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Latest revision as of 09:47, 2 June 2023

The past of Wakanda!
Date of Scene: 12 March 2023
Location: Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Marie-Ange Colbert

T'Challa has posed:
The car waits outside the school though today there is no T'Challa to pick her up. Okoye is driving the SUV today, and only here as Marie opens the door she looks at her seriously as usual. "Good you are alone." she says as Marie shuts the door, and one hopes fastens seat belt. The drive is quiet for the most part, and being around Okoye for so long this isn't that wierd. She is usually very quiet, stoic even as the only time when she will really 'chat' is when it is about T'Challa. Today about half way there she actually breaks the silence, "Today... Might be wierd to you." she says softly. "I have only been where you are going once, and none of the others have. Just remember.. Respect, but no fear." she says not even looking at her as she continues to drive.

It isn't long before they arive at the Embassy, or for both of them return to the Embassy as one lived there, and the other had just been there. As Okoye parked, and got out three other Dora Milaje was standing by the entrance though they wore something other then their armor for once. They wore white dresses with a cowl like thing attached that went over the face to somewhat hide the identity. It wouldn't be hard to know who is who, as Okoye knew just by looking at them, but the dress had a sweeping out cloak also white as they approached to let her in.

As Marie gets lead away Okoye says again, "Remember.. Respect, not fear." and smiles at her. Not sure if this is the first time Marie had even seen this sight, but if so then it was very rare. Even her complements came from a suttle 'you could do better' face, but for a moment she smiled at the girl putting her arm infront of her chest, and bows to her.

The others would not say anything leading her through a part of the Embassy she had not seen before as the thin hallways that needed to know where the door was to enter the wall, then walk behind it.

Marie could realise how easy it was to see into the hallway from this spot, and realised how T'Challa actually was protecting them at their party with his full guard. All questions would get no answer, as they walk on to enter a room in the back. It was a room about as big as a basketball field, and maybe a good fifteen feet hight roof, but sitting in there on a cushion that looked like one could almost buy her school with how much that thing cost. It was soft vibranium, and inside of it the softest feathers from a Lilac-brested Roller inside, and he sat cross legged ontop of it, and with the smile on his face it must be super confortable. "Welcome.. Please Enter.. Sit." and he waves his hands to another just like it for her to sit on though it seemed less used then his, and it was where he usually sit.

Between the two cushions was a Kokatsu, though the heater was turned off sitting on it is a steaming tea pot with two empty glasses. One looked extremely expensive, and the other looked like a rounded well warn cup about the size to fit his hand around it with no handle. Strangly the worn one was closest to him, so one could assume it was his, or at least that is what he wanted you to think and this was a test? Though T'Challa just smiled, and waved her over like it was nothing, not even mentioning the cups or the pot for now, as she had driven a bit to get here again. The three others that lead her in were gone already by the time one would look back, and while T'Challa was looking directly at them so he saw, the trained ladies would be so quiet if he wasn't he would of missed them leaving as well.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Of course Marie fastened her seat belt. Marie, as one of her classmates had put it, is a 'goody-goody'. She followed the laws of her adopted country as well as she could. She followed the rules of her school. She followed the rules set in place by T'Challa and Okoye -- and Janet, for that matter. She was always the very humble, very grateful student. It was just her nature.

"I see..." Marie replies, making a little bit of a face as she tries to figure out just what's going to happen, but then nodding. "Oui, respect, no fear... I will remember. Thank you for the advice, Madame Okoye."

She meant it, too. Marie wasn't exactly fearless in the traditional sense, but there was a certain element of it there. The French girl would accept the future as it came. Whatever form it took. She could be startled, something that she was mentally trying to gird herself against, just in case... but stronger personalities than her own could also do the trick, because of her eagerness to please, well, everyone.

Green eyes do take in everything they can as she walks. Trying to commit this experience to memory, since it seems that this will mark a very imporant day. In fact, even her cards had suggested as much, though she didn't have the right question to ask to get an answer as clear as she desired. As they part ways, Okoye's smile is a sight to see -- and returned in kind by Marie. The woman, though certainly appearing stern, has definitely grown on Marie... who thinks only the best of people anyways. Marie asks no questions; she speaks when spoken to. The respect had already started.

Taken into the room, the girl greets the King with a low curtsey -- though lacking the skirt to do so properly, since this /was/ a training day. "Merci beaucoup." she replies with a bright smile, before moving to take the offered seat. Settling down cross-legged herself. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Wakanda (the Embassy counts), follow the King's example! There's a part of her that wants to ask questions, but... she bites her tongue for now. T'Challa would tell her everything she needed to know in time, she suspected, and she trusted the King's wisdom not to try to press the issue to fit her own pace.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa is quiet for a moment thinking where to start. "I have taught you many things, but they are not near as important as what you will see today." he reaches forward, and pours some for him, and her though covers it as it is not to be drank yet. "Each Wakandian citizen knows what they are are protecting, and why." he stops, and smiles a bit. "Though you are an outsider, and therefore there is no way for you to know." with a nod to her in acceptance of this he continues, "The old ways for an outsider to become Wakandan is this." he waves his hand over the drinks.

