battle. So as this claw goes to strike down at her, M's other hand goes to try and snap up to catch the wrist! She goes to stop it with a solid, iron like grip at it and stops the slash cold. Her hand goes to crush it like a hydraulic press, snapping it and doing her best to flatten the bones to powder! Other hand going to snap about to go defensive to block what will probably be his retaliatory strike with his other hand!

Victor Creed has posed:
M may think she has faced enemies like him. But even Logan would admit that there is no one on the planet quick like Sabretooth.

She gets his wrist, sure enough, and crushes it, yielding a howl of pain. And she might have thought that was enough, if not for the fact that he drops down, using her grip on his arm to unbalance her, and he sweeps out with a leg at hers.

She may be strong, but even she needs balance. And he strives to take that from her.

Even worse, the bones of that other arm are already starting to knit themselves back together again...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Yes, she needs balance. While she can fly, it takes concentration. And isn't something she can shift to immediately. So his leg strike goes to catch her and sends her tumbling to the ground hard where she impacts! SHe's not dazed from the blow but it still is disorienting!

Creed's already healing, dammit. She underestimated how fast his healing factor is. So all she can do now is try to go for strike sto limit his mobility to slow him down enough to come up with a combat plan. Her hand strikes up towards his kneecap!

Hopefully with enough force to snap it like a twig and the impact to hopefully drive him back a few meters before he can counterattack! At least enough time to let her get back up to her feet!

Victor Creed has posed:
The shot to his knee is a bit of a surprise. Creed expected Monet to be slightly more slowed by getting dropped to the ground, and certainly not be able to attack. So it is with a perverse sort of satisfaction that Creed feels his knee bend backwards, the wrong way.

He howls in pain, and lashes out viciously in response, his razor sharp talons raking back and forth at Monet. Without the support of his knee, he is likely to fall atop her unless she moves out of the way. Not that he would mind. The closer she is, the shorter the distance his claws have to go to get her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Creed revels in pain. That's something from the psychological profile that's not quite the same until one has to face it directly. Monet's had to face his sadism before. But now she's in a position where she can fight back and doesn't have to just take it. The slashes from him rake over her body, slashing through skin and leaves her a complete mess! She's able to move enough to not let him slice through bone that much, even as her scream of agony fills the air! Her next blow is less controlled and aimed more at the center of his chest. Creed's extremely strong and durable. So is M.

In this case, a clean hit to his chest breaks several ribs. It will heal quickly and Creed's like an oxen - it won't even slow him for more than a few seconds. M's other hand yanks up and over and moves to grab Creed by the collarbone to LAUNCH him into the air and hurls him several kilometers away! He'll land over in the Hudson.

The sewage filled part of the Hudson.

Victor Creed has posed:
The vicious slashing of the claws echoes the pain that Victor is feeling in the knee. It is indiscriminate in his attacks, a spray of blood and clothing. And then he is airborne.

He takes a moment to look back at his work, even as Monet fades into the distance. He can feel his ribs ache, starting to come back together even as he is lofted skyward.

And then with the sort of slam that could break any bone in a mortal's body, he impacts against the hard surface tension of the Hudson before sinking into its depths. Fortunately for Victor, the bones repair themselves fast enough for him to float towards the top. And as his head peaks through the water, one overwhelming scent assaults his enhanced senses, causing a bit of a frown.


Although the frown is quickly replaced by a fanged grin. "That was fun."