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Latest revision as of 12:06, 15 April 2020

Living Wills
Date of Scene: 15 April 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Michael shows up at Mary's coffee shop for coffee, and a breakthrough is made.
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Michael Morbius

Mary Bromfield has posed:
It's late in the evening for the Coffee Bean, but New York is the city that never sleeps, so Mary pulled the closing shift today. At least she doesn't have the open tomorrow, tips or no, the girl needs SOME sleep.

So she's looking a bit bored, fixing herself a coffee since aside from a few lingering students and the like, there's not much else happening right now. Though there is light jazz playing through the coffee shop, since no one is really minding. Just something mellow and fairly beatnik sounding, to help students study as Mary is trying hard not to just look at the clock... is it closing time yet? No?

How about now?

Michael Morbius has posed:
The bell rings as the front door opens.

The young man stepping inside is in darkness for a moment, but then he steps into the light. Dr. Michael Morbius wears a tired smile as he walks into the coffee shop, a small satchel in one hand. A very expensive leather laptop bag, byt the look of it.

He looks a little paler than the last time he came here, but he has had a VERY eventful day. Right now, a cup of coffee to steady his nerves sounds like just the thing right now.

He looks up as he approaches the counter, and then the smile warms. The young lady who made his visit so pleasant the last time. He looked to the tag, and it came back to him.


"Hello again, Mary," Dr. Morbius said.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles, "Oh, hey, Doctor Morbius." She remembers Michael pretty well, since... well, he seemed nice. And he gave her an insane tip, so that's very hard to forget.

She tilts her head, setting her drink down behind the counter, "What can I get you today? You look like you've had a pretty long day there." Her eyes reflect a bit of concern, as she gives him a curious look. "Everything okay?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
He looks up and the first thought is to lie. It is the wrong thing to her, but should he burden her?
He took a deep breath. He was a scientist, a man fo reason. There is surely a way to convey the truth without resorting to some base appeal for sympathy.

"It has been quite a day, Mary. I cannot lie. I have had better days. I appreciate your concern, but I...hmm. May I make an arrangement with you? If I tell you the truth, may I ask you to keep from undue worry about me? There is much that is out of my control, but...it would be nice for a little company in a warm place."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmms, "Well... okay, but I might have some due worry for you." She gives Michael a comforting smile, "Did you want that chai tea again? I find that helps me when it's been a /day/. Fortunately, we're slow enough tonight I can take some time to listen."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael nods. "Yes. That would be very nice, thank you." He gives her another $50 bill. "Keep the change. Times are tough all over, so the saying goes. May I sit anywhere, here? A table would be ideal."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blushes a bit, then takes the bill, "Oh... okay." She grins at Michael, getting the chai latte as she says, "Take any spot you want, there's a table."

She then comes around from behind the counter, taking a seat at the table, sliding the chai latte to Michael as she sips from her own coffee. "Here... this should work pretty well. Hopefully no supervillains try to rob the place this time." Her eyes dance a little bit, as she makes a joke about it... but that was an interesting Easter to say the least.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael lifts the mug to his lips, then pauses. "...this time? There is a lot of story in that one sentence, I am sure." He sips the mug, then hmmms and smiles. "Yes, very nice indeed, and a welcome sensation after my day."

He pauses, then says, "Have you heard of me, Mary? Apart from the fact that I like to try new drinks and that I am a doctor..."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmms, "Well, I'm not going to lie... I did some Googling once you gave me that crazy tip the first time. And... couldn't find much out. Brilliant, not much older than I am, and making me feel a bit like a slacker since I'm only two years younger and just starting college." She grins a little, though it doesn't last long, growing a bit more somber.

"And... well, hints of a health problem, which seem to be shown by your appearance. Though I couldn't find out specifics. Plus, I mean, that feels a bit too much like prying."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael chuckles. "To each their own strengths, Mary. My interests were in science at a very young age. I graduated college and had my Ph.D. by the time most were still figuring out what they wanted to do with their lives. I even won the Nobel Prize in Science. My thesis on the nature of genetic diseases and the active pursuit of gene therapy methods was quite well-received."

He smiles crookedly. "But then again...I have to say that I was supremely motivated, for I myself am suffering from a genetic disease. It is called ALAD-Deficiency Porphyria."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Okay, I don't know what that is... but I'm guessing it's rather serious, considering the motivation." She rests her head on her hand, looking at Michael with some concern, "Terminal?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael nods. "Very. In fact...I'm expected to last another two months in my current state, three at the most. I will live for at least another six, but my mental condition is expected to deteriorate past my own comprehension. Which may be for the best, since I am sure I would not want to experience what is waiting for me."