"Maybe since your background this will not be as abnormal for you, but we call it a vision quest. You are to meet the ancesestors of every Wakandian that is alive now." hhis tone turns serious as he raises a finger, "do not get disillusioned.. What happends to your spirit can happen to you. While this should not be dangerous, I will tell you that there is some danger present."

He looks at the cup, and then to her. "If you are not willing you may go, I will still train you as I have, but you will shut the door on Wakanda." he sighs a bit with a shrug, "It must be your choice of what you want. Do you want to learn more about my people? Or is this too much for you?" he chuckles a bit. "I do not mean that as a challenge, only do not do this because anyone else wants you to or thinks it would be good for you." he looks at her in the eyes. "Do it because you want to.. Only that."

Then he leans back a bit to let her consume her drink, as he grabs his and drinks it down. The taste is foul so he tries to drink it as fast as possible. The green tea that is mixed into the herbs only makes it taste like garbage with green tea on it. As T'Challa tries to get the tast out of his mouth he explains what was just consumed. "That was a strong hallucinogen what comes next is close your eyes, and listen."

Closing his own eyes he makes contact with the spirits almost immediately as he has done this before, but then he pulls out a bell. With his eyes closed, and his body not moving he is floating in a vortex of light with a small bell his form mostly him though his legs fading to a whisp other then feet. Behind him in the swirl of light in a large line several people also fload just slightly above the cloud like ground. The more one focuses the easier it is easy to understand.

After a moment it would be like being in a large black room with smoke on the floor, and a wierd glowing circle of light from where they came. If she follows successfully, T'Challa wouldn't talk to her more think and the words would be heard. It isn't telepathy, but the spirits talking together though one would still hear it in their being not their head being the only difference.

The long list of people that stand waiting for her arrival at first look a lot like an older T'Challa. It looks like his father, and his fathers father, and so on, though eventually it changes. way in the back there is a woman, that looks like Mr. T if he was a lady mohak and all with a feather necklace with her arms crossed, and a stern look. Before her a few other men that do not look like her, and at the very very end there is someone that is hard to see in detail, but you could swear they have two heads.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie sits. She sits, and she listens to every word that's spoken to her. Letting everything process. This isn't the kind of decision that should be made lightly, and even though her instincts might tell her to go run in one direction, to do so without at least considering the alternative would be folly.

She's quiet for several moments. Letting her eyes focus on the drink that's offered to her. Not showing emotion as she ponders the offer... until she finally speaks. Her tone is almost reverent, the seer seeming fully cognizant of the moment that stands before her, here.

"I am a citizen of France..." she starts, bowing her head slightly. "...but my very family knows me not. They had no time for me. Despite the same blood coursing through my vein that did theirs, I was an outsider in my own home." ...and even moreso at the convent. "I am not Wakandan, I am an outsider. Yet... you, your people. You have welcomed me with open arms. You share your ways with me, asking nothing in return."

Now, she's showing emotion. She's smiling -- and a couple of tears have started to form in her eyes. "If today is to be my last day upon Earth, I welcome it with open arms. I do not fear the reaper."

That said, she takes the cup with both hands; her grip is firm, even as her voice shakes. "I wish to know." A pause. "This... this is for me."

With that, she takes the drink. First there's a sip, which she makes the kind of face that makes a person wish they had a camera to immortalize, but seeing T'Challa essentially chug it follows suit herself. When T'Challa tells her what she just drank... she doesn't say anything. She trusts the man, he must have his reasons. There's no protest, she just closes her eyes, and opens her mind.

It's... a supernatural experience of the kind that Marie's never experienced before. Nothing even close, really, the way her pulse races and her eyes see -- without seeing. Her body moves without physically moving. If Marie knew more about the blonde's culture, she'd probably think that Tabitha would be incredibly jealous right now. Instead, she's just... struck in awe by everything.

It's not something that comes naturally to her. It takes her time to make the journey, as one would expect from someone who hasn't attempted in the past, but once she finally does arrive? Marie is Marie. She's polite. dropping down into that well-practiced curtsey. Trying to give the moment, and these people that came before, every ounce of respect that they deserve.

T'Challa has posed:
First T'Challa's father floats up, and she would feel welcomeness from him especially this close. "We welcome the outsider, as the process begins." he turns to look at T'Challa. "Though there is buisness first we must discuss." T'Challa looks down, and nods. "Yes father. That is why I came as well." he speaks low in response to his father. Normally he would not be here for this part, but as Marie watches the line of people start making a half circle the older they are the closer to the middle top they are as they are semi-stacked like stairs backwards in this half circle.

