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Latest revision as of 03:59, 1 June 2023

Coffee and Bubblegum
Date of Scene: 31 May 2023
Location: Star City Coffee
Synopsis: Three blondes meet in a coffee shop.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Gwendolyn Poole, Dinah Lance

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is on a business trip that's taking her through Star City for some reason or other. For the moment, she's sitting down in the coffee shop having a cup of something more expensive than most of the baristas will make in a single sip. She's reading a copy of the Daily Bugle, which is calling for treason charges against government officials who colluded with Hydra, and an editorial by the Editor in Chief calling for the most extreme federal charges possible, along with a discussion as to how they can apply.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Ding-a-ling goes the bell on the door. In steps a slender young blonde, the tips of her hair dyed pastel pink. She's wearing a pink hoody over a faded shirt with the Superman logo on it, and cute little jean cut-offs. A pair of pink and white Converse finish the outfit. A backpack hangs over one shoulder, making her look a bit like a local college student. She hums a bit to herself, a bop in her step as she moves to the counter. She flashes a grin at the barista and then eyes the menu.

"Oooooh. I'll have a Green Arrow. Extra...uh...green?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
It's been a long day at the flower shop. Don't tell her what time it is, or what day. She just knows that she's in need of a cup of something hot and strong. She glides through the door in the wake of Gwendolyn, eyes glancing over her rather interesting outfit, before she falls into line behind the girl. Emma is given a sidelong glance. And then a second glance as if she might recognize the woman. She shakes her head a little, and then puts in her order quietly, just a basic coffee, black, and slinks slowly over to the side of the room to wait. The blonde pulls out her phone and flips to the homescreen.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently sitting over and then she glances over at Gwen with a 'what in the world' sort of expresison before it fades away. Emma isn't sure from where or from how, but she definitely has a feeling that girl will be generating numerous, numerous headaches for her in the immediate future. Dinah is not familiar to her so the look is not returned - however, she's likely familiar to both of them.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance is typing away on her phone, somewhat frantically, and then glancing in the direction of Emma. Yup, that's Emma Frost. Picture right on her screen and everything. Cool! Of course, Dinah is also looking right at Emma as she types this, but once she's finished, she slides the phone into her back pocket, and then leans against the wall, cool like, not trying to let on that she knows that Emma Frost -- famous for so many things and super wealthy girlboss -- is here in HER coffee shop. Nope, just bein cool, standing here.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwendolyn Poole is just a girl in a cute hoody and little shorts! Nothing to see here! She gets her drink and takes a sip. "Yup. Tastes like I've failed this city." She steps out of the way for Dinah to order her own drink, then. She watches her curiously, before she looks over to Emma. The girl squints at her a bit, as if trying to place her face. She knows she's read a few comics with her in them. Okay, more then a few. But who is it

Emma Frost has posed:
Gwendolyn is just a strange girl - Emma has learned by now when her instincts tell her that someone will give her a massive headache that she knwos nothing about, it's best to give them a berth and hope that they move on. Emma takes a moment to glance over at Dinah.

"It's not polite to stare." Emma would note, dryly. "But I suppose I can forgive it just this once."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance blushes a deep red at the comment, and then stammers a little, "Y...yeah I know. But..." she trails off, unsure of what to say exactly. It's then that her name gets called 'Dinnah' it sounds like, and she rushes over to grab the coffee and get out of the mortifying situation. Of course, in her rush to get out, she grabs the cup too hard and it spills everywhere. EVERYWHERE. All over her nice street clothes, her pants, her t-shirt, her shoes. All down the counter, "Oh! I'm sorry! I'll...hold on..." she says rushing over to get some napkins to clean up the mess.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
The blonde springs up at the spill, landing gracefully on a chair...standing on it. She sips her drinks and hmms a bit, before she snap-points at Emma. "AHA! I know who you are! You're a total villain. A hot one, sure, but...problematic.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just -look- over at Gwendolyn, "And who might you be? And I've been called quite worse things. There are always things with being a woman in business, particularly one that owns her own company. One might even say it's automatic on the part of society to any sort of woman that's managed to achieve any semblance of power." She would take a moment to sip her drink while watching at Dinah.

"Are you all right, dear?" She would offer to Dinah lightly.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Yeah, I'm /fine/, thanks!" Dinah says, mopping up spilled coffee while the barista rolls her eyes at her. She then looks over at Gwen again, looking up as she stands on the chair to avoid the spill, "It's not that bad of a spill you know, you can...wait..villain? What?" she asks looking between Emma and Gwen with a bit of a confused look on her face, "I mean, she's like a billionaire and therefore an enemy of the people, sure but I dunno about a 'total villain', though," and now she rounds back to Emma, "You should pay your employees better you know."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take another sip of her drink, "Why yes, anyone with money is automatically to blame for all the great ills of society." She would deadpan over. "I'm sure that society itself is completely innocent in the matter." She would glance over at Gwen for a momenta nd shake her head in amusement. " Pleasure to meet you Dinah."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance is now working on cleaning off the coffee from her stained shirt, she frowns down at it, and sighs. "That's not what I meant. But still, you have more than you or your kids or your kids kids will ever spend in their lives. What do you need more for? You should just...make sure your employees can go to the doctor. And stuff." Very well reasoned.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost woudl smile, "Oh, don't be silly. I never plan on having children. Ungrateful little whelps. Where's the benefit from them anyways? And my employees seem quite happy with the package that they're offered. If they aren't, then the field has quite a high demand for thier services if they look elsewhere." Well, if not for all those 'not allowed to compete' clauses in contracts..

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance hrmphs quietly at that. "Well." she says, and then she realizes she's out of useful things to say, so she walks quickly over to the counter, orders a SECOND coffee, and then waits for it in fuming silence.