He sips his latte, nodding thoughtfully.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmms, "Well, like the poem says, 'Rage, Rage against the dying of the light.'" She gives Michael a concerned look, "Honestly, you seem to be taking it... well, I suppose. Personally, I would have emptied out the savings account and flown to Hawaii. But instead, you're here?" She looks a bit curious, "I'm guessing you're still looking for a way out."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael nods. "I am, indeed. I moved to New York to try and reach out to suppliers here. I even established a medical facility here to continue my research. It has been my sole purpose for the last year. I intend to fight until the fight cannot be fought any more." He smiled thoughtfully. "I have made great progress, but the finish line is not in sight yet. However...something may change that. I have been checking on some...rather radical treatments. The computer is currently chewing on them now. It's going to email the results." He held up his smartphone, a Galaxy S11. "When it knows, I will know."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, and raises her coffee cup to Michael, "Well... good luck, Michael. I obviously hope it works, and not just because you tip far better than I deserve." She smiles a bit, a little bit of gallows humor there, as she mmms, "Is there anything I can do? I mean, I don't really know anything about... any of that, honestly."

Though, well, her alter-ego might... maybe she might try to use the Wisdom of Solomon later...

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael smiles. "Your earnestness is refreshing. If I had not grown up in Athens..."
He looked to his phone as it beeped. "Now, a simple explanation. I will be sent numbers. The numbers represent cell degradation. Anything less than -2.5 is abnormal cellular decay for brain cells. I'm hoping for an ideal result of anywhere between -0.05 and -0.10. That is normal cellular decay, and the result I am hoping for. If I can regulate my ALAD production...I can stop the disease in its tracks."

He tapped the phone, and a notification appeared.

RESULT 1 of 25: -11.7
RESULT 2 of 25: -25.4

Michael sighs. "Well, we shall see what comes, eh, Mary? It is rather exciting, in a way."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary winces at the results, and places her hand over his, "Sorry, Michael..." She sighs a bit, shaking her head, but she still smiles. Trying to put on a brave face.

Not exactly succeeding, though she hrms, "Um... I know I'm not exactly a doctor or anything remotely close, but I do know some people. Maybe they could take a look at it from a different angle, maybe?" She shrugs a bit, "It's a thought, anyway."

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael looks thoughtful as he watches the notifications scroll past, his hand turning up to grasp her hand gently. "Well, before I go, I will give you my email address and phone number. They can also reach me through the website set up by my research group. I..."

Michael stops. He is staring at the phone, his eyes first puzzled...then wide. As they widen, his hand begins to squeeze Mary's...tightly.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary notices the change, "What... what is it?" She looks over at Michael curiously, "Good news? Well, better than this?" One eyebrow arches, as she murmurs, "I might need that hand later, so you know." She gives him a bit of a grin, as it isn't too tight... but well, she's not exactly invulnerable as Mary either.

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael looks at her, then at the hand. He lets go and blinks. "Oh, gods above and below, forgive me! I just..." He takes a deep breath, then taps his phone and turns it to show the screen to Mary.

RESULT 15 of 25: -4.5
RESULT 16 of 25: -23.2...

And then the trend blows up.

RESULT 17 of 25: +19

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary /blinks/ at that result, "Um, either that is a serious computer error or..." She looks at Michael, and gives him a wry smile, "You'll be able to come by for coffee a lot more often?" Or well, chai tea in Michael's case, as she gives him a positive expression, "Do you need to go follow up on that, then?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael takes a deep breath. "No...no, hang on." He taps the phone a few times, then holds it up. "Computer, move Compound 192 at Result 17 to Phase 2 testing." He taps the phone, then looks to Mary. "That's not just normalizing my condition...if it holds up, that is REGENERATION. If it not only cures my condition, but REVERSES the existing damage...My God, Mary, the applications are STAGGERING. Parkinson's, Dementia, Senility, a thousand degenerative diseases could be wiped out! I..."

He stands up. "I should go in. I...Mary, thank you! If this works...I'm going to need your last name. I have to give the procedure a name!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, then blushes, "Naming it for /me/?" She squeaks a bit. Sure, tips are one thing but this... then she blurts out, "Bromfield. Mary Bromfield." She smiles and looks over at Morbius, "Don't forget the phone and email, okay?" She stands up, and gives him a firm hug. A friendly hug, to be sure, but still... she's a hugger and he could definitely use one, so that's what she'd do.

Then she smiles, and taps her phone to Michael's. "And there's my contact info." As she apparently had the app ready to share that data, too, which Michael was checking things. "Let me know how it goes?"

Michael Morbius has posed:
Michael grins. "The Morbius-Bromfield Series. It has a nice ring to it." He stands up, then grins and opens his wallet and three hundred-dollar bills are placed on the table. "This is HOPE, Mary. A man can live for a few days without water, a few weeks without food, but only a few moments without hope..."

He looks nervous and excited. He shakes her hands with both of his, blushes, then bows, and then he is out the door, almost running.

Running towards life.