T'Challa's father looks at Marie, "This will be but a moment." and with a smile gives her a wink. He seems way more relaxed then T'Challa is as he stands down on the base level with her. He whispers "I will not stand against my son so they are on their own for this one."

The two headed man speaks, first one head starts, "You are to be judged on your actions." the other head then says, "Step Forward." the voices different, on prunish, while the second one whines just a bit. As T'Challa steps forward he stops looking down and stands up proud as he did not think it would be this bad or he would not of brought Marie for this. Though when he speaks the doubt is gone from his voice. "You accuse the king of something you have only say it.. Your majesty." though he looks defiant at the two headed person.

His father gives a "eww." as he had faced down that look from his son he knew that T'Challa would not take that well though is glad he didn't challenge him right here. He looks at Marie and smiles again as this one must of cooled his temperment a bit though he turns back to look at the 'trial'

An image shows infront of T'Challa but up a bit so the others can see it. It shows a beaten up T'Challa his arm broken his foot broken and looking a dark purple that could not be good. Large slashes on his back, and dark purple all over his face and body his suit a mess the nano-bot mesh of Vibranium just hangling burnt out from the electric shock. T'Challa has a vibranium knife form in his hands and he brings it down right to the throat of a large human shaped cheetah lady. Though he stops, and tosses the blade away standing up... somehow and taking a stance telling the large cat to "Come.." as he waved a hand at her then the image cuts out.

The two headed one speaks again, "You threatened a demi-god. If you would of cut her throat you could of angered the creator you would of brought a gods wrath down on us. We do not need another Anubis to assault of home." says one head as the other finishes with "You will cause Baset to arise." in a cautioning tone. They both then say at the same time, "Give up your revenge. It is not your place to fight this person again. She will kill you or you will kill her and both will be a loss for us."

Marie gets to see another rare sight today, as she sees true anger in the face of T'Challa as he speaks back. "No Revenge? I demand it.. This person hunted me, and I will put her in the deepest hole she can not escape." as he speaks T'Challas father sighs a bit, and smiles at Marie. "That one really hurt him.. Prob more now that you seen it." he chuckles, "Fool son of mine thinks he has to be untouchable to teach you properly." he shakes his head. "Only way I got him not to kill that Claw guy was to personally ask him as his father." with a chuckle he adds. "For some reason he dropped it just like that never heard him mention it again."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
That welcoming feeling is, well, a very welcome one at that in this... rather bewildering place. Marie hasn't really gotten to explore this side of her being; for one whose family line is steeped in the paranormal, Marie's life had largely been rooted in the material planes. The things that could be explained, if only through the powers of advanced science.

This... she's not sure there's any explanation for. She trusts it, though. Bowing her head respectfully as T'Challa's father comes to join them. "This outsider thanks you for your gratious welcome." Her voice is quiet. Barely above a whisper. Right now, she's observing. Soaking it all in. In an unfamiliar place, learning what others do and don't do in order to better understand how she herself should comport herself.

As the figures speak of judging T'Challa, Marie turns her head to glance towards his father briefly. It's an apologetic look; her initial thought is that somehow this is her fault. That T'Challa's being judged over her presence in what's clearly a rather sacred place to his people.

Of course, as she continues to listen, and watch the scene being set out in front of her.... the evidence against him, she suspeects, her eyes widen. This explains why he was unreachable for a while. In some ways, she can barely believe that she still saw him in what looked like relatively good condition earlier after seeing him like that.

There's things she picks up on, too. 'another'. Something like this has happened before. The mentions of Anubis and Bastet; gods of the Egyptian pantheon. That sheer anger in her teacher's face, both in the image, and in the now. It saddens her, really, and the redhead's gaze drifts to his father again. "...vengeance is not the only way, oui?" she asks softly. She's had people who've hurt her deeply in the past. Not to such an excruciatingly painful point in the physical sense, but in an emotional, and maybe even spiritual one. It's something she still dwells on, still has haunting her, though at least it's not a constant trouble. The name 'Claw' sticks out to her, too. She's probably heard it before in news briefs... though does not realize just how tightly linked with Wakanda the villain may have been.

T'Challa has posed:
Maybe it is Marie as he glances over, and see's his student sad, though he takes a breath, and calms as that was not how a king should act. He looks at the two headed one calmly and puts an arm infront of his chest, and bows his head. "I apologize how I addressed you ancestors. You are tring your best for Wakanda, and I do not forget this.". Though the change shocks the judgement as they had intented to push the topic at yelling if they must, but the turn around is not what they expected. There is a small chuckle from T'Challa's father from beside you and a smile as he too didn't expect this the change while not shocking, was a bit surprising as he had not heard this before.

Before the silence of the stun can wear off he continues. "The world has changed since you last walked it." he turns and takes a step with his hand waves out to point at Marie, and his father. "Ask them if you do not believe it. People with the powers of gods walk the earth, and what we faced with Annubis, and Amon Ra is just a sample of what we could face again."

He sighs a bit while looking down, "I did forget myself.. I am no longer a warrior, but a king, and a teacher." then looks up at them again. "Grudges are not my responsibility any longer though sometimes I forget myself." he nods looking back up to the Two-Faced one with an angry look, "But if you sunder me anymore infront of my student.." he points to the left, and it looks like the edge of the realm, or whatever it is shows hanging like a cliff. "I will challenge them."

Then the silence is again left to hang, as T'Challa turns and while one with two heads seems rather upset at this. The others seem to nod, and the woman that looks like a female Mr. T actually laughs a little. T'Challa walks, or well floats back over and nods to her, "I am sorry about that.. Thank you for reminding me who I am." he says to her. Then looks over at his father "And you.. Stop telling her embarasing things." he adds with a smile.

He looks back at Marie, "Follow my dad, learn why it is important to be a Wakandian.. Once you see I hope you will understand."

Floating back T'Challa moves away, though his Father floats up and holds a spirit hand out, "If you would.. It isn't often I see something like that so I will take the longer route." and grins a bit as it looks familer as it is where T'challa got his.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie admittedly is a little surprised by the sudden change in T'Challa, from that ferocious rage to the respeectful calm, but she's glad to see it. It reminds her of the lessons she's learned from him. Strikes don't have to come from a place of anger. Also the advice from Okoye; show respect, not fear.

When she's indicated to, though, Marie does nod slowly to confirm the King's words. She's seen these powers first hands. She's /dating/ someone who gets her powers from the Gods. She can definitely back up his claim.

"I will." Follow his father, "Thank you for trusting me to see this." is offered to T'Challa, along with a fond smile -- before reaching her hand out to take his father's.

"Of course; it would be my honor to be shown the... 'scenic route'." she responds with a bright smile to meet the grin offered her way. She's very interested. Curious. She /wants/ to learn everything that she can.

T'Challa has posed:
As she takes his hand the area around them moves away without them moving the light getting brighter, then dimmer just as fast as now they float above the ground looking down at a large grassy field. The man talks to her as they float over the grasslands both being seethrough though not opaque. "This is just a vision of the past.. think of it as if watching a recording." though as he talks people with skin as dark as a Dark Elf riding tigers with wings fly by.

"Those are The Originators. Children of Olokun" he explains as he waves a hand down to the open grass land not even a single blade of grass bent for settlement yet. "And this.. Is Wakanda, or will be."

He smiles at her, "There are many types of Originators, one should look familer. Their name is Ibej" he points to the tree line though it is miles away one could see the two headed band cutting trees and setting up a village. The vision gives eagle like vision so the distance is nothing, as he waves to the swamp to a group of Arachnoid people.. "Anasi.. the creeping doom" he says though there is caution to his voice almost as if they could hear him despite it being a vision.

"These are just some, but itsn't what we came here to show you.. Only to show you the agents." the sun goes down, and up over and over as time passes below them Wakanda still undiscovered just an empty land spot that is normal. Then he stops, and one might not understand what they see. A large man shapped... giant? Stands though its distance far away it was still tall in the background. On his head the Atef crown with Ostrich feathers, and crook and flail in hand.

Charging around his feet are the dead moving towards the other side which is defended by another animal headed male human looking person just as tall, but over his head is litterally a small sun.

On his side the flying cats, and two headed people from earlier fough to keep back the dead. It does not go well as they actually lose the numbers of the dead being just too much.

The man with the sun over his head declears in a booming voice of how he will give his heart to them if he spares his people. The cries of his people begging him not to, but he falls to his giant knees as Anubis comes out from behind his armies of undead.

As the man with the sun punches into his own chest, and pulls out his heart. The giant beating thing in his hand, Anubis greedlly grabbing for it, though is surprised when the man with the sun tosses the heart to the side with a grin. "I wasn't talking to you." as the sun goes out and a god dies.

What is wierd, is when the god lays and dies it looks a bit like the mountains though it is in the right place, and a bunch of wind erosion.. maaaybe.

The heart flies out and is grabed in the mouth of Bast a giant Black Panther lady that looks more like a were-Panther then human or Panther. As Anubis yells into the air, and chases the people are saved as Bast is able to run away with the heart itself. Though time passes again, and this time when it stops at night. Right in the middle of where Wakanda would be she buries the heart. The people with her looked like they were in cloth Black Panther outfits her rumbling voice can be heard. "You will make a city to guard this, and all warriors will have the body of Bast, and the heart of Ra. And you will call this country Wakanda." and with a smile T'Challa's father floats behind her just watching as this all happends as it was his favorate